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We've gotten like a hundred new people just since the last video! Welcome and thank you so much for support, it's so encouraging! As I type this, I'm at a coffee shop about to get back to writing the next video, which I'm aiming to have up around Thursday next week. It's about delayed payoff in movies and television, and is partially a response to the Fallout comments from last time. I am watching the rest, and it's reminding me of a lot of things I want to talk about, so I'm excited about the next few weeks of videos.

Anyway, THANK YOU! I know a text post isn't a huge reward, but you have no idea what this is doing for my ability to work on things, and I just wanted to acknowledge y'all real quick.



You shall sleep

CarlOS rendering

Can't wait! Last video was a banger. Who knows? Maybe after the next one, youll finally prove that you sleep, which im still not sure I believe...


Kyle slowly shifting into a video essay format isn't something I can say I ever would have expected personally, but considering how much I absolutely love y'all's podcasts, I am 100% on board with more! Glad we've been getting more Oops All Tangents as well, and I'm still eagerly awaiting more Getting Ahead of ourselves. Anything to help fill the gap between larger projects~

Carbonated Lime

I've been a fan for quite a while, so supporting on here is the logical progression


slapping this here: I'm really sorry to have dropped the sub man, I'll be back once I find another job. Best of luck to us both