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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Tier Prompt for TG Sorcerer

Jace and his fiancee Harper are getting married. It is a small, low-budget event with only friends and immediate family invited, but when a vengeful ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend crash the event with new magical powers, the most romantic day of Jace and Harper’s lives turns to pure chaos as their wedding party is transformed, followed by them too!

First Part

Previous Part

Wedding Mayhem, Part 4

The tension was thick in the air. There were so few people left. Now it was just Jace and the Harper themselves, and their respective sets of parents. Neither of the couple’s parents liked Jacob or Samantha. The pair had stirred up enough drama with their unfaithfulness and controlling natures, and had been glad to find either their son or daughter with not only someone new, but their soulmates as well. Now, horror filled their hearts. They clung to one another, these two older pairs, trying to think of ways to save their children. Unfortunately for them, the warlock pair had decided they were next.

“Well, first thing’s first, I suppose,” Jacob said. “We best get rid of the oldies.”

“If you hurt them,” Jace said. His muscles flared. He wanted to kill this man, and his evil girlfriend, especially for turning his best friend into a red-skinned succubus.

“Oh, we have no plan on hurting them,” Samantha said. “Quite the opposite! We’re going to make your parents quite . . . productive!”

Jacob snorted. “Yes, very productive. After all, we’ve already said that we’re retiring to a nice, well-deserved farm life after this. But there’s just one problem, isn’t there Samantha?”

“Oh yes. It’s a lovely place. Really vintage. More of a country manor really. Except there are currently no livestock! Or at least, not enough livestock to keep things going.”

“And given that your parents always hated me, Harper, viewing me as an erratic beast . . .”

“And yours viewed me as a control freak, a total cow, Jace . . .”

“Then it only suits that the parents that could have been family will now make families of their own, and they can see what it’s like to be viewed as animals, for once. For once, and forever!”

“No!” cried Jace. “Don’t you dare! Those are my parents!”

But Samantha simply walked right up and prodded her on the nose. “Don’t be worried, I hear you love animals, Harper. Don’t you plan to become a vet? You can start by helping out with your old folks!”

She ran back to Jacob even as Jace tried to lunge and grab her, but he was rooted to the spot. Together, the evil warlocks held hands and cast a flurry of spells. The two pairs of parents cried out for help and mercy, the men in particular looking terrified due to all the genderbending going on, but it was much too late. The light enveloped them, and within moments their bodies began to warp and transform grotesquely, some of them enlarging considerably, others becoming much smaller than before. Harper began to cry, and Jace did his best to hold her as the light faded, and they beheld their parents’ new forms.

“You fucking monsters,” Jace declared.

“Oh God,” Harper added, tears in her eyes. “Mom! Dad!”

Jace’s mother had become little more than a clucking chicken, squawking in terror on the spot. His father, on the other hand, had become a fat sow with pink skin and fur. It - now a she - snorted, scratching at the ground with its hooves in anger. Harper’s parents were similarly radically transformed. Her mother had become a mighty stallion with an embarrassingly large cock on display, while her father had swollen to become a large cow. A female one, judging by the heavy udder.

Jacob was ecstatic: “Our second cow in one day! You’ll be good friends with Paris, that’s for sure!”

“Maybe they can keep each other company when they feed their calves,” Samantha added. She patted the new cow on the side, and it mooed in sorrow.

“Change them back!”

“Those are our parents! It’s us you want!”

But Jacob was feeling particularly sinister, since with a single wave of his hand, all four animals were dismissed before they could even look in Harper and Jace’s direction and see their son and daughter respectively one final time. Harper sobbed.

“Don’t feel bad,” the warlock sneered. “They’re young again, in the prime of their animal lives. And they’ll stay that way, too! We’ve got good use for livestock who won’t age, and can keep on producing. We’ll get lots of mares pregnant thanks to your mother, Harper, and your dad will still be able to see her, when he’s not full with calving or expressing milk in that giant productive udder of his!”

“And your mom will be soooo useful, Jace. I love eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now thanks to her, we’ll have half a dozen eggs every single day. We’ve made her mega-productive. Hell, maybe she should push out a dozen, honey?”

“Great idea.”

“And your dad will give us lots and lots of cute piglets! Don’t worry, we won’t butcher him - well, her - or those babies. The grandkids will make good meat though. She can dig us up plenty of nice truffles in the meantime! And he’ll always have his mind. They all will! We’re not monsters!

“You are fucking monsters,” the bride and groom said as one. The coincidence made the pair laugh.

“So symmetrical! We really do have to separate you two. After all, it’s going to be our wedding next, and we don’t want you taking away attention from us.”

Samantha, who had just spoken, gestured to the wider wedding setup. The emptiness was so apparent. It had not been an immense venue. The pair wanted something rural and quaint and personal, but now it was completely empty. Brendan was stuck as Braezera, probably already forced to please mortals or devils with her sexy, horny form. Paris was already on Jacob and Samantha’s farm, pregnant with a little half-cow tyke, and a full calf in her lower bovine belly. For all they knew she was already begging to be milked, the poor thing. Freddie and Lila were stuck together, literally, on some island as a two-headed hermaphrodite. They could well be already worshipped by some tribe, and trying to figure out how to share their new body and its weird needs. Tommy was now a sexy stripper and slut, probably dancing at that very moment for a group of men that she not only couldn’t say no to, but desperately wanted to say yes to. And now their parents were all animals, forced to be livestock and reproduce and play out their bestial roles and impulses, likely forever. It was horrifying to think about.

The only thing that was more horrifying, was what the witch and warlock would do to them when this was all over. The pair held one another, and shared a kiss.

“I love you,” Jace said.

“I love you too. I’ll always be your bride,” she replied. “No matter what happens.”

The moment was ruined by their cruel tormentors, who clapped sarcastically. Samantha hung off of Jacob’s arm, and they mirrored the moment cruelly.

“Time to change,” Jacob finally said.

Jace tried to be stalwart, still clinging to the love of his life. “Do your worst, then. We’ll always love each other. You can’t take that from us.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it!” Samantha giggled. “In fact, we’re counting on it. We want you to always love one another, but never be able to do anything about it. Besides, we both still carry a bit of a torch for you guys, so we want to repair things between us first, isn’t that right honey?”

Jacob eyes Harper’s beautiful form. Her perfect dark skin, her lovely curly hair. The way her wedding dress contrasted her tone and brought out the beauty of her lovely shape. He licked his lips.

“We absolutely do,” he said. “We’ll leave this one a surprise, I think. Suffice to say, you’re going to enjoy it, even if you claim every day for the rest of your lives that you don’t.”

There was no time to say anything further. No time for big speeches, or vows, or meaningful recalls to their best moments. The loving couple could only look into one another’s eyes and try to remember all that had passed between them in their years of knowing one another, and hope they could be together again, regardless of what Jacob and Samantha did to them.

And then the magic of the coming curse swept over them, and they were blinded by the light that began to twist and change their forms. It happened so quickly that it was almost impossible to keep up with. Their forms began to shift and bubble, melting and sliding and shifting like sticks of butter on a hot pan. The two groaned as their sense of bodily self gave away, and it was only their connection to one another that helped them cope with what followed.

Jace began to shrink. His tall, muscled form reduced down in size, his shoulders slimming, his waist narrowing. His chest burned, then expanded into two bumps that got bigger with each passing second. He was no fool, he realised pretty quickly that he was becoming a woman, but even he was astonished at how curvaceous and busty he was intended to be; his breasts ballooned rapidly, becoming what had to be full E-cups if not bigger, heavy and pert. At some point his clothing shifted to reveal them further, while his hips flared outward and his ass expanded considerably. His skin lightened just a tetch, turning paler than before. He could feel the hairs retract from his arms, and his manhood pull back into his body.

“Nghh! Aghh! What are you - MMPH!”

He was silenced by the plumping of his lips, as well as the rearrangement of his internal organs to make room for a womb. His hair came down, long and now an unnaturally crimson red. His facial features shifted, and he could already tell he was becoming button-cute. What Jace didn’t expect was the transformation in clothing; his groom suit transformed into a black and white French maid’s outfit, complete with plunging neckline and short skirt that revealed a set of pantyhose and garters. He could barely believe it, and it only made him fear what insanity would await him soon.

“Jace!” Harper cried. “You’re-”

“I know!” he replied in a sweet voice that was tinged with a heavy French accent. “I am zeir French maid! But what are you becoming, mon amour!?”

The answer soon came, because Harper’s body bulked up as rapidly as Jace’s had shrunk. She gained muscle definition in her arms, a thickness around her waist, and her various curves dissipated. She recognised quickly too what was happening, especially since her hair pulled back into her head, leaving her with a short professional cut. Her skin tone thankfully did not lighten, but her dress became a suit as her body continued to grow. She had always been a dainty thing, but now she was nearly six feet tall, and wearing a bespoke gentleman’s suit as if she were a butler, white gloves and all. To her alarm, a set of carefully trimmed whiskers emerged to form a professional goatee, while the pressure between her thighs manifested as an increasingly large member that was bigger than even Jace’s own, before he’d been so recently turned. She felt her underwear strain to take her own new length, even as her breasts finally melted away completely, her ass becoming flat.

“No!” she roared in a manly voice, deep and baritone. “You can’t do this to us! And even if you do, we’ll stay together! You can’t pull us apart so easily, assholes!”

The changes finished, and what was left of the menacing light dissipated, leaving the two standing there in their new forms. Jace was now a sexy French maid, while Harper was a deeply handsome butler. Both were of the same age as they had been, and as they observed one another they were shocked to discover their sexual orientations had flipped; Harper’s eye was drawn to Jace’s cleavage, while he was finding it difficult not to admire how tall and strong his former wife-to-be was. They reached out to hold hands, but some invisible force stopped them.

“Uh-uh,” Samantha said. “No fraternising between our new employees!”

“What do you mean?” snapped Jace.

“She means,” Jacob said, drawing closer, “that from now on, just as we will be immortal lovers running our own delightful little farm, you will be our immortal servants, tending to our every need.”

“You've got to be kidding,” said Harper as she looked down over her muscular, well-taken care of body. “Haven’t you punished me enough by making me a man? Can’t you just let us go.”

“Oh please, you’d just become a pair again. No doubt it would be strange at first, him the girl, you the guy, but you’d get together again and get married and make beautiful babies just as you planned. No, we’ve got a far better far in mind. Samantha, care to explain it?”

She grinned. “My pleasure!” She pointed first at Jace, then at Harper, and took great relish in explaining their future roles. “From now on, the pair of you will work to keep our lovely country manor running. Jace, you will be serving as a sexy French maid to keep everything spick and span and clean and beautiful! You literally won’t be able to fight that impulse either, darling. You’ll want to keep the place constantly clean, and all while looking sexy and flirty and amazing too!”

Jace went to speak, but suddenly a second change flooded over him, this time affecting his mind. To his horror, he no longer thought of himself as ‘Jace’, but instead as a woman named Juliet. More than that, the new she understood that her purpose was to clean and cook and do everything she could to serve her new masters, always speaking in her sensual French voice, and being submissive as all hell. Worse, it also included being attracted to Jacob of all people.

Non! Zis is not fair! Why am I finding Jacob so attractif!?”

“Because if I can’t have Harper, then I might as well enjoy her transformed partner,” he said easily. He placed a hand around Samantha’s waist. “We may love one another, but we both like to have a bit of experimental fun now and then. So when I’m feeling up for it, I’m going to enjoy fucking you in your new, wet French pussy, Juliet. And you’re going to want it too. You’re going to be so fucking horny for your master’s cock. And Samantha might even join in for old time’s sake.”

“If I’m not climbing this tall drink of water when I’m bored,” the witch said, eyeing Harper. The new man groaned, clutching his head as a new wave of changes hit him as well. Like Jace/Juliet, Harper’s self-identity changed immediately to male, his name now Hugo. He was also hit with compulsions: he was to serve as their loyal butler and manservant, overseeing the house’s maintenance and operation, and taking care of guests and the serving of meals. He was also aghast to find that Samantha now looked deeply attractive to him, which made his new cock stir just as Juliet found her large pink nipples harden behind her French maid top.

“You can’t do this. I’m not going to sleep with you! I’ll never fuck you!”

“That’s right,” Samantha said. “I’ll be fucking you. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you always know who your mistress is, and punish you appropriately. And like with me and Juliet there, my former boyfriend, we might even have Jacob join in on the fun. But never the two of you together. You’ll always be separated. Always forced to serve us. Give pleasure to us. And, of course, see to our lovely farm as well, when you have time!”

The couple tried to hold hands again, but found it impossible. They were unable to form even the most basic contact. Only their sadness lingered in each other’s gazes, and the horrid awareness that they still longed for one another, were still aroused by one another.

But all they would have for bodily pleasure would be their former masters.

“Very fun, don’t you think?” Jacob said.

“Horrible,” Hugo replied. “You’ll pay for this. You’ll have to. Someone will make you pay. You’ve made a terrible bargain with that book, and it will come back to bite you.”

Oui, you will fail in the end! We will be together!”

But the warlock and witch just shrugged.

“Well see,” Samantha replied. “For now, we’ve got a proper wedding to plan, back at our farm. You two will be very busy preparing for it. Everyone will be there, from Braezera to Paris to our conjoined couple, even Tommy in his stripper outfit! It’s gonna be so much fun, and I can’t wait to have the pair of you as our maid of honour and best man.”

“A real proper wedding,” Jacob finished.

The pair clicked their fingers, and Hugo and Juliet were whisked away to their new fate, potentially forever.



Amazing! Loved this tale of deviousness, thank you FoxFace!