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So Runescape Classic is what the actual first Runescape was, and Old School Runescape is essentially what was Runescape 2. I was confused for a bit, because I remember seeing Old School Runescape come up, and I was like "What the hell? This is way newer than what I remember first playing." Turns out what I played when I was younger was Runescape Classic (back then we just called it Runescape). Turns out Runescape Classic is no longer officially supported, which is a relatively recent development. But it looks like there are still private servers if you really want to play it. I should give that a spin sometime.

It's not that I never played Runescape 2 - actually, I'd forgotten, but I remember the big deal when Runescape 2 was coming out, I think it was a bit later on in my time as a Runescape player but I'm a little fuzzy on the details. I log into my old Runescape account from time to time, just to poke around a town and click some buttons. Every day we are closer to me saying fuck it and becoming a Runescape streamer. Today, on this day where I'm uploading a Runescape post, I would say we are two days closer.



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