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3x13: "Waiting in the Wings"

Next: Buffy 6x14 on Wed 7/13

are you.... kidding me with this episode? with this SEASON???.. the WHOLE SHOW... I been like "oh Angel and Cordy, best of friends, love them!" then I FINALLY get on board and am like "okay they areeee kinda cute.. what if I am on the cangel ship..." AND THEN FUCKING GROO COMES BACK???

literally kill me now. if I gotta watch Angel sulk and pout for an entire season before he get a chance with Cordy again, I may lose my marbles 😭😭😭 WHAT THE HECK!!! I am upset!!!!

idek what to say 😭

at least the whole ballet plot was very cool, and I loved the backdrop for the this episode... am I excited for the next one? yeah OF COURSE, but I am also nervous as ALWAYS 😭 my dang emotions are just this show's toy.

lmaoo i am just being dramatic haha, but hope yall enjoyyyy! :D



Bd Blake

RIVER!!!! (Don't mind me)

Ron Fehr

Groodelia? Corsalug? Any other thoughts for a ship name?


I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but Amy Acker was a ballerina and there's a very funny deleted scene of Fred and Wesley being in the ballet. You HAVE to see it!

Blain H Granado

I always get so sucked into this episode that I forget Lorne had a visitor lol

Loves Bitca

"Angel has an incredible memory" Especially when you consider that he spent hundreds of years, to him in a hell dimension. Besides the Earth calendar time, we're considering

Ari is my Cat

I feel that Wes was at a disadvantage in the "who would Fred be attracted to" scenario because of what happened when he was under the influence of Billy. Gunn was able to keep it together long enough to get her to knock him out but Wes was hunting her. It wasn't his fault but I don't think that image was going away anytime soon. As much as he hated himself for it and as much as it wasn't his fault that would take time, a lot of time to get over I would think. Even if Gunn and Fred were not a thing I don't think Fred would have been keen on Wes as more than a co worker at this point in time.

Ron Fehr

Even though she had basically forgiven Wes for his actions, what you said feels true. The whole ordeal would always be in her subconscious, and it would make it hard for her to see him in a romantic way.


There are good deleted scenes for both Birthday and Waiting in the Wings.


Also... memories of those events could badly trigger anxiety for Wes, regardless of how Fred feels.


Many times I've watched Birthday and WitW as a double bill. Silly trivia: How many actors were in both WitW and CitW?

Mitch M

I spent literally the entire second half of this reaction trying to figure out if Alley hasn't seen Firefly or is just showing her characteristic inability to recognize people. 😂

Mitch M

Agreed, there has to be a reaction to the special features for WitW, because that is priceless!

Loves Bitca

I'm pretty sure Alley has not seen Firefly and it has been recommended as one of the shows to watch once she finishes with Buffy.


I can't find the reaction pay for this episode. All the others are there 😭

John Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 16:16:15 So the plot to Giselle is basically a Witcher 3 side quest. Ok, so Duke Albrecht falls in love with a beautiful commoner called Giselle. The Duke is engaged to someone else though & so (with the help of his faithful squire) he disguises himself as a hunter so he can woo Giselle in secret. While Albrecht is with Giselle, a hunting party that includes his fiance, Bathilde, turns up at the village & Albrecht is forced to hide. Now there is a woodsman in Giselle's village called Hilarion & he is also in love with Giselle. He immediately distrusts Albrecht & tries to warn Giselle he's shady but she's not having it. Just after the hunting party with Albrecht's fiance departs the village, Hilarion discovers Albrecht's fancy sword & exposes him as a noble. The hunting party is called back by Hilarion & Albrecht has no choice but to reveal himself as the Duke of Silasia himself. Giselle become inconsolable & (in the original version) stabs herself with Albrecht's sword and this is where it gets a bit mental. So Giselle is buried in the woods on unconsecrated ground (because of the whole suicide thing) and this gives a group of spirits known as "The Wilis" the opportunity to bring Giselle's spirit into their group. The Wilis are the spirits of maidens who were wronged by their lovers & died of broken hearts. They are merciless & prey upon any man they find in the woods, forcing them to dance until their hearts give out (sound familiar ?) So Giselle's spirt initally agrees to join but when Albrecht appears to visit her grave & is attacked by the Wilis, Giselle's love for him spares his life & breaks her free from the Wilis' control & her spirit is able to pass on.
2022-10-11 21:06:54 So the plot to Giselle is basically a Witcher 3 side quest. Ok, so Duke Albrecht falls in love with a beautiful commoner called Giselle. The Duke is engaged to someone else though & so (with the help of his faithful squire) he disguises himself as a hunter so he can woo Giselle in secret. While Albrecht is with Giselle, a hunting party that includes his fiance, Bathilde, turns up at the village & Albrecht is forced to hide. Now there is a woodsman in Giselle's village called Hilarion & he is also in love with Giselle. He immediately distrusts Albrecht & tries to warn Giselle he's shady but she's not having it. Just after the hunting party with Albrecht's fiance departs the village, Hilarion discovers Albrecht's fancy sword & exposes him as a noble. The hunting party is called back by Hilarion & Albrecht has no choice but to reveal himself as the Duke of Silasia himself. Giselle become inconsolable & (in the original version) stabs herself with Albrecht's sword and this is where it gets a bit mental. So Giselle is buried in the woods on unconsecrated ground (because of the whole suicide thing) and this gives a group of spirits known as "The Wilis" the opportunity to bring Giselle's spirit into their group. The Wilis are the spirits of maidens who were wronged by their lovers & died of broken hearts. They are merciless & prey upon any man they find in the woods, forcing them to dance until their hearts give out (sound familiar ?) So Giselle's spirt initally agrees to join but when Albrecht appears to visit her grave & is attacked by the Wilis, Giselle's love for him spares his life & breaks her free from the Wilis' control & her spirit is able to pass on.

So the plot to Giselle is basically a Witcher 3 side quest. Ok, so Duke Albrecht falls in love with a beautiful commoner called Giselle. The Duke is engaged to someone else though & so (with the help of his faithful squire) he disguises himself as a hunter so he can woo Giselle in secret. While Albrecht is with Giselle, a hunting party that includes his fiance, Bathilde, turns up at the village & Albrecht is forced to hide. Now there is a woodsman in Giselle's village called Hilarion & he is also in love with Giselle. He immediately distrusts Albrecht & tries to warn Giselle he's shady but she's not having it. Just after the hunting party with Albrecht's fiance departs the village, Hilarion discovers Albrecht's fancy sword & exposes him as a noble. The hunting party is called back by Hilarion & Albrecht has no choice but to reveal himself as the Duke of Silasia himself. Giselle become inconsolable & (in the original version) stabs herself with Albrecht's sword and this is where it gets a bit mental. So Giselle is buried in the woods on unconsecrated ground (because of the whole suicide thing) and this gives a group of spirits known as "The Wilis" the opportunity to bring Giselle's spirit into their group. The Wilis are the spirits of maidens who were wronged by their lovers & died of broken hearts. They are merciless & prey upon any man they find in the woods, forcing them to dance until their hearts give out (sound familiar ?) So Giselle's spirt initally agrees to join but when Albrecht appears to visit her grave & is attacked by the Wilis, Giselle's love for him spares his life & breaks her free from the Wilis' control & her spirit is able to pass on.