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I felt very bad about leaving kogt12's prompt off of the voting polls, so here's a freebie story for you all based on their idea!

By FoxFaceStories

Prompted by kogt12

A man creates a scam profile of a hot AI influencer girl to steal money from his followers. To increase his revenue he increases the breast size of the girl more and more. After the scam gets revealed by one magic follower, reality changes slowly and he becomes the model with ever increasing breasts and he is the only one who notices it.

AI Scam Gone Wrong

It just wasn’t fair, Seline thought. I just wanted to make some extra cash. Now I’m a fucking influencer check who literally can’t help but show off my body on cam, and my tits just won’t. Stop. Fucking. Growing.

Indeed, they had been full, ripe E-cups several days ago, then EE’s not too long after that. Now her new bras stated them to be massive, wobbling F-cups, and they still had a slight pressure in them to indicate their continuing growth. When would it stop?

God, if only I hadn’t scammed her. If only I’d known that fucking magic was real.

Seline had not always been the petite-yet-busty online influencer she was today. While her figure hugging dresses, sexy tattoos, and cute glasses all worked to accent her gorgeous hourglass and impressive bust, the truth was she wasn’t meant to be an influencer at all. She wasn’t even meant to be a damn woman! These days she was compelled to be by the magic that had cursed her. She literally couldn’t not livestream herself in cute outfits and tight lingerie, or deliberately wobble her chest while rambling on about makeup and movies and girly stuff, or occasionally videogames for her male gamer crowd (they paid big, at least). No, she wasn’t meant to be any of that stuff.

She was meant to be Sam.

She had been Sam.

It happened only a few months ago. Sam had always been good with computers. He was in his early thirties and looking to make some additional money, and he’d had success with more than one online scam. He always got away with it. Lately he’d started to notice the sheer amount of money that women made online with influencer profiles, and how much AI generation had helped them speedrun that. Using AI generators, these chicks could spam their photos all over the internet, changing background, outfits, cup size, figure dimensions, hair colour, even use livestreaming AI algorithms to make themselves look younger even while they filmed! Of course, he was just a slightly overweight, average kind of guy. But that was the power of scams; you could easily replicate and do better.

So he did.

The woman’s name was Celine (get it? Yeah, he was annoyed that he shared her first name but for one syllable these days). She was one of the influencers who were mid-tier but rising, perfect to target. She always upped her cup size and made her dimensions more exaggerated in photos using AI, so he just turned the tables and made his own profiles imitating hers, pretending to be hers. Then he upped the dimensions even further, knowing it would drag a desperate crowd.

It worked. Soon he was making more money as Celine than the actual Celine. It was goddamn easy! He just had to keep the pictures generated, using her original posts as a template, and with his own knowledge as a man of what men actually liked, it was incredibly easy. Hell, he even generated a few nudes, despite the fact that this was one of the few things that Celine didn’t do. What was the harm, after all?

Big harm. Big harm indeed.

After five months of continually siphoning money from Celine, an ever increasing amount in fact, Sam suddenly got a message from a random subscriber. It was not a happy one:

You a$$hole! You are a SCAMMER! I no you are cheating the real Celine and it is NOT COOL!!!1!!1! Sux for you that I am a witch BITCH & I am going to CURSE U so U know what its like to be the kind of woman u EXPLOIT!1!!!

Sam laughed it off when he read it, but he soon came to regret that. That night, his body felt strange; sore, pressurised, like it was thrumming with energy and tiredness at the same time. He went to bed trying to ignore the strange tensing of his nipples and weird numbing sensation in his junk.

The next morning he woke, everything had changed. Instantly Sam realised something was wrong: he had two heavy, fleshy weights upon his chest and his entire body was soft and small and far too curvaceous. He shrieked as he got out of bed and saw that his body was now that of Celine’s, looking almost identical but for some facial features and hair colour. Worst of all, his apartment had changed too; it was now pink-walled and feminine, and all his - or her - clothing had changed to become tight dresses and crop tops and sexy lingerie. It was then that he knew that magic was real. It was then that she knew.

Sam was now Seline - the new woman literally couldn’t identify herself by any other name. Worse, she was now an online influencer for real, and the magic of the curse compelled her to play her part. She wasn’t as busty or curvaceous as she totally expected, but that was a small mercy given that she was literally stuck as a woman. She couldn’t even go to her friends or family for help: her entire reality had changed so that she had always been Seline, and no one knew otherwise! Now, instead of relying on her scams and admin work to make money, she had to show off her half naked body to online subscribers who lusted after her and left all sorts of crude comments.

Goddamn it, people are masturbating to me and I can’t even fight the smile it puts on me! Ugh!

She thought things couldn’t get worse. Boy was she wrong.

It started after a week of being Seline. A week of showing off her cleavage, parading her body around, or acting all demure and sexy for her online audience despite her desire to do anything but. She had finally gotten used to the feel of her C-cup breasts, when suddenly they had gotten bigger. Magically so. Literally; all her bras were now D-cups. She couldn’t understand why, until a second message arrived from the anonymous user that she couldn’t trace.

Hope ur enjoying ur punishment! LOL! Don’t worry, lots of time 2 get used to it. No gonna change u back and u wont find me. But just like the AI u OBVIOUSLY USED to steal from Celine, now u are gonna get waaaaaaaay more exaggerated teehee lol!

Seline was shocked. It was bad enough being stuck as an attractive woman, but now she was going to have her body warped and changed even further?

It didn’t take long for the changes to stack up. Wider hips. A thinner waist. An even more ridiculous sashay when she walked. Longer hair. Poutier lips. Longer eyelashes. But the biggest change of all were her boobs.

They just.



Getting heavier, plumper, prouder, riper. They were huge, always bouncing and jiggling and wobbling, and increasingly shown off in the low cut tops she was forced to wear or skimpy lingerie that could barely contain them.

And they’re only getting bigger, Seline thought miserably as she got into her sexy two piece outfit that had them practically straining to burst through her top. When will it end? Soon I’ll end up looking like the AI model completely. God, I hope I don’t get scammed, because this is the only way I can even make money now.

But there was no going back, and no way out. The increasingly busty model influencer flicked on her camera, and got ready to perform for her devoted male subscribers.

The End



Thank you 😊😊😊