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Jeb and Kyle are a pair of werewolves that came into my possession fairly recently. This is both an attempt at setting up the world they live in and their personalities.

Content warnings: Chastity cages, light watersports 


October 31

Happy Howl-oween! (Geddit?) In the spirit of the season I fucked a pumpkin and egged a few cop cars (not at the same time). In other news, Kyle and I made a little wager for No Nut November. The deal is: If I go the whole month without busting a nut, Kyle will finally let us get a pet! The animal kind, not the fetish kind. If I fail, though, Kyle’s gonna make me wear a ‘breeding bitch’ collar ‘till the end of the year. The fetish kind, not the animal kind.

October 32 November 1

This might be harder (heh) than I thought. Kyle, the traitorous little bastard, has been sending me lewd selfies from work all day. Deeply unfair! If I were a stripper-cum-prostitute I would keep my professional and personal sluttiness separate. One at each end, specifically. Ooh, shouldn’t have written that down. Gonna stop before I rile myself up more.

November 2

Watched a documentary on the bottom of the sea with Kyle. It was really good, love those bitey little fish, except Kyle kept trying to fondle me! Rude! After a bit I told him that he was cheating, but he told me that I never asked him to stop.

November 3

Painted a picture of one of those weird little deep-sea fish today. Kyle said it was good and that I should show it off, but he just says that to be nice. I got the colors wrong and getting the light source right was basically impossible, for obvious reasons.

November 4

Had a revelation today: I can’t bust a nut, but there’s nothing stopping me from helping other guys bust their nuts, vicariously-like. Went down to Smokey Mike’s to suck a cock or three. Sent a glory hole selfie to Kyle, who responded with a 🦪 emoji. What the hell does 🦪 even mean?

November 5

I have gone so long without jacking off that my senses have been heightened. Colors are sharper, smells are stronger, and so on and so forth. Kyle didn’t believe me until I told him that he got fucked by a minotaur, a wereshark, and exactly two satyrs at work today, in that order.

November 6

Kyle gave me a gift today: A cock cage, specially ordered for my two-liter soda-bottle fuckstick (his words, not mine) to help me resist the urge to indulge. He said I didn’t have to put it on if I felt confident in my ability to abstain, but I didn’t wanna take that risk. He sprung for one of the magic ones (what a saint) so it wouldn’t get scratchy or hurt BUT I physically cannot take it off without him knowing and helping me remove it. Feels weird. Sort of uncomfortable, in a comfortable sort of way. Pissin’ with it on was a trip.

November 7

A quarter way there! Kyle and I got sushi to celebrate, and I got to blow a chef! Win-win. Kyle asked me what kind of animal I was thinking of getting if I won. He then asked me to stop after we got to the P’s.

November 8

Got pissed on by a pair of satyrs today. Real cute couple on their honeymoon. I asked them if they’d fucked any magenta werewolf twinks lately, and they had! Small world I guess, knowing that Kyle has a doppelganger out there somewhere. Gonna be smelling like goat piss for at least a week. Hopefully, anyhow.

November 9

Autumn leaves drifting

Sharing heat by the campfire

Never want to stop

November 10

We probably can’t fit a dog into the condo. Maybe a chihuahua, but their little eyes give me the creeps. I brought up the idea of a cat, but Kyle said he was allergic, and anyways he’d want to chase it around the house all day. Can’t blame him for that, I guess.

November 11

Kyle has resumed sending me lewd pictures of him on the clock. That sparkly collar and jockstrap suit him, I think. Note to self: ask Kyle where he gets all this fun kink stuff.

November 12

Fell out of a tree today (I was hanging up a birdhouse). Mr. Williams from next door called an ambulance even though I insisted it couldn’t have been worse than a sprained ankle. It was a bit worse than that, actually, but at least there are no broken bones. The doc wants me on bed rest for a few days so that my foot can recover. To make matters worse, I no longer smell like satyr.

November 13


November 14

Still bored. Did you know that they still make new episodes of The Simpsons? Crazy, right? Incidentally I am fuck-starved enough that while I was napping I had a dream about Homer eating my ass like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Of ass. Ass buffet. I’m so fucking bored.

November 15

Halfway there! One of Kyle’s work friends, Samantha I think was her name? Or maybe Sarah. Anyways, she made us a lasagna as a combination congrats-on-not-nutting-for-two-weeks and sorry-you-fell-out-of-a-tree gift. Very kind of her. I’ll have to ask her for the recipe.

November 16

The doc said I could walk again, though I’m still a little wobbly, so I didn’t leave the house except to get the mail and chase the mailman. Heart wasn’t in it though, so his dick will remain tragically unsucked. For now.

November 17

I learned today that the collective works of Shakespeare are in the public domain. Note to self: write a sequel to Julius Caesar where the titular character becomes a sexy gladiator. Yeah, yeah, I know he dies at the end of the play (spoilers, sorry). I’ll figure something out.

November 18

I have been sober for two years today. Nearly forgot, actually, between everything else going on right now, but it still feels good. As a reward, Kyle let me eat his ass right after work while he was still filled up, which also felt pretty dang good.

November 19

Had a job interview today for the first time in like a month. I think it went okay. I’m pretty sure I recognized the interviewer’s man-musk from a truck stop restroom I frequented ages ago, but if he remembered me he was professional enough to not bring it up.

November 20

Frost in the garden

Warm drinks and warmer smiles

Never want to stop

November 21

Met a mothman today! I didn’t think they came this far west but he said he was visiting family for the holidays. Don’t believe the rumors; mothman cum only tastes a little bit like honey. In other news, Kyle got his holiday bonus! He’s not sure what he wants to spend it on, but he’s pretty excited.

November 22

Had another one of my nightmares. Pretty much exactly the same as the other times, except for whatever reason instead of dead deer the roadkill was all armadillos. One of them winked at me.

November 23

I think I know what kind of pet I’m gonna get. Not gonna write it down, though, cause I know Kyle reads this sometimes. Yeah! I know! Nosy boy. Still love you though. <3

November 24

Kyle gets Thanksgiving off, so he and his co-workers usually do a potluck since so many of them live on their own or with just their kids. It’s nice. Finally managed to ask Samira (that’s her name!) for that lasagna recipe and she texted it to me. Kyle kind of forgot to get anything until the morning of, so I had to scramble to make pralines. I thought they were a little too sweet but everyone seemed to like them. Maybe they were just being polite, though.

November 25

In the home stretch now. For some reason that makes me feel a little… nostalgic? Wistful? Not sure. I definitely don’t wanna keep this up 24/7 but it might be fun for a few days at a time. Job office called back today and told me they were hiring someone else. That’s okay, though, I’m no good at customer service, unless that servicing includes the undercarriage, wink-wink.

November 26

Kyle got into a bit of a fight at work. He’s not in trouble, it was a customer acting out of line, but he’s getting a few days off. With pay, at least. Kyle wouldn’t tell me what happened but whatever it was he seemed a little rattled, so I dropped it.

November 27

First snow of winter

Holding my love close to me

Never want to stop

November 28

The library has audiobooks now! Apparently they’ve had them since March but I just never had a chance to go and find out. Sucked off a sphinx in the nonfiction section, and also got a couple sci-fi anthologies.

November 29

Got a postcard from Ma today. Almost threw it out with the junk mail, but something stopped me. She wished me a happy Thanksgiving. Said she missed me. Said gramps wasn’t doing so hot. Said she was sorry. Not sure if I’ll write back.

November 30

I did it! Kyle was pretty surprised by that I think. He was also pretty surprised when I took the collar and put it on anyway. At midnight we took my cage off and I swear I’ve never seen Kyle look so horny in his life. He fucked me like we were newlyweds high on aphrodisiacs and I came at least three or four times completely untouched. I think he was pretty into the ‘breeding bitch’ thing, he kept talking about whoring me out for some extra cash while he watched, the scoundrel. Very hot, but I don’t think he’d want to do that in real life. Maybe someday, though.

December 1

Kyle looked kinda nervous when we got to the pet store. I think he was afraid we’d walk out of there with a parrot or something. I swear to whatever god is listening that he melted when I picked out a marimo moss ball for us to get, he was that tense. Got a compliment from the clerk on my new collar while we were paying. He was pretty cute, so I gave him my number. He also told me that the store might be hiring soon, so I should apply. I think I’d like that.


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