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Hellooooo! So if you don't already know, my bf and I are moving into our new apartment this coming week so I hate to do this, but I will be taking off the week since my office and set up will be in shambles for a few days while it is packed up and moved.

But no worries! Luckily, there is still enough time in the month to give you guys 7 Buffyverse reactions in November :D




Wishing you both the best for the move! Hope it all goes well x

Richard Lucas

Have an awesome time! Maybe create a musical number to celebrate moving in! If so, what would you title it?

Mary Kate

no worries! good luck with the move, so exciting!!

Ron Fehr

Good luck in your new place.

Mikael Bergström

Any hope that we'll continue to get edited episodes on thursdays?

Grace Holt

Hope the move-in goes smoothly! Settle in! :D

Alley Box

yes yes!! i just didnt update this schedule for it bc i wasnt sure if i would be able to get one out this week or not

Mikael Bergström

Great! Also don't worry, focus on the move and real life stuff first =) Hope everything goes well!


Best of luck with the move!

Cory Garron

Congrats on the apartment. Can't wait to see the new filming setup/location.

Amanda Huey

Yay! So happy for you getting your own place 🥰