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link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/quv6ovto9u8b3s5/Buffy7x12FullReactTHIS.mp4?dl=0

link w/ subs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/espwt1iewq6r4ow/Buffy7x12FullReactSubbedTHIS.mp4?dl=0



Kennedy is fine. Never had an issue with her, and Willow needs someone right now. Is she the perfect person for Willow, that's not up to us, but is she good for Willow to have at this time, Yes.


Your not wrong wondering if when Buffy dies again will a new potential be activated. It has been a question for years. I believe an answer was given either in the written work or by someone from the show years ago. Basically what we were told was Buffy first death activated Kendra. Then the slayer line was continued again when she died and activated Faith. At this point Buffy is no longer able to activate a new slayer, so when she died in season five nothing changed. When Willow brought her back in season 6 she we re-introduced into the slayer line and we are told that her death would activate an new one. I really don't like that even if that is true myself. I think for me it makes it more important to keep Buffy alive as long as possible so we can have 2 at one time instead of just one. Mind ya if she did die and a new one came about we would have 2 different slayer lines. But knowing one of them can be snuffed out adds more stakes in my head. Once your done with the show and if you choose to look into the "season 8" material I could say more. But where you are today, I have to stop.


I'm not on her Discord you lil brat, lol. It's my first time commenting on Alley's patreon. If she doesn't read these that's fine. I'm sure people other than you who aren't rude read these.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

Little child you don’t have to be on her Discord. I’m not. I told the person above you it wasn’t the discussion thread. What is hard to get about that? Also your IQ didn’t find it a little odd that there is specifically a post above this on here called “discussion”? Improve your reading comprehension and your awareness.


Why does it even matter if people comment on here? I've been apart of many patreon channels and this is how people comment. Nobody's spoiling anything so what is "You're" problem? Literally tell me what the problem is. Does it matter?

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

It matters because it's a simple request of the creator and the fact that you can't be bothered to do one SIMPLE thing is the issue. If you can manage to keep in mind not to spoil anything you can keep in mind to comment where comments are supposed to be. It may not be the biggest deal ever, but it's still disrespectful. The problem is when you think you can ignore it just because you don't think it should apply to you even though 99.99% of people on here have no issue keeping those things in mind because they're not dicks.


@Gregory Davis I mean maybe it's something to do with your attitude and your language... and you accuse other people of being dicks. Sheesh.

Macca Fan

Dude! WTF! This channel exsists because we pay for it. The creator would never be as rude as you are for something so trivial.


Bastion, the problem is that you're supposed to comment on the main post, the one with the thumbnail, and not the one with the links

Fuiono Ching Sung

Gregory Davis - Sit DOWN. It's literally not that serious. Stop gatekeeping Patreon's comments section. If Bastion33 wants to comment on this thread as opposed to the main discussion thread, you don't get to take it upon yourself to say that's not allowed. WTF lmao - the entitlement of some people here...geez.


The "problem" is really with people like Gregory who instead of nicely telling people which thread to use, he's disrespectful. I don't generally use the second thread posted because I just use the link to watch her reaction and I'm done. I don't usually take part in discussions so how can I know what Alley preferred. Not everybody knows the situation.


you asked what the "problem" was, i explained.

Fuiono Ching Sung

No, the "problem" is people thinking they have any right to gatekeep the comments section towards other paying patrons. Commenting here hurt no one. Sit down and move on.


Fuiono, you don't understand that the problem is for the commenter. Alley won't read what he says and only one third of the patrons will. It's kind of sad.


And yet here you, still commenting, lol.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

I did nicely state it wasn’t the discussion thread. I said “not the discussion thread”. Not sure how much nicer I could’ve been. But then Bastion sees it an hour later, and says: fuck that shit, doesn’t apply to me. Then proceeds to leave a comment anyway. I was completely justified to take it up one more notch and see what the heck his issue with following one simple request from the creator was. Plus I wasn’t the one that started the name calling but I did respond in kind. Also people like you Fuiono are what wrong with the world. You think you can break any rule or guideline you want and you enable people who break them as well. Also you don’t know what Gatekeeping is. Enforcing rules that are in place is not Gatekeeping. People enforce not giving spoilers here all the time. This the other of the two rules. Both are specific things Alley has asked people not to do. Fortunately I don’t have to worry about losing money if people I call out or their enablers don’t like me for calling them out. It’s one simple request. Comment in the discussion thread. Bastion don’t act like you didn’t see my comment. You commented an hour after I posted “not the discussion thread”