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Loved this episode! hahah they really had no mercy I CAN'T 🤍 



Jihana Alwiny

Chanyeol was a special forces soldier and Baekhyun plays shooting games 24/7 (he even carries around a whole suitcase of his gaming laptop set during tours) so yeah not surprised there. Kyungsoo was the EXO-man, Suho served as civil service worker, and Sehun is yet to enlist so i get them not doing so well but Xiumin?!? Man he was a DMZ soldier i expected more from him hahahaha. My man Chen was the only one who showed up for the red team, poor him.


thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

Deb Armentrout

I love watching them together! This is so much fun.

Briana J

Suho was just awful lmaooooo I felt so bad.


Sehun and Suho have zero survival instinct...Those boys would curl up in the fetal position if they were ever lost in the jungle, or the desert or something like that...confused babies without an ounce of aggression.


My poor baby Minseokie, laser guns are nothing like real ones or physical fake ones, nobody expects to still get shot through the damn wall so easily! If this was paintball or something, I imagine it would be a different story Having watched Baekhyun play PUBG several times I knew exactly what kind of player he would be, so this was really fun to watch! 🥰

Karen Calandria (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-04 00:56:55 Really enjoyed this episode i cant wait for the next one but take your time caitlin. Watched it already but it's a different experience with you. Saranghaja!
2023-12-02 12:55:37 Really enjoyed this episode i cant wait for the next one but take your time caitlin. Watched the whole show already but it's a different experience with you. Saranghaja!

Really enjoyed this episode i cant wait for the next one but take your time caitlin. Watched the whole show already but it's a different experience with you. Saranghaja!