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Bear host seems a little upset.



The Horseman

You write as well you draw. Not too many do. Thanks.


I think its still only letting us download the thumbnail size... Though I think if you add the image as an attachment to the post it always lets us get the full size. That's what I see other people do, at least.


Im hoping they'll corretc the problem soon. If not Ill add a link to the high res page.

Kobe Wild

I think the bear is about to get a bad yelp review..


Just a little upset haha.


I should have expected that you could rend text the way you rend flesh. The terror in his voice comes through very naturally. He doesn't break eye contact through the whole page, and I hope everyone appreciates the cinematographic importance of that detail. His desperation is believable because that's what you do when you're afraid ANY offense might compromise structural integrity of your skill. It legit feels like he's a real person who's certain he's about to die, and will do anything to save himself. His hands in the last panel, hovering in supplication, asking silently "may I be permitted to squeeze your fat dick? I would /never/ intrude, so until I get permission, I'll wait here, like a good boy." Very nice.


So were the demon twins a trap set specifically for Lygore or did he hear of them and decide to trap them just to make the world a safer place? That said, does he have a specific use in mind for them?


Rape him, big boy ;)


Seems you can download the high res from web browsers now, still no joy on the App.


After what the bear did, I say either bend him over and go in dry or rail him then unleash the demons on him.

Monsieur Foxy

Damn, Voe, you nailed this page to the wall. But seriously Forge, Baby..... Well done. *crazy claps*