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Hey guys,

You might have seen on my Twitter that I announced a new partnership with Patrick Bacon, also known as TopDownHockey. He's a stats modeller and a very good friend of mine who has built a cutting-edge WAR model that you can read about here. It makes some very welcome adjustments that I've talked about previously and in my opinion represents an improvement in the accuracy of player evaluations.

One aspect of this is the replacement of current perks with ones that contain this new data. After I announced this change, EvolvingWild (the modellers whose data I and others had used in the past) announced a policy for their work to prevent broad public use. This is a totally reasonable move on their part and one that they've been fully justified in making all along. Respecting this decision, I am temporarily removing the links to current perks on this site. I will be reuploading these perks with the new data included instead, a process I will begin tonight but which will be fully complete by January 1st. I ask for your patience for the next week - this is a change that was already planned for the 1st. 

Using Patrick's model gives me a lot more flexibility in terms of the types of tools I can build and provide for you guys. Namely, a full Player Card sheet - like the ones I post on Twitter - will be available tomorrow. That's something I've never been able to do before, but now can. There's a lot of fun stuff coming.

Happy Holidays and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I'll respond on here but I am more quickly responsive in Twitter DMs



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