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6x22: "Grave"

Next: Angel s3 Wrap Up on Wed 9/28 (it miiiiight get postponed till Thurs, but I will let yall know!)

edit: yes it will be postponed to Thurs!

OH MY GODDDD??!?!?!?! I love this finale so much 😭😭😭 Literally so soooo perfect for this season, I can't get over it! Giles, this BAD BIHH coming in with a plan to save the day!!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!

UGH, just so so soooo good, I love it.

Two side note edits for the video I realized after exporting: this isn't the highest rated of the season, idk how I forgot OWMF lmaoo, I just can't read so disregard that comment in my video. 



Okay okay, I will shut up and let y'all get into this one! I am so excited to see what y'all think! :D




Also small correction Jonathan was going to shoot himself at the school not shoot up the school.

Marie Green

I internally debate whether season 5 or season 6 is my favorite season. Season five is a well-oiled machine, hitting all the beats at the right moment, building the theme, and bringing it all together in the finale that feels like it had been planned for years. Season 6 is messy, and it feels like the writers are feeling their way through, figuring out who the characters are as they go. But it takes bigger risks, goes to darker places, and explores uncomfortable topics. Season 6 sometimes makes me angry, but also gives me this thrill of "wow, I can't believe they're going there." I love both, of course.


The ending is why I love season 6. The payoff feels the most hope fulfilled of all their victories. I always assume the big bad will be defeated, but here I care how it ends. (It is why I also really like the Angel and Faith seasons).

Maddy Currie

Season 6 is my favourite season because, while every monster all along the way has been allegorical to the challenges of growing up, season 6's real Big Bads were extremely real: depression, addiction, grief; and Buffy doesn't conquer them with violence or self-sacrifice, Buffy simply (but not easily) has to choose life. Her asking Dawn for help in the grave, her pride over Dawn's martial skill, and them fighting back-to-back always always makes me cry.


Season 6 in my opinion is Buffy's deepest and most metaphorical season. Each character faces a crisis, to the point of giving the worst of himself: Buffy gives vent to her dark sides and have sex with Spike even if she doesn't love him, Xander leaves Anya at the altar for his insecurities, Dawn is afflicted with kleptomanitis, Anya returns to being a demon, Willow "falls" victim to her drug for magic and for the pain of losing Tara becomes evil, Spike attempts to rape Buffy. In the end, however, each of them finds a way and right in the finale "comes out" of darkness and of depression (Buffy literally rising from the "grave" is a perfect metaphor). In this context it made perfect sense that the big villain was one of them. Finally, I want to say something about Spike... I don't absolutely justify what he tried to do to Buffy and I agree that that scene is disturbing and makes Spike hateble. But we must remember that Spike is a vampire and, even though we forgot (because he has been loved over the seasons), the vampires in the Buffyverse are evil and selfish beings. Angelus probably would have done the same thing, maybe he did it to someone in his past, we just haven't seen it on screen... I say this because please don't judge Spike next season for what he did to Buffy this season and give him a chance to redeem himself. Deep down now he has a soul and, as we don't judge Angel for the things Angelus did, we should do the same reasoning with the "soulless Spike" and the "Soul Spike".


So here we are at the end of my favorite season. I have a lot to say about this season and why I love it, but I'm sure a lot is already mentioned and my own depression is getting in the way of bothering too much. But I had to comment, cause I wanted to say thank you for a great journey in watching this with you. Some things I love about this season in particular is the pointers we get in the very beginning of the season that Willow is going to become the big bad. Her attitude in the beginning and also the spell she does in episode 3 with Tara, as soon as Tara's hands let go from Willow's her eyes turnes black. Also her killing the deer, an innocent life (I don't look at Warren as innocent, but he is a human so it is different to slaying as Buffy points out). I love how they made a villain that I truly HATE (Warren), and that is so "boring" and simple, but so close to real life. The numerous times Buffy points out how guns never are useful and a lot of other stuff. Also I look at season 4 as about friendship, season 5 about family and season 6 about romantic/sexual relations, and I find it really interesting that in the finale they chose to end it with pairings that is every relations besides romantic/sexual. We have Giles and Anya, colleges, Buffy and Dawn, siblings, and Willow and Xander friends. Of course there's stuff about this season I think could have been done better or different as I think of every season but in all this season always touch me in a different way. And I really enjoyed watching it with you.

Lydia Anderson

I have so much I want to say that I feel too overwhelmed to say any of it, except this: I am so happy we're at this point in the story, and to hear you reflect that the pieces of season 6 come together in the end in a way that is so hard to understand at the start of the season. I agree that Warren barely qualifies as a person, if at all. Probably the Buffyverse's worst monster to date. And I was so geeked to see you react to those super cliffy final five words of the season! Can't wait for your season 6 wrap up, and to start the final countdown :)

Ron Fehr

Perhaps Warren should have been referred to as a mortal, since some people feel that he hardly qualifies as a human. It seems the word 'human' has a broader meaning in people's minds, whereas 'mortal' may be more precise in this case.

kelly mc

just a few points of trivia, Kingman's Bluff was the same spot that Angel tried to wait of sunrise in S3's Amends (aka the Christmas episode). James didn't know the ending for Spike until getting the script. Sarah doesn't like to laugh on-screen. trivia says that this was the only finale not written or directed by Whedon. when Buffy/Sarah is crawling out of the grave, she has a small tattoo visible on her lower back. from the ending of Entropy to the very end here, it occurs over three nights


He was a living breathing human being who was skinned alive. I am totally open to an argument that he swerved the death penalty. But Willow made a guy who has seen a lot since high school loose his stomach multiple times.

Ari is my Cat

I just now remembered what Buffy was like when she was losing her soul in the 2nd episode of season 4... This makes me think that Spike getting his soul back has two important points. 1: Spike's motive is "She'll want me if I have a soul like Angel." 2: Once Spike has his soul he will realize that motive is corrupt and then will get hit with the mountain of guilt from every evil thing he did while he was a Vampire. Also possibly some guilt from his poetry from before he was a Vampire...

Sharon Owen

I'm just at a Supernatural convention and I haven't caught up with your reactions yet. BUT I've just met Amber Benson this weekend. In the panel I asked her, if her character from SPN and Tara met what would happen. She said they'd be besties basically. Then I asked what would happen if her SPN character (a good vampire) met Warren and she said she'd suck him dry, even though she doesn't drink from humans, she'd make an exception!


Sharon Owen- I have never met her but Amber seems so cool unaffected. She seems to truly love her fans and her time on Buffy. My poor Magic Box, l loved you so much, I hated seeing it being destroyed. RIP. I think it was my favorite set. Poor Alley, getting pulled back and forth with Giles maybe dying off. If he died she would have raged like Dark Willow! :) I think these last three eps are the most entertaining and compelling of any season. I will include even Seeing Red.

Stewart Denew

So in conclusion, friendship is magic?