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4x03: "The House Always Wins"

Next: Angel 4x04 on Sat 11/12 (mayyyybe sunday! i still have a lot to do for my new set up to be ready, but it should be done soon!!)

WE GOT LORNEEEEE!!! OUR MANS IS BACC, UGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! Such a fun episode to get him back, and alsoooooooo OUR GIRL CORDY IS BACCCCCC!!!!! I AM STILL FREAKING OUT WTF??? miss ma'am what the FUCK do you mean you dont know them??? HELLLOOO?????

This show will never let me rest </3

lmao anyways, thank you guys so so much for being so understanding about me moving and needing last week off.. I am still exhausted, and there is still so much for us to do 😅 but we love our new place so much, and I hope you guys will like the set up as well!!! :D

hope yall enjoyyyy!




Here are some great photos of Amy and Andy applying each other's make-up for this episode: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/40200000/Amy-Acker-and-Andy-Hallett-amy-acker-40291441-720-540.jpg https://64.media.tumblr.com/e1cc4ecab74b556fe82f88f44594d279/tumblr_o5cx6fQCpp1qbljqoo3_r1_500.png http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/40200000/Amy-Acker-and-Andy-Hallett-amy-acker-40291443-720-540.jpg


I like how Lorne pointed out to Angel that his friends are also part of his destiny.


I know this is pretty much a filler episode but I am just happy to see Andy Hallett getting more time to shine even though this isn't one of my favourite episodes as for the ending...yeah...


This is a fun filler episode, tbh. Not the greatest, but it's nice to see the gang in a different location.

Ron Fehr

No offense to Lorne, but Kermit the Frog's version of 'It's Not Easy Being Green' will always be my favorite.


Anyone else having difficulty watching this one, whenever I click either link it opens a drop box page with no screen or play button, just a plain white background

Jenn Rose

It might be on your end. I just checked all the links and they seem to be fine! Which tier number are you?


2.0 I was thinking it was my end since I didn’t see anyone else commenting


Alright, I downloaded the drop box app and tried playing it in there instead of safari or google chrome and it’s working! :)

Mary Kate

Yes Vegas is a lot. Not a place I particularly enjoyed 😂

Ashtara Levin

I love-hate this episode.. on one hand every Lorne-centric episode is a joy for me, on the other the way the gang treats him neve sat right with me.. They always rely on him for support, yet fail to give him the proper respect for it, IMO.. No where is it more obvious as when they are so filled with their own drama that they don't even know he's in trouble until Angel decides he needs a reading from him.. Shitty behavior guys. Aside from that, the way they explained Angel managing to fight even though he supposedly lost his destiny never made sense to me. I think it would have worked best if by winning the slot machines he would have also inadvertently won his destiny back, and only faked non-destiny-esk behavior when Lee came to get him in order to gage the room and gain the element of surprise. Otherwise, I just can't understand why he would fight to protect Gun in the room, but won't come to their rescue as well when they were LITERALLY dragged by force in front of his eyes 10 minutes earlier..


To reduce echo you want to add sound absorption. There are lots of ways to do this but the simplest way would be to hang a rug on the wall. Otherwise there are more effective solutions such as sound damping panels like you can get from https://www.atsacoustics.com If you’re creative you can diy them and there are you tube videos to show you how. You may only need a few of these but they’re very effective at reducing echo. Bookcases can also help as they diffuse the sound randomly.

Ron Fehr

Hooray for Lorne saving the day by getting everyone's destinies released. It's just a theory, but perhaps Cordelia's destiny was also released, letting her return to earth. But my problem with that is, why doesn't she recognize her friends then? Also she never played any of the games in the casino, so her destiny wouldn't have been in the orb.

Ron Fehr

I like it that they added Elvis's Viva Las Vegas in the background in the escape scene. Only appropriate to hear that song at least once in an episode set there.

Macca Fan

Please tell me you have Gracie. We need her valuble insite. Plus,SO CUTE!