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By FoxFaceStories

Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.

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Issue 3: New Heroine on the Block

Despite the kindness of Ralph Riley, reporter for the Daily Star, news about the new superheroine on the block rippled out through the city and onto the news within no time. It was all that Alexis could talk about during breakfast, when their mother was strong enough to wheel herself out to the table.

“She’s totally awesome already!” declared the sixteen year old Alexis as they ate up the scrambled eggs and toast that Burt had made two days after those crazy events. “She just turned up out of nowhere, literally helped take down Hyperion, and apparently even saved the lives of the two thieves who broke into that dusty old warehouse. And her name is Meteor Woman, how rad is that?”

The curly-haired teenager with her thick glasses and noticeable braces held up the slightly blurry photo a reporter had evidently taken, or gotten a hold of. In it, the new heroine was flying over the cityscape, one hand outstretched in the classical hero’s pose. It wasn’t the most elegant positioning as Burt recalled it - he accidentally chipped an old gargoyle by flying more sideways than intended, but in photo form the woman in the picture was an image of power, elegance, and utter beauty.

“Wow,” he said. “Is that what I - I mean, she looks like?”

“Yep!” Alex beamed. “Check her out Mom! They’re saying she has super strength, the power of flight, and maybe laser eyes.”

“And sonic breath,” Burt said idly.

“Be serious, big brother! How cool is she, Mom?”

Sally looked at the photo. She was in good health that morning, which brought her cheeky spirit out. “Well, I’d say she has two superpowers that are very noticeable indeed,” she remarked, causing Alexis to frown.

“Mom, that’s body shaming.”

“Well, I don’t think it’s body shaming if she’s certainly very proud of them, is it? Thank goodness she has super strength, or else she might topple over! They look almost the size of her head.”

“They’re not that big,” Burt said, taking the photo. His eyes went wide. “Okay, they’re pretty big. Wow.”

He looked again at that superheroine. She was incredibly beautiful, the kind of woman that Burt could only fantasise about: huge bust, wide hips, hourglass figure, and toned, muscled body. Combine that with her long blonde hair and staggeringly form-fitting costume, and she may well have had the most bombshell body of any superheroine around.

And that was me, only two days ago. Holy shit.

“Well, I think she’s awesome,” Alexis said. “And it’s really cool that she’s proud of her body. If I looked pretty as her I’d so the same.”

“You are pretty,” Sally remarked. “You’re beautiful the way you are.”

“And hella cute, kiddo,” Burt remarked, giving her a tap on the cheek. “I was so ready to hate you when you turned up on the scene, but even as an angsty teenager, I know you were gonna be an awesome little sis.”

Alexis beamed, her braces gleaming in the morning light. “Aww, big bro! You big teddy bear, you!”

“It is good to have you,” Sally said. “We don’t get enough mornings like this.”

“You just take care of your health, Mom. I’ll take this one to school. She can tell me all about Comet Lass-”

“Meteor Woman! I know you hate supes, but you can at least pretend to recognise how awesome they are!”

“Fine, fine! I was just joking, tyke! You can chew my ear off about how cool she is on the way there, okay? You can even speculate about her secret identity.”

Alexis beamed. “I’ll get dressed real quick!”

She took off, leaving mother and son together. Sally was silent a moment before speaking. “You’re so good with her, Burt. I’m so proud of you for holding it all together. It must be so hard. You’ve got super strength, even if you aren’t like Meteor Woman here.”

Burt chuckled to himself. “Thanks Mom. You rest up easy today, okay? I’m still looking for better work. I’ll find something to pay for your operation.”

She nodded. “Don’t push yourself. I want you to have your own life. And Alexis to have hers. We should put that money towards a tour of the Hero Dome.”

But Burt’s expression turned dark. “Don’t bother, it’s not like we can afford the fees.”

“It’s not that expensive.”

“And it’s not necessary. We have to safe all the money we can, until we have enough.”

Sally nodded. “Just make sure you don’t forget she’s still a kid. She’s allowed to have her heroes too, Burt.”

He sighed. “Yeah. I wish mine didn’t keep following me around. I’d like to put it all behind me.”

Alex returned, giggling and excited. “I never get to take capes with you, Burt! C’mon, let’s go! I’m going to talk your ear off about Meteor Woman. I bet it’s not the last we’ve seen of her.”

“Don’t be too sure,” Burt said.


Of course, Alexis ended up being more right than she knew, while Burt was entirely - and embarrassingly wrong. While speculation continued about Meteor Woman - and many radio, TV, and internet personalities joked about her very revealing costume and prominent bust - Burt was simply anxious not to be tracked down and caught for the thief he was by the Hero Society. He kept his head down, worked as a security guard during particular nights of the week, and tried to banish the memories of Meteor Woman from his mind.

Still, though having the heavy tits and the lack of a penis and all the curves and stuff had been really weird, he couldn’t deny how fun flying had been. He daydreamed about it often, and wondered if he’d wasted an opportunity to have at least zipped around a bit more that night. And he couldn’t deny that there was a bit of pride in what he’d done. Sure, the whole ‘already famous for the body and costume boob window’ stuff wasn’t great, but he’d actually saved Blue Trident, Black Jack, and likely other people when he helped take down Hyperion. He’d been, just for a moment, able to live out the fantasy of every boy on the planet: having superpowers and saving the day. Sure, he’d done it while having a vagina and a skintight outfit that showed entirely too much of his thighs and hips than he would have liked, but he’d done it. And perhaps, if he wasn’t caught and could find money another way, that would be it, and he could look back on that funny memory with a strange pride.

But everything changed when the window cleaners on the thirtieth floor of the O’Neill Tower suddenly found their platform hanging by only one tether, the other having snapped and left them hanging on to their dear lives. Burt was only walking past by sheer coincidence: he was returning from picking up Sally’s medicine as well as visiting the bank to free up some money they didn’t have to deal with some overdue bills they couldn’t pay. Suddenly, people were screaming, something crashed upon a car, and a crowd gathered, pointing up the side of the great tower.

“Oh my God! They’re gonna fall! Someone dial the Hero line!”

“It’s already been done, they say they’ll be here in ten minutes, there’s a situation downtown and some of them are dealing with Nepraxis up north.”

“These guys don’t have ten minutes! They’ll fall at any second.”

Burt didn’t say a word. He simply looked at the poor men dangling from the half-collapsed platform, a nearly thirty story drop awaiting them. He swallowed, knowing what he had to do - if he could even do it.

Goddamn it, am I really doing this? This is just crazy, right?

He ducked out of sight and ran to a toilet in the lobby of that very same building. He took up residence in a stall, and tried to think very deeply upon the change. He wasn’t even sure if the Meteor magic was still in him, or if it was how he could even activate it.

“C’mon,” he groaned, flexing his fists. “Just the once! Make me Meteor, ugh, Woman, one more time. I just need to save those - Ohh!”

The pleasurable rush of power flushed through him, and then the change began. It happened more quickly this time, but the sensation of being transformed, of becoming bigger, buffer, and tougher was just as amazing as it had been the first time. Better even, given he wasn’t terrified. As his silver costume flashed into existence, as his silvery-blonde hair cascaded down his shoulders, and as his penis withdrew and huge breasts swelled into being, everything went white.

And he was again floating in space like a meteor, the Earth in all its glory below him.

‘You have summoned the power of the Meteor again,’ came the voice.

“Yes, I have, must hurry up and let me out there! Two men are going to die!”

‘Time is different here, do not worry. Are you accepting the mantle, then?’

“No! I mean, sort of. Just for this one quick moment. I can’t let them die, even if I have to save them in this ridiculous body wearing this ridiculously showy outfit!”

The voice chuckled lightly. It was older, like a woman in her fifties, but it had a cadence of both wisdom and whimsy to it. ‘The start of a journey then. You may not yet know it, but you possess the heart of a heroine!’

“I definitely do not!” he replied, exasperated. “I’m just a random schmuck trying to look after his mother and keep his sister strong. I just need a job and money with it. This stuff is getting in the way: after this, you can take that blue cape back!”

‘It will be taken back, if you truly reject it. For now, Burt Conway, become Meteor Woman, and show yourself the hero I sense you to be.’

And with that, he plummeted to Earth once more. He screamed again, yelling in shock, and tumbling head over heels - and his costume did have slight heels, to his chagrin - but this time he managed to right himself, pointing down towards the planet.

Okay, I’m a meteor. I get it. The two ‘other’ meteors on my chest I can ignore for now. But if I put one hand out like this, and focusing on racing forward like this, then maybe-

He was back in the toilet stall, but no longer Burt. Meteor Woman stood, and she felt damn strong and powerful, and with an urgent need to save those two men. Her mind had not exactly switched to female, but she embraced the feeling of persona while she wore the costume and had this body. She burst from the stall, terrifying a man who was just entering.

“Move aside, citizen!” she said, trying to be as commanding with her ‘hero talk’ as possible. “I’ve got, er, two other citizens to save!”

Wow, what a corny start. This better be the last time I do this.

She ran out of the building, and people gasped at her appearance.

“Meteor Woman, there’s -”

“I know, I’m going to go up and try to save them!” she said. “I need you all to stay clear.”

To her surprise, they actually listened, though one took a photo. She sighed, tried to adopt a good pose for flying, despite knowing it would only emphasise her chest all thrusted out, and then took off into the air.

Good lord, I’m actually doing this. This is - wow, this is incredible!

She flew upwards with a surprising ease, a little more used to how to navigate the air now that she was no longer fighting her power set. Her speed was incredible: she rushed up, streaming past stories at over a hundred miles per hour. In fact, she overshot her goal, had to stop very quickly (thankfully her costume was more durable around the bust than it looked) and turn around.

“Help us! Please!” one of the men screamed.

“It’s okay! I’ve got you!” she cried back. I think.

She lowered herself and grabbed one of them by the waist. With her super strength, he was light as a feather. But the other man clung to the platform like it could save him.

“I c-can’t! It’s too far down!”

“I need you to let go!” she called. He was panicking, but nodded. She took his weight with supreme ease. The entire platform buckled, the metal cables struggling to hold it up.

“I’ll keep you safe, don’t worry!”

The man grimaced, then allowed her to grab him around the waist with her strong right arm. At that moment, the entire platform came free. In slow motion, it seemed to fall, and Burt - Meteor Woman - realised it could very well flatten the people below.

“Shit! I mean, shoot! Whatever heroes say!”

Hold on tight to the two men she’d rescued, she surged after it.

“Hold onto me for a second!” she cried to the first man. He clung firm, squeezing his eyes shut as she sped towards the falling platform. It freed up one blue-gloved hand, and with it she managed to snag the trailing cable and arrest the falling debris’ velocity. It was heavier, and for a moment she was worried she might not be able to do it. But she’d underestimated her superstrength: after a passing tension, she was able to lower the entire thing the last five stories gently, placing it down before the crowd. She landed in front of it, holding both men by their waist again. That was exhilarating!

Someone snapped a photo. Several did, in fact, including what looked to be a couple of photographers with their reporters. One of them, she realised, was Ralph Riley, the kind reporter from the other night.

“Meteor Woman, could you give us a word?”

“Meteor Woman, would you like an interview?”

“Excuse me, Meteor Woman, would you be willing to tell us what your power set is?”

“Have you joined the Hero Society? What are your plans?”

“Are you staying with us in Star City?”

She grinned awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. “Well, uh . . .”

Someone in the crowd chuckled. “Enjoying the afterlife, guys?”

She looked down, and realised to her embarrassment that due to being so tall, and still holding both men at the waist, their heads were being pressed right up against the sides of the superheroic bosom. In fact, the bosom itself looked near-equal to the men’s faces besides it. She released them both, but it took a moment of extricating to get the terrified men off of her.

“Thank you! Thank you so much,” one of them said. “You saved our lives.”

“Um, no problem. It’s . . . what a hero should do, right?”

The man smiled, but before the interaction could continue, a rude male reporter thrust his microphone in her face. He had to reach up. God, I’m tall. It’s pretty damn liberating. Except for the fact that this guy is looking straight at my tits.

“Meteor Girl, I’m Harv Kent of the Star City Bugle, would you be willing to tell us what happened here, and how it happened? Two major appearances at sites of destruction can’t be a coincidence: how can you reassure people at home that you’re a good guy?”

She frowned, stepped forward so that she loomed over him, and indicated with her fingers where her eyes were.

“Hey, Harv, first of all, my eyes are up here.”

There was a laugh from the crowd, leaving him flustered.

“I’m just saying that the people have a right to know if-”

“Get a girlfriend, Harv,” she said, and swaggered past, her hips swaying even a little deliberately this time. The crowd laughed again. Instead, she approached Ralph Riley. With a smile, she nodded, and he raised his mic. He too was struggling to meet her eyes, but she didn’t comment on this.

“Three questions,” she said.

He beamed, and his photographer readied himself.

“What happened here, Meteor Girl?”

She put her hands on her hips, subconsciously adopting a powerful, yet attractive power. “I was nearby when I heard these men cry out - super hearing. I don’t know how the accident happened, but everyone should be safe now. I just went up and plucked them down.”

“Do you plan to stay in Star City? Are you the new superhero in town?”

She raised an eyebrow. “That’s two questions, man. I’ll answer them as one though. I don’t know if I plan to stay, and I don’t really think of myself as a superhero. Just a regular person.”

There was an amused current from the crowd.

“What you did was pretty super.”

She folded her arms beneath her chest, unintentionally emphasising it, and looked back up at the O’Neill tower. “Yeah, I guess it kinda was, huh? Last question.”

“Do you plan on joining the Hero Society?”

“They gave me a card, but I’m not sure yet. I . . . yeah, maybe.” It was a weak, untruthful answer. She had nearly mocked the society, but then thought of Alexis, and what she would think. “They’re good people, but I’m just starting out, y’know.”

“One more question.”

She snorted. “That’s four!”

“Would you be willing to have a private interview with me for the Daily Star?”

Someone in the crowd went, “Oooohh!” causing another stir of laughter. Meteor Woman just rolled her eyes, then retrained them on Ralph. He’s like a kind of hot nerd. Is this a female hormone thing? Do I suddenly have a thing for pretty boys in glasses with slightly ruffled hair?

“Don’t count it out, Ralph,” she said. And then she took to the sky once again.


This time she was a lot more careful entering the apartment. Yes, she had a silver-blue costume and a body that would make women weep for jealousy and men weep for joy, but there were workarounds. She snagged a trenchcoat and hat from a vendor across town and overpaid with cash. She was able to summon a wallet from her transformed clothing, at least! She covered herself up as best she could, though the coat certainly pulled a little at the front - what wouldn’t? - and made her way back into her place, summoning the key as well.

Useful. Now I just have to learn how to summon my penis back. Or better yet, my whole male body. Wouldn’t mind this so much if I could just be some ripped hunk with superpowers. Wait, did I just think the word ‘hunk’? Ugh!

She tiptoed into the apartment. Alexis would be at school, but Sally would be in, as she always was. Thankfully, there was no issue: she was sound asleep in her room, her snore emanating. That was good: Mom needed her sleep.

“Now to turn back,” she whispered as she entered the bathroom. She had a look at her utterly bodacious form in the mirror. “Geez, no wonder no one can look me in the eyes. What am I, a G-cup? H-cup? Do superheroines have sizes? I guess they do. I’m bigger than even Lightning Lass, that’s for sure. Okay, let’s do this.”

She concentrated on her form, willing it to return. Finally, after intense focus . . .

Nothing happened.

She concentrated again, but nothing happened once more.

“C’mon! I can’t wear these tits forever!” she said, lifting them up for show. “And I am not a fan of how high this unitard goes. It basically showed my whole hips!”

And what hips they were, curvaceous without being exaggerated. Feminine, yet endowed with muscle. She gritted her teeth, tried to focus again, but the memory of saving those two men was too prominent. Too special.

“Fuck it,” she said to herself. “Mum won’t wake for a bit. Alex is at school. Might as well try to calm myself with a damn bath and actually get to know this body.”

She got the hot water going, and minutes later she was stripping off her clothing, seeing herself naked for the first time.

“Holy hell, whatever a ten out of ten is, I am twice as good as that.”

She posed her naked form in the mirror, grinning more than a little. Her breasts only drooped a little bit more from the lack of support, and certainly were ‘active’ without it too. They were perfect though, big ripe melons with prominent nipples. Her stomach was toned and athletic, her ass pert but likewise fit. Her legs were huge! The kind of legs that would get a leg-man revving.

“Goddamn, what I wouldn’t give to be this lady’s boyfriend, instead of just being her.”

She gave a sigh, and got in the bath. It was scalding hot, perhaps a bit too much so, but thanks to her new durability, it felt perfect. She sighed contentedly, getting her long blonde hair wet as she luxuriated within it.

“Mmhmm, this week has been crazy. Why couldn’t this happen to someone else? I frickin’ hate supers!”

But she couldn’t bring herself to really feel that way. The memory of saving those two men clung to her like a warm blanket, impossible to throw off. It had felt good. Really good. And the freedom of her powers, of flight itself . . .

. . . and the handsome face of Ralph Riley, trying not to look at her tits. And they are a set of tits that demand attention. Goddamn.

She ran her hands over them, and delighted in the sensation. They were fantastically sensitive, particularly her nipples. She began to stroke her form, still thinking of Ralph. He really was a cutie. In moments, the former male was gasping in her feminine voice as she lowered her hand down between her thighs. She felt a heat there, and not from the bath.

Could feel it for just a little moment . . .

Instead, after giving a pleasurable moan on first contact, she began to rub and play with her new pussy, whimpering in response to the delirious sensations it produced. She grasped and groped her own big tits, and she couldn’t help but imagine Ralph or Blue Trident or some super-man consisting of both of them doing the squeezing. The caressing. The rubbing.

“Ohhhhh, yes. Ohhhhh, that’s n-nice. That’s - Oh! OHH! YESSSS!!!”

She didn’t mean to. She hit just the right spot. Her body was so smooth, so muscled, so gorgeous, so fucking stacked, and the sensations it produced so wonderful, that she stumbled into an orgasm quicker than expected. She shuddered, quaking in the bath and sending splashes of water everywhere. She reached for the porcelain lip to steady herself, even as a second orgasm came over her. She squeezed her big tits together with her upper arms, producing a sight that could knock a man out given how much blood would rush from his brain to his dick.


And then she smashed the bath. Literally. The side cracked away from her super strength, and water came flooding outwards and onto the floor, spilling under the door to the main room. There was a horrible pause as she picked herself up from the ground, big breasts wobbling.

“Burt?” came a waking voice. “Was that you?”

The woman currently going by Meteor Woman panicked. Shit! What am I going to do?

To Be Continued . . .



Mother’s about to find out. Or assume he’s hiding a girlfriend.

Ashley The Bat

This is very sweet. Hope their apartment doesn't get water damage lol.