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2x19: "I Only Have Eyes For You"

OKEEDOKEE MY GUYY... Oh my god, this episode was so amazing. We got more Spike and Dru stuff, got some more Buffy and Angelus stuffff ahhhhh. Was absolutely bonkers and I loved it.

Tell me what y'all think! We are getting near the end of s2 and I am SO HYPE!!!

Hope y'all enjoy!! :D



John Kress

I think the idea is that Angelus, because of the possession, had to actually FEEL love for Buffy again, real love. Angelus is obsessed with Buffy, but Angel really loved her. He had to, or it couldn't have cost him his soul. And forcing Angelus to feel things that are (more or less) what Angel feels is about the worst thing you can do to him. Hence all the bathing and yelling about being violated. Because he was possessed, he couldn't help it, but he still had to really experience the full feelings of love and even forgiving Buffy for accidentally "killing" him (making him lose his soul).


I was allowed to teach a high school class in well, high school when I was still a student. I had passed the higher grade in French the year before and so the teacher let me take the level below kids the following year while she was teaching the higher level. Probably doesn't happen too often though!