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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

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Part 11: Forever Female

Christina cried in orgasm as Derek shot his load deep into her depths. The two of them lay entwined on their hotel bed, on their sides. Once more, Christina had worn a sexy French maid costume: a special ‘thanks’ for the proposal, complete with a phone French accent that nevertheless drove him wild. She’d bent over to ‘clean’ the bed as he fucked her from behind, gasping as he entered her over and again. It was one of the few positions they could still maintain these days. As per usual, the curse made them cuddle up afterwards, him playing with her heavy, engorged breasts and tracing circles with her finger over her gravid stomach.

“Good?” he asked.

She turned her neck and arched her back to face him.

“Why do you always ask that, Derek? Mmhm, you know it was good. Sooo good,” she breathed sensually. She gave him a passionate kiss.

He knew that last part was the curse but right now he was on cloud nine and couldn’t care less. She gave a sweet soprano sigh as she rested back against him.

“You suck man,” she eventually said. “We came all this way to change me back, and now I’m stuck as this preggo bitch for the rest of my life.”

“I know Chrissy, it’s not fair. But I just love you too much babe. But you always put me down for not getting a girl, and now I have the opportunity to have one. If you were in my position you wouldn’t even think twice about keeping me as your perfect girl.”

“Then why don’t you go ask Juliana and see what it’s like having to be engaged to your former best friend and suck his cock, and feel his baby growing inside you. Fuck, I can’t believe this is it! This is me now. All this time I was holding out for the hope of changing back, now I don’t even have that. I’m gonna have to give birth, dude. Go through contractions and breathe and push and all that shit all while everyone tells me to be okay with it. I’m gonna be a fucking mom. I’m only twenty four years old  and I’m going to have a baby boy sucking on my big, heavy tits. With my best friend as the dad. This is so fucking insane.”

Derek patiently rubbed her back as his friend let it all out. He knew this was necessary. He had stabbed his bro – figuratively speaking – in the back. Because of his timely proposal, Derek had ensured that Christina would spend the rest of her life as his hot, baby-making wife.

“This is what you want me as,” she complained bitterly.

“God, yes,” he said, unable to hold in his desire for her. “You have no idea Chrissy. I want to spend the rest of our lives fucking your brains out.” He rubbed his hand over the taut round dome of her stomach. “This is only the start. God, I’m going to put so many babies in you. I know in time you’ll come to love being my wife and the mother of my children. You’re all I ever wanted.”

“But what about what I want, dude?”

“A part of you does want this! I’ve heard you moan when we have sex, and you and I have had so much fun. I’ve seen you smile as our little baby kicks. It’s too late to go back. It’s not worth thinking about. Would you rather be like Harold? Or Ella? You still get to live an ordinary life. Hell, a better-than-ordinary life! You have the body of a supermodel, everyone looks when you walk past. You have no idea how lucky you are to be a woman who looks like you do. God you’re a fucking turn-on. And you’ll always have me by your side, always be loved, always have me inside of you . . .”

He slipped his fingers into her moist depths, and found them already slightly wet. She moaned slightly, and his penis began to harden against her backside.

“Sex as a . . . preggo bitch wife . . . having to put up with – mhmm . . . put up with having your big cock inside me. Not . . . oohh . . . what I wanted.”

He slipped his fingers inside further, began to massage her breast while holding her tightly against him. His friend’s defences were weakening, he knew.

“Don’t play pretend, Chrissy. After eight months of us going at it like rabbits, of me hearing you cry out in that gorgeous sweet voice of yours when I cum in you, don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it. I know you get multiples each time. “

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, savouring her clenched eyes as she was subjected to the pleasure he was giving her. “And I intend to fill you with multiples too, Chrissy.” He ran his hand over her taut belly for emphasis. “I got sick of fighting this months ago. You were only just beginning to show when I first decided I didn’t ever want you to go back to just being my alpha male jock friend. You’re going to be my submissive, sexy wife Chrissy, and you’re going to feel your husband cum in you every day for the rest of your life. And I know you’re going to love it, even if you can’t admit it yet”

“Noooo,” she moaned as he teased her perfect tits.

“Don’t pretend you don’t want this,” he continued, rubbing her clit, “you’ve had nearly eight months to admit you love my cock in you.”

Her body spasmed against his. “Oooh Derek, I can’t stand it.”

“Don’t lie.”

“No, I can’t stand waiting. Oooh, I neeeed you inside meee! I need you to fuck your perfect little French Maid!”

Her voice dovetailed back into her cute French accent as she resumed the role of sexy maid. She was practically leaking she was so wet, and his own large member was rock hard with anticipation between her cheeks. She lifted her leg sideways with astounding flexibility, providing entrance to her juicy opening. He clenched her breasts and felt the milk spill from her nipples and run in small rivulets down onto the bed. She groaned in mixed pain, pleasure, discomfort and release. She looked to him with sensual, half-lidded eyes full of hunger and desperation . . . and caged anger.

“Fuck me like your dream girl, mon ami” she whispered softly. He traced his finger over her engorged nipples and savoured the way she moaned in response, her breasts bobbing with every motion. She was so full, so perfectly round and fertile. He could feel – could see! – their child moving in her womb, pushing at the edges of it. She gritted her teeth as it turned within her. It was nearly impossible to imagine this gorgeous, oh-so-pregnant woman in front of him was once his chauvinistic best friend.

She made a gentle ‘aaah . . . ahhhh’ noise as he entered her, sliding the full length of his member into her warm slit. She encouraged it, already rocking her hips as much as her overwhelmed body could, drawing out every moment of satisfaction of his girth pressing against her passage. But it wasn’t working too well. Her belly, as sexy as it was, also presented an obstacle.

“Mmhmm, we can’t, monsieur. I’m too big. We should stop.”

“Not a chance.”

But she was already shifting against her will, pulling herself awkwardly to her feet after entangling from him, and motioning for him to lie down. With her distended abdomen waving in his face, he had no choice. God, she looked so perfect. So beautiful and full with his child, and with nearly two months still to go. He lay down, and helped her align to him as she sat down upon his waist, her back to him. He grunted slightly as he felt her heft upon his pelvis. His friend had certainly put on baby weight.

“I – oohh – hope that hurt, mon ami.”

He placed his hands on her hips, and together they began to move in synchronisation, his dick pushing further into her depths as she began to moan wildly.

“It’s worth every moment, Christina. Stop pretending you don’t enjoy it when I do this.”

He thrust his member into her pussy, then out again, letting the tip exit her before entering completely again. She squealed and moaned, incapable of stopping herself from expressing her joy. Her breasts wobbled as they continued. He played with her nipples as he felt the pressure building.

“I’m about to come, Chrissy! I love you so much!”

“I didn’t. Want. This. Derek. But I need. Your. Cum! OHHHH!!!”

He tightened, and felt his seed burst from his member and pour deep into her cunt. She moaned in orgasm, mirroring his pleasure and shaking involuntarily. They held that position for what seemed like minutes as his semen continued to pump into her, until finally he helped hoist her bloated body off of his, and she waddled to the bathroom clutching her back, the pearly fluid leaking down her thigh. He just laid back, hands under his head, and admired her bouncing posterior as she moved, disbelieving his good fortune that this woman was now his submissive girlfriend and soon-to-be wife for life, whether she wanted it or not.

They beat their record of orgasms that night, the pair of them. He was simply too turned on by the prospect of the woman who was now his, and savoured every moment of lust with her. Eventually they had to clean up, and she waddled off to the bathroom to clean herself again, complaining that this was her fate in her sweet feminine voice.  As usual for her in this late stage of pregnancy, she fell to sleep on her side, one hand resting over her rounded stomach.

Derek spooned her, his arm over hers, and for a long time he simply watched her sleep, so peaceful in her dreams compared to her rugged refusal to accept her new form and responsibilities in the waking world. She tossed and turned slightly in response to their baby boy shifting in her womb.

“It’s okay Christina,” Derek whispered, making sure not to wake her, “It’ll take time, I know, but you’ll come to love being a mother. It’s like Juliana said. We’re going to have a big family together, and I can’t wait to watch you raise our sons and daughters.”

In his mind, he could just imagine their future; he and Christina in their thirties, getting the house ready for Christmas morning, their three sons and three daughters in various stages of waking. She would be in a gorgeous elf costume, the hem at mid-thigh, and a short vest top that showed off her fabulous cleavage. And there would be a slight bump on her stomach, just barely noticeable, where she would already be growing their next child. She had long accepted her role in this dream, had stopped resisting and finally embraced her new body and slowly taken delight in being able to show off her wondrous curves. It had taken time, but she had fallen in love with Derek, and found joy in being his wife and the plentiful mother of his children.

Derek went to sleep with that thought in his mind. He hoped some version of it might come true.


It was over a week before Christina began talking to him properly again. The trip back was much quicker, thanks to Juliana paying not only for a plane fare, but also the transport of their car back through a moving company. Which put them right back at square one, back at ‘their’ place.

His friend was infuriated, and even Derek admitted she was right in being so, at losing her one chance to end the curse. She was trapped as his pregnant girlfriend – now fiancée – with no chance to go back now that Juliana had set her mind to this being their future. Derek no longer showed any regret, though he did feel a little, but it was important to show Chrisitna that this was the new ‘normal’ for them, and that they both might as well accept it. She couldn’t do anything to truly fight him; the curse made sure she was his perfect fiancee, and she was helpless when it came to his constant need for her to provide him with sex, a gorgeous sight, and perfect company.

So instead she fought back in small, subtle ways. Small comments she could get away with that nibbled and nipped at his decision to have her remain a woman. He experienced a number of these over the following days:

“So fucking exhausted this morning, Derek. Your baby won’t stop moving in me. So thanks for that.”

“Man, I can see why you struggled to get girls. You’re a damn selfish lover, dude.”

“Wow, so apparently today I’m wearing a dress that basically shows off my whole bump while lifting my tits up to my eye level. Real mature sensibilities there, Derek. Totally original. I especially like how I’ve got side boob and underboob at the same time!”

“Why do I get the feeling that I’m going to be the one doing all the work raising our kids? God knows, just because I’m not an amazing cook doesn’t mean you can’t pitch in!”

“Wow, even in my third trimester you want me to dress up as a sexy Starfire again!”

And so on. Truth be told some of it bothered him a little, but her voice was so sweet and purry it was hard to take what she was saying seriously, especially since the curse made her apologise for it all and beg for his ‘nice big cock’ when he inevitably became turned on and couldn’t help but fuck her.

Despite her efforts, she was on the losing battle on that front, but she had others. She often found excuses to pee at inconvenient moments, waddling with her hands on her sore back to the bathroom when food needed to be served, or a film to be watched, or when they were headed for an appointment or date. Her pregnancy cravings for particular cheeses or expensive toppings increased, and when Derek was absent she made sure to practically empty the kitchen of the best leftovers. The last was hamstrung a bit by the curse’s refusal to let her become fat by any other means but pregnancy, and so Derek once caught the amusing sight of her struggling to consume another box of biscuits only for some invisible force to come between her and the packet, much to her frustration.

Her own demands for care also increased. Her ankles were sore and needed massaging, her shoulders too since her boobs had gone up another cup size. No longer able to bend down and pick things off the floor, it increasingly instead became Derek’s duty to clean up after the transformed mother-to-be on top of working long hours for some extra money, which was becoming a more and more lucrative thankfully.

In the end it became annoying enough that an ultimatum had to be set. He sat Christina down on the couch one morning and placed himself opposite her.

“I know what you’re trying to do, Christina.”

“Good,” she said haughtily. Or at least tried to. It sounded more sweet than that.

“You’re trying to punish me, and perhaps maybe I deserve it. But you have to accept this life. There’s no going back now. You’re stuck, and in a bit over a month your water is going to break and you’re going to give birth, Christina. And become a mom. It’s going to be painful, and beautiful, and afterwards you’re going to breastfeed our boy and be the perfect wife and mummy. You know nothing can stop that.”

She frowned. “I know, but it’s not fair. And you played a part in doing this to me.”

He kissed her, and she didn’t resist. Perhaps she couldn’t. “I did, and I am sorry. But you know what? You were a bad friend. You were, don’t deny it. You claimed to be my wingman, but you didn’t really help me. You just used me. You used me all the time to make yourself feel bigger and stronger. You did. So now it’s done. We can both be better people. The best you can do is at least try to accept this life. If not for me, then for our son.” At that he rubbed her taut, rounded dome. “I’ll leave you to think about it.”

He left her to her thoughts, and the child growing within her.


In the following days, they began to talk again, largely about the pregnancy and the fact that she had to deliver his child, and complaining about the way their baby boy kept kicking the wind out of her.

“My bump has definitely gotten way bigger in the last month,” she complained, rubbing her immense stomach. “I’m just so tired all the time now, and my boobs are getting sore again.”

“I thought it was just my imagination that you’d gone up another cup size,” Derek commented, admiring his friend-turned-fiancée’s increased bust.

She lifted them in her bra and let them wobble. They were slightly cusping over the edge of the already-sizeable H-cup bra she sported. “Nope, they’re definitely bigger dude. I can feel the increased weight. A couple more weeks and I’ll be giving Eliza a run for her money, if I’m not already.”

He coughed, half-chuckling at the thought of it. “I sure wouldn’t mind.”

“Yeah of course you wouldn’t. You don’t have to have them hanging off you. They’re heavy, and the bigger they get, the more they always wobble and constantly move. I literally can’t not have cleavage, and they spill over my arms when I’m lying on my back. Not that I can with the weight of this damn belly. You have no idea how weird it is to go from people looking at your eyes when you’re talking to them to them. Always checking out your chest. I have to remind guys that my eyes are up here enough already.”

At that very moment, Derek’s own eyes were gazing at her deep and alluring cleavage. He heard her give a petite cough, and looked up to see her pouting cutely in annoyance, one eyebrow raised.

“Exhibit fucking A,” she said, before breathing heavily.

“Sorry. It’s just . . . they are a seriously perfect set of tits.”

“Yeah, fucking huge, too.”

“Pretty nice though.”

She chuckled, lifting them up with her hands, letting them overwhelm her palms. “Yeah, pretty fucking nice, even if they are like the only thing people notice, apart from the other thing.” Derek could see her stomach shifting, a point pressing outwards. “Your son keeps turning in me, Derek. He’s pressing hard on my bladder.”

“Our son Christina, it’s your womb he’s occupying.”

“God, I have womb. And yeah, and don’t you forget it; I’m doing all the hard work here.” She rubbed her rounded abdomen, looking very tired, and Derek smiled sympathetically at what a maternal figure his friend had become. The first of many, but this will be her hardest ̧ he thought idly. After hearing Chrisitina’s complaints, he had a new respect for women willing to go through pregnancy, and even more so for his friend enduring an unwilling pregnancy. He embraced her, and let her lie against him as he rubbed her sore back and shoulders, occasionally sparing a hand to caress her swollen middle. She sighed contentedly at his ministrations, and it felt like another one of those intimate moments, like when the baby first kicked.

“Christina,” he said, kissing her shoulder lightly, “it won’t be long till the baby comes.”

“Oof, don’t remind me.”

He knew his friend had a fear of that, of pushing a living being out through her feminine opening.

“You’ll do well babe, I know, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I was thinking . . . we’re engaged, and Juliana says we’re going to get married, so why don’t we do it?”

She turned to him awkwardly, gripping her middle, her half-lidded eyes opening fully. “You mean, like, wedding dresses and venues and planning it all out? Making it official now that this is my life? Our lives?” She caressed her swollen stomach.

“Absolutely,” he said. “Why wait? We have so much to look forward to, and I think for your sake if we lean into the inevitabilities we can at least control them to an extent, and then make our lives our own.”

He could see the flash of annoyance in her gaze, followed by a deeper thought. She wiped her teary face and was silent. The subject seemed to die in it.

“Hey,” Christina said, breaking it after thirty seconds or so, “will I be a good mom? You know, since I no longer have a choice not to be?”

He pulled her toward him, placing a hand around her waist and pressing her large belly against him. Derek stared into her emerald green eyes. He bent down, kissing her deeply and probing her mouth with his tongue. She moaned gently in response. They parted.

“Chrissy, you may have been a flawed friend, but I know you’ll be an amazing mom.”



“Then okay,” she said.

“Okay what?”

She sighed, as if finally saying something she’d been mulling over for days. She gestured to her curvaceous pregnant body. “Okay, I’ll be your submissive, sexy, big-titted wife, dude. If we’re going to raise kids together then that’s what I’ll have to be. I’ll be the best mom ever, and get my body back in shape after I’ve birthed this little sucker. I’ll let you knock me up with as many kids as you want and wake you up with a blowjob each morning even when I’m nine months pregnant and my ankles are all sore. Cause I’ll have to, but I’ll do it willingly too. I’ll moan and squeal like a total bimbo every time you cum in me, and I’ll keep wearing outfits that show off my enormous rack and wide, baby-making hips. Not to mention this crazy ass. Look, I’m saying I’ll be your ideal mate Derek, hanging off your arm for the rest of my life and making every guy within sight jealous of you for having me.”

He looked at her in wonder. “You’d do that for me?”

She held up a hand before he could embrace her again. “Wait, I’m not done. I’ll do all that, even dress up in all those sexy costumes and give you those titty jobs you love. But, I want a few things in return.”

“Goddamn, those titty jobs were good. Um, I mean yes, of course! Anything, Chrissy. What do you want?”

She smirked, adjusted herself, showing only a brief concern to her boobs as she had to adjust her top to stop them from spilling out.

“Hang on, just adjusting. Women problems, you wouldn’t understand.”

She was enjoying delaying it out, but Derek was desperate to find out what she wanted. “I know, I know, we just talked about your tits, they’re amazing! But what do you want in exchange?”

She finished adjusting, looked at him seriously, and began counting on her fingers. “Comfort. Security. Insurance. You’re going to have to work damn hard up the ladder if you’re going to support all the kids I’ll be pushing out for you, because I’m certainly not going to be working, except to breastfeed and help raise all the kids you’re going to be putting in me. Oh, and I do expect you to be a present father. I know you will be, but still you gotta be. Or I’ll go crazy like some Stepford Wife or whatever. I also want you to go down on me from time to time. I get that this body is hella fine and you want me to suck your cock or let you come in my pussy all the time, but at least give me this. I’ll make sure it’s worth your while and I’ll always finish you afterwards.”

She was going a deep shade of red, and Derek could tell she had been trying to work up the courage to say this for the entire week . . . maybe even longer, it was possible.

“Just . . . treat me right, is what I’m asking. I’m stuck as your ideal mate, well fine, but now you need to be my ideal mate too. Help me come to like you . . . in that way. Love, I mean. So maybe I can like being a woman too. Maybe even . . . um, I guess . . . being pregnant. I don’t know.”

She was looking at the floor by this point, and tracing little circles around her popped belly button with her finger.

“Are you saying that you’ll marry me?”

His friend rolled his eyes. “I’m going to have to anyway. Curse, remember? But yeah dude, I’ll marry you. Be your sexy, busty wifey. Be on your arm looking hot and all that. Wear white and walk down the aisle: that part will be fucking weird, for sure. But at least this way I get some agency in it.”

“Then let’s get married as soon as we can!” he declared, leading to her shocked expression.

“What, with me looking like this?”

She gestured to her pregnant form.

“Nothing else about this relationship is normal, so why wait? Plenty of women get married while pregnant these days. Besides, you’ll look amazing regardless.”

“Yeah, because I always wanted to be married in a white dress one day. Dear God, what am I getting myself into,” she moaned.

He embraced her, kissed her deeply, and her tenseness seemed to evaporate as she gave in. He placed his hands on her face. “God, I love you Chrissy. I’m going to treat you right, I promise. We’re going to make a beautiful, big family together as husband and wife.”

His hand ran down her belly and she batted it away.

“Fuck dude, let me have this one first! I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m going to have to give birth just the one time, let alone like four!”

“Yeah,” he said awkwardly, “sure. Four.”

She groaned dramatically. “Oh God, more than four!? Dude, it’s frickin’ terrifying that I’ll have to lie back and actually push a living human being – one you put there - out of this vagina I’ve now got. Let me get past that hurdle before telling me about how many more I’ll have to be knocked up with.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just so excited.”

She smirked a little. “Well, at the very least, I’m excited to meet our little boy. Not the birth thing. Not the whole ‘being a trophy wife for life’ thing. But him, yeah. I bet he’s excited to meet his dad.”

“And his mom.”

“Yeah, mom. That’ll take some getting used to. I’ll be a mom. At least I’ll be a hot mom. With big tits to play with when I’m bored.”

“Thanks Chrissy. For what it’s worth, you’re going to be a wonderful mom.”

“Of course I will,” she grumbled. “I’m your perfect fantasy woman, and that would include being a mom. Ugh, I can’t believe I ended up here. Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine that your buddy Chris would end up becoming your buxom redhead wife?”

He placed an arm over her smooth shoulders and drew her closer to him. She didn’t resist.

“I can’t say I did Christina, but I’m definitely happy with the results. One day you will be too.”

She placed a hand over his, so that they both caressed her belly. “I sure hope so,” she sighed. “Being a woman is fucking hard, dude.”

He kissed the softness of her neck. “But think of the rewards,” he whispered in her ear. She moaned, and soon they were at it once again.

To Be Continued . . .


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