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As the bug reports for beta27 keep pouring in, it is time for an update to work towards a stable v13. No new content or features this time, just fixing some problems that made beta27 difficult to work with.

Beta27 has an issue with showing the correct number of spell slots when you change the level of a spellcasting class. This issue is fixed in beta28, but please take note that if you import your character from beta27 to beta28, the amount of spell slots will be imported as well. You will have to manually correct the total amount of spell slots for your current level using the "Modifier" fields. Once you do that, any future level changes will result in the right amount of spell slots being set.

>> Click here for v13.0.0beta28 <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/19406992 ) 

  • Fixed import scripts being removed after saving the sheet and opening it again
  • Fixed calcChanges functions being removed after saving the sheet and opening it again 
  • Fixed spellcasting levels not being updated when class level changes
  • Fixed the attack line menu item “Show what things are affecting the attack calculations” not being greyed out correctly

Still another beta since the previous beta after promising to focus on releasing it for free? Yes, because beta27 still had some important bugs to fix. So please give beta28 a try and please let me know if something doesn't work as expected.

I promise you that I will not work on any new features or content until a stable version 13 is available for everybody, for free. Whether that be on my own website or not.

I might still post another beta version, if there are more (important) bugs that need fixing.

I understand how inconvenient the limitation on importing from betas has been and like to remedy this issue. Because beta14 through beta28 have no underlying changes in the fields or functions, it will be possible to import between beta14 through beta28 without issue. Also, you can expect to be able to import your character from beta14 through beta28 over to the final v13.

Two caveats, if you are importing from a beta15 or beta16 that has a duplication error with the ability score increase from magic items, than that duplication error will also be brought over into this beta. And if you are importing from a beta27 that has the wrong amount of spell slots listed, this wrong amount will be copied as well and you will have to manually remove correct it using the "Modifier" fields.

So please don’t hesitate to use this beta as your full character sheet, there shouldn’t be any issues bringing anything from it along over to the stable release of v13.

However, it still won’t be possible to import from betas older than beta14 (v13.0.0beta - v13.0.0beta13), as they do have different fields and/or functions that won't translate.


Sean McInnes

Trying to import a previous ver13.0.0beta23 to this one crashes adobe.


Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the beta! I am unable to reproduce this problem. I just made a character in v13.0.0beta23 and could import it into v13.0.0beta28 without issue. Might it be that you are on a Mac? I'm asking because the latest versions of Adobe Acrobat have a bug where the browser for a file causes a crash. Can you try importing the beta23 without using the "Browse" button in the import dialog? For example, you can move both sheets into the same folder and just type the filename of the beta23 PDF and select the checkbox "Resolve the path above relative to the current open sheet". I have made a bug report to Adobe about this issue, and they said they are working on it. Their next release is scheduled for April, so hopefully the next update of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC will no longer have this problem.


And now I forgot to add, if you are not on Mac, could you please send me (a link to) your v13.0.0beta23 PDF so that I can try and reproduce the issue?

Sean McInnes

Wow! You really know your stuff man. I AM indeed on a Mac and that file name instead of path worked. Thank you so very much.

Greg Smith

Thanks for adding Hammer of Thunderbolts to magic items list. My character just completed the needed items for full attunement and it recognized them appropriately. Nice!


Any word on adding Explorer's guide to Wildemount?


so far the only problem i have is when i print it cut off the ammunition portion for regular printer paper . i have not yet try legual paper stock yet


As I promised in my last two v13 beta release posts (see above), no feature or content updates will be done until v13 is released as stable. That being said, I have gotten so many requests for the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount that I might just do EGtW before v13 is finished. I'll have to put it up to a vote on Patreon though, so keep your eyes open for a poll about it!


I'm sorry to hear that the sheet is not printing out correctly for you. What type are you using, the Printer Friendly or the Colourful version? Note that the Colourful version has both an A4 and a Letter format and that its graphics go all the way to the edge of the paper. The Printer Friendly versions are made to fit on both A4 and Letter formats (they have the width of an A4 and the height of a Letter). When you print from Adobe Acrobat, you can select to either "Fit" the page size, or "Actual Size". If you select "Fit", Adobe Acrobat will automatically resize the document to fit within your printer margins. Always use "Fit" when you print the Colourful versions. However, the Printer Friendly versions are made to already include a margin of 8 mm for printing. If your printer has 8 mm or less printing margins, you can use "Äctual Size" when printing. If your printer's margins are more than 8 mm, you are probably better off using "Fit" for printing the Printer Friendly versions. Note that every printer has different printing margins, thus without knowing you printer's make and model, I can only give you general advice. Also, I don't know what "regular printer paper" is for you. For me that would be A4 (the ISO format), as I don't live in the USA. The USA is one of the only countries that doesn't use ISO paper format, but uses "Letter" instead.


Hi Sean, I see that Adobe has released a new version of Acrobat Reader since our exchange. Would you maybe be able to test it that version still has the issue with the "Browse" button on Mac OS X? Unfortunately I don't own any Mac devices so I can't test myself. Just make sure to update Adobe Acrobat Reader DC first before testing. The latest version number is "20.006.20042" (which you can see over at Help &gt;&gt; About Adobe Acrobat Reader DC). Please don't sweat it if you don't have time to test.


When you use the class variant features UA and choose ranger companion options you no longer apply the +prof to anything. As this is labeled an enhancement not replacement you should still be getting those (+prof to AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, any saving throws and skills it is proficient with).

Sean McInnes

HI! Ok I've just tried to follow your instructions but i'm a bit lost on a Browse button. I'd absolutely love to help you out but I'll need more info on what you want me to do.


My apologies, I forgot that I didn't actually name that button "Browse", my bad! I'm referring to the button on the import pop-up dialog for importing from another character sheet. It is the one that causes Adobe Acrobat to crash on Mac OS X (or used to cause the crash, hopefully). You can find it by opening the character sheet, going to the bookmarks, clicking on "Import/Export" and selecting "Import a character directly from another MPMB's Character Sheet PDF". This opens the dialog with the button to test, which is labelled "Lookup the Path of a PDF to Import From".


Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the beta! I didn't read the alternative class feature as still following the normal rules for a ranger companion on top of the significant bonuses it already gives. I'll have another look at it to see how it should work exactly.


I have looked into it some more, and you can expect this to be fixed in the next version (so after v13.0.0.beta29). Do note that for the Beast of the Air/Earth to work as a ranger companion, you still need to select it through the Companion Options button on the companion page as being a "Ranger's Companion". If you just select it from the race drop-down, the proficiency bonuses will not be added.

Sean McInnes

Yeah mate, I've just given it a go just now and it still crashed. Adobe is up to date. I tried to import a v13 Beta sheet, a v12 sheet, a MPMB sheet from a separate folder, a MPMB sheet from within the same folder and usnf the directory location. All crashed Adobe. :)


Thank you for testing this! Guess Adobe didn't fix the browse function on Mac yet. I'll just disable that button for Mac in the next version, because I'm getting a bunch of messages from people thinking that it is my sheet that's to blame ;)