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I know you are all waiting in anticipation for new content coming to the MPMB’s Character Record Sheets and I can’t blame you. A lot of cool new shiny things are still to be included and who doesn’t want to play with cool new shiny things? The work is underway, made easy by the fan-led effort on the MPMB Discord Server, for which I am really grateful. I have been working on getting the base code updated to accommodate the latest changes. Thinks of things like better support for companions (e.g. ranger’s companion, artificer’s constructs), an overflow page for the class features (this is still in the design phase, no promises that it will be included in the next version), and the other new optional rules.

However, I have had to postpone further work on the sheet for a bit because something wonderful has happened: my daughter was born just over a week ago!

Life has been a bit hectic since, as we are getting used to being parents. Our daughter came a full 11 days past the due date and to say that those last two weeks weren’t really fun for my girlfriend is an understatement. Add that to the fact that there was a sprout of stress getting the house in order (deadline to fix some code violations), which all rested upon my shoulders as the strict COVID measures here didn’t allow friends, family, or even contractors to help.

To add to the fun (as well as the frustration and exhaustion), our family recently got even bigger with the addition of a puppy! She came to live with us a full five days after our daughter was born. Now you are probably thinking that we are crazy for having a baby and getting a puppy so close together and you wouldn’t be wrong. The puppy was supposed to arrive two and a half months earlier, but that was met with delays upon delays because of the COVID pandemic and the fact that the dog had to be transported across international borders (some of which were closed due to COVID). Unfortunately, we were mostly kept in the dark as to when the puppy could be transported until only days before. As these things go, in the end both the baby and the puppy came on the exact same day! Thankfully, we had some friends to take the puppy in for a few days while we got things sorted.

I think you’ll understand that my priorities shifted away from the character sheet for a while. And those of you who have sent me messages or left comments will have noticed that I haven’t responded to any of them for the last week or so.
As for all of you asking when the new stuff is going to be finished, I can only say “I’m working on it”. It very much depends on my daughter’s sleep schedule (which isn’t great at the moment, she has gotten days and nights confused it seems).

The good news is that the truly hectic times are behind us as you can tell by the fact that I could sit down and write this post. Our house is in order (enough) for now, we are finding our rhythm with the new-born (and the puppy), and even our cat is starting to accept his new housemates (the baby more than the puppy). I should soon find myself with some time to continue working on the sheets.

My apologies that this isn’t the great news you have all been waiting for, but it certainly is great news for me and my family.

TL;DR (too long, didn't read):
Our first child was born and we got a puppy in the same week. Life hasn’t been the same since and there was no time left to work on D&D-stuff. I should be able to pick up where I left soon, but for now there is no fixed schedule for when the new content and next sheet update will be released.





Congratulations, sounds like a lot of joy packed into a short time!


Congrats! Love that family!


Congratulations! Raise a glass to big changes for the better!


Grats mate






Congrats! Enjoy the growing family!!


Congratulations! All the best to you and yours!

Will Brolley

Take all the time that you need. This is an extraordinary time, and you shouldn't feel rushed to hop back to work. Congrats!


Congratulations man! Take your time; D&D will still be here when you get back. Enjoy this time with your family! :D


Congratulations! What class are you going to pick for your child? It's important to have a balanced party




Congratulations! A puppy and a baby! Take your time, D&D can wait, and enjoy the new time with your little ones!


Congratulations x2! My wife and I were just talking about how chaotic a puppy and baby at the same time would be... Good luck and stay healthy!


Congratulations! Don't stress about the character sheet. Enjoy this time with your girlfriend and daughter, and of course, the puppy. :)






2 babies! Have fun and come back when you can


Congrats! You're in for an exhilarating roller coaster ride!!




Life comes first. I have no problem waiting for stuff. Take the time you need




That's fantastic, well done. I remember those years...just. So make the most of it and spend time with your newly expanded family; the rest of the character sheet stuff can wait.

Jens Schmidt

How dare you put your actual family before some strangers on the internet! Congrats on the the new chapter of your life, may it bring you great happiness. You are back when you are back, some things just take priority.


Congratulations! Take your time and don’t stress yourself out with the sheet too much, you have a lot of things to handle


Ha... This wave of children will definitely be named after the pandemic. Imagine being a in the Gen Virus giving the middle finger to Gen-X saying, "Step back, gramps. We just unseated you for the most metal generation name..." Then they don their still-suit and N405 facial rebreather and step out into the bleak, hot wasteland that is our future.


Joost, Congratulations!!! Lots happening in your world, and I am sure you will eventually enjoy this happy chaos. Now, pics, or it didn't happen. Pic with baby girl and puppy would work best.


Congrats. It's an amazing journey...take many pictures these moments go by so quickly. I've said it from the beginning...CoronaBaby-Boom is going to be a thing!!!


If only she would've come a bit before the due date or at the due date and nobody would think she is a corona-boomer... We knew about the pregnancy at least two weeks before we had ever heard about the coronavirus.


Congratulations! I feel a baby, puppy, and cat tax is in order, pics please! (If you're comfortable with that, :))


Congratulations on both baby girl & puppy 😊 we welcomed my first grandchild 12/3 but we got our puppy in June lol it's a wonderful adventure if you view it that way 💙


What? You took precious time away from the character sheet to deal with your first born child? Really!? What kind of messed up priorities are those?! The new puppy I can at least understand, but the baby?! They practically take care of themselves! You disappoint me sir! In all seriousness, congrats man! Good job fixing the house by yourself. Good luck with the new baby AND the new puppy! At least something good thing came out of this hellscape of a year. Take all the time you need, obviously family comes first.


Grats mate!


As the parent of two, I'm not going to say stuff like "Oh you'll treasure these moments for the rest of your life" because thankfully most of it's a blur now. But as others have said, you don't have to make any excuses to spend time on a baby (and on that most import partnership with your gf!). Of course if you hadn't gotten v13 out we'd all be singing a different tune :)


Congrats man! Welcome to being a dad! One piece of advice I can share is breath. Don't rush anything you and your girlfriend need to get into a routine that works for the four of you guys. It can get really hectic once baby is here and everything becomes about the baby so most importantly check in with your girlfriend. Make sure she is doing okay, is taking care of herself, drinking water, is hopefully getting a nap in or two when baby is napping, getting to take a shower for some alone time. This also goes for you too. So please take care of yourselves. Lastly, something I think all new parents need to hear, you are both amazing parents! Parent your way and don't pay mind to anyone how says otherwise.

Zac Cameron



Congrats!!! Kids are a total life changer 🙂


Congratulations!! 🥳


That's awesome stuff. Take the time you need. I dare say from reading all the comments here people will understand.




Congratulations! Please please please take some time off for yourself and your family. It’ll be worth it, I promise!


Congratulations! I hope everyone is happy and healthy! Take the time you need for family.






Congrats!! Take all the time you need.. I'm looking forward to the new and shiny but it's just forcing me to learn to do it myself :)

Whitney Weltz

What a nice, wholesome post in an absolute hell year!! Congrats!! ❤❤❤

Albert Nakano

Awesome! Congratulations! Real life trumps fantasy life. Totally understandable. Just focus on grooming another future gamer.

Hen Biton

Wish you a great time, be with your family, we will support your


Well, I would say you where a crazy fool for timing a Puppy and your first child at the same time, but we already know you had lost your marbles for just taking on this challenge. Congratulations!




Congratulations! I myself currently have a 3 month old, so I know what you're going through!




You do you when you can do you 😁


Kids first. Always. Congratulations! All of the stress is worth it in the end!!


As a father myself, I have to say, your kids come first, always. Do what you have to; we'll be here. 😁👍


Congratulations! And I agree with Soul Sojourner and Arek Petrosian.


Congrats y'all!






Gefeliciteerd! Ik hoop dat je snel wat slaap krijgt.


Belated Congrats!


Congratulations. Enjoy this special time!!


Family comes first, DnD stuff can wait! Enjoy the time with your daughter and puppy!


NICE. Most precious time there is.... Congratulations....


Congratulations!! Just joined, after using your sheet for years and realizing you had a Patreon. Thanks for all the work, and I hope the puppy and baby are both well, and that you've found some sleep.


Having become a dad 4 months ago, I know what you mean. Enjoy these times, they go by really fast. Congrats!

Jae Onasi

Congratulations! I know it's exhausting with a new baby. Hope you're all getting some more sleep now that the baby is a few months old. :)


Well done!!! Awesome news