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  • chief soda.mp4



I'd seen this one floating around, although the meme reposter link I was going to use to credit it got taken down, so I'm kinda empty handed on source. Originally, it was a version where it's the white background with black text with the video playing in it, but I couldn't quite find that version again so I just remade it, and while I was remaking it I realized that I did kinda like it more without the white background and black text so I just went with the straight ad footage. In hindsight, if I knew I was going to run into that, I probably would have worded it differently, but "AH FUCK LEMME OUT" is still pretty hilarious so I'm happy with that.

The VO really is probably some of the worst Chief VO I've ever done, doesn't really sound like him at all (not that I ever really do), normally when it comes out this bad I'd just scrap it and then forget about the project forever or remake it six more times for a 2 percent improvement before I post it, but since I knew I wouldn't be using most of it and what little I used I knew would be muffled anyway, I decided to go with it. The end result doesn't really reflect the poor quality of the voiceover, so all's well that ends well I suppose. Well, except for the part where I have to upload the shit base here and people might listen to it. That part sucks, but eh, whaddya gonna do.



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