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By FoxFaceStories

A cryosleep accident sees space traveller Robert placed in a female pleasure bot's body as an emergency due to the loss of his original body. He tries to cope and stay a member of the crew, even as his programming compels him to fulfil an entirely new role . . .

First Part

Previous Part

Part 4: BlissBomb

Recalculating personal identifier.

Deleting Personality File Name: Robert Wesley

Substituting Appropriate Feminine Form.

Generating Samples . . .

Selecting at random.

Selection made.

New Personality File Name: Rebecca Wesley

Rebecca almost didn’t notice the name change in her file categories; she was too busy pleasing Sarasha’s body, using her liquid-sensitive metallic fingers to slide over her naked form, and the many, many sexual pleasure programs of her new body to indulge her. Her body was divine, and the former male human had known that already. But what only the new construct Rebecca Wesley, designate pleasurebot, could know, was how mathematically gorgeous that body was. Every contour, every patch of her perfect skin, the dip between her breasts, the angle of her hips; it was as if her new fembot senses were able to dissect each of these with but a glance, the programs within her running at lightning speed to mathematically consider her entire form.

“Your body is easily in the ninety-sixth percentile of peak attractiveness,” she said in her soothing, slightly metallic voice, all while massaging Sarasha’s naked back.

“Just the ninety-sixth, huh?” Sarasha asked with a smirk on her face. “I must be aging.”

“Sorry, it’s just . . . the programming. It gets over me. It has me thinking of myself as a damn woman right now. It says my name is Rebecca. The darndest thing is that it’s hard for me to think of myself as Robert now. Stupid freaking’ fembot body.”

“Hey, ignore that,” Sarasha said, turning to kiss Rebecca on the lips. “Just enjoy the moment, okay? No more work, no more business, and no more worry. I want you to enjoy this change, and far more importantly I want to enjoy you enjoying it, hmm?”

Rebecca couldn’t help but grin. She was right, of course. Rebecca should be in the moment, and her body was desiring it too. It was a strange experience, though not an unwelcome one. Being aroused as a fembot was utterly different from being aroused as a human, and it wasn’t just the technical sex change either. It was a deep-seated need, but not based on anything organic. Her artificial tunnel became lubricated, sure, and her sense-alloy nipples hardened, protruding further and giving reactive feedback as well. But it was the many programs running through her core that provided the true simulacrum of pleasure and arousal. Her hard-coded need to serve her new client - for Sarasha was indeed designated as ‘client’ in her programming - was rewarding her for each step she took to fulfil said programming. Electric jolts of a near-orgasmic theme emerged as a result of completing her routines; every caress, every kiss, every completion of the smallest task gave this feedback further and further power. It was, somehow, better than anything Rebecca had felt as Robert, and she wanted more.

“Mhmmm,” Sarasha moaned as the ministrations continued, “I think you’re enjoying this. I think - ahhhh, yes, play with them, darling - I think you could get used to this.”

“This part, certainly,” Rebecca said, fondling her lover’s nipples. She even lowered her mouth to suck on one.

Initiating dermal heaters on lips. Select from range of one hundred and thirty techniques for stimulating pleasure upon female human breasts.’

Rebecca’s mind was blown by that: One hundred and thirty seven? That’s madness! Surely there can’t be that many . . . woah. I guess there is. And so many so useful. I need to remember these when I become a - FEMBOT - again. I mean, a man again.

Indeed, the unlimited access Rebecca had to the numerous pleasurable programs made it almost difficult to choose, but her various heat scanners, pheromone dispensers, psychology interfaces, and more all allowed her to judge which would be best. She used the vibrate function on her fingers to slip them inside Sarasha’s womanhood, and it had the effect of making the woman moan in forthcoming ecstasy.

‘Achieving multiple orgasms from client in approximately two minutes. Blissbomb to be activated at same time Y/N?’

Rebecca selected Y. It was too tempting to resist, particularly as Sarasha was whimpering so very loudly. The other woman placed her own fingers inside Rebecca’s artificial vaginal passage, and while it did not trigger pleasure in the same way as it would for an organic woman, it still caused Rebecca to let out an automatic synthetic moan: her programming was pleased at this development.

‘One minute until forthcoming orgasm. Activate aftercare protocols Y/N?”

Another easy selection, and one that Rebecca was looking forward to: fembot pleasure was soon proving to be almost too much.

“This. Is. Amazing!” she cried, uncaring for the first time that she was a damn female love-making robot. Being with Sarasha was too good, especially lying together on the bed fucking one another senseless, their dainty fingers touching all the right places.

“T-told y-you! Oh, by the stars, Robert, you’re t-too good at thisssss! Mmmhm! Yessss! Yesss! Kiss me! Kiss me now!”

She did. They did - courtesy of the BlissBomb program activating once her client reached her fullest pleasure. It was magnificent for Rebecca, and even better because they kissed as they came together, both in their very female ways. Sarasha’s body heaved against Rebecca’s, and her various sensors told her she’d just been hit with a big one. Rebecca’s own programming rewarded her with the fulfilment of many satisfied routines and subroutines, and this too was analogous to an orgasm. Her body simulated one in turn, clutching Sarasha closed so that the pair of lesbian lovers moaned together. Several more orgasms occurred, stirred forth by the expert responsiveness of Rebecca’s fingers upon Sarasha’s sensitive folds. The socialite was putty in her hands, and it gave the fembot a sense of real power to provide such a service.

It felt empowering in a way she had never before considered, in fact.

The aftercare protocols kicked in almost immediately afterwards. Rebecca cradled Sarasha lovingly as the whimpering woman came down from her orgasms, stroking her back and hair with elegant care. She engaged her thermal coolers to help reduce any overheat to either of them, and then engaged her sense-allow skin to soften further to achieve maximum comfort for Sarasha.

“Mhmmm, I could get used to you like this,” Sarasha said, eyes half-lidded as she fought going to sleep, eventually unsuccessfully.

Rebecca should have been offended, but the experience truly had been . . . heavenly. Appropriate, for a tourist on a starline going through the literal heavens.

“I almost think so could I,” she said to herself, stroking her unconscious lover’s hair. “Almost.”

One thing was for certain: she was willing to try this again. Her programming practically demanded it.

In fact, I think I have a few hundred sexual scenarios backed up that I’d like to try. Maybe I can put up with being a fembot just a little longer, if I can enjoy it like this?

Her programming gave her another dopamine-hit equivalent. Clearly, obeying her fembot nature was encouraged. For once, she didn’t mind.


In the days that followed, Rebecca actually managed to avoid focusing on her work. She had tasted (figuratively, she had taste sensors but they weren’t quite equivalent to human senses) the fruits of what being a fembot could be like, and Sarasha was more than willing to indulge in this explorative dive with her. The BlissBomb executable function in her system was borderline addictive, but could only be triggered upon achieving a climax (or xenospecies pleasurable equivalent) in a client. Thankfully, Rebecca’s socialite lover was more than happy to be a ‘client,’ one with practically insatiable desire.

It wasn’t all fun and games, of course. Rebecca Wesley was annoyed that her self-designation had seemingly changed, but no discussion with doctors or programmers was providing a helpful out in that regard. Always the same response was given:

“We’ll just have to wait until we can transfer your consciousness back into your regrown human body. It will still be a few weeks yet, unfortunately!”

She wasn’t entirely convinced there wouldn’t be problems when she was transferred back anyway - surely some programming could stick? It worried her.

Thankfully, Sarasha was always there to comfort her. Rebecca wasn’t sure yet exactly where their relationship actually stood. Both had gotten into this for sex, fun, and good company, but given the trauma of what Rebecca had gone through, she was at the very least starting to think of Sarasha as Designation: Friend (with Benefits) in her system files. Certainly, the woman was unusually empathetic, but also capable of snapping the new fembot out of her funk by dragging her across the starliner to the many attractions and entertainments. Sure, it got some side-eyes and gawks from the crowd, but it wasn’t totally unusual for a wealthy individual to take on a fembot as their own personal escort, and that’s exactly as Sarasha played it.

“I’m just here to have fun, mingle with the cream of society, and see all the marvellous sights of the galaxy!” she declared, clinging to Rebecca’s arm. She then kissed the robot on her sense-alloy cheek, bringing forth a little electric pulse of bot-equivalent bliss. “And I’m not done with you yet, Rebecca. I told you once that I like interesting people, and you continue to be interesting, especially with such curves.”

Far from being annoying, the charismatic woman’s humour helped rid Rebecca of much of her anxiety. She still found time to contact Roke and get her alien partner up to date on the situation, of course. Roke was quite disturbed by the news, and was already investigating their legal options to, as the alien put it, “sue the carapace off these starliner grifters!”

Rebecca wasn’t averse to it, but wanted things to be smooth for now until her consciousness was transferred back. No point in stirring up conflict when her own personality was on the line. She doubted anyone would try to reprogram her prior to putting her mind back in a new organic body, but why take the risk at all? For now, she could simply try to keep her mind together, and enjoy what fun her fembot body gave her.

And there was indeed a lot of fun. She and Sarasha explored many different positions in many different places. As a fembot, she was programmed to know literally thousands, if not millions of ways of sexually pleasuring a variety of species. Her thermal scans, mood readers, psyche analysers, and hormone-trackers turned sex into a science, and while that might have been dull for some, it was magnificently empowering for the former male. It made sense: as a businessman, Robert had been methodical, constantly working, always looking over his e-spreadsheets and tracking every variable. Now as Rebecca, she was effectively doing the same thing, only applying it to the business of bliss.

“Ohhhhhhh,” Sarasha moaned in the aftermath of a particularly vigorous session, “that was . . . heaven. Mhmmm . . . you are the best sexbot I’ve ever been with, Rebecca. And I’ve had my fair share of them. Ahhh . . . just perfect. Mhmmm.”

Rebecca’s little pulses of joyful completed subroutines danced around in her matrices. She had Sarasha on her lap facing away from her, and had used her fingers and vibrating functions perfectly to tease the woman’s flesh.

‘Maximum pleasure for client achieved. Activating BlissBomb.’

Oh, here it comes, Rebecca thought. Oh stars, it f-feels like a big one!

It was. The fembot vibrated, clutching Sarasha and whimpering in her gorgeous soprano voice. Her metallic skin shivered, warming and rippling thanks to its sense alloy construction. It was purest ecstasy, and it made a strange thought bubble up in her mind.

I could really, really get used to this. I’m barely even worried about work lately. Not even the court case!

In fact, she had paper work overdue for that. It wasn’t, strictly speaking, something she had to do, but . . .

She disentangled from Sarasha after the appropriate ten minutes of Aftercare Protocol. Sarasha murmured happily, leaning back against the comforting bubble-flex sofa she’d been sitting in. Rebecca caressed her cheek and kissed it - that was her own finishing touch - then walked naked over to the coffee table in the centre of her enormous Platinum class cabin. She didn’t really care much about being naked over the last week: fembots by nature were kind of naked, and she could always reprogram her sense-alloy skin to generate a synthetic clothing made of the same material, just like she could reprogram the shape and length of the weaves that made up her ‘hair.’

Still find the hip wiggle a bit weird though, she thought to herself.

She sat down and checked her s-tile. Roke had sent some messages, though as before the Havar was being careful. He’d wanted Robert/Rebecca to relax in the first place, after all. The case was proceeding as expected, but there were snags. Another issue with suppliers in the Beta Quadrant. A minor war breaking out with the Ysmir and the Javari Subsidiary Corporate Entity had caused prices of food stuffs to fluctuate. All little things to detail.

I’ll just deal with a few emails and -

Suddenly a pair of arms enclosed around Rebecca’s silver shoulders, and a warm cheek brushed against hers.

“Naughty, naughty,” Sarasha said. “You better not be doing work, Rebecca.”

The fembot had an annoying feature: her cheeks ‘blushed’ a kind of gold colour to simulate that emotion, probably because it was cute for clients.

Stupid programming. Don’t want to APPEAL TO CLIENT FOR HORMONE RELEASE look ridiculous right now.

“I’m just taking care of a few loose ends, that’s all,” Rebecca said. “You can’t expect me to switch off entirely.”

Sarasha giggled. “That’s exactly what I can expect you to do. It’s what a cruise across the stars is for, dear. And you’ll have to learn that lesson alone for a couple of days.”

Rebecca paused. For a second, her efficiency slowed by four percent.

“Why? Are you going somewhere?”

“Of course, honey. Our first stop is coming up: Eridisa. And I’m sorry to say that I want to explore it for a couple of solar days, much as I love your company.”

Rebecca soured. Of course, she thought. They told me that for now, I couldn’t leave the vessel. Something to do with the safety protocols of this body.

As if to answer, her programming reared its nature.

‘Governor module ensures location fixed to starliner Saturn 5 location.’

“Of course,” Rebecca said, unable to hide her disappointment. “I don’t blame you. It’s meant to be lovely. A real paradise.”

Sarasha kissed her on the cheek again. “Oh, don’t be a sourpuss. Or a Havar without its carapace. There’s plenty you haven’t seen on this ship while you’ve been sulking and focusing too much on work. I trust you to have as much fun as you want, Rebecca. In fact, I practically demand it. And then I’ll make it up to you with a gift when I return. Perhaps something . . . slinky.”

Rebecca’s programming increased in efficiency by five whole percentage points.

“Now that I can get behind,” she said.

“Very good. You keep those silver boobs waiting for me. But don’t, you know, feel the need to keep them exclusive. Have as much fun with them as you want.”

“Oh ha ha.”

“I mean it!” she said. “You are a sexbot, after all.”

With that, she smirked and began getting dressed.


They did indeed stop at Eridisa, a planet of glass-like natural formations and grand natural sightseeing. Also a great deal of malls and trade centres. It was magnificent, but Rebecca could only see the beautiful planet from orbit. She’d waved Sarasha off, and had to put up with the crowd staring at the gorgeous, incredibly busty and curvaceous fembot acting as if it were sentient. That was, until they saw the tag indicating that it was indeed sentient.

Miss her already, she thought to herself as she began the walk back to the turbolift that would take her to her cabin. I guess I’ll just return to work, bury myself in that, and try to let the time pass so I can get back to that addictive BlissBomb experience.

She was so distracted by this thought that she almost didn’t notice the man walking the other way down the hall to her, practically bumping into him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said, looking up. “I wasn’t thinking -”

She stopped, staring up at the individual. Her scanners recognised his species: he was a Bertallian: a tall, muscular humanoid-type species with blue skin and four arms, as well as an impressive prehensile tail. The man had stylish white hair and a magnetic look. Even for his kind he was quite attractive, and they were a very attractive species, the Bertallians. And, according to her new fembot archives, very well packing too.

“Don’t apologise,” he said in a baritone voice. “It’s not every day you meet a fembot on the loose, and with a ‘sentient’ tag too. I’d be very interested to know your story.”

That damn golden blush came on.

“It’s a long one.”

“Well, I have the time if you’re interested. Eridisa is poisonous in atmosphere to my kind, so I’m stuck here. I’d be thankful for some company.”

Rebecca bit her lip. Her system was throwing up all sorts of signals to follow, and she was finding it hard to resist the call of her programming.

“That . . . wouldn’t be the worst idea,” she said, trying not to smirk.

‘Activating fembot seduction protocols. New client acquired.’

To Be Continued . . .



I am really loving the mental changes


I love the mental changes I just hope it doesnt turn bad for rebecca cause its not like they can control themselves