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Hey everyone!

It's been a very hectic month. After I decided to challenge myself to do the entire 55k word competition within just 20 days, I basically worked every free moment I had to write. Now, that competition is coming to an end (for me). I've got 1 day to finish writing about 5,000 words, and I can make it. 

So - it's time to directly thank you all: the fantastic souls that have supported my work and helped fund the comic that will be releasing this friday! I'm going through and modifying the tiers (don't worry, nothing is getting more expensive) to figure out some good rewards for my supporters. 

Of course, one of them will be advance access to Morcster Chef chapters. I've been neglecting Requiem of the Sea, but expect more chapters to start coming out for it once the competition ends and my schedule gets closer to normal. 

Are there any other benefits you would all like? I'm considering making a discord and merchandise that certain tiers would recieve for free. 

If y'all have any thoughts as to things you'd like as a reward, or just really any feedback, please let me know! Also, a reminder to the new patrons, you can click the link below to get your free copy of my novel, Heir to Insanity, if you're a $5 tier or higher! 




I read the new comic and the change in the panel with Ming eating was nice. You changed her eyes and it looks better with them closed rather than the dazed look in the original. The comic looks good and I am looking forward to see how an action scene is done.


Thank you! Your feedback was really helpful and I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I'll pass your kind words along to the artist (@CyanGorilla). We're both really excited to share more of the comic with you all, and expect the next chapter pretty soon. It'll be shorter so CyanGorilla can keep a more reasonable upload schedule. Expect to see it on patreon before a general release.