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Hey everyone, thanks for your continued patronage, it has been greatly appreciated and a real help during bill season. I hesitated about making this post, but I think it's the right thing to do as I want to keep you all in the loop, particularly those of you who have commissioned me or want to commission me.

Regarding my Health:

The last six weeks I've been really struggling with long Covid. It's hit me pretty damn hard, likely because despite being quite vaxxed up I'm also in the vulnerable category due to a  pre-existing medical condition. It has really sapped my energy, made it harder to focus, and it's also meant that I've been catching colds and viruses left and right.

The result of this has been a lowered amount of words written, which is also why some of my stories are arriving late (e.g. I'm working on Dragon Noble and ordinarily would have finished it over a week ago). As it is, I'll still be able to do the mini-stories, biweekly TF and TG stories, the premium ongoing and the deluxe alt endings and epilogues. I'll also have plenty of commissions for the higher tiers too, especially since I've accrued a nice backlog to post.

What it does mean is that while I'll still have loads of content, it might not be as much as usual. I was writing between 5000-8000 words a day previously, and now I'm more in the 3000-5000 category, depending on the day. And some days I wisely choose not to write at all. So don't worry, there's still be plenty of content coming, but I'll just be pacing myself. I think I've done well to give a massive amount of content that is more than worth the price, so this will likely be a blip for August (and hopefully just August).

Regarding Commissions:

Those of you who wish to commission me can still message me, but be aware that I have quite the backlog to work through and others who are in line to be invoiced, so it may be a couple of months before I can get to you. I don't want to take on too much at once. As a reminder, prices are 11 USD per 1000 words and I only take payment through Paypal.

If you are someone who has organised to take a commission from me and got the date from me that I'd be 'free after the 20th or early August', I just ask that instead of messaging me that you wait for me to message you instead. I've got my list of names and basic stories compiled so I'm working through you in the order you contacted me in. I haven't forgotten you, and your stories will be written, don't worry.

That's everything. I hope you all understand. I've got about 6-7 stories backed up that I'll be posting while I pace myself a bit more. I'm not even sure if people would notice much of a difference haha but I figure it's best to be up front about it. Thank you all again for your wonderful support. I'm very glad people enjoy my stories enough to commission me. I'm very keen about the A Stranger Comes to Town in particular, since I feel this'll be the perfect story for me to write while sick, because instead of having to continue a deeper storyline and track numerous characters and arcs, we can just have fun TFing a few people each entry and then just drop in on them in the aftermath occasionally.

P.S.: Stuck as my Best Friend's Babymama is finished, I'll be posting the next part tonight. It's just come a bit late.

P.P.S: Thanks to those of you in comments and messages who have helped point out typos or name changes in my stories as well. Editing is easily my weakest skill as a writer, though I'm always improving, but with this bout of sickness I've clearly taken a few steps back. Thank you very much those of you who noticed and informed me so I could correct some egregious errors.



Get all the rest you need man, you're a legend! Wishing you a swift recovery!


Wish you the best and a swift recovery, cheers!

John Smith

As someone who had to deal with long covid symptoms myself: anti-inflammatory stuff is your friend. A lot of the symptoms of long covid are the result of weird inflammation responses in different parts of your body, and anti-inflammatorys have a decent chance of reducing your symptoms. You could try something as simple as over the counter ibuprofen/aspirin (taken with food) but too much of those can cause stomach problems taken long term so I'd recommend safe and effective Turmeric to take for prolonged periods of time if you find those help. I can't promise it will work, but these are cheap and easy to acquire and might improve your quality of life a bit.


Get well soon.


Take your time, rest and get better! Health is the most important thing, always!


Get better soon. I suggest taking Pine Needle Tea, Turmeric(best paired with fresh cracked Black pepper for better Bioavailability, fresh is good to) and high doses of Vitamin D(beyond the daily RDI easily). Also Zinc. I also just checked up on Autoimmune stuff and Glutathione is recommended. Feel better and kick it out for good. I thought I heard Fluvoxamine may help too but I might check further.


Take your time, rest and get better and yes long COVID sucks.

Fox Face

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'll get right on them. Your encouragement and kind words are truly appreciated : )


Oh shoot! Hope you feel better. This Covid stuff can take a toll quickly. You have a ton of content already out there to enjoy so do what you have to :) I was wondering how best to message you for a commission? Understanding that it may be months away… would still love to chat and see if we could work something out!

Krishna Dudhee

I know the feeling I have covid and it was bad. I could not shallow properly.