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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/die6qy1e

15x16: "Drag Me Away (From You)"

okeedokee, so kinda chill MOTW but I think it was a great set up for the last 4 episodes. and we got billie!! which im super hype about. and got some push towards the ending with chuck and all that!

hope y'all enjoy!! :D



Superfan Giovanni

I'm trying to will the next episode into posting itself through a series of Rube Goldberg machine type events


You're right, Alley - we have seen that same conversation in the car so many times. Another repetitive bit of dialogue is where they have to write in a line where Sam or Dean is obliged fight up front to say, "Yeah, um, Cas is off doing ____." (He went to heaven to check on something or he's off on another case, etc.) This episode has a monster-of the-week vibe (other than the awesome Billie reminding us about the ongoing stakes), which is kind of relaxing and gives a sense of normalcy in the life of the Winchesters. I'd rather have a shorter mini-arc of 4 episodes or so to wrap it up. I just can't figure out HOW they're going to satisfy us as to the fate of Sam and Dean after 15 years. I mean I enjoyed the road house heaven where Ash ended up but I do NOT want to see the brothers go that route. I may take up heavy drinking for the next month!