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  • columbo deltarune.mp4
  • columbo bad time bonus.mp4



Well, I had a great week of catching up on admin stuff/getting taxes ready. Honestly I finished ahead of schedule and was able to actually just chill and enjoy a few days off. Which is good because, well, I don't like to do vague "ooo big things happenin!!" posts because I feel like it'll jinx it, but, as far as my schedule is looking, this seems like it's gonna be a really massive year. My time is booked for like the whole year.

It will be fun, I'm excited, if a bit nervous. But the point is that there won't be much general time off (don't worry I still always try to take weekends), so it's nice that I got a little mini staycation in. Thank you so much everyone for your patience and understanding when I take full weeks off shitposts and streams like this. It gives me the wiggle room my schedule really needs to keep doing all this stuff alongside the VO career.

Normally, when I come back from a leave, I like to kick things off with a total dogshit shitpost. Something that's really really low effort (but I still like of course), because it helps me avoid the idea of a pressure of like, "well here's something really good that was WORTH the wait", because you know, they're just supposed to be shitposts, I don't want it to be like, a weight to make sure any one video is especially impressive or anything, I dunno, I try to keep expectations in the dirt where they belong.

But, I had been seeing this comic be sent to me over and over on the first one, and then on the second one I asked the author if if I could dub them (I kept forgetting) and that's when they told me there would be a third, which was posted like yesterday. So, in a way, it worked out perfectly that I waited because it allowed me to do the whole trilogy in a video. And well, with the timing being so perfect, and folks already having waited so long for the first one, I really felt like I just couldn't make this wait even a single day longer for any reason.

And here we are. I gotta admit, one major reason (but not the only reason) I avoid comic dubs is because I'm not a video editor and I feel I can never do them the justice they deserve. Speaking of justice, my friend Justice (SeigiVA), I feel like he is the gold standard on comic dubs. So knowing how good they can be, I just grit my teeth and scrape by for whatever shoddy shit I can put together to try to at least get the ideas across. I may start hiring better video editors for when I want to do a comic dub, I probably should have done it for this one but honestly I was just too excited and didn't want to make everyone wait even longer.

There are other reasons I don't like to do too many comic dubs though, I won't go on the whole tangent now but the TLDR would be that it should be a meme channel, I prefer memes, and also asking artists if I can do comic dubs makes me nervous. But, there are ones sometimes I really like and want to do, like this one. And man, this one is great. I love it so much.

Sorry, I'm rambling again. Nothing I wrote here is important, go watch Columbo. It is the greatest show that ever aired.

https://twitter.com/PaulMcIcedTea/status/1501260516144128007 https://twitter.com/PaulMcIcedTea/status/1502735757450125315 https://twitter.com/PaulMcIcedTea/status/1503084146989617157



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