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I'm sorry, but I have to start this post with some bad news related to the random cat image. Our cat was found dead today by our neighbour who was feeding him while we are away from home. He was an outside cat who didn't let anybody but us come close. Without us there, nobody could approach him to see why he wasn't eating for a couple of days. Unfortunately, by the time he was found it was too late.
Goodbye dear friend, you have brightened our lives for the last six years with your quirky presence.

I have been working on a new version that fixes some issues with importing and that has the items from Quests from the Infinite Staircase. The latter, with its futuristic items made me rethink how the modern & futuristic gear has been added from the Dungeon Master Guide and that it would need an overhaul. That realisation came a bit late in the process and I wasn't able to finish before leaving on our holiday/family visit.
I'm currently visiting family abroad and time to work on the sheet has been extremely limited and today's news hasn't motivated me to work on D&D as you can imagine. The next version will have to wait till August.

In the meantime, I do have a progress update to share with you. This post's image is the current state of the new sheet designed in cooperation with Mammoth Factory Games (see announcement post). Content for their adventures is almost ready, so you can expect to see more of this design "soon".

How does one call this version, 5.24e? I apologise for not making a statement about this before, but better late then never (fitting subtitle for this Patreon I guess).

I fully intend to incorporate the new rules update into my character sheets one way or another.
I don't have any advanced access to these rules, so I know as much (little) as you do about the exact changes and how that affects the sheets. It remains to be seen what the best way forward is.
I might make parallel versions, a toggle on the sheet, a complete redesign from scratch, I don't yet know.

As for a timeframe, I also don't know. It depends on the route that I will be taking for a 5.24e character sheet and how much work transcribing the new content will be. All this will only really start once I have access to the full rules, so please don't hold your breath but know that it is coming.



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