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1x01: "Serenity"

Next: Angel 5x02 on Sat 5/13

LETS GO FIREFLY!!! what a start to a show! I am so excited to get into this and see what happens from here!
And such a huge cast too? I love it. and I love just being thrown into this universe and being along for the ride. sooooooo interested in more info on what the universe is like and what the main plot is gonna be 😊

hope yall enjoyyy!



Keenan White

I’ve never seen this show, and never really had a desire to watch it, from the little that I have seen from trailers it looks kinda Star Treky, which I was never a fan of, so this will be my very first time watching this show as well, watching it along with you might be the only way that I can get myself to watch it, I definitely don’t see myself watching it on my own personal time.

Allan Cornett

The lawman is the same actor that played the demon in BTVS episode Anne. This episode of Firefly aired as episode 11. The next episode Alley will watch was the first one aired. The leaders at Fox sabotaged this show.


He also played Harry's fiance in Angel 1x07.


A couple of interesting filmmaking tidbits to take note of: - Unlike most sci-fi movies/shows, all the space shots on Firefly are silent, because sound doesn't travel in space. Gives them an eerie and unsettling quality. (The Reaver chase at the end was in the planet's atmosphere, so there you can hear the engines.) - All of the space shots are done with CGI, but Whedon didn't want them to look too sleek. So most of the time when we see ships in space, they're not perfectly in shot, rather they made it look like the "cameraman" doesn't always land the shot and has to adjust the placement or focus of the "camera". Suits the ragtag feel of the show better. - To skirt around swearing in the show, they decided that in the show's future English and Chinese are the two major languages, and characters use them interchangeably. When they're speaking Chinese, a lot of the time they're swearing or saying something the censors would have a problem with if they said it in English.

Thom Purdy

So glad you're reacting to Firefly! Love this show!


Shiny! I love Firefly and looking forward to this rewatch! Also since you get Mark Sheppard, here's another fun SPN connection for you : both Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk voiced Misha Collins character's dad in Bridgewater podcast. And Alan Tudyk is a Star Wars alumni (one of my faves in that verse ngl). I'm personally not big on Westerns, frankly dislike them quite a lot, but love me some space shows and for some reason Firefly just works for me. I assume you will be watching the Serenity movie after you're done with the show?

Sheriff Uchiha

The passengers all knew where the ship was going. It's just Book that didn't care. The destinations where advertised.

Ashtara Levin

Just to be clear - Firefly has 14 episodes aired (with the first one being a long episode of essentially double runtime) - but that wasn't really a full season. The network FOX, in which it aired, canceled it mid season. They also aired the episodes out of order - which is why you should not really look for IMDB for info, but rather Wikipedia. The show was somewhat saved due to a massive fan campaign and we got a closure in the form of a theatrical movie 2 years later (which I very much hope you'll react to as well) called "Serenity". You also didn't react/notice - but the first episode was - of course- written and directed by Joss Whedon

Tim St. Croix

I heard a rumor about why Firefly was so abused by FOX. The story goes that after the show was green-lit the top management team at the network was replaced and the new team didn't want the old team to have a win in their books so they deliberately sabotaged it. Of course I have no way of knowing if it's true or not but if it is it's just the kind of behavior that would explain a lot about the dumpster fire that is the FOX network.


Awesome, Alley and Firefly!


It's embarrassing how loudly I gasped at this notification

Jeff Cornell

You say you've seen a couple seasons of Star Trek? Which one? The original series from the 60s? Next Generation from the 80s/90s?

Andrew Pulrang

So glad you're reacting to this show! And there are so many things to geek out about. I'll just mention a few ...


LETS GOOOOOOOOO been waiting for this !!


Ugh! I forgot how good this show can be. I'm not sure I can wait week to week to rewatch it all!

Chess Red Eagle

I love that you're reacting to this. Probably the definitive "why the hell did this get cancelled so soon?!" show of all time. Absolutely criminal to the point where many of the execs responsible for cancelling it have long come out and stated how much they regretted it looking back. Fox bungled this show SO hard.

Phoenix Dawn

Is this uncut or something, I feel like there is extra line every two dialogue!

Derek Garrard

I will forever love that shot of Inara and Book at the end. In a reversal of the cliche, the "prostitute" takes confession and grants absolution to the "priest".


Surprised you didn't recognize that Zoe was also Jasmine on Angel.


I have... very complex feelings about Firefly. for a long time, it was my favorite show of all time. in particular, I really really really love the dialogue writing and the chemistry between the characters. it all feels so established and settled in, the way that it usually takes seasons for shows to get. and that's another thing too: there's something really romantic about the show about resisting against overwhelming adversity getting cancelled before it even got a full season. but unfortunately, times change. especially after all the Joss stuff came out, I've really moved away from the Firefly phase of my life. I still think there's a lot of things about it that are absolutely incredible, but I recognize that it's definitely flawed in other ways, too. anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you think of the rest of the show! between it and the movie, it's an incredible ride (although I have my issues with the movie, too). and just as a suggestion: if you wanna check out another space scifi show with similar vibes (but that actually has a conclusion), I highly recommend The Expanse! (actually The Expanse is several different vibes in a single show/series, but the "main" one is pretty Firefly-y)

Ron Fehr

I wonder if she did, but just didn't say anything, although I think you're probably right.

Richard Ashton

I was surprised Alley didn't recognise D'Hoffryn. Or the guy that wanted to eat Doyle's brain... The same one as in Buffy 3x1 that was pushed over the edge, so to speak.


if your enjoying scifi stuff i highly recommend both stargate and battlestar galactica


BSG is top tier scifi and she would love it!!

Eric Haefele

You will probably catch this reference to Earth when you edit this episode. But in case you don't......At about 34 minutes in, everyone gets together for a meal. Zoey says something to the effect. “All those moons just like the central planets they’re as close to Earth-that-was as we could make them.”


I was so excited when I saw this in my feed this morning. This is one of my all-time favorite shows. By the way, the actress who plays Kaylee was also in episode 7x3 of Supernatural as Sam’s friend Amy Pond (kitsune).

Ron Fehr

I mentioned that in an earlier comment, as did several other people, so I guess by now she knows.



Eric C. Johnson

Especially since BSG continues on the specific way space is shot in Firefly: lots of shakycam "handheld" and 70s snap zooms, which Ally commented on.


BSG is definitely in my top 3 sci-fi shows of all time, quite possibly my favorite.


I haven’t watch this show in FOREVER! I’m gonna enjoying watching it along side you. I have forgotten so much of it.

Richard Higgs

Summer Glau, who plays River, was also the ballerina in Angel season 3 ep 13.


Every time I think of this show, I should feel joy. I mostly feel hatred towards FOX! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!


Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Keeps watching and all of your questions will be answered. I think it’s safe to say EVERYONE adores Kaylee! The writing on this show is great, action get intense, but it also draws you in and you almost can’t help loving this crew. As others have said, what fox did to this show was criminal! And yet here we are 20 years later and fans still love it.

Ron Fehr

Mal can't help looking down on Badger. He's taller.

Ron Fehr

I can't help but wonder why Inara's profession has become legalized. And I think Mal's attitude towards Shepherd Book was because he lost his faith when they were abandoned at Serenity Valley. Did you notice the name Mal gave to his ship? Serenity. No need to wonder why he gave it that name.

Chris Hanley

Yeah I never noticed until one of the later times I rewachted it, but in the opeing war scene Mal kisses a cross neckless. He didn't just lose faith, he's resentful and it's understandable


Stargate SG1 ties for Buffy for me, in terms of best shows ever made


If we got Sg1 reactions Id faint from happiness I think. BSG reactions would be definite excitement but SG-1 is like, the show that got me into tv shows

Ron Fehr

It's funny that Jayne says they don't pay him to talk pretty, and Mal later says his job is public relations (which basically means talking pretty).

Ron Fehr

If you think about it, Jayne was most likely not going to betray Mal. Otherwise, why wold he have gotten rid of the sniper? The sniper was aiming for Mal and Zoey, so Jayne wouldn't have had to do anything if betrayal was his intention. And no matter who had Patience's money in the end, Jayne would have gotten paid. If Mal and Zoey were successful, Mal would give him his share. If it was Patience who came out on top, Jayne would just shoot her.


My comment went on kind of long oop. I grew watching and loving Outlaw Star so a large portion of my life I always heard about how Firefly ripped it off. I think the reason I avoided Firefly was so I could just live in the mindset that the detractors were being overly sensitive and that any similarities were actually subtle coincidences. I honestly wasn’t expecting Firefly to be so heavy on the western elements and the music reminds me of something I’d hear of Cowboy Bebop. It’s just surreal seeing a ship that’s nearly an exact copy of the Outlaw Star. I was warned about the girl in freezer scene being a near exact copy of Melfina’s intro scene. From what I understand Whedon denied any connections to Outlaw Star, so I get why so many Outlaw Star fans hate Firefly. The fans that do like Firefly don’t really try to defend the similarities either, they usually say, “yeah they copied but it’s still pretty good.” Honestly the only character I like is Kaylee I think her name is the prostitute is cool too. All the other space westerns I’ve seen have more women in action roles than this does, so that’s mildly disappointing. I’m just a simple queer that loves action women, so hopefully as the series the other characters will get more opportunities to shine. Idk if Ally will read this but would be neat to see her react to a few episodes of Outlaw Star. It’s not one most people would recommend since Cowboy Bebop exists, but Outlaw Star has a gay arms dealer and I just gotta support my fellow queers. Especially during pride month 🏳️‍🌈