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  • armstrong football.mp4



Well, what can I say, this request came in and it was too perfect to pass up. I think it's been a while since I've done anything with Armstrong on the channel, although obviously I voiced him for two videos recently, the Jimothy Ross one (but as Duke Nukem), and of course the Max0r one. Max0r actually wasn't really looking for specifically an accurate impression of the character, but rather something that sorta encapsulated the spirit and the energy of the character he would be going for, which was kinda perfectly right up the alley of all my Armstrong stuff anyway.

I have at this point kinda given up on really accurately doing an impression of him and kinda just go on feel based on the character, because honestly even when I was trying to do him more accurately, it was the *less* accurate parts (which actually sounded more like how I voice him now) which people said sounded more accurate. When actually checking the official Armstrong voice files really listening to all of them and not just the more memorable quotes, they really don't sound exactly how I think a lot of people (or at least myself) remember this guy sounding. He has a kinda dorky weird voice, it's great, I love it, but I think it doesn't fit the Parody Armstrong which we do here, so I'm kinda just rolling with how I wanted to voice him to begin with anyway. "PRIDE MONTH" is still one of my all-time faves, I'm like yes, this is how I want to voice Armstrong, accuracy be damned.

I probably *could* try to do him more accurately, but it would be less fun to do and less fun to listen to, and would probably still come up short on accuracy. And to me, the most important thing is that it "sounds good". I'm making shitposts, not voicing an official VoiceMatch replacement or anything. If you've been reading these for a while, you probably already know this has always been my general stance, but I think it's been a bit since I wrote about it, so eh, why not mention it again.

I don't watch sports. Uh, nothing against it, just seems like a fair disclaimer here.




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