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4x12: "Calvary"

Next: Angel 4x13 on Sat 1/28

Lilah is bacc.... oh wait, not for long... WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO HER??? MISS MAAM CORDY??? you got some explainin' to do 🤨 WHAT..? I did NOT see that ending coming, but I am so hype to see what this means moving forward!!! AHHHH

and of courseeeee Angelussssss!!! AHHHHHHHH, slay, slay, major slay <3

hope yall enjoyyy! :D



Ray D

I don’t think you really understood the ending of this episode but that’s ok. You will next episode.

Chris Hanley

And now we also know why Angelus remembers the beast and Angel doesn't. There are little details in the writting that want us to consider that Angel and Angelus are different entities with shared memories, but people will still debate it and that's fine. It's a passionate fan base, and when there's room for interpretation in writting decisions, it's all the more interesting.


This is the reason why everyone hates this season btw.


Gunn had a tough decision. Either let Fred do it and she might feel guilt later, or save her from the guilt and kill the professor himself and risk Fred being mad at him for taking it out her hands. He chose to do it himself, so he shouldn't be surprised Fred's pissed at him. That was the sacrifice he was making. I think he was wrong. All you can do is advise her, not be condescending and force your will upon her. And it hasn't worked out well for him, so it was obviously a mistake.


I kind of understand the perspective on Fred and Gunn but I don't think Gunn didn't trust her to know what she was doing with the professor, it was more like 'I wanna take this burden FOR you' because in the moment he thought it would help her. I DO think this was a bad decision ultimately but I understand it from his perspective too and I feel so bad about the whole thing... I really liked them together honestly and this whole situation is pretty sad :(((


Alley: Was it the same weapon the beast made? Me: Yeah Alley!!!!! Alley: No it's not. Me: Nooo Alley!!!!!


And my hate for Wesley only continues. He's such a dick this episode. Breaking them up and then trying to make a move on Fred immediately. What an ass.

Cameron Lapp

Lilah's death is intentionally similar to Jenny's - throws cleaning cart at Angelus, runs upstairs.

Cameron Lapp

If you want more opportunities to see Amy Acker (Fred) as a badass, check out Person of Interest. Also PoI is just one of the best tv series. It's a _-of-the-week that turns into an epic plot in 5 seasons, ratings start around 8.5 average and work their way up to 9.0 average by the end.

Jon Freezin-Rain

Not really a spoiler since they gave us that in the epi, Still


I feel like this is the turning point of the season, the rest will either make or break it for you since you're enjoying it so far.

Elle Blank

I really don't rewatch season 4 often so it's interesting to go along for this ride. I really, really don't enjoy Wes at this point.

Alley Box

ugh gunn :( if only he could voice his emotions to her so she could understand. bc he isn’t, it’s understandable why fred is upset with him