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A small update to fix some issues with spells gained from a subclass. This version also fixes the "Add to selection" button not working in the spell selection dialogs. No content changes this version, just fixing some essential stuff for now.

Don't forget that you can bring your character over to a new version using the import functionality. How to do that is explained here.

>> Click here for v13.0.5 via Patreon << 

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/14927098 )

>> Click here for v13.0.5 via MPMB's website << 

( https://www.flapkan.com/patrons )

>> Click here for v13.0.4 for free via MPMB's website <<

( https://www.flapkan.com/#download )

  • Fixed “Add to selection” button in the spell selection dialog
  • Fixed short description for the Create or Destroy Water spell
  • Fixed spells from subclass not being added to known spells when they should be
  • Fixed spells from subclass not being sorted in the spell selection dialog
  • Fixed armour/weapon/tool/skill proficiencies gained from subclass (base object) not being applied



Enjoying the content, sheet makes QoL of rolling up a character a breeze, really appreciated! Just wondering if there's any kind of ETA on new content like Mythic Odyssey of Theros and (when it releases) Tasha's Cauldron?


I can't give you an exact ETA, I'm sorry. All I can say is it will be "Soon (TM)". For now I was fixing the immediate issues that were reported with the sheet and website. Can't have a stable v13 that still has major hurdles now can we? ;)


In the last couple of versions I've seen mismatch in versioning. For example in this one, The Patreon version should be v13.0.5 but when I download it, either from here or flapkan, I get v13.0.4 or, at least this is what's written in the character sheet.


Good catch! I updated the version number in between creating the free version and the Patreon version, but it seems I forgot to actually update the footers on the pages themselves. You should still see the right version (v13.0.5) in the file name, in the bookmarks and in the welcome message. I have been working on a new versioning system, because some people have complained that using different versions for free &amp; Patreon is not logical, as it contains the same core code. From v13.0.6 onwards there will be a core (free) version (e.g. v13.0.6) and an extended (Patreon) version with a build number attached to the version number (e.g. v13.0.6+201029). I will make sure to update the footer for those as well ;)


I don't know if it is an issue or I am missing something, if you add your equipment and then change something in the first page, e.g. Chain mail and then change it to Hide armor, and choose to add equipment again, it says that it adds/updates new, but it doesn't change it in the equipment table, it still shows chain mail! maybe it doesn't recognise it as new?


I'm sorry that this isn't so clear, but the "[only adds new]" text that is listed in the add equipment menu next to the "Armor &amp; Shield" option, means that it won't delete anything from the equipment section, it will just add the armour and shield from the Defense section that is not already in the equipment section. In your example, it should be adding the Hide Armor to the equipment section. This is because the sheet doesn't keep a log of any armour you selected in the past, it can only see what you have selected right now, so it can't possibly know what was there and should be removed. The idea behind it is that when you find a new armour and equip it, you normally don't just throw away your old armour (but stash it somewhere else or sell it). None of the add equipment menu options delete anything from your equipment section, except the Reset option for obvious reasons.


ok, yes, I get the idea behind it. thanks for the explanation!


The Encode Thoughts cantrip is not available to the Wizard in the sheet. It's from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica.


And I should clarify, it should be on the Wizard spell list


Encode Thoughts is included in the sheet, but it is only available for the Dimir Operative background, in accordance with Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica as far as I'm aware. On what page of GGtR do you read that it should be available to wizards? If you want to add it to your wizard's cantrips, you can select it in the Bonus Spells section of the spell selection dialog. Simply use the Spells Lookup section in the spell selection dialog to find encode thoughts (you can type it in, you don't need to scroll) and click "Add to selection".


Hi is it possible to insert Odyssey of the Dragonlords? Those classes and magical items are really nice.


Hoi Huup, Although I love adding new content to the sheet's automation, making the content fit in the sheet nicely takes a lot of time. Because of that, I limit myself to WotC content. Any other material will not become part of the sheet by default, but might become available on my GitHub if a Sorcerer-tier or higher patron makes a request or on the /r/mpmb subreddit if a fan writes a script for it. To get additional content for the sheet that isn't yet available, you have four options: 1) Become a Sorcerer-tier (or higher) patron and I will make one addition for you each month (unfortunately, these are sold out at the moment) 2) Ask somebody else to write the content for you. Requests are best made over at the /r/mpmb subreddit ( https://reddit.com/r/mpmb ) 3) Pay /u/Smashman to write the content for you. He is currently taking paid requests ( https://redd.it/fgf3nn ), PM him or find him on Discord for more information 4) Write the script yourself using the syntax on my GitHub ( https://flapkan.com/mpmb/syntax ) For help with writing your script, questions are best asked on the MPMB subreddit ( https://reddit.com/r/mpmb ) and the MPMB Discord Server ( https://discord.gg/Qjq9Z5Q ) Don't forget to check if somebody else has already made the content you are looking for. The /r/mpmb subreddit is the best place to look for doing so ( https://reddit.com/r/mpmb ). In the past I have made some third-party content like the DMs Guild material by Matthew Mercer, but I currently have no plans of transcribing any other third-party material to be used with the sheet. Groetjes, Joost (morepurplemorebetter)

