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  • dink my oiter replacement.mp4



Really love how this came out, sorry there's like a million takes, honestly the first take was my favorite but I really wanted to capture that "in water" kinda gargling sound (without being completely unintelligible) and also the first take SOUNDED more like "dink my water" even though I KNOW I said "oiter" but whatever it's FINE. Although tbh listening to them all back now, I think I do like the take in the video the most. But I ran through like a million takes trying to capture what I liked about the first one but with the water element that I think the piece really needed, thankfully I had the sense to only include a few of them.

I love posts like these, I really just don't get tired of them, they're really fun for me as a VA to try to pack as much of the energy pictured as I can into such a brief video, and they encourage a lot of experimentation which is very good. They're probably not great "content" but well, you know, I don't make content, what I make is not content, it is, "nontent." And I imagine they can be useful in certain situations across the web, so I see them as putting some type of utility on this earth for public use. Well, the image itself is already as good as it gets, but for those who might prefer a video format, there will be this. It's genuinely the thought I enjoy most about making all these.



My bad everyone. I thought it just came from that AnimalsCaption account because they had so many like that, but I just found out that the original ferret image comes from a user who does not want their animal pics reposted. So I have no choice but to take the video down. I can leave the audio up here but I have to take down the video and pics and everything. My apologies, I should have done more research.


EDIT 2: But I CAN upload a replacement to try to make up for it, so I'm attaching that! Sorry again!



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