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3x16: "Doppelgangland"

I AM SO HERE FOR A WILLOW-CENTRIC EPISODE!!! oh my godddd I am so happy to see more her character. And we got to revisit vampire!willow 😳 So much Willow in this episode, I LOVE IT

hope y'all enjoy! :D




I'm already dying at the Carl Jung intro! LOL.

Patrick Lyke

WOOHOO! One of my favs this season!! Love vamp Willow!!!


Love this ep and I knew you would too(without even watching yet, but I will right now) Wheee!

Dave Miller

Oh man, I was just wondering when this would come, popped over here to check, and here it is. I've been waiting for your reaction to this episode. It's a ride!


My favorite episode, time to see what Alley thinks about it ^^

Allan Cornett

Been waiting all day for this. I was expecting it tomorrow. WOOOI HOOO

Mary Kate

I had a terrible day I have been waiting for this and I am staying up late to watch it. One of my all time FAVORITES

Superfan Giovanni

'Virgin State of Mind' I forgot it was this episode.

Chas Summers

Faith told the Mayor that Willow could hack his systems. So he sent vamps after her.


I paused in the middle just to type this...you seemed confused about the Mayor wanting Willow dead. Remember, after Faith told him that Willow was trying to break into his files, he said let's kill your little friend. Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you to do it. Not this soon in our relationship. You probably went back and figured that out but I felt the need to do this just in case you didn't.


God, I LOVE this episode so much, it is for sure a fan favourite. Also thrilled to see the return of Anya. It also has one of my favourite lines: "I'm so evil, and skanky... and I think I'm kinda gay." As for Buffy not staking Vampire Willow it was a callback to Faith staking Alan and not stopping in time when Buffy said "Faith, no!". Showing that Buffy has that restraint and control that Faith doesn't. Just like how Willow and Vampire Willow relate to each other. This season is big on the whole shadow self concept. This episode is good for Willow because she has now witnessed herself at both extremes. Destructive and harmless, I think now she has seen where both paths take her she can have a bit more balance in her life as shown at the end of the episode she can still have fun sometimes and the world won't end. The Scoobies are in their last year of high school and are learning valuable lessons about themselves that will help them mature. Xander in "The Zeppo" learning that his worth and masculinity doesn't depend on everyone else seeing him as cool, only he has to see himself that way. Cordelia in "The Wish" learning that despite her heartbreak she has worth in herself no matter if she has popular friends or a boyfriend, she is dope just being herself. Buffy in "Bad Girls" getting seduced by the power being a slayer has and seeing the extremes it can lead to if not controlled as she saw with Faith. And now Willow learning a balance between being a good student and having fun. I love this season a lot and as a 21 year old who watched this show at 16 I can attest to the fact all these themes and stories still hold up. Loved the reaction dude :)))).

Willow Scarlet

Wesley? More like "Please do some Lessley" amirite


Alyson Hannigan is so awesome here. Willow, vamp Willow, Willow-pretending-to-be-vamp-Willow, and vamp-Willow-pretending-to-be-Willow.

Rafael Lemus

This is definitely the season of shadow-selves. We got Ripper in Band Candy as Giles shadow-self and now he's not even an official watcher. Buffy's shadow-self is obviously Faith. Xander's shadow-self came out when he was trying to be cool in The Zeppo until he finally accepts who he is at the very end. Even in this episode he asks Vampire Willow if he's cool in her reality. And the final of the core four, the episode uses Vampire Willow to explore Willow's shadow-self. Vampire Willow is everything Willow isn't. Vampire Willow is impulsive, dominating, etc. and in a sense Willow admires that in herself and wishes she could adopt some of those traits, just less skanky. Great episode and awesome reaction!

Rachel Zeringue

I had typed out a whole “would you **** your clone: buffy edition” but i have no idea if that sort of language is allowed on patreon, so I’ll just say that I loved your reaction as always 😄

Elisa H.

Wasn't Angel's quote "I'm not getting any older"??

David Neal

Wait, that wasn't you I saw at Chick Fil A a few years back?


❤️❤️ no reactions all weekend and today there was 4 in a row 😂❤️❤️ all Buffy ending with Dopplegangland 😍🥰🥰


For me, this is one of the best episodes of the third season although Season three is full of great episodes. Good to see Ally really enjoying the season. Still got a lot of great stuff coming up!

Andrew Pulrang

I think the best thing about this amazing episode is both versions of Willow being so clumsy in trying to act like the other version. Also, Vamp Willow being seriously debilitated by what must have been an endless lecture from Cordelia was seriously funny. She’s this unstoppable killer, but there she is, hanging off the bars of the cage, obviously thinking, “Oh my God! Please let this stop!” Also, the return of Vamp Willow’s best catchphrase ... “Bored now!”


The whole not killing evil Willow was kinda weird. I'm convinced Joss didn't want Buffy to kill her so he could do that gag at the end, where she dies immediately upon returning to her world.


First time I’ve noticed how Mr. Trick and Vamp Willow die similarly in back to back episodes. Just as they’re about to get what they want [biting/killing Buffy, returning to her world] they’re staked in the back. They even get a moment to express surprised annoyance: “Oh, no. No, this is no good at all.” and “Aw, f...”

Keenan White

For someone so cute and sweet, she has one nasty dark side, Vamp Willow is a straight badass!


Watched this a few weeks ago because I have less patience than I used to.. Previously it was never a favorite of mine but this last time it made me lmao.

Brandon Scott

Anyone else clock Joss’ subtle distinguishing moment where he drew a contrast between Buffy and Faith? So many make the argument that Faith obviously didn’t mean to kill the assistant mayor buuut then here we see Buffy (for seemingly no reason) get waved off by Willow when going in for the kill on “wishverse” Willow (love the name) and it just so happens that Willow using the exact same phrasing to stop Buffy (“Buffy, no!”) as Buffy did to try and stop Faith (“Faith, no!”)... the difference being that Buffy actually stopped? It was still an accident, don’t get me wrong, but it just illustrates how out of control Faith was.

Renee Pope-Munro

Came here to write this exact thing. It's also notable to me, Buffy's response in the aftermath of "killing" Ted, as compared to Faith's inability to accept responsibility, even without any ill intent. The groundwork for their fundamental character differences were established before Faith was ever called.


I think the demon wearing your body like a suit explanation was s1 attempt at explaining the existence of vampires. I never really understood it that way and I think they are trying to enrich that first definition with that scene with Will, Buffy and Angel. To me a vamp us basically a radically twisted version of the human it once was. In S2 we saw human Angel was a hedonist wasting his life away. Angelus was a warped version of it except excessive drinking turned into art of killing. Same with Dru, she retained her visions and her human madness.


Yes! Came here to see if someone else noticed that parallel. A doppelganger being an "evil twin" - Faith is Buffy's in this world.

Brandon Scott

So glad to see your comments! I low key thought I was going to be alone on this.

Brandon Scott

I like to emember that the demon, once it “sets us shop” in our body, still has all of our memories and experiences including the very detailed memories of our very visceral emotions and responses to all the events of our lives. So of course there would be definite similarities in our personalities.

Kenny Teeology

If you've seen "Orphan Black", you're obviously part of a cloning experiment.


"Well did you try looking inside the sofa in Hell?"


My problem with their simplified definition is that it borders on silly ideas like exorcism to devamp someone? Like if we assume it's an external entity taking possession of human body then it would be much easier to get rid of? And it also throws away the gravity of one's soul as a moral centre, a bit too conveniently stripping of responsibility of evil actions. But these are probably things to be discussed much later in the show. It's probably just me but every time I hear demon wearing your body thing, I automatically get a vision of some vamp with rotating head puking all over a priest lol I might have watched the exorcist one times too many tho ;)


I love this episode with the intensity of a thousand suns. That might be a slight exaggeration.


That's a great song. It's on one of the Buffy cd's


For some reason I always thought the Mayor was talking about Buffy when he said ..."kill your little friend." Duh, now it's so clear to me.


Fun fact: When Alexis Denisof (Wesley) showed up on the set both Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan were after him. So she did in fact steal her "boyfriend" (they never actually dated) one more time.

Brandon Scott

Maybe try to look at it more like a transplanting of core beings. The implication being that a body (human or otherwise) cannot survive without the life force (or soul) which animates this bag of bones and meat and nerve endings. So, if you think of it that way, when a person is turned, their soul or life force is stripped away from the body in order to make room for the life force of the “demon”. A possession, like what would necessitate an exorcism, is the imposition of a foreign will on an already occupied body. If you look at it this way then if you tried to exorcise a vampire (firstly it wouldn’t work, because the vampire isn’t “possessing” a person, but that body actually belongs to it) then the body would simply drop dead. Now we all know Angel is a special case and, yes, there is so much that will have to be left to discuss latter in the series, but these are just my thoughts on it at this point.

Loves Bitca

On your doppleganger story. When I lived in Topeka, I was told by several people that I looked JUST like someone else. Like they thought I was him. Some surprised to see me working in a grocery store. Apparently he worked at the college. Actually a couple I only assume they were speaking of the same person, since those 2 didn't mention his name or the college, but I assume it was the same guy since I don't want to think I have 2 dopplegangers.

Phoenix Dawn

This is one of my most favourite episodes.I’m glad you didn’t call the vamp Willow a nerd again ahahah. Also, have you noticed how Buffy managed to stop herself at a moment’s notice when Willow said ‘no!’, she was able to stop her from staking her. Contrast that with certain other slayer. It is a very interesting parallel imo. Another thing I have realised, after having watched this episode million times already...there are two Roosevelts...like dopplegangers!


The band at the bronze, K’s Choice, made some great music. Check them out.

Loves Bitca

Great episode. Realize that Alyson not only had to play Willow and Vamp Willow, but also had to play Willow acting like vamp Willow, and play Vamp Willow acting like Willow.

AJ Newton

"Different circumstances, that could've been me," seems to be a common sentiment. The idea that we think we know exactly who all of these characters are but even the slightest changes could've made entirely different people. There's things about themselves they're still discovering because it's high school and who knows who they really are in high school? I think that it's really interesting to see Willow and Vampire!Willow agreeing, because it indicates (to me at least) that Willow still does yearn for that sense of power she lacks in her life. She doesn't like the way the world sees her, or more accurately the way she sees herself through the lens of everyone else. I think her framing has changed a bit though by the end of the episode. Also, Cordy and Wes were fantastic for the little they were there. Faith being the excited little kid when she heard she had a Playstation makes me conflicted because she looks so happy but also she's one of the bad guys now! Also, is it me or is Angel becoming more and more awkward? Like, now that the show doesn't focus as much on Buffy's relationship with him, we're seeing a little more of his character.

Patricia Cripps

I think bringing up The Wish again as this point in the season was very intentional. In that episode we see a version of Buffy who never met her friends, never met Giles, and overall just seemed to have had a much rougher time as the slayer, and in that episode she has a lot more in common with Faith. Buffy saying that that could have been her to Willow wasn't just her being empathetic to Faith, we as an audience have actually seen that in a different circumstance Buffy could've turned out like Faith, and I think putting an episode involving The Wish right after Faith's incident is meant to remind us of that, to remind the audience that Faith mainly ended up where she is because of her background, not because she is inherently a bad person.


Yes although Buffy also says at the top of the episode that the slayers have been doing a lot of reflex training lately (due to Faith's mishap) so that could also have something to do with it. When Buffy "killed" Ted, she had a different response to Faith after she killed the Mayor, but Buffy also has a support system - her mother, Giles, her friends - while Faith has none. She feels like literally nobody is on her side or is going to take care of her - until this episode, nobody seemed to give a crap that she was living in some fleabag motel on the wrong side of town. No doubt she's been on the wrong side of the law before and has no respect for cops (we saw that earlier in Bad Girls) so I can understand (not condone) her not wanting to go to the cops. Even Giles said not to involve the police. Faith has major trust issues and at this point, Buffy seems to be the only one who is willing to give her a chance or see things from her POV. Just my 2c on Faith.


Guess all that work on reflexes that Buffy said that her and Faith were having to do at the top of the episode paid off.


Ok so I'm definitely in the minority here - might be a party of one - but I don't care for this episode at all. It's one of my least favourites of season 3 and I often skip it (although I really liked The Wish). There's just too much suspension of disbelief for me - like the fact that Anya doesn't immediately work out that Willow is dressed up as Vamp Willow when she returns to the Bronze. Seriously? I get the vampires not realising but Anya knows there are two Willows in this reality, and human Willow is so terrible at pretending to be Vamp Willow that it beggars belief that Anya wouldn't just figure it out right away. Same goes for Xander and Buffy (isn't she meant to have spidey sense for vampires?) and Cordelia. Why is everyone in this episode so stupid? I also really don't like the fetishising of Vamp Willow. Not just the leather outfit (and the OTT contrast of human Willow's outfits, all overalls and fluffy sweaters and florals and tights, is she five?), but also they lean so hard into the "kinda gay" thing that she's hitting on and groping herself. I don't know, I just find it really weird. Vampire Willow does nothing for me, and I don't find her interesting or intimidating at all. (Even in The Wish, Vamp Willow and Xander were my least favourite part.) None of that is to say that people who like this episode are wrong, there's no need to come after me, but if anyone else feels likewise, your'e not alone. (And if nobody feels likewise, then I guess I am. Lol.) What I really did like in this episode were the little bits of Faith that we got. It's so interesting to me that she's a) still trying to be friends with Buffy (scene in the library) and b) seeing her reaction to the Mayor giving her that apartment. She is so immensely grateful that he values her enough to move her out of the skeezy motel, and when she tries to come onto him with that "sugar daddy" line, he quickly shuts her down, saying he's not interested in that. Which has to be a relief for her. He's the first man we've seen her interact with who has told her that in no uncertain terms. (Even Giles just blushed and changed the subject.) Of course he then says that he's going to put a hit out on Willow, because he is still evil, but what an interesting villain. Can't wait to see Ally's reaction to the rest of this season.

Brandon Scott

I hear that a lot, Joey, but it doesn’t really seem like Buffy was the only one. Keeping in mind that we don’t see every moment of thier lives, we know Buffy made effort after effort to include her (from hanging with the gang to holidays), we know Xander reached out, we know Giles made attempts to include her in their training ... It is absolutely true that faith has some serious trust issues, but I don’t think you can lay any of that on any of the scoobies. Aside from Willow, I can’t think of an instance of any of them treating her badly or excluding her in any way. And as far as being on her side? Everyone was on her side. Again, with the possible exception of Willow, I didn’t hear anyone persecuting her. Xander even made the naive offer to testify on her behalf. The big wrench is of course Wesley, but regardless, to take it as far as she is (throwing in with the mayor....turning a blind eye as he plots to KILL WILLOW??? She has a support system. She just refuses to use it. And I think what Renee was pointing to with that was the fact that Buffy was self-aware enough to first admit and then accept responsibility for what she’d done whereas faith spent all her energy doing everything she could to simply keep from dealing. Support system or no, you are the only person who can own up to your own mistakes. And Buffy tried to support her. Giles certainly would’ve supported her. Xander tried to support her. Even Angel tried to support her (that might even have worked). But I’m the end, she had to be the one to say, “yep. I screwed up.” And there was no way she was going to do that. I feel I should say that Faith is my absolute favorite ancillary character. Just thought I’d throw that in there, lol.

Brandon Scott

Leaving everything else alone.... Faith was absolutely not “still trying to be friends with Buffy.” First, I don’t think she was ever “trying to be friends” with Buffy. I don’t think her pride and attachment issues would’ve stood for that. But secondly, and more immediately, She’s playing her! Being so obviously disingenuous. A keep-your-enemies-closer kind of deal.... of anything in this episode (or even this entire series) I thought THAT was obvious.

The Value of Life

I know, right? It's so well done I didn't even notice it the first time I saw this ep. My brain was just convinced that Willow and vamp Willow were completely different people. But my 2nd time through the lightbulb went off and I thought OMG, Alyson Hannigan is amazing. She had to play Willow pretending to be vamp without slipping into the actual vamp character and vice versa. She was juggling all four roles in her head during the shoot, and she kept them separate so smoothly that you don't even notice what she's doing as an actor. I was really impressed!

Loves Bitca

"isn't she meant to have spidey sense for vampires?" The very first episode Giles said that she "SHOULD" be able to sense vampires. The one she was able to pick out was due to his outdated fashion sense rather than her sensing him. Buffy not having that sense was purposely done, so she would not be able to recognize that Angel was a vampire. She fought beside Angel, had long discussions with him. Slept in the same room with him all night, and made out with him without setting off any kind of "spidey sense" but you expected her to sense one within a few seconds?

Heather Macdonald

I love this episode. It's so much fun, get a bit of Willow the witch, get a bit of Cordelia being hilarious. Also I love Anya

Steve Quast

Yep, this is a fan favorite, and it's easy to see why. It's one of the best of season 3. Recall that at the beginning of the episode Faith saw Willow trying to hack into the Mayor's system. Faith then reported it to the Mayor, so that's why he put the hit out on her. It's kind of interesting how Vampire Willow caused so much chaos, and yet she inadvertantly helped our Willow out in a few different ways (one with the vampire attack, one with Percy). I'm really loving your reactions to these episodes. There's so much I wish I could say, but it would be difficult to talk about certain things without spoilers. But yeah, I'm looking forward to your reactions to the rest of the season.

Flora Smith

Yeah but....you can lay a LOT on Giles. He accepted responsibility as her interim watcher, ‘including her in their training’ doesn’t cut it. He obviously has no individual relationship with her (we see with both Gwendolyn Post and now the Mayor how she responds when given attention and approval by authority figures), he has no idea she’s unstable until it’s too late (even though he knows from Buffy in FH&T that she lacks control when fighting and has recently witnessed her watchers murder)!?!? I hate that Wesley generally cops the blame here (and for doing what he thinks is the right thing). Faith is responsible for her own choices and I have very little sympathy for her at this point after what she did to Xander in Consequences but Giles let her down completely. Also though I agree the Buffy and Xander in particular tried to support her last episode (and that everyone deserves a medal for continuing to tolerate her after she assaulted Xander) that’s not the same thing as *having a support system* IMO. That’s what the gang have with each other, what Buffy also has with her Mom, Giles and Angel. Faith does not have anything like that. It requires love and trust and closeness and Faith doesn’t have that with anyone (which to be clear I’m not blaming them for at all).


Fun Fact, Whedon actually put this episode in his personal top ten episodes of the entire show (and pretty high too).

Ross Nolan

Love this episode, though I do think letting Vamp!Willow go was very iffy morally speaking. I mean I do get why it would have been hard for the Scoobies to stake her but as far as they know she might kill many, many more in her universe (yeah she got dusted straight away but our heroes had no way of knowing that.)

Stewart Denew

A fun episode, love Faith & the mayor's scene; a surprisingly sweet, cute interaction one moment & then just a casual "ok, let's kill her" the next - and it doesn't feel malicious so much as "small wrinkle, easy solution, just another thing on the chore list", which actually makes it more scary & makes the mayor such a good villain. Angel's "well actually.." in response to the idea that the personality of the vampire is nothing like the living person is a pretty interesting thing, after all the only difference is being dead (just a matter of biology) & not having a soul, the memories are all still present...but that's all I'm going to say about that.

Stewart Denew

agreed... and wishverse willow reinforces that whole idea of a change of circumstance effecting the outcome since the whole premise of the wishverse is just "what if buffy didn't come to sunnydale?" - everything else about willow, xander & the rest's lives would have been identical until that point


I love the little detail that, because Willow is shocked by what she sees during the spell, the sacred sand gets onto her hand. And that's what makes the spell go wrong - or actually makes it work perfectly, just not the way Anya intended. Don't you just hate when you lose stuff in the sofa in Hell? So hard to get it back without burning your fingers.

Superfan Giovanni

Great magnet coincidence Alyson Hannigan posted a still image from this episode on her instagram today. An instagram account Alley can finally follow in roughly 2 years.


One thing I love about this episode is the contrast between this and Bad Girls. Buffy yells, "Faith, no!" but Faith still stabbed the guy. In this episode, Willow yells, "Buffy, no!" and they both happen in the split second before the plunge of the weapon, but where Faith carries through, Buffy pulls back. It's just interesting to note the differences in their reflexes and makes you wonder if Faith had the ability to stop and chose not to.


That's a really astute observation! Despite many re-watches I'd never noticed that!

Isac christensen

All the Willow! Yes and The Mayor and his relationship with Faith :O all the intrigue. I will end this by highligting Wesleys scream as one of the funniest moments along with the double willow eyeroll and The cordelia conversation. As always a great reaction :) keep it up.


I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of 'Previouslies' as I think they can be mildly spoilery. As in, the reaction to a returning character can be sometimes diminished by you having worked out they might already be coming back from watching said 'Previously'.

Richard Moss

I mean that's cool but don't you find it difficult to accept is Faith is hanging out with the scoobies again? Like, what are we supposed to think happened here? She came back and apologized but still refuses to accept punishment? That's the part I can't get comfortable with.


The idea is to build expectations--the previously serve the double purpose of reminding viewers (or telling new viewers) what they need to know and setting the emotional stage for the episode to come.


I love this episode so much. So many great lines! "Did anyone else just go to a scary visual place?"

Ashtara Levin

Oh!! One of my absolute favorite episodes, and once that is just better every time you watch it. Alyson is such an amazing actress, you can immediately tell which character is which. Fun nerdy fact: I believe one of the reasons this was also directed by Joss Whedon and not just written by, was because he insisted that BOTH Willows interact with each other in the scene (as opposed to the split-screen technique that they normally employed back in 1999) - Alley, you noted how great the "vamp face" transition has gotten - well, I saw a behind the scenes video interviewing the VFX team for the show - they kept trying to improve the effects in the show from season to season, which eventually led them to develop a way to render just the actor's face in a shot (instead of layering two separate shots), which helped make it smoother - and that is exactly what they did for the two Willows shot (when Vamp Willow is holding our Willow from behind). They carved and pasted Alyson's face from a previous shot on one of the characters (our Willow), which allowed her and her body double to stand so close and create that interaction (neck licking for example....). It might fly under the radar today, but that shot was mind boggling for TV production in 1999. I mean... people went nuts..

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I would add that in Helpless Giles finally got to put to bed the two sides of his personality that have been plaguing him for so long, his real self and what the Watchers Council wanted him to be. He had the rug pulled out from under him and now he can finally try to be himself and not what he thinks he SHOULD be. You COULD think of Ripper as his shadow self but you could just as easily say it's the WC version of Giles (and really, they helped create Ripper in the first place).


I don't think anything in Buffy is one off. If they don't out right comeback then you'll hear lines once in a while mention them.

Aric Heintzelman

Wesley's scream is probably my favorite moment from the entire series.


She is the girl playing the girl disguised as another girl


There's some good ones, and I personally think the benefit of the good previouslies outweighs the cons of the bad ones. The one for The Zeppo was great, for example.


There is one good one but I will wait to mention which due to spoilers.


I always think of it as a natural habitat sort of thing. A tiger getting free in the city and killing someone's dog is upsetting but if you release it back to the jungle to kill animals there that's just the way it's supposed to be. Or if you want to get mystic with it I think Witch-Willow understands the importance of the natural order, undoing the change her magic made.

Jamie Morgan

It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to watch that scream just once, I always have to rewind at least 4 or 5 times, it's so good!

Jamie Morgan

I don't know why I always forget how damn funny this episode is! What usually sticks with me are the VFX with Willow & Vamp Willow, and the incredible fight scene at the Bronze. But the comedy in this is amazing, too, the writing is great and everyone's delivery is on point.

Loves Bitca

I definitely don't think she chose not to. There are many different opinions though. Some think that it shows that Faith was more of a loose cannon with little control. Some think it means Buffy is just the better Slayer. Others say it's because Buffy mentions that they've been working on reflex training more now, probably due to the Faith incident. And it could be that due to the fact Faith did kill a guy by not stopping in time, that Buffy is more cautious of just that thing now.


I'm a big fan of that little moment where our Willow, dressed as Vamp Willow, gives Oz that little "It's me!" wave at the Bronze and he does the classic Oz underplay reaction where we see with the slightest of Seth's facial movement that it's message received. No one underplays like that guy!

Loves Bitca

I don't mind them, and many I appreciated when first viewing. Of course, I've not ever had a big problem with being spoiled. Some reactors do make sure to avoid them so they don't even get a hint like here that "Oh, it must mean Anyanka is going to be in this episode" and they prefer to be surprised when she's back.


This episode has my favorite moment in Buffy. Xander shaking the cross like it’s a flashlight with low batteries kills me every time.

Mark Zima

Yes, one of the clues given about shared traits between Vampire Willow and regular Willow is the scene where Anya predicts that they'll all, in the future, grovel at her feet, and both Willows simultaneously dismiss it with an identical smirk.


The part that always annoyed me a little is that I think Buffy and Xander would have been MUCH more gutted if Willow died. But they're all just like "damn, this sucks". ANGEL seemed to show more emotion!

Ross Nolan

Yes but this more like letting a tiger lose in a different city, and a tiger that has killed not dogs but people and will certainly go on to kill people. Remember Vamp!Willow murdered Sandy and quite possibly others and bragged about in 'her' reality humans were snacks and playthings (and 'our' Willow was sufficiently horrified by the vision she had of the Wishverse to compare it with Hell.) And the fact that Willow couldn't really articulate a reason for sparing the vampire version herself beyond the purely emotional suggests any mystical exchange idea wasn't uppermost in her mind.


I agree, but I think it was intentionally done that way so as to maintain the humor of the episode.


This is one of my favourite episodes.


Bit late with this comment but as for the Vamp Willow feeling up our Willow. I think part of narcissism is being very attracted to yourself so Demons being the ultimate narcissists would be attracted to their doppelgängers.

David Neal

I was just young enough that I didn't go nuts until after finishing the episode when was like. Wait, this is Television, how did they film that? Does the actor that plays Willow (didn't know or care about actors' names at that age) have a twin?

David Neal

The prevalence of "previously's" on Buffy, and other shows of that era, is because there was not the expectation, like we have now, that the audience had seen the earlier shows, or could bring them back up if they wanted. It is very rare now once an episode of something is released NOT to have access to it late, but in 1999, if you were just getting into the show, or you missed an episode, you couldn't go back and binge to get caught up. You had to WAIT and not see those episodes until it the off-season reruns, or until you were lucky enough to find a friend who taped it. So for some people who were watching Dopplegangerland, they had no opportunity to know what had happened before, and needed the "previously" not to be entirely lost.


I remember season 7 BtVS had the same clips and each week is was like, “I get it already, spoiler is spoiler...” you get the idea


Joss loved his joke too much to let it go. It is pretty funny when Vamp Willow immediately dies upon returning to the Wishverse, with "Oh fuuu..." as her last words. Cracks me up every time.

Georgina Cussans

I'm glad you noticed the comment Willow made and Angel's reaction 👀 us bi girls are living for this content lmao

Loves Bitca

So on the Vamp Willow coming on to Willow..... IF one did have sex with their clone or their alt universe self, wouldn't that technically just be masturbation?


one of my favourite episodes definitely into both willows

Isac christensen

I think they're in shock/ cannot believe that it actually happened, that is what I took away from it anyway. :)


Link to the song in the Bronze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhO6lCGzAbw

Bryce Carlson

Joss Whedon is the master of Chekov's Gun and as such, you can't write anything off as a "one-off."

Stephen Mintac

That shade towards Faith though.... "Nice Reflexes" :D

Sandy S.

I'm so behind and so excited to catch up. :o) Interesting predictions. I love the convo about personality tests at the beginning. My dissertation was on the Rorschach. I love how you refer to Sunnydale as "our world." :o)

Jordan Haddow

Always love that episode. It is awesome in so many many different ways. Damn, Vampire Willow is such a badass.......and handsy.

Jordan Haddow

Sort of. I don't want to spoil anything, but this episode, in my mind, is more about how much Willow makes up Vampire Willow. As Angel was about to say, we can't assume every tendency is from the demon side.