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link to access: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqzmv0drafm6nev/S01E07%20-%20Angel%20-%20Full%20Unsubbed.mp4?dl=0 

sorry bout my dog :( I told my family this time that I was recording but she didn't get the memo lol 😅

hope my feelings about angel aren't super bad. I try to explain my complex feelings about it at the end.. bc he is so cool. but I am 21 so I am allowed lmaoo. Buffy is younger so its weird watching through her eyes as someone older if that makes sense??? 

anyways, with that aside, hope y'all enjoy! sorry bout the wait! got all done with finals :) I'll be totally free for a couple weeks till my summer semester starts up



Jordan Haddow

I have to say, I've heard the comment about Buffy's age gap to Angel's apparent age. I think that when they hired him, he looked a lot younger. Look at him in this episode and compare him to the first episode. His face seems leaner in the pilot. I think they intended his body to come across as 18-20ish, but that he just filled out fast and started looking older. TV shows always had to play around with actual and apparent ages. Heck, Charisma, who plays 16 year old Cordelia, was around 26 in real life.

Hannah Weber

I laaughed my ass off Alley youre so funny I love it <3