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LINK : https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZUUX5Ztk3qLxTUzy5vHHX4kgDqyhjYRBX0

Hello !

At first, I tried to understand this movie, to think about characters and the story like I do for each show and movie. And then, I gave up, but it's ok, and it's even cool because in fact that's the purpose. If you think that this is a serious movie and/or that the writers wanted you to take it seriously, I think that you missed the point of it. Some stupid lines, the clichés that the characters are doing and representing, the way that it's filmed, all was making me think so, but it was clearly the "commercial breaks" which convinced me I was right here.

So what can I say about the story, it was fun and entertaining but it was clearly to denounce the army, propaganda to join it, and all of that speech about being a citizen and having rights only if you served… For the characters, I thought that some died at least twice, but without being emotional about it because it was clearly not the point here. I had even a good laugh with one, comparing it to Marion Cotillard's death in The Dark Knight Rises. Just to say.

I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you.

My Twitter : https://twitter.com/ReactionsLaura




I forgot how annoying it was to regulate the volume while I was watching this for the first time. Glad to see you didn't take it seriously though. I agree with the idea that people probably hated it because they took it seriously. Honestly though, I really don't know why anyone did considering it felt so over the top. With regards to the military costumes during the funeral, I feel like that was intentional. If there was a deeper look into the movie, it can be seen as a sarcastic or a satirical look on cultures that romanticize war and the military. So the military propaganda was spot on. But I think the costumes were supposed to make you think of *that* precisely because the humans wanted to kill every single bug from the face of the universe, and committing to the genocide of a sentient species might be, you know, wrong. So even if humanity was the protagonist of the story, maybe they really weren't? Humanity was really portrayed as warmongering, war-loving, genocidal, and even ignorant to some extent. I think that's why they also made it a point to put in so many cliches and tropes. "Would you like to know more?" :)))


It boggles my mind that anyone took the movie seriously. It's almost too blatant in its satire. I mean, Doogie Howser is literally dressed like a Nazi. Their first school lesson, from a guy missing an arm, is that nuking Japan was great and that violence solves every single problem. They rise up and cheer at the end not because they've won the war but because they have successfully terrorized the brain bug. I think the movie has all the cliches because it's written as a propaganda film from the perspective of the Federation. It's Space Nazis writing and filming how great it is to commit genocide and do Space Nazi stuff.


This is a serious film, but not about the relationships or characters necessarily but about the society they live in. They live in a fascist utopia. People's lives are generally quite nice. Society is very advanced and relatively peaceful. People are happy. But all of that is only possible because the government has an alien "threat" to focus it's violence and hatred towards. The only people who actually have any say in how society is managed are those that have been fully indoctrinated and broken into the party's way of thinking. If you would like to know more, Redlettermedia has an excellent Re:View episode on this film. They go into how the character of Rico is broken down over the course of the film and how he and everyone else just become cogs in the machine of war. And since it's Mike Stoklasa, there's also an excellent Star Trek comparison.


Hello ! Sorry, I already answered to you about the fascist aspect of the story on the previous comment. You're right about the fact that they're manipulating people by using that alien threat to focus and encourage their violence, I even think that the scene about them talking about "maybe now we need to understand how the bugs are functioning, what they want" is for that (like before you never wondered about it ? you were just killing them without trying to understand them ? it says a lot...). And thanks for the recommendation !