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Hey everyone!

It's been a pretty slow January for us. We've started pre-production on a bunch of new projects but everything's still somewhat up in the air so we don't want to make any pre-emptive announcements in case they fall through.

Following up from last year, our Persona 5 video is still on the way. I've finished the editing and the VFX and it's now sitting with our sound designer / composer. He's recording an album right now with his band so his year has been hectic so far - he's hoping to jump into it early next month, meaning we'll have it released mid February. Fingers crossed!

Meanwhile here are some Behind the Scenes photos from the shoot, captured by James Yan.

Hopefully we'll have new updates soon! Thanks for sticking with us!

- Elliot




That's not an ipad and where did you shoot?

Deerstalker Pictures

This shoot was from before we got the iPad, back in the pen and paper days. Only just finishing it now... Shoot was at an AirBnB here.

The Ferret

Looking very cool.