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Hope everyone had a good break over the holidays! We spent most of it with family up in Brisbane away from the editing dungeon. 

We're finally getting back into the swing of things. We have two cinematic cosplay films that we shot last year that we're working on finishing in the next couple of months, including the previously announced Persona 5 short, and another Overwatch short - this time set during the Uprising time period. We're excited to share some more previews of these shorts but all in good time.

Our main goals for 2019 include making some original content for the channel. SMASH have offered to sponsor an original comedy web-series making fun of anime tropes, so we've just started writing the scripts and have begun the casting process for that. We'll make a proper post for that when we're a bit further ahead.

Thanks for all of your support in 2018. We hope 2019 allows us to continue making cool and engaging films with your help! 🙏

- Elliot



The Ferret

Looks very eat and congrats for pairing with Smash! Do you know where that series will be available to watch and fangirl over? Also will Elliot's beard and long locks finally get to do the shampoo commercial they were always meant to do? ;)

Deerstalker Pictures

Thanks~! The first episode will be up on the channel mid-late March. I'm going to have a role in it so expect to see a beard cameo! 😂