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  • audio devices.mp4



Sometimes you just gotta speak from the heart. Other times, what you were going to post was so shit that you literally couldn't bring yourself to do it, but you refuse to throw it out so you know you gotta post it, so you made a different post literally just to buy yourself a day with the hopes that maybe tomorrow you'll have the guts to post the completely trash video for absolutely nobody with the dumbest joke possible. Maybe sometimes it's a little bit of both.

In any case, I love how this one came out. Pretty much any time where I got to do a gag involving the audio cutting in and out, you can be pretty confident I was cracking up making it.




You know at least some of us will always be here to uplift your trash like the racoons we are. Now gimme the gorbage


the audio device complaint wit no audio distortion ====(o_o )