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1x02: "The Train Job"

Next: Angel 5x03 on Sat 5/20

I love Mal <3 this is a Mal stan account now <3 💞💕💗💖💓

Literally adore him so much :') 

And I especially love an Ethical Dilemma™ episode!! We truly love to see it!!!!

Just such a good episode, and I am sooooo excited to see what the next one has in store for us! :D

hope yall enjoyyyy!



Jamie Morgan

I forget which character said it, but in the last episode someone talked about 'terraforming', which is basically changing a planet or moon's topography and atmosphere to make it suitable for human inhabitants. There's been A LOT of terraforming going on in the Firefly universe, which is why they can walk and breathe every time they touch ground! It's an actual theoretical science, really interesting to read up on if you are so inclined. It's kind of a sci-fi staple :)

Keith Goodnight

Nathan Filion and Gina Torres were actually on Firefly BEFORE being on Buffy and Angel, though you're seeing them in the other order. When Firefly was prematurely cancelled, Joss Whedon gave them both jobs on his other shows. Whedon's original concept for the war in Mal &amp; Zoe's backstory was somewhat different from how it developed. Whedon said (at least in commentary tracks on the DVD release) that he was intrigued by the idea of following characters who had been on the WRONG side of a war, not just the losing side. In keeping with the "Space Western" theme of the show, the analogy was to the American Civil War, with the Alliance representing the Union and the Independents representing the Confederacy— although very importantly ONLY in the aspect of wanting to get out of a union, NOT the reason why. But even without the Confederacy's evil motive, Whedon's idea was that the Alliance was right and the Independents wrong. But that changed pretty swiftly as the series was developed: by the time they're filming episodes it's pretty clear the Alliance is callous at best (given their indifference to the Paradiso settlers) and downright evil at worst (given River's backstory) and the Independents seem pretty justified in wanting nothing to do with them.


I'm only a few minutes in, but wanted to mention the subs you're using aren't the best. Not terrible, but there are some errors. Mal says "Drunks are so cute", but the subs say "Drugs". I seem to remember some wonkiness in the first episode as well. I have no idea if better ones are easily available (I have the Blu-ray and the subs are good as far as I remember), but thought I'd mention it anyway.

Thom Purdy

Another Buffyverse connection: At the end, one of the "Blue Hands" played the really rude Council Retrieval team member from BtVS S4E16 "Who Are You?" and Angel S1E19 "Sanctuary".

Keenan White

Okay I admit…I was completely wrong about this show, it’s not like Star Trek at all, it’s got a western vibe to it, and I’m definitely a fan of that genre, I am officially all in with Firefly now, and can’t wait to see where the rest of this journey takes me!

Tomas Gabrielsson

”What would Buffy do? She would watch Firefly.” perfectionXD


i can't think of any other way to interpret Mal's quote about choice so your interpretation is correct

Ron Fehr

Just so that you know, Hoban is Wash's first name. And Wash is actually his nickname. To understand why he's called Wash, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until the movie to find that out.


Something I really love about this show is their willingness to let the audience put the pieces together and it's fun to watch you do that. Certain concepts get expanded on, of course, but they trust their audience to be smart enough to figure things out, infer details, and imagine. It's something I respect in storytelling and probably a significant part of why this show is so well-remembered.


She didn’t even notice the “blue hands” much less who played them 😂

Elisa H.

Your questions from the beginning which were already answered in show ; - -why did they steal that stuff in episode 1? Because Badger hired them to but then didn't want it because it had an alliance mark which makes it traceable - what was it? Food stuff. Has all the nutrients and vaccines and stuff needed. - are there just ships floating around? Yes. I can't remember what happend to that one the Alliece guy says it and how the firefly must be scavengers picking at the dead so this is a known thing - yes. Mal and Zoe fought for the independents against the alliance. They and firefly fans are refered to as browncoats


i really dislike the alliance vs browncoats stuff, since it's based on the civil war. more specifically a book called 'the killer angels' about the civil war. feels icky. there's a really good video by princess weekes call 'Why Are There So Many Confederate Vampires?' where she briefly mentions joss and firefly.

Ron Fehr

It seems that Mal's main purpose is just to keep moving, so as not to be under Alliance control. If that means taking on questionable jobs, so be it, to a limit. As long as he and the crew earn enough money to stay afloat, any job not necessarily sanctioned by the Alliance will do.

Andrew Pulrang

A note on casting ... Book is played by Ron Glass, who when this show came out was still pretty well known by TV viewers as Detective Harris on the sitcom "Barney Miller." That show was something of a classic, portraying everyday life in a sort of nondescript New York City police precinct office. The humor was very dry and personable, and all the cops had amusing personalities. Think a less zany, late '70s version of "Brooklyn 99." As I recall the Ron Glass character stood out as being a little less weird than some of the other officers, and also kind of a snappy dresser. Anyway, when "Firefly" started I bet quite a few people gave it a try at least partly because of warm feelings towards Ron Glass being in it.

Richard H. Stevens

People are mentioning a few Firefly alums in Buffy/angel, but I also wanted to mention many show up on Dollhouse as well! I enjoyed Dollhouse, would be interesting to do that after firefly.

Ron Fehr

Am I right in thinking that one of the men looking for River at the end of the episode was also one of the men hired by the Council to apprehend Faith?


When I think of how Angel's and Buffy's finale are so great, I look back at Barney Miller's one...it was unusual, to say the least. Still loved the show, though.


I really hope she goes with Dollhouse next...ot The Sarah Connor Chronicles, with our girl Summer.

Ashtara Levin

So Alley, one thing you missed, is that right after the last shot of River in the corner of her room fearfully mumbling to herself "two by two, hands of blue" we see the Alliance outpost from before were two ominous looking guys in suits are searching for her, and when the shot widens you can see that both of them are wearing BLUE SURGICAL GLOVES

The Value of Life

"I guess gravity is just, like fine on smaller moons too?" There are a couple of subtle hints in the first episode that answer this. Early in the ep when they are steal... *ahem* liberating the Alliance cargo from the derelict ship, they get back to Serenity and you see Mal or someone hit a button once they're inside. They and the cargo then suddenly drop to the floor. This tells us that by this time in the future they have developed artificial gravity technology. (Well, just the fact that they can walk around in the ship with normal gravity while they're in space tells us that, but this scene draws our attention to it.) Then a little later when they're eating dinner with all the new passengers, Zoe explains "All those moons, just like the central planets, they're as close to Earth-that-was as we can make them. Gravity, atmosphere and such.." So this tells us that their gravity tech can be applied to entire moons and planets to give them earth normal gravity regardless of their size. Very convenient for filming the show.


Now that you watched episode 2 and kinda figured out the characters pay attention to the theme song. The song is basically Mal telling us what his life is after the war and what it means to him.

david borokovsky

So apparently the executive at fox didn't like the serenity pilot. Joss rushed to make another pilot (this episode) and written the whole script in a hour

Elisa H.

I love the "a man has a choice", "i don't believe he does" exchange 🤍

Brandon Scott

Don't forget Summer Glau! She was in Angel too...for a quick one ep. She played the Ballerina in the episode "Waiting in the Wings".

james sweeney

Now that you've dipped your toe into the sci-fi world, I'd like to recommend The Orville. Created and staring Seth McFarland. The show starts out with a lot of comedic moments, it becomes more serious as it goes along.


In the commentary Whedon says the don't have a choice exchange was actually a studio note. He wanted Mal more morally ambiguous I guess? Which, damn, really glad for studio interference, in that case at least.

james sweeney

A lot less of a commitment. 3 short season vs 7 full length seasons. Both are great shows.

Phoenix Dawn

Mal is not hard to adore lol.

Kenny Teeology

In case this wasn't mentioned before, during the battle in "Serenity", Mal is a man of strong faith who kisses the cross around his neck for luck. After the Independents lost the war, Mal seems to have gone full anti-religion.

Amanda Huey

I’m still catching up on Firefly but I haven’t seen any comments that mentioned Carlos Jacott in the first ep. He’s in both Buffy and Angel! He plays the culture/slave owner dude in “Anne” and he plays Doyle’s wife’s demon fiancé! I love all the crossover lol