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It seems like they fixed the glitch and you can now download the high res pics on browsers now.  It isn't working on the app for me yet however.  Progress!



Hmm the images I get are still pretty tiny... is 620x443 the right size for the "Trust Him" post?


Im getting the high res on firefox but not the app. Are you using a different browser?


I'm using Chrome but I tried it with Firefox. For the latest Lygore page I get an image with a resolution of 620x964 and for Trust Him I get an image with a resolution of 620x443. Are those numbers right?


Oy no that is not right. Ill upload the latest pics to imgur and add the links shortly.


I think I see the problem. Are you wheel clicking the thumbnail to open it in a new tab? That still only opens the thumbnail. Click on the image in Patreon and it will open up the full res image.


Ohhhhh! I've always been right clicking the image in the post and downloading it, not opening the full image THEN downloading it. I wonder if I've ever actually downloaded the full size image from you lol.


I do too. Its always worked before, right clicking went straight to the download box. Not anymore :/