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LINK : https://e1.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ59g4ZqIa2Dx99r3heWOy0RuzWKfbtx0bk

Hello !

I'm still not ok with the end of this episode. Even if I had the impression even before it that the writers would go deeper with the characters, I didn't think they would go that far, that fast, with Rick. Like, at the end, he tried to ki** himself. It's so meaningful about how he feels. For me, it's for sure related to his break up with Unity, but even more for what she said. He thinks he changed by getting older, he said it himself, so to have her saying that he didn't and then to have Beth, his best defender, telling him that he doesn't change, that she has to act like her mother acted with Rick… It's the confirmation for him that he's all alone and has no one to share his way to see things, that no one understands him and sees his efforts.

Jerry coming back at the end and not noticing that something bad happened, it's logical because he's used to seeing him, drunk in his garage, but it also means a lot : they are so used to seeing him like that, that no one can help him, see his distress… I really think the writers are gonna go deeper and darker with Rick, to maybe analyze his depression, its cause and all.

I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you.

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