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Enjoy the latest part of this fun body swap karma story! Also fixed up some dumb typos from Part 2. 

By FoxFaceStories

A Story Prompt Tier for Rilby

Jason is a young man out for a fun experience at the local club. But while trying to pick up women, things start to go very strange as others instead treat him as if he is a hot young lady named Sabrina. Jason tries to set the record straight, but every time he acts against this new perception, his body begins to shift ever more to match it instead. Worse, it appears that Sabrina is caught in the same perception shift, only she’s taking his life!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 3

Bad enough that he already had Sabrina’s fantastic ass, and her dick-sucking lips, not to mention her hands and feet and general sexy sway when she walked. Now Jason felt his chest pressurise within the red dress that was awkwardly placed upon his form.

“Oh God!” he moaned, placing his hands on his chest. “No no no no no, I didn’t mean it! You can’t do this to me! I don’t want big tits!”

Tiffany looked at him like he was utterly insane. “Er, what the fuck are you talking about Sabrina? Are you drunker than usual?”

Jason looked at his girlfriend, who clearly just saw him as Sabrina still. He tried to explain, but the voice of the witch in his head warned him again.

‘Oh, you want to speedrun this transformation, do you? Because after these tits I can give you a nice wet pussy to go along with it, and the hungry need to satisfy it with a man? Or would you prefer to take it from behind again like a good girl and play your part, keep what manhood you’ve got left?’

It was an incredibly cruel taunt, and one that made tears bubble up into Jason’s eyes. He had no idea how to get out of this, but he simply had to play along. He didn’t want to even imagine getting stuck as a full woman.

After all, he was already about to develop a woman’s breasts. A very well-endowed woman’s breasts.

“J-just a bit silly, honey!” she replied to Tiffany, struggling to speak as the pressure grew and grew. “I’m sooooo jealous you’ve got such a hot boyfriend. I really want to, uh, get lucky tonight!”

Another push, another rippling of flesh. Already his nipples were expanding, growing, becoming large and feminine, complete with visible areolas. His dress was loose around the chest, allowing him to see the development, but soon his body hair was withdrawing, and two large lumps pushing forward.

“Ohhhh,” he moaned, before covering his mouth.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Tiffany asked. “You’re acting a little out of character.”

‘Yes, you are, Sabrina. Maybe we should remind you to play along. One extra little change to go along with the rest.’

His skin began to darken. The real Sabrina was looking his way with alarm. She had her arm around Tiffany’s waist, acting the part of Jason, but soon she too grunted a little in a lower voice, wincing as her reduced but still magnificent chest began to deflate.

“Goddamn it!” he exclaimed, and while no one was looking at him, he raised a hand to his breasts as they fell away. His expression was more womanly than masculine; his lips were pouting, despite now being thin. Despite being like Jason’s.

She’s becoming me and I’m b-becoming her! And now I’m getting her h-huge F-cup tits! FUCK! FUCK! F-OHHHH!!!

He moaned. He was unable not to. The pressure was immense, and it would have to be. Sabrina’s boobs were huge, and now he was growing them. He tried to push the flesh back in as it expanded forth, but nothing on heaven or earth could stop the growth that was coming, and all he could do was experience the utterly alien sensation of soft flesh forming into great hills where his pecs used to be.

“S-so big!”

‘Yes, so very big! You certainly chose a specimen to cheat with, didn’t you Jason? Well, now you get to experience all that wonderful wobbling and jiggling and bouncing and back pain. Not to mention all those stares! Cheaters never prosper, though perhaps you might if you come to get used to those heavy new globes of yours!’

And globes they absolutely were. They filled the red dress, straining the material until they could push out no more. With no other space to go to, they lifted upwards, squeezing together wonderfully to produce a line of delectable cleavage as seemingly deep as the Mariana Trench. With each breath they surged upwards, becoming rounded and fuller and still pert given their remarkable size. Jason gasped as they reached their zenith, now a whopping pair of F-cups. They were identical to Sabrina’s in every way, and even more so because his pigmentation was continuing to alter, becoming her perfect olive tone. In moments, not only had Jason developed a massive pair of melons, but his race had changed as well. He looked at the real Sabrina, who still shared the same colour as him. She shook her head quickly as if to tell him to say nothing, then pointed across the club back to where they’d had their little fling.

Yes, we absolutely need to talk about how I’ve got your fucking heavy tits now!

Tiff raised an eyebrow. “Sabrina, are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should have a seat.”

“Yeah, have a seat Sabrina. There’s one free next to me.”

It was Kade that said that, and it revolted Jason to even think of sitting next to him. But that reminder was in his head now: I’ve got to play along and be good, otherwise I’ll change more. Shit!

He gave a look to Sabrina that tried to communicate this, and the woman who was rapidly turning into a man nodded. There were more shots on the table courtesy of her, but Tiff placed her hand over them as Jason went to grab one to cool his nerves.

“Are you sure, honey?” she asked.

Jason swallowed. The mere act made his boobs shift a little. God, they were huge. And heavy! How could Sabrina stand it? He didn’t even want to think about how big his nipples were now, or his ass. Just wearing a dress was weird enough, even worse now that it was starting to fit.

“I’m definitely sure, trust me,” he said, then decided to add a little Sabrina flourish. “Girls just wanna have fun, right?”

Tiff laughed. “Sure thing! Had much luck out there with the boys?”

“Too much,” he muttered to himself. The real Sabrina coughed on her shot as she drank, and spent several seconds continuing to cough.

“Everything all right babe?” Tiffany asked, cosying up against ‘him.’ The awkward Sabrina managed to contain ‘himself.’

“Yeah, fine. Just fine. You don’t need to hold me like that, Tiff. It’s weird.”

Tiff pulled back, and Jason could see that Sabrina immediately regretted it. She grunted as her skin began to lighten right before his eyes, until she was now as Caucasian as he had been. She even had some hair on her larger arms, and what looked like some on her upper chest, from what he could see. She looked utterly distraught.

It’s the same rules for her. She has to act like me.

She immediately apologised and pulled Tiffany closer, and then to Jason’s shame and anger, kissed her as well. Tiffany moaned in Sabrina’s mouth, and the pair kissed a little longer.

It’s not fair. Not fucking fair!

Things only got worse, because it was at that point that fucking Kade placed his hand on Jason’s thigh and leaned over a little.

“Hey, you look pretty damn hot tonight,” he said. “I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

Jason could have thrown up. Not only was Kade a damn nuisance and a rival who always tried to one up him, but now he was hitting on him!?

No fucking way.

He instinctively pushed the hand away, only to immediately regret it as the witch’s voice entered his ear.

‘You have to be kidding me. You can’t play your part for just one minute? And after such a fine performance taking cock before! Perhaps a sweet song will make you better . . .’

“No, I didn’t mean -”

But it was too late. Jason’s throat clenched, his Adam’s apple disappearing away. At the same time, his waist pulled in, invisible hands tightening it so that he now developed a more hourglass figure. This was particularly obvious from the way his hips creaked outwards, spreading wider. They were not fully to Sabrina’s impressive childbearing quality, but damn nice still. Except they were now on him. His thighs even softened, legs becoming more womanly just for Kade’s hand. Jason worked quick to grab said hand and place it right back on that thigh, to forestall the changes.

“Sorry,” he purred, “I was just surprised by you, Kade.” He stopped for just a moment. Sabrina went wide-eyed. Both of them had heard his voice. It was now identical to hers.

I even sound like her now. When will this fucking end?

Kade simply grinned, and took the initiative to place his arm around Jason’s shoulders. “That’s okay. I know I can be a little intimidating. But trust me, I’m a big softie at heart.”

Ugh. He sucks so fucking much. And now his arm’s over me. Worse, my damn nipples are going all stiff! What the hell is wrong with this body!?

Kade grinned, sliding a little closer so that he was pressed against Jason. In competition, Tiffany did the same to Sabrina, and now the two couples were getting far too lovey-dovey and hot and heavy, with only Jason and Sabrina knowing what was going on. Kade whispered in Jason’s ear.

“What say we find a place to have a little fun?”

Warning bells sounded in Jason’s head. He’d already had sex with one dude, and now the worst possible dude of all was making the same suggestion again. Worse, he couldn’t exactly refuse, because Sabrina was obviously quite the slutty party girl in personality, sleeping with men with wild abandon and enjoying multiple partners in a single night when she wanted. Even now, Jason felt his heavy new tits become a little warmer, his nipples brushing against the fabric of the dress and causing pleasurable sensations. He remembered the other man’s cock sliding into his rear, and how horrible and wonderful it had been. The witch was making this torture.

Got to think fast. Got to think fast.

“S-sure thing, babe,” he said in his new, sensual voice, sliding his hand up Kade’s thigh. He stopped short of the obvious hardness in the man’s pants. The impressively sized hardness. Instead, he whispered back in the man’s ear.

“But first I have to freshen up. You know, to look perfect and stuff for you.”

‘I’ll allow it,’ came the witch’s voice. ‘But you can’t hold this off forever, new girl.’

Jason stood, made a quick head jerk gesture to the real Sabrina, and marched off to the toilets. Sabrina stood as well and followed not long after, giving enough time to not make it obvious to Tiff and Kade that something weird was up. The changing pair retreated to the spot where they’d had their fling and found some privacy. As soon as Sabrina shut the door she freaked.

“What the fuck is happening to us!?” she declared, voice lower than usual. “You’ve got my tits! My fucking tits! I want them back!”

“It’s the witch!” Jason declared. “Can’t you hear her in your head?”

“Of course I can, she keeps taunting me! She makes fun of how flat-chested I am. Goddamn it, this is not how I wanted the night to go. I was just going to seduce some fine me, enjoy a bit of fun, take a man home with me and spend the night moaning. Now I’m terrified of growing a goddamned dick, all thanks to you.”

“Thanks to me? You seduced me!”

“It takes two to tango, partner. You were more than happy for me to take your cock, just like you were happy to give it.”

Jason clenched his daintified fists. “Damn it! You’re right. Whatever, we both did this to ourselves. The question is, how do we turn back?”

“I have no idea, but every time I don’t act properly like you, my body changes further. My voice is going deeper, I’m growing muscles, and even my clothes . . .”

She indicated to the fact that beneath her dress were a pair of masculine pants covering her legs. In all the craziness, Jason hadn’t even noticed this particular change. He indicated to his dress, which was now clinging tightly to his feminine form. He’d been much worse at adapting than Sabrina.

“Well, you can see it’s the same for me,” he replied in his gorgeous new voice. “I need you to take these boobs back. They’re heavy, and they’re always shifting about.”

Sabrina actually laughed. “Oh yeah, they’ll do that alright! You can’t believe how much trouble they were when they were growing back in high school.” Her expression became sad. “And now I don’t even have them. God, I can’t stop looking at them!”

Jason felt awkward under that stare. Shit, is she also getting weird feelings with the opposite sex?

Both blushed and looked away.

“We have to find this witch,” he said. “She’s the only one that can turn us back. We just have to apologise, or convince her, or even grab her and-”

“I wouldn’t suggest grabbing me,” came a familiar voice, only this time it wasn’t in their ears. They both turned, gasping in feminine voices. The plain-faced woman with the average figure and too much clothes for a club was in the extended closet space with them, as if she had been there the entire time. She had her arms crossed, and was looking at them with an amused expression.

“You!” they said at once.

“Yes, me. And no, you aren’t getting a name. And if you so much as try to grab me I will make damn sure you have a much worse fate in mind.”

“Why are you doing this to us?” Sabrina asked, gesturing to her mannish form.

“I thought I’d made that obvious, honey. I’m transforming you because I hate cheaters. I was cheated on, and it damn well made my life hell until I discovered my powers. Cheaters are the lowest form of insect, and I like to crush them beneath my heel with some well-deserved disproportionate retribution. Besides, you mocked my looks, and now you can enjoy never having yours again.”

“Y-you don’t mean-”

The woman sighed. “Well, I suppose there is a chance that you can get your lives back. If you play your parts perfectly, and do everything the other would do. Compare notes and lives and styles, and enjoy some nice sex with your new partners. Ha! Won’t that be fun.”

“I’ve already-”

But she held up a hand, stopping Jason’s words. “Only in the ass, dear. You’re going to have a bit more change to come. I think you’re going to use your new, luscious lips on that Kade fellow. The one always bragging about his future sports career. Girls like Sabrina love hot sports guys, right Sabrina?”

The real Sabrina nodded sadly.

“Just like you’ll love fucking your friend Tiffany, now that she’s your girlfriend. Oh, that will be awkward, I’m sure. Not that she’ll be able to notice! So why don’t you two get to it? If you manage to have some fondling fun and seal the deal in the way I’ve just selected, then you can get your bodies and lives back. But you only have till midnight. After that, well, you can enjoy being a top-heavy slut for the rest of your life, Jason, and you Sabrina being all hairy and having a cock, and never having guys look at you the same way again. Deal?”

Neither of them spoke.

This is insane, Jason thought. It’s already 11.25! We have almost no time!

But the witch didn’t seem to care. “Why am I even extending my hand? I set the terms, and it’s my hex. Go on now, you’ve only got thirty five minutes. Oh, and don’t rush off too quickly. You’ll need to compare some notes to get the performances all on point. Ta-da!”

She turned, opened the door, and left, leaving the two to look at one another. As a final gift, Jason cringed as his face began to reconfigure. His nose became smaller, his cheekbones more pronounced, and his hair darker and longer. Sabrina’s face changed too, to the point where they both looked far more like the other than themselves.

“Shit,” he said.

“Oh God,” she replied, tears welling in her eyes.

“We need to act fast! T-tell me everything about what I should do with Kade.”

“Including how I go about sex?”

Jason winced. God, that’s what she meant, wasn’t it?

“Y-yes. Tell me that. And I’ll tell you what I do with Tiffany. We don’t have much fucking time, Sabrina! We’ve got till midnight, and I don’t want these huge jugs forever!”

“Well, I don’t want your hairy chest or your little square hips forever! And all these muscles are just gross!”

“We’re wasting time. What should I do with Kade?”

Sabrina got a hold of herself and quickly began to explain her ‘usual’ modes of seduction, and how she went about bedroom manners. He was familiar with some of it from their earlier sex, but the new parts made him all the more anxious as she described her very female forms of pleasuring a man, and herself, including how she used the big tits that were now on his chest. She even told him the things she usually said, or moaned, or cried out. He tried to take it in as quickly as possible, but the seconds were shifting. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the empty storage room when it was his turn, and began talking on the go.

“Tiffany loves compliments. She’s sensitive about her boobs sometimes, so mention them a heap as something you like. She liked it when I caress her hips. I usually don’t use, like, verbal cues or whatever. I give her a wink and nudge in the right direction. She won’t want to have sex here, so you’ll have to be really convincing and maybe put a wandering hand under the table. God, what else do I do? Uh, she likes foreplay, but knows I’m impatient. When you’re going, just keep hammering her until you cum. She knows I get greedy sometimes. Fuck! That’s all I can think of. I usually just make noises and groan.”

“Is that it?”

He gave her a look. “You were literally just describing how you like to lick a man’s dick before taking him in! I’ve given you something way more practical.”

She scoffed. “Practical? I’ve got fucking cliff notes. My techniques work. Just you try! If you had lube on you it’d be a sell!”

“Shhh! We just have to do this. We’re nearly at the table. Just grit your teeth and get it done, Sabrina. I refuse to be stuck as a slut.”

Hmmph, and I refuse to be stuck as totally average male chump. Let’s do this.”

They made their way to the table, and Jason put his best sexy walk on, not that he couldn’t anyway thanks to the curse. His hips swayed delightfully on approach to Kade, drawing the man’s attention. Jason closed his eyes for a brief moment.

Okay, here we go.

He took on the role of Sabrina, and readied to seduce the haughty jock he hated so much.

To Be Continued . . .


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