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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Tier Prompt for TG Sorcerer

Jace and his fiancee Harper are getting married. It is a small, low-budget event with only friends and immediate family invited, but when a vengeful ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend crash the event with new magical powers, the most romantic day of Jace and Harper’s lives turns to pure chaos as their wedding party is transformed, followed by them too!

First Part

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Wedding Mayhem, Part 3

Lila squealed. She had always been an excitable woman, but in such horrible circumstances she was practically hyperventilating. The young Asian woman was slim and charming usually, but her partygirl antics were not unknown either, and it was no secret that she was likely on the prowl for a man during the reception, something Freddie the groomsman was more than happy to fill the role for. Now, such hopes were dashed.

Or so they thought.

“My, my, the two partygoers,” Samantha mused. The dark-haired witch stepped forward, amused as she considered the pair. With one sweep of her arms they were dragged closer, still immobile from the waist down but more free to move above. They pressed against one another uncomfortably, cheeks smushed, arms awkwardly entangled. Freddie muttered a number of apologies, and Lila just teared up.

“P-p-p-please don’t hurt us! We didn’t do anything to you!” she cried.

Samantha sighed. “Not directly, no. Tell me, my lovely Jacob, how well do you know these two?”

Jacob gave a noncommittal shrug. “Well, I don’t know Lila as much, she was a new friend to my Harper at the time. My, she is cute though.”

Samantha gave him a fiery glance, and lanced forth an even fiery whip at the ground. He jumped, but his response was simply a laugh.

“Oh, my love, you keep me on my feet. Don’t worry, she’s not nearly as lovely as you. I like a hot woman, after all.”

She made an exaggerated groan at the pun, and it would have been a sweet sight of a couple doing their back-and-forth, were it not for them being pact with infernal forces and radically transforming everyone around them.

“Oh, sweetie, you are just too much sometimes. But Lila makes a good point. I mean, Freddie was always annoying, and he did try to flirt with me a couple of times, even playfully when I was with Jace. A bit too hungry for pussy, that one. Plus, Lila here is a champion of Harper, being her bridesmaid. Does that warrant punishment?”

“Please,” Freddie croaked. “It shouldn’t. I swear, I never said anything against you, Samantha. Please, just let us go. We’re all very sorry and -”

“Not good enough!” she exclaimed. “You support them today, that means you support their actions back then. Besides, you were always trying to worm your way into another girls panties, so why don’t we put you in them . . . permanently?”

Jacob cackled, clasping his hands together. “Oh, this is good! We could make him her pussy? Make him taste cock all the time?”

Freddie whimpered, not even knowing what to say. He looked through his peripherals to Lila, who looked equally horrified at the prospect.

“Hmm, that’s a rather lovely idea, honey,” Samantha said. “You know, I was just going to fuse them together into a kind of two-headed person. You know, since they’re always desperate to shack up with someone, and clearly were eye-fucking each other earlier, then maybe that’s the fate they deserve - being stuck with one another forever!”

Jacob beamed. “That’s incredible! God, these powers have no limit! I love your idea.”

“Aww, but I love yours.”

Neither Lila nor Freddie liked either. Freddie’s mind was racing with horrified thoughts of being trapped as a living vagina for life, and all the things that would accompany it. But at the same time, being a multi-headed freak was no walk in the park either.

“Let’s flip a coin for it, then,” Samantha declared.

Jacob took one from his wallet, even as members of the congregation begged them to reconsider. Jace and Harper were the loudest voices among them, and perhaps it was because, on some level, they both knew they weren’t getting out of this unpunished. The events were clearly leading up to their final change, and so they called out.

“Don’t do it, you monsters! Just leave them be!”

“Jace is right, they didn’t do anything to you! Freddie is a good man! And Lila is one of my closest friends but she never knew about any of this, I swear!”

Jacob ignored them all, and caught the coin.

“Ha!” he declared. “You’re in luck, Freddie. I still desperately love the notion of turning someone into someone else’s vagina, if only for how bizarre it is, even for me. But it looks like you two party goers are about to be very acquainted with each other in another way. You won’t need to shack up with anyone else ever again when you have each other! Shall we do this one together, dear?”

Samantha kissed her fiance on the cheek. “My pleasure, my love!”

Together, they outstretched their hands, and summoned forth weaves of magic. As had happened with the fires around Brendan/Braezera and Paris the new doubly-pregnant cowtaur, the magic surrounded the essences of Freddie and Lila. He became an outline of boyish blue, and she girlish pink.

“N-no! Stop this! I don’t want-”

But Lila’s voice was cut off, and so was Freddie’s, though his was more just a series of guttural curses by that point, any begging having been forgotten. The warlock/witch pair concentrated, working together. The magic was difficult, even for the arcane power they had been given in their infernal deal, but it was a strange testament to their genuine love and loyalty and partnership as a couple, evil as they were, that the blue outline of Freddie and pink outline of Lila slowly began to merge together. Jace and Harper clung to one another, just barely able to do so despite their immobility, unable to stop watching as the colours combined into a bright purple instead. The shape was remoulded and reformed, and it wasn’t an entirely human shape either: it was taller, at least six-foot-eight in height, and with broader shoulders than even the average man, and broader hips too. It had large legs, though these were more womanly in configuration, and a tighter waist that gave it a somewhat hourglass figure. Moreover, it had four arms, athletic yet elegant, and double more than one should ever expect. From the top of the humanoid frame formed one head, then a second. They seemed to be roughly similar in shape, borderline identical, in fact. The two heads gasped and groaned as the energy slowly began to dissipate, and despite all the alien sights they had witnessed over the course of the last thirty minutes, the crowd either gasped or were stunned into silence at the sight before them.

None were more shocked than the two victims, who found themselves sharing a body that was humanoid without being human, male and female in equal measure without being one or the other entirely.

“Oh God,” Freddie managed. “Oh God, oh God, oh-”


“Jesus!” he yelled, his right ear ringing from the voice that had from that direction. Lila was emitting a terrible scream, but he was also distracted from his own voice, which sounded far too . . . soft.

“What have you done to us!?” he cried, looking down at his chest. And what a chest it was, though at least not on the level of Paris’, whose cowtaur upper half was likely being pumped of milk at a remote farmstead at that very moment. The pair now appeared to be something like a Greek mythic legend, a monster from the ancient past legends. They were nearly seven feet tall, and had a body that appeared to be broadly more female than male, with a large chest that would have been perhaps E-cups in proportion to their body. They were wearing a bridesmaid dress that seemed to be made of material fused from what Lila and Freddie was wearing: it buttoned at the front and was darker, just like the suits, but was sleeveless and had no pants, though the shoes were more masculine. Their actual heads had changed, though the pair were still identifiable: Freddie’s face was softer, and given that Lila was Asian, his own features now looked more mixed. His hair was longer, his lips fuller, and one could almost say he was quite pretty. Lila looked a bit more handsome, albeit still feminine, but she was not so petite in expression anymore, and her long hair had shortened in proportion to match her new body partner’s.

The new multi-headed pair staggered on their shared legs, now able to move, and desperately confused at how to do so. They were both in control, though they quickly ascertained that at least their upper pair of arms had separated uses: Freddie controlled the upper right one and Lila the upper left. Both continued to turn their necks to look at one another: their faces were just close enough to kiss if necessary, not that they were in a kissing mood.

“This has to be a dream,” Freddie said, his voice much more androgynous.

“A nightmare!” Lila cried. “This isn’t fair! Please! Change us back! I don’t want to be stuck to someone forever!”

Despite looming over their tormentors, and possessing more than a few limbs able to beat them with, they were terrified of anything that would antagonise Samantha and Jacob, who were currently holding hands and admiring their handiwork.

“Simply marvellous!” Jacob exclaimed.

“You’re the best, honey,” Samantha said, kissing him on the cheek. “And they haven’t even figured out the funnest part yet!”

“F-funnest part?” Lila managed. She wiped her tears with three arms, still not used to them, until Freddie wrested control of one back just to rub his temple from frustration.

“Oh, just that you really are a combination of the pair of you, male and female. And that includes between your legs, too. Congratulations, you’ve got column A and column B! I’m sure you’ll be completely satisfied now that you always have a permanent lover with you! But if not, I’m sure you two can still find a good party that will accept you, if you can put up with the stares and questions, and learn how to get along.”

“And find some dresses that fit you other than this one,” Jacob added, grinning from ear to ear. “For now though, let’s just relocate you to a remote isle with its own uncontacted tribe, where you can learn how to manage your new body and become . . . accustomed to one another. I’m sure the local legends that will spring up about the two-headed godlings will make your lives very interesting! Try to adapt fast!”

Freddie and Lila exchanged a glance again, still trying to figure out how to coordinate their huge shared body with its male and female characteristics.

“No, please wai-” they both shouted, but then they were carried off elsewhere, presumably exactly where Jacob had claimed he’d send them. It was at that point that the celebrant yelled out, alarming even Samantha and Jacob.

“Devils! Monsters! How dare you do this to these kind people! God will cast you out of this place! And this infernal bargain you have made will be your end, I promise you!”

Tom the celebrant was an older man, but his anger came like a storm, almost making him seem like a preacher of old. Jace and Harper cheered on his words, placed near him due to them still being not too far from the wedding altar.

“You tell them, Tom.”

“Yeah, Tom, give it to them!”

Fire up, he gnashed his teeth holding up the Bible. “You think these sins will bear out, today? Do you really think your actions will bring you happiness, and love, and hope? You have come here and destroyed the beauty and hope that was present, but you have none yourselves. Turn back from this path and repent, or else the punishment you face will be far, far worse for the sins you have committed!”

Jacob and Samantha were momentarily silent, stunned by the celebrant’s words. And then they fell to raucous laughter that ruined the effect that Tom had just created. He tried to regain his momentum, but they obnoxiously laughed louder, until Jacob wiped a tear from his eye.

“Oh Harper, where did you find this guy? If we’d been married, I would have found a better preacher.”

“Jace,” Sam said, “I know Tom is a family friend, but surely you must be embarrassed right now?”

“He speaks the truth,” Jace said stoically. “I never wanted to wish hurt on anybody before, Samantha, not even you. But what you have done is monstrous.”

“And sinful,” Tom added.

Jacob stepped forward, smirking at Harper before looking directly into the older man’s eyes. “It’s a shame we’ve already created Braezera, because making you a sexy succubus from the hells would be so much fun. We could always do it, right Sam?”

“No, we promised we’d be created, remember?”

“Ah, yes, we did. But this man talks so much about sin. So much about following the holy design, and condemning us for the actions of monsters. We could make him a monster?”

“Or,” Samantha said, before whispering in his ear, at which point Jacob grinned deliciously.

“That is perfect!”

“What are you doing?” Tom demanded.

“Oh, you’ll see, preacher, you’ll see.”

And with that, Samantha took charge, casting her magic over the man. Jace and Harper were both very close to the sight, and so able to see it all go down. Their parents in the front seating gasped as their close friend Tom was submerged in dancing lights, almost like that of a disco ball. They whipped and spun and danced around him, making it almost impossible to see the old man but for brief glimpses. He grunted and groaned within, and as he did so, his voice began to change.

“Ohhhh, s-stop this at once, I demand it! You monsters! You vile monsters! I - ahhh! - what is happening to me!? What are you doing? God, save me! Save me from this - OHHH!!”

Little glimpses revealed his changing form, and it soon became obvious what Samantha’s idea had been. Within the numerous shifting lights, Tom’s body was becoming downright sinful. He was feminising like so many others had been, regaining his youth but at the cost of his maleness. His clothing altered over his transforming body, becoming little more than sexy black lingerie. The cups of the large bra were filled by new breasts that grew and grew, appearing quite fake, and his bare midriff became toned and young and pierced in the bellybutton with a golden stud. Numerous tattoos of flowers and roses appeared in sleeves on his arms and thighs, while his ass became large. It too had a fakeness to it, like from a deliberate buttlift. His hair grew out long, becoming platinum blonde with dyed streaks through it, while his lips were injected with filler to make them so pouty as to be positively unnatural. Heavy makeup fell upon his features, and his feet became dressed in heels so high they were uncomfortably impractical.

“Stop this! I condemn you! This is a place of love, not - OHhhhhh G-God! HELP ME!!”

But there was no help coming, and in moments the dancing lights dissipated, leaving Tom no longer a respectable older man with a good sense of humour and personal religious zeal, but rather a busty looking stripper with tattoos and surgically ‘improved’ body parts. Jacob and Samantha admired their handiwork, particularly as Tom began gyrating on the spot, shifting about with his hips - her hips - and moaning sensuously with her prominent lips, as if just begging for a cock to suck.

“Wh-why am I dancing? What demonry is this?”

“Oh, devilry, not demonry,” Jacob said. “There’s a difference. And Samantha can explain: it was her idea.”
Samantha giggled. “Well, we just figured that since you’re soooo obsessed with sin and judgemental of us, why not turn you into a sinful stripper who does all sorts of acts with men - and women - alike? You can spend the rest of your days as hot entertainment in the most seedy dives in town, getting paid to fuck your most loyal patrons after dancing for them!”

The new woman’s expression curled into anger, though it was hard to take seriously given how pouty her lips were, and how bright blue and bimbo-like her eyes were.

“You monsters. You can’t do this. Not when I want to be fucking hot men all the time right now instead of listening to all this boring talk.”

“Oop, there’s the mental changes settling in,” Jacob said. “She even talks like a bimbo now.”

Tom was aghast. “I - I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t want men to cum all over my face and tits, because it turns me on so much. I can’t wait for them to take me from behind. I’ll take two, even three at once, guys and girls.”

Again, the poor man was shocked at his own words, but he wasn’t truly a man any longer, nor was he even Tom.

“I think we’ll call you Tina, that’s a sexy name, isn’t it?”

Tina nodded against her will. The compulsions were coming over her now, and they were impossible to resist. It was like her real personality - her Tom self - was trapped within her body, only able to watch and feel and experience while Tina ran the show.

Mhmm, that’s a real sexy name,” she purred. “I can’t wait for my favourites to moan it while they fucking jizz inside me. Or for them to chant it while I show off my sexy body on the stripper pole. I bet I’m realllllly flexible now.”

“Oh, you will be,” Samantha said. “And so very sinful too. Enjoy your new life, Tina!”

I will, hot stuff. Call me if you ever want a good time.”

She licked her huge lips, immensely happy, though inside Tom was screaming. And then, with a wave of their hands, the infernal pair of magic users sent the new stripper off to a bar or club somewhere to start her new life.

“Don’t worry, she’ll come back as entertainment for our wedding,” Jacob said. “It will be a big reunion. Fun for the whole family!”

Jace spat on the ground, followed by Harper. Both were disgusted. But Samantha and Jacob didn’t seem to care. They spent some time making out before the remaining people, which at this point was just some of the couple-to-be’s relatives and parents, and the couple themselves. It was clear that things were drawing to a close, and their tormentors were enjoying drawing this out. Only when they parted and turned their eyes on Jace and Harper was it clear that they planned to finally end it.

“So, our lovely bride and groom remain, and their families,” Samantha said.

“What do you say, honey, shall we finish this?”

“I’m very happy to,” she said. “But what shall we make them? So many options!”

Jace and Harper said nothing, simply standing stoically together as closely as they could. They reached out, placing an arm around each other, and held on tight, unable to flee or fight.

“Do your worst,” Jace said.

“We’ll always love one another,” Harper added.

It was a challenge to the pair, but Jacob and Samantha seemed happy to meet it. The pair began to debate the perfect final changes to ruin this wedding day.

To Be Continued . . .


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