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link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8lmr20t582fi66/Firefly1x01FullReactTHIS.mp4?dl=0

link w/ subs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bmskm9jvtzdb3ki/Firefly1x01FullReactSubbedTHIS.mp4?dl=0


Elisa H.

ahhhhhhh excited running around!!!


hope the next one you watch is Dollhouse... I think you'll like that one too

Bethany Vladic

How do you like Gina Torres' character seeing her first from Angel and now here? I love her as Zoe ^_^


I loved her as Jasmine, too. She's pretty terrific.

MrAguia Aguia

cant believe she didnt recognize her, or Ken from Buffy S03e01 Anne. The fake religious shady dude that turns out to be a demon.

Sheriff Uchiha

And Doyle's ex-wife's fiancé. The one that tried to eat his brains in the Bachelor Party.

Teresa Schultz

Also the captain of the first alliance ship played the creepy doctor whose parts came off in Angel and D’Hoffryn in Buffy.

Bruce Campbell

You should consider doing a star trek watch threw there's so much Of it and it would keep me subed to your Chanel for years to come