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The final part to the series is here! (Unless Deluxe tiers vote for an epilogue next month, I guess!)

By FoxFaceStories

An anonymous commission

John is in a loving relationship with Molly, and believes she is the one. Together, the two enjoy going caving. But after an accident where John breaks a strange crystal, he finds himself starting to swap places with the gorgeous cave woman named Ulka, who lived nearly two million years ago. And each time they swap places, they find themselves spending longer and longer in their new bodies . . .

First Part

Previous Part

Full collected PDF for Premium subscibers here. 

Going Caving, Part 3


John moaned in Ulka’s body. The big, melon-sized breasts upon his cavewoman body were incredibly sensitive, and it didn’t help that Selkath, the caveman tribal chief, had brutish hands large enough to caress them in full. No, that wasn’t true. UIka’s tits were far too big for that. But his hands were large enough to make John whine with pleasure.

“F-fuuuuuck, oh G-God. She g-got all aroused, damn that b-bitch!”

Selkath was behind him, occasionally running one hand over John’s incredibly shapely hip, down to squeeze his ass. It made him groan in arousal. His pussy was so damn damp, he couldn’t believe it. His juices were sliding down his thick, muscular thighs, as if already anticipating the entrance of this tribal chief. It was wrong.

It was so fucking right.

“You ghost god now,” Selkath grunted, kissing John’s neck forcefully as the former man’s wild black hair fell to one side. “You come to me.”

“Y-yes, I here,” he muttered, the cavespeak returning to his lexicon easily. He could sense Ulka’s presence. She was still somewhat here. There had to be a mirrored surface, even in this torchlight. “What - ahhh - happening?”

“We have hunted. We have made bone. Now mate. You and I, mates.”

As if to emphasise his words, he squeezed her right tit, which was weighing on the other one since she was lying on her left side. Her enormous dark nipple became rock-hard, lightning bolts of bliss coursing down into her body each time the large brutish figure teased at it, pinched it, ran his thumb over that areola. He realised he had almost slipped into the ‘she/her’ pronoun for a moment, and pulled back from that mental edge.

“N-no. Trap. Ulka trap me.”

“This is way. Mate is caught, and submits.”

John realised that this was not some threat, but a kind of practice of the tribe. In Selkath’s view, John had been ‘won’ through guile and trickery with Ulka’s help, and this made him worthy of becoming John’s mate. In his view, John would respect this. John would want this. The worst part was, he might well be right. The feelings were too damn good, and his swapped body ached to be filled.

“I am man. No w-woman.”

“You woman now. Essence here woman.”

As if to emphasise, the barbarian pressed his own nakedness more firmly against John, so that his enormous cock parted his cheeks slightly. He lowered one arm down to rub the cavewoman’s pussy, and the wetness that met his touch made John groan.

“OOhhhhhh God that f-feels good! Why does she have to b-be soooo horny!”

He writhed his body against Selkath’s, feeling that big cock even more firmly. He couldn’t help but reach a hand back to caress his male lover, and Selkath made a grunting sound of approval.

“You bless with ghost god words.”

“N-no - ahhh! I need. I need!”

It was impossible to deny. Ulka’s body was already incredibly fertile, as if made for breeding. With her sensitive, huge breasts, her wide hips, her soft brown skin, her huge ass, she was a vision. But being in the body revealed just how suited it was for mating, and that’s exactly what John’s mind feverishly needed in that moment. To be mated.

“Need!” he repeated. “In me! Hurry!”

With his immense strength, Selkath easily lifted John’s own muscular form. There was something so fucking primal about it that made him even more aroused.

“I take you now,” he said. “Now I earn. I finally worthy.”

“Y-you are! You worthy!”

John would have said anything about Selkath if it would mean the burly caveman would fuck him. Selkath lifted the cavewoman to her feet, and positioned her against the cave wall, facing away from him. It was the archetypal caveman’s position: to take his woman from behind, while still having access to the fruits of her chest. John knew this, and knew that he was almost at the point of no return, but he didn’t want to stop it now. He had no willpower to fight it. He spread his legs, adjusted his stance so that his wide hips could be taken on either side by Selkath’s hands, and so that his rondure behind stuck out prominently. His large melons dangled a little, wobbling heavily, but he knew that Selkath would soon cup them like fruits of triumph.

Mate me!” she begged. And in that moment, she was a she. There was no denying it, especially once Selkath grasped her hips and pressed his enormous cock against her entrance. She looked back to see him in the torchlight, and saw that he was like a great beast, strong and mighty and utterly determined to breed her and make her his. It was too arousing a sight, too right in all its wrongness. She looked back to the cavewall and closed her eyes.

And then squealed as he entered her.

“OOhhhhhhhh! Y-yessssss!” she cried, switching back to ‘ghost god’ talk. His cock was huge, at least it felt so as he continued to slowly but surely slide it into her wet depths. Her vagina clamped down upon it, so that it massage his girth, allowing it to press against her numerous pleasure nerves.

“Mmhmmphh! More! D-Deeper!”

“Ghost god pleased.”

“V-very! Very b-big!”

“Worthy of ghost god. Worthy of ghost goddess.”

He thrust quicker, causing her to almost spasm. It was like being split in two, being impaled upon a rod, only instead of pain it was utter pleasure. There was a moment of tension, and then what must have been her hymen split, allowing him full access. She groaned at its tearing, the brief discomfort and stinging quickly overwhelmed by an unbelievable horniness. She couldn’t believe she was letting herself be fucked by a caveman’s big dick, but in that moment she wanted nothing else.

It got even better when he started thrusting.

He started slowly, surprisingly gentle given his nature. The changes that had taken place in him, the humility he had gained since being wrong about Ulka, and the respect he had for the ‘ghost god’ John, must have made him cautious, because he was clearly focusing on maximising her pleasure as well. He pressed his chest against her back, and began to massage one of her dangling, bouncing tits.

“MMhhnn! Yes! K-keep doing that! You can go faster. Faster! Mate faster!”

“Mmhm. Ready,” was his entire reply.

She knew what he meant: he was indeed ready to do so, aching for it just as much as she was. He thrusted faster, and she bucked her hips to meet his advance. Her vaginal muscles gripped him, her wetness clinging to him. This wasn’t a dance. This wasn’t like when he had sex with Molly, and the foreplay was gentle, and the sex was a delicate exchange between the two of them. No, this was something that - to his horror and joy - was far better. It was animal. Primal. Savage. It was the base act of sex distilled down to its most primitive and glorious components, and it made her let loose an animalistic howl of ecstasy as he fucked her again and again.

“MMmhmm! Ahh! Yes! Yes! Yessssss! Fuck me! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! I want to cum! I want to feel what it’s like to - NNGHHH!!!

It was over far too quickly, but then an eternity wouldn’t have been long enough. Suddenly Selkath gripped her like a powerful bear, pressing his weight against her so that only her terrified strength held them from collapsing against the wall. His hands squeezed her enormous breasts one final time, fingers sinking into the soft flesh in a way that made her cry out, and then his balls tightened against the entrance to her tunnel. She knew what was coming, and it frightened and fascinated her all at once.


It was an immense roar, like that of a great lion. It was accompanied by an ejaculation worthy of such a beast. John could only buck her hips a little more, sliding up and down on his still-rigid cock as spurt after spurt after damn spurt of caveman sperm poured into her in great jets. It was warm and sticky, and it felt like it was coming in a torrent straight for her womb.

“Mmhmm! OOHhh! OH! YES! OHHHH!!!”

It was enough to make her final come as well. She slid up and down on that huge rod a couple more times before her body squirmed sensationally. The orgasm was so much different from a man’s. It was not an earthquake, but a slowly coursing wave that swept through her, annihilating all other sensation as it rose and rose. And then, just as it reached its peak, she flung her head back again, wild black hair whipping about, as a second orgasm hit her. Followed finally by a third. Selkath gripped her face, loomed over her so that he kissed her from the side, turning her neck to face him. She locked her lips with his as he continued to pump his cum inside her.

It was minutes afterwards that he finally disentangled himself. Even the feeling of his great girth sliding out of her made her squeak a little in unexpected deliriousness.

“Holy shit,” she murmured, collapsing to the ground in a quivering mess. “Holy shit. That was amazing. Holy shit.”

Selkath moved her to the thick fur blanket, closer to the fire.

“Ghost goddess please?”

“Y-yes. Ghost goddess great pleased. Very great pleased.”

“Mhm. Then we are finally mates.”

He pressed himself against her, enveloping her. For as strong and muscular and barbarian as UIka’s body was, Selkath still dwarfed her. She snuggled against him, coming down from that immense high. She couldn’t believe what she’d just done.

He couldn’t believe.

His male and female self warred within him, but it was impossible to deny that while he was in Ulka’s body, she was female, and could see herself no other way. But still, she had just allowed herself to be fucked. She had allowed a man to come inside her. And she had loved it. What was wrong with her? Was it the taboo? The secret thrill? Or was it just Ulka’s machinations. The woman was full of guile, and had played John like a fiddle, not that she knew what a fiddle was.

But John was too tired and lost in pleasure to work up hatred towards the real Ulka, nor to be so aghast at what she’d just done. She was naked, and sweaty, and so was her mate, and his comfort was immense. She began to nod off, particularly once he pulled a fur blanket over them both. His member was at her ass again, albeit flaccid now. Part of her relished the notion of it being hard against her cheeks again. But for now, she needed to sleep.

The last thing she saw before she entered a dreamy state of unconsciousness was Ulka in John’s body, reflected in a pool of water beneath the torchlight, a thin smile on her lips.


Molly was growing frustrated, and Ulka was doing her best to comfort her.

“How could he be gone several days now!? This is ridiculous! Doesn’t he give a shit about me anymore?”

Ulka sat beside Molly upon the soface in the living room, knowing exactly what was happening to John in her body. She could feel it occasionally, like a tribal drum being played on the distant horizon. He was being mated, again and again, by Selkath, and despite his occasional horror at this fact, he was also loving it. Addicted to it. She knew she should feel bad about manipulating him into that position, but she didn’t. The man she once saw as a ghost-god was not worthy of Molly, and treated her poorly. Ulka, on the other hand, was increasingly there for Molly’s needs, providing a warm shoulder for her to cry upon. They were having food together, seeing sights of the city together. Molly had even taken her to a grand building called a museum, and Ulka had laughed at how wrong the cave exhibits were about her lifestyle It gave her time not only to become closer to this amazing future woman, but also to see and understand everything around her, and to gain more and more of John’s knowledge. Already, she had delighted in working the toaster, and the microwave was increasingly falling under her dominion. And while the television had to be replaced after her initial accident, the ‘programs’ upon it were astonishing.

“He still cares,” Ulka intoned, working her male vocal chords more easily now, and also avoiding the ‘caveman speak’ that Molly initially found quite amusing. “But he in past. I mean, he is in the past.”

“Good use of the preposition,” Molly laughed. Ulka raised an eyebrow, but she gestured casually. “Don’t bother. It’s a language thing. It was a compliment.”

“Then I will smile at the compliment, for I know you give them meaningfully,” Ulka said. “You are a good woman, Molly. I know you are not a ghost goddess, but I still struggle not to believe it.”

Molly blushed, and Ulka delighted in it. Not only was it adorable, and made Ulka’s member stiffen in John’s body, but it told her that she’d hit the mark for compliments.

“Thank you, Ulka. That means a lot. This whole thing is just so crazy! I mean, my boyfriend swapping places with a lady from a million years ago! What is he even doing in the past? God, he must be so scared. Can he get back?”

Ulka gave a low nod. “The crystal lets us change places. But it is harder to control now, since he destroyed his. Mine is still in past, but it is connected to me essence. Er, my essence. So he struggles to use it, I think.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Molly said. “God, I feel so guilty. I told him to destroy it! Would him destroying it in the past help?”

“No idea,” she said. “May strand him, perhaps.”

“Shit. I don’t want that. I want him back. But maybe he’s not scared. Maybe he’s just enjoying hunting more monsters. Is it possible for you to check on him? In the mirror, I mean?”

Ulka nodded. She stood, and walked to the bathroom for some privacy, where she could see her body in the mirror. The sensations of sex had ended, and John was intertwined with Selkath out on the jungle floor. Clearly, the chief had been fucking the displaced man again. Taming his ‘ghost goddess.’ The end result was the two of them panting, him pulling out of her. Ulka’s cock stiffened at the sight. She never could have imagined being turned on by her own body, but while in John’s it was easy to see why so many of her tribesmen wanted her, particularly Selkath. Her breasts were heavy fruit, her hips made for bearing children, and her muscle tone impressive. With each heavy breath, her chest rose and fell dramatically, as if to entice every mile in visual range. She smirked, imagining Molly in that same post. How she longed to see that gorgeous woman like that.

“Y-you!” John said, suddenly. Selkath had gone to fill their waterskins and ward off any nearby creatures, giving them a moment of privacy. Ulka was looking down on John, and it took her a moment to realise that the water reflection this time was through a gentle waterfall.

“Hello Ulka,” Ulka teased.

“I’m not Ulka.”

“You look like a mate, right now.”

“Oh, har har! I see you’re getting better at English. Absorbing more of my knowledge!”

“Just as you have taken mine. But you have used more than than. You know how to use a woman’s body better than I did.”

“Fuck you!” he spat. “It’s all your fault. This body is so damn horny.”

“I am well aware,” she replied. “I had to deal with it all my life, remember?” It felt powerful, to have command of a greater language that could deal with so many inflections and insinuations. “You have only had it for a short time, but I see you don’t have the will I did.” She grinned, more at her successful use of a contraction than what she’d actually said.

“You trapped me,” John replied, in that husky cavewoman voice he now had. “You got me in bed with Selkath, made sure I was horny as all hell, then somehow used the crystal. How did you use it?”

“I focused,” she replied. “I can’t explain it. It’s synced to me.”

“Why can’t I use it? I’m in your body! I’ve had enough of this. The chief won’t leave me alone. We’ve fucked several more times and I can’t damn resist him. Even all the dinosaur hunts in the world aren't worth this humiliation!”

Ulka knew there was a slight deception there. He had enjoyed the sex, deeply in fact. And the risk of the hunt, of the exploration of the wilds, had John feeling alive. She knew this because of their link, and how they could sense one another.

“You do not - don’t - have my essence,” she explained. “I think this is how it works. So when the change comes, it is . . . volatile? Unpredictable? The words are hard, but this is what I think.”

“But the changes are getting longer! It started out as minutes, then it became hours. I’ve been you for several fucking days now! And I know you’re feeling attracted to Molly. You’re not allowed to touch her.”

Ulka didn’t reply to that. Of course, it made sense; their connection went two ways after all. John would have to suspect something. It made her feel guilty.

“I’m sorry. I will do nothing that she does not want. I swear on my life.”

“Good,” he said, seemingly mollified. “Because I want my life back. I mean, switching has been fun. Maybe if we can work it out in time as a regular thing. You know, you can go see Jurassice Park, I see a triceratops sort of thing.”

Ulka smirked. She had liked that movie, though it did terrify her. Molly had shown it to her, and had also comforted her, and laughed when Ulka pointed out that the lack of feathers made the creatures look ‘bald.’

“If we can, perhaps that would be good,” she replied. “But I do not want to be Selkath’s mate. I prefer life here.”

“Well, you’re not taking my life. I’m still John.”

“But what if the times get longer?” she asked.

That gave John momentary, terrified pause. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it would mean soon you would be like me: spending just a little time as John, and a lot as Ulka.”

His horrified expression said all. “That’s not going to happen.”

“It might already. You are adapting to being a cavewoman well, at least.”

“Don’t joke about this!”

“It’s not joke. Enjoy your hunt. I will take care of your life until you return, don’t worry. Remind Selkath that he is not to mate with me, just the ‘ghost god’ when it is in my body.”

John scowled, but the vision was distorted as Selkath approached from the wild, naked and glorious and clutching a spear. Ulka felt John’s sudden attraction spike, much to his clear humiliation. But by that point, Ulka was walking away, returning to sit next to Molly.

“Well?” she asked. “What did he say? Does he need me?”

Ulka realised that it wasn’t even manipulation: John really had shown no concern for Molly at all in their exchange.

“I’m sorry, he didn’t much mention you. He is . . . hunting.”

Molly sagged. In a moment of daring, Ulka placed her arm around the woman. Molly didn’t fight it, and nuzzled against her boyfriend’s body’s chest.

“At least I have you, Ulka. God, is it crazy to say I’m glad you came into my life? At least I have one reliable friend.”

It gave Ulka an idea. Something modern that she’d been absorbing, a future person thing that was not unlike the walk to the fireflowers young mates took in her time. Here, they called it a ‘date.’

“Molly, I am sorry about all this. I wish to make you feel better. Why do not we go to dinner tonight?”

Molly beamed. “That . . . that sounds incredible, Ulka.”


John moaned in ecstasy as she spread her legs wide. She was by the fire flowers, which were of some apparent significance to the tribe, though she did not know what yet. It had been nearly four days since she had been stuck in Ulka’s body, and no tampering with the crystal, or thinking on certain experiences, or wishing on a shooting star had changed her back. Instead, she’d been forced to live with the tribe, walk with Selkath, talk with Hagra - Ulka’s best friend - and in general be visibly seen and held and fucked as the chieftain’s mate. It was torturous and wonderful, but for all the pleasure her male pride was continually humiliated by her female sexual needs. She simply had to return to her body, fast.

The only respite she received was the joy of exploration, of danger, of hunting. She had been nicked quite badly by a pterodactyl’s talons, leaving a future scar across her lower back. Selkath was pleased; such a thing was a mark of a true hunter, especially since she had successfully down the beast with a hurled spear. It had been more magnificent than any conquest, but she in turn had been conquered shortly after Selkath attended to her wounds, when the chieftain - member stirring from the sight of her triumph - pressed her back to the ground, had her spread her legs, and fucked her with his caveman cock. She had given in willingly, as she always did. There was a hint of the taboo in the action, an exciting shiver of doing something daring, even though she knew it was wrong.

“Y-yes!” she continued to cry, and she knew that Selkath loved this ‘ghost goddess word’, since it clearly signalled her pleasure. “Faster! F-faster! Come inside me already! NNGHH!!!!:

The strength of her body was something to behold. It was hard to tell when she switched places, due to the difference in both eras, but she was certain that Ulka’s body was actually even buffer and tougher than John’s. Well, for now: Ulka was making sure to go to the gym in John’s stead, and pushing her male body to the limits. But during sex, the virility of Selkath and her own thigh strength made for a perfect union, and it was impossible not to moan in her hot, husky voice as he kneaded her big, ripe tits.

“Good mate. Breed. Make strong baby.”

And there it was, the thing that John feared. As fun as Ulka’s body and timeline was, the fact that condoms and birth control did not exist in this prehistoric time also gave her cause to be anxious. Selkath wasn’t subtle about wanting to get Ulka’s body pregnant. He believed a ‘ghost god’ child would be endowed with great power, knowledge, and good fortune. He longed for John to bear him children, now that they were officially ‘mates’ in the eyes of the tribe. John could only hope that she and Ulka would swap back for good, and she would be left with the ‘wonderful news’ if pregnancy did occur.

Not that other women of the tribe did not celebrate the possibility. Hagra, Ulka’s much shorter friend, was ecstatic. It could not be all hunting and fucking and exploring and escaping; now that Mother Grilka had confirmed to the tribe that a ghost-god inhabited Ulka’s fine body, she was treated strangely by the tribe. Some were wary, others almost worshipful. The men who had clearly once been predators were now in fits of apologies to her, as if she were a queen, and Selkath paraded that fact in front of them too. But the shaman woman and fellow elders were also adamant that a ghost-god - while having wisdom and power of their own - needed to be tamed by the tribal culture’s own learning. And so, upon return from another hunt, John was press ganged into involving herself in the women’s weaving and treatment of furs, guided by Grilka and Hagra. The latter continued to pepper Ulka with questions.

“Ulka no dead?”

“No. She . . . elsewhere.”

“In ghost god world?”

She grunted in the affirmative, feeling an intense jealousy and bitterness.

“What she doing now?”

“No know. But something . . . happy.”

Hagra smiled. “I glad. Want friend happy. But also happy know ghost goddess.”

Ulka gave a thin smirk. “Thank, friend,” she said. And the sentiment was meant, even if the actual weaving and care of the reeds and the treatment of the furs were the farthest thing from fun for her. Hagra was a good woman, and John could see why Ulka liked her. Unfortunately, she was also quite the ‘girly girl’, if there could even be such a thing in caveman prehistory.

“I happy Ulka happy,” she said. “Want you make baby with Selkath. Strong for tribe. Become good mother.”

John winced. “I no want that.”

But Hagra just giggled. “Time, time. You will! Is good feeling, bear child. Painful, but good! Want another. Want more.”

She already had two, which made John astonished. Childbirth could be a total death sentence in this age! Let alone the issues of infection! Who would actually want to be pregnant.

It was something he needed to consider when next Selkath came onto her.

“I better change back soon,” she said to herself.

“No ghost god speak. Just us now!” Hagra said, ribbing her friend as they weaved.

John just sighed and got to work.

“You lot like Ulka still,” Hagra joked.

“No. Nothing like,” John said. Though she feared she was slipping into her life a little too easily after four days. It was time to go back already.


Molly blushed at Ulka’s compliments. The two were on a night walk, having gotten dinner together. It had been . . . interesting, to say the least. For the both of them, in fact. While Ulka was getting used to the modern age and quickly gaining knowledge on it, there was no denying that it was still so overwhelming in ways, and none so more than the ready availability of food. The woman in Molly’s boyfriend’s body was wide-eyed with astonishment as she regarded the selection of Chinese food at the restaurant, which were beyond anything she’d ever tasted. Some of it was simply too flavourful, but other parts - such as the dumplings - made her practically salivate. She’d made a show of how much she appreciated the food, but her manners were something Molly had to quickly work on correcting: burping was not considered a way of showing appreciation for a good meal in the modern age, after all.

Still, both felt like there was something a little electric in the air as they walked through the city, and made their way into the gorgeous surroundings of the park. Ulka moved with a kind of cautious awareness that bespoke her past as a cavewoman always on alert, but Molly noticed that her body was always positioned to protect her, not Ulka.

“You don’t have to keep doing that, you know,” she said. “It’s sweet, but I don’t need protection.”

Ulka relaxed a little. “Not used to all this. A jungle in the middle of a tribe - uh, city. You have captured nature like I would capture the sharp-teeth cats in netting. I wait for predators to hunt me, but nowhere. This place you have built is truly a marvel.”

“I didn’t build it. I’m just a nobody, really. Just studying and learning and baking to make money to get by.”

It was then that Ulka stopped, and quickly turned Molly around to face her directly. “No, that is not true,” she said with an intensity in her eyes. “You have done many great things. You know so much, and the food you make . . . it is beyond anything I can imagine.”

“Oh, that’s not true.”

“I would never lie to you, Molly. I swear it by the ancestors.”

Molly bit her lip. Again, that electricity in the air returned. For a moment, the pair’s gazes lingered on one another. Ulka felt a desire to kiss this woman, to make her her mate. It made her feel less a woman, and more of a true man, one who would protect his mate and keep her safe, and even . . .

“Ulka,” Molly whispered, drawing closer. “We - we shouldn’t.”

Ulka’s arms came around her. “I am here. He is not. By his choosing.”

“I - I know. John has issues. But he’s a good man. I wish he could commit more, and put my needs above his -”

“You needs should always come first. If I were your mate, you would never be alone.”

Molly trembled. The pair closed a little more. Both were breathing heavily, and there was a hint of arousal now enjoining them. A desire for one another that had crossed time and space. Ulka wanted nothing more than to mate this woman right here in the park, though she knew by future standards it was not to be done.

However, they were interrupted by someone yelling.

“Hey, romance, fellas! Don’t ya just love a good romance, especially on a dark night with no one else around.”

The pair pulled apart, and Ulka instinctively went to raise a fist and stone knife that wasn’t there. Instead, she raised her fists, stepping in front of Molly to protect her as three men advanced, all of them looking mean.

“Oh, this is hilarious,” their dark-haired leader said. “You gonna fight me, dude? Well, you look a bit tough, I’ll admit. But it looks like you’ve just got your hands. Whereas I . . .”

He drew a long, rather terrifying looking knife. As did one of his friends. The other brought out what appeared to be a bat of some kind. Ulka knew it was connected to a sport, but couldn’t name it at that moment.

“C’mon Ulka, let’s go!” Molly begged.

“Not without your wallets, ladies,” one of them said, not realising how actually correct that statement was. “And watches. And maybe a kiss from the cute girl in the glasses.”

Molly gasped. But Ulka was steady.

“No,” she said.

The man looked to his friends. “Listen, you asshole. You can look like a big hero later. But if you don’t do what I say, I’ll fuck you up six ways to Sunday, understand?”

But Ulka was doing something that confused all of them. Slowly, she crouched down to the dirt path, and gathered up some of it in her fingers. It had been touched by light rain, and so it came away wet. Slowly, she applied it to her face. Two strokes under each eye, three over her forehead, like a featherclaw scar.

“What the fuck are you even doing? Are you guys seeing this?”

The others shrugged, chuckled.

“Well, okay. If you want a new hole in you, I guess it just means we can have more fun with the lady when we -”

Ulka leapt forward with a primal savagery that shocked all of them. She was quick, precise, her movements barbarian-like and full of rage, yet calculated. She had fought men before, those from other tribes who would threaten to take her. And these were not men. Simply fools. The leader barely had time to lash out before she seized his wrist and, easily breaking it, seized the knife as well. The other knife-wielder ran forward, but she threw the knife straight at his throat. It missed - she was unused to some of her differing masculine qualities still - but it gave an awful slice across his arm that left him crying out instead. The last cried out an obscenity, but with a duck and swift kick, she crushed in his testicles, dropping him to the ground too. He writhed, reaching for an even deadlier weapon, but another kick to the head left him unconscious. The leader made one last attempt to get back at her, though.

“You f-fucking bastard! I’ll f-fucking kill you!”

Something clicked in his cocked. She recognised this as a gun, a strange weapon of the future age. Quickly, she jumped into the air as he drew it, and landed down upon his rib cage with her elbow pointed out. More than three or four ribs cracked. More were bruised. The man gurgled.

“You will not hurt my mate!” she cried in her booming manly voice.

The silence was her answer that they understood.

“Come,” she said to Molly, extending a hand. “We can continue walk. These have been conquered.”

Molly had never seen anything so dangerous, so terrifying, or so completely wonderful in her life. She was in awe, and for just a moment, she swore she could see the real Ulka as John had described her, standing before her. A titan who would do anything to keep those she loved safe, and whose fierce independent spirit was still buoyed by an equally fierce loyalty.

“Take me home,” she said. “I want - I want to go home with you. Now.”


Ulka’s heart pounded as they re-entered the apartment that was Molly and John’s. Something had changed in the short, curly-haired woman. There was almost a glint in her eye as she looked up at Ulka, as if she were finally seeing something in this new soul that did not exist in the original owner’s.

“What are we doing?” Ulka asked, though the tingling in her loins, and the smitten look in Molly’s eyes told her what might be the case.

“Come to bed with me,” Molly said. “Please.”

“But . . . John.”
For just a moment, Molly looked away, guilty. But then she grabbed onto Ulka’s upper arms, lightly. “Please, let’s just pretend you’re John, for tonight. A better John. The kind I thought I had fallen in love with.”

Ulka nodded. “I can do that.”

“Good. Now kiss me. I want someone who can be with me here, now. Who can keep me safe. Like you did.”

“I would always keep you safe,” Ulka said, taking the other woman into a kiss. It was soft and tender and kind, but there was a dominance to it she couldn’t help but establish. She was a man now, after all, a being who was meant to hunt. And had she not hunted down the three enemy tribesmen and defeated them? Had she not won the hand of this gorgeous mate, in a way that John never had or would? She grasped the back of Molly’s head firmly, held her entire form with a smothering hug that told her that she was protected and safe and Ulka’s alone.

“Mhmmm,” Molly moaned, incredibly turned on by this. “I like the way you hold me. John, he’s such a daredevil with everything, but he sometimes sees me as this fragile flower in the bed.”

“You are a flower,” Ulka whispered in her ear, biting it just hard enough to make the feeling known. “A fire flower from my time. Hard, resilient, and blooming in the most fertile places. And the most beautiful sight imaginable.”

“God, you picked up English good.”

“Not well enough. I can’t describe my feelings for you.”

Molly blinked. “I - wow, that was romantic.”

Ulka kissed her again, but this time she took the woman in her arms easily. Molly squeaked in shock, but quickly gave over to this show of strength, as the masculinised cavewoman took her over the threshold to the bed.

“I want you, Molly. I have wanted you since I first saw you. Will you let me take you in the way of my people?”

Molly nodded, swallowing a little. Her nipples were hard, her womanhood flushed with wetness and warmth. She’d never known she had such a fetish for being submissive, or perhaps it was simply the way Ulka carried herself, like she was a great protector determined to be worthy of this modern gal. Just the thought of it made her all tingly with arousal.

“Take me,” she whispered.

Ulka grinned. “Trust me. It is not gentle, but it is not . . . unkind. You will love it. Tell me if you wish stop. Wish to stop.”

Another nodded. “Please, just start. I want you.”

With that, Ulka grabbed Molly’s form, and began to rip the clothing from her. It was forceful and powerful, and parts of her clothing gave way as she did so. Ordinarily she would care, but in this moment it felt like she was being dominated in the best way. Ulka was like a man possessed: she pulled Molly up and shifted her around, groping and caressing her increasingly naked body. She pulled off her panties in an animalistic fashion, then gripped her hips. She leaned forward, felt at Molly’s breasts.

“These are beautiful,” Ulka grunted. “They are mine.”

“Y-yours. All yours!”

“Yes, my mate. Mine. I will make you mine. Lift your hips.”

Molly did so obediently, practically moaning already from arousal. Ulka was amazed herself at what she was doing. Her cock was huge and erect, like Selkath’s in size, and it throbbed with need to enter Molly. She had enjoyed playing with it, bringing it to its full, a number of times already. But finally she would take the big leap to becoming a man. She was going to fuck her mate like a powerful man of a tribe should. Already, her mind raced with thoughts of breeding this beautiful woman, of making her full with Ulka’s child. That was the power she possessed now, and it gave her such a sensation of strength that she went even rougher with Molly, squeezing her ass, slapping it.

“Mhm! Yes!” Molly cried. “I want you in me!”

Ulka’s heart raced in excitement. She was almost nervous. But the moment the large, round tip of her penis touched the wet folds of her ‘ghost goddess’, all notion that she was even a she passed away. He was a man now, and this was his mate. He pushed his cock deep within Molly, and cared not to be gentle. She didn’t want it to be, and neither did he now.

“OOhhhhhhh,” Molly moaned. “Fuck! John n-never took me this w-way.”

“John doesn’t know what you need. You need a caveman, Molly.”

With that, the mighty Ulka began to thrust. It was violent, brutal thrusting, the kind that was almost selfish in its want, but also possessed of such clear arousal and attraction and immense lust that he just knew that Molly felt it. She was little more than clay in his powerful ghost god hands, and with each thrust he confirmed that fact.

“Nngh! Amazing!” he roared. “This is what I was meant to be!”

“OOHhhh, yes! It is, fuck!” Molly gasped. “I n-never knew I wanted it s-so rough! Fuck me like I’m your mate!”

“You are my mate, Molly. I want you to be my mate for life. This is how it is, in my tribe. This is how I would have us.”

But words soon fell away as he continued to thrust again and again. He squeezed her ass cheeks occasionally, leaned forward to caress and breast. But best of all was when they both sped up again, both eager to climax, their animalistic, primal heat driving them towards this inevitable conclusion. They were like two great beasts in the wild, and as Ulka approached orgasm, she roared.

“AAAGGGHHHHH!!!” he screamed, much like the men of the tribe always did when conquering a mate for the first time. Suddenly, his balls squeezed in an unfamiliar yet wonderful way. His big cock tensed, and suddenly it pulsed. His entire body shuddered in an explosive orgasm, more powerful and immediate than the female equivalent, as stream after stream of his seed poured into Molly. She herself writhed in pleasure, moaning. She had reached her orgasm over ten seconds before Ulka had come, but was still squirming, overwhelmed by this new, dominant pleasure. Ulka felt a great pride at this, and the amount of seed he spilled into her. He had claimed his mate, and it consolidated a great truth for him: he desired to stay as John, for good.

The two went to bed together, Molly still murmuring in pleasure from the act. Ulka held her, spooning her comfortingly, brushing her hair with surprising tenderness.

“That was the best sex I ever had,” Molly said.

“I as well,” Ulka replied.

“What - oh God, what do we tell John?”

“The truth. We are now mates. I . . . I love you, Molly.”

Molly knew it. She felt it too. She shifted to face Ulka, and once more imagined the face of the cavewoman beneath her boyfriend’s features.

“I love you too, Ulka,” she breathed.

They kissed, and then held one another as if they were covered in furs in a cave, in forgotten ages passed. It was then that Ulka knew what she had to do, as wrong as it seemed. She was not used to deception, but John clearly was. But she refused to lie to Molly any longer.

“Do not fall asleep yet, my mate,” she whispered. “I have something I must tell you first. I’m sorry, it will not be easy to hear.”

Molly listened.


John woke, and he was immediately filled with glee to be back in his body. It was morning, and he could already sense that Ulka was ‘on the other side.’ He’d felt a strange echo of her pleasure, a rush of bliss and masculine joy, and assumed that once again she had masturbated using his body. It didn’t matter: he had been enjoying hers with Selkath, after all. Sure, it was embarrassing, but it had been enjoyable as all hell, and he doubted Ulka would have shared that particular detail anyway.

He breathed easy, back in his body, and enjoyed the warmth of Molly’s naked body against his own. Not only was it great to be a man again - the fact that his cock was stiffening at his girlfriend’s back was already evidence of that fact - but he had Molly back. In truth, he hadn’t missed her as much as he had thought, a fact that made him feel quite guilty.

“I’m here now though, babe,” he whispered in her air, snuggled closer so that he could smell her wonderful curly brown hair. It was not at all like Selkath’s. It didn’t have that rough, rugged quality of a hunter, but instead a kind of feminine sweetness to it that came from modern shampoos. But there was something familiar that his wakening senses seemed to catch, and it was only when his slowly rousing mind caught up that he realised what it was.

She smelled of sex. Her hair even had that lush, springy appearance it had when they’d finished going at it. It didn’t make any sense, but then it didn’t really make sense that he was naked against her, did it? Why would he be like that unless . . .

The dreadful epiphany crashed down upon him in a terrible torrent.

“No. Fuck no, she wouldn’t.”

It was enough to wake Molly. She stirred, shifted around slowly to face him, and opened her eyes in a sexy, half-lidded fashion, a sensual smile upon her lips.

“Hey,” she said, caressing his strong chest with her hand, the chest that seemed a little odd without two large breasts attached to it. “Morning, my gorgeous caveman. That was really nice, last night.”


All at once Molly’s attitude changed. She seemed to flip fully awake, and her expression shifted to one of abject horror.


“Yes, fucking John! What the fuck is this! You slept with her? Knowingly!”

Molly pulled away, stood on the other side of the bed. He followed suit in opposition, divided from her by the very spot in which his girlfriend had cheated on him. He couldn’t stop staring at it, this symbol of betrayal.

“John, I didn’t realise - I thought you - Ulka and I were just -”

“Just what!?” he demanded. “Just fucking one another? Cheating on me?”

Her features turned cold. She crossed her arms. And once more, her entire demeanour changed. “I wouldn’t throw stones from glass houses, John. Or perhaps I should travel back in time and talk to this ‘Selkath’ and see what he has to say?”

John’s jaw dropped. He didn’t know what to say. He worked his mouth for a moment, trying to force words out, but Molly’s expression told him everything.

“Molly, I don’t know what that cave woman told you, but -”

“Can it, John. I believe her. You’ve been taking me for granted this whole relationship. You dragged me to all of your interests - and I even liked some! - but you never showed any interest in mine. You were willing to throw away and discard my relationship concerns at the drop of a hat so you could go surfing and rock climbing, and now you’ve been playing at dinosaur hunter and even getting fucked as a woman behind my back?”

“Jesus, it’s not like that, Molly. There’s - Ulka tricked me. She set up a situation.”

“Oh, this should be good. A ‘situation.’ And how does that explain that you keep doing it?”

“She’s lying.”

“No, you are. I could always tell when you were, John, you know that. And Ulka . . . she doesn’t lie. She actually wants to stay with me. He wants to stay with me, since in just the last few months of getting to know him across all this insanity, he’s proved to be far more romantic, loving, kind, and protective than you ever were. Did you know that he saved me from a group of muggers last night?”

John had sensed some sort of action. He’d assumed it was just gym work, or a hard jog, or a foolish misunderstanding from Ulka that was slowly wrecking his life.

“But it wasn’t just that he risked himself to protect me that made me realise that I love him and not you, John,” she continued, tears in her eyes. “It was the fact that I knew for a fact that you never liked dinner dates. I’ve always gone to them myself, like a sad person, and if it had been you in that body instead of Ulka, I would have been all alone, and God knows what would have happened.”

A wave of guilt hit John. “Molly, I’m - I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Look, I’ll make it up to you. I just - you can’t be serious about this.”

“I am,” she replied. “God help me, I am. I want him.”

The guilt vanished as quickly as it had come, replaced with fury. He clenched his fists. “You want him? Well, let’s go talk to him. To her. I want us to have words, with all of us present. All three of us. Right now.”

He stormed to the bathroom, which had the biggest mirror in the apartment. He focused his feelings, trying to feel out and sense Ulka. She was alone, he could tell that. Almost as if she were waiting. The adornments around her neck still held the crystal. It radiated energy, that shard, and as it did he felt that connection that bound them. The same reason he couldn’t just smash it while he was in her body. Because doing so might lock him in it. But what if there was a way to make her smash it? Or for it to be smashed when they were in their own bodies? Would it be powerful enough? It was, after all, only a shard of the much larger remnant in the cave. If there was a way to smash it in that presence.

“The cave,” he said aloud, realising it. That was where the power ultimately flowed from. A plan began to form in his mind, one he hoped would prove his assumptions true.

“John, what are you doing?” Molly asked. “This is crazy. I can’t see her. Him. Whatever.”

“Maybe you can. I don’t know. She has the crystal. It’s her call. And if you can’t see her, then - oh. Oh, now I know what to do.”

“What? What?”

John turned back to his girlfriend, who was maybe now his ex-girlfriend.

“We need to go back to the cave. You want to be with Ulka? You want to see who she really is? The life I’ve been forced to lead these last five days? Then we’re going back to where it all started.”

The Cave, Again

Ulka waited in the bright illumination of the cave, reminiscing on all that had happened. She was back in her body after five glorious days as John, and those had been among the best days of her life. She had taken the shaman’s chalk - she had a right to it, given that she was the chosen vessel of a supposed ghost god - and painted an image of Molly for the tribe, scratching another into the wall in the hopes that it would survive the ages.

“I see her. I go to her,” she explained to Hagra. “She my mate.”

Hagra had teared up, hugged her. “You succeed? Stay for good?”

“I hope.”

And then she had wandered back through the cave where it had all begun. She had picked up a couple more scars since then courtesy of John’s actions, but on the whole he had acquitted her body well. In many ways, he had fulfilled her destined role as a mate for the chieftain better than she ever could. She had always known that her fulsome figure would mean she would bear children, and after all John had done with Selkath, there was a real possibility she was already with child, and didn’t know it. Mother Grilka was uncertain. Hagra was hopeful. Selkath was determined. At least her chieftain knew not to touch her, to be too affectionate or see her as his mate while she was herself again. He had become a true believer, and something about that had changed him. He no longer leered at all, but was respectful of her. It made her imagine what he would be like in that future world, where men and women were seen on much more equal footing. Where the struggle of life was not nearly so great, and where wonders of technology could astound him. But perhaps it would be too much.

Those thoughts ran through her head as she waited for John. Their times were a million years apart, but somehow in a kind of sync. She gazed around at the chamber where they had switched places. It still glowed a brilliant amethyst purple, though the central crystal had darkened since their initial shared accident. The corpse of her great kill was still here as well, though it had rotted since, its bones exposed. She gave a smirk.

“Now I have a different hunt,” she said in the future English tongue.

Ulka took a deep breath, and once more felt that familiar tug of her heavy breasts upon her chest. She was annoyed to feel them again. They were so cumbersome and full. Yes, perhaps there was a little pride in them, but having the hard chest of a strong male was by far preferable. The same of the power and virility that came with a large member swinging between her legs. Far better than experiencing the awful monthly blood and cramps . . . if John had even left her with those.

“He must come,” she said, voice echoing throughout the chamber. “Must come now.”

She longed to feel Molly’s touch again. It had been a couple of days since she had reverted back to her life, and while the feeling of the great jungle was like coming home in some ways, the inconvenience of it all, the lack of power in her own tribe, the way Selkath looked at her even though he knew she was no longer possessed by the ‘ghost god’, it was all too much. She wanted to be in the future again, more than anything. And what she yearned for most within that want was for Molly, her beauty, her cuteness, her kind spirit.

And her wonderful baking. She had begun it again in her private life, enthused by Ulka’s love of it. The cavewoman was proud to reawaken this passion within her, whereas it had wilted in her relationship with John.

“He must come,” she repeated.


John and Molly moved through the cave, her following him. He was borderline frenetic, a little crazed. She had hoped that the two day delay had made her boyfriend less full of desperation, but instead he just seemed to be even more agitated.

“Not going back,” he’d mutter. “Not going back, not again!”

And yet, because he still slept in their apartment - albeit now on the couch - she couldn’t help but hear his mutterings while asleep echoing down the hall.

“Selkath . . . mhmmm . . . take me. Want to be yours. Want you to take me. F-fill me. Ahhh.”

More than once, it actually sounded like he’d come in his sleep. The fact that after waking she could hear him moving in a panic to the bathroom and changing his clothing, followed by the rapid use of the sink, gave evidence to this. Occasionally, he even seemed to idly slip into caveman speak, particularly on the journey to the mysterious cave.

“Me go cave. See Ulka. Return. Maybe Selkath just once.”

“John? You’re scaring me. What are you talking about?”

Then he’d snap back. “N-nothing. Just . . . reminiscing.” And he would blush a deep red, and it would be impossible not to notice the raging erection in his pants. It was like he was caught between two worlds, putting on a show of hating his time travel body swapping, and the conflict it had brewed between them, but at the same time wanting to hunt one last time, fuck Selkath one last time, see that past vision one last time. It was something she thought on more deeply as they plumbed the dark caverns towards that luminescent chamber. She wanted to bring it up, and if Ulka was present she would have had the strength to do so earlier. Finally, she decided to voice it anyway.

“John . . . did you ever think about staying like this? Maybe swapping with Ulka more often? Would that work as a compromise?”

He was silent for a moment as he shifted ahead. “Why even suggest that?”

“Don’t be stubborn, or you’ll wedge your head in the rock! It’s so obvious that you enjoy being Ulka, or at least parts of it. C’mon, you fucked that cave man, more than once! And you went hunting, and God knows that would have set off your big ole danger thrill. And we’re done - admit it, we’re through, John.”

“This is just a temporary-”

“No, it’s not. John, I meant what I said. I love Ulka. But I also love you, even if not in that romantic way anymore. But why don’t we just go back. You can keep letting the two of you shift, maybe find a good balance.”

“Babe - uh, Molly - each time we shift it’s for longer, and my time as her grows. I - yes, I enjoyed parts of it. More than I like to admit. But what if I get stuck there permanently? I don’t deserve that.”

Molly had no answer, and he knew it. She wanted a compromise, but there wasn’t one. Not unless the cave provided an answer.

They were silent once more as they found the chamber again. It was as they remembered it, and the softly glowing crystals had a renewed look, though the central one was still largely shattered. John took a deep breath, and marched to the centre. In the opalescent sheen of the broken crystal, his reflection was clear. He closed his eyes, focused, and then opened them again.

And there was Ulka.

“I see you,” she said.

“And I hear you,” he replied.

“Molly is with you.”

“And you’re alone.”

She grit her teeth, a little wounded. “Selkath is your mate, John.”

“Well, he can become yours. I want all three of us to have this conversation, and to work this out. You brought the crystal, right?”

She lifted it from the furskin wrap of her chest, revealing its purple gleam. It still shone brilliantly. “Why here?” she asked.

“Because maybe, just maybe, we can finish this.”

“I want to talk to Molly.”

“Maybe we can do that too. Fuck, I hope so. I want this done.”

“What do you want me to do?”

John suppressed a smirk. It was a crazy idea, and it was based mostly on guesswork, but perhaps there was a way to end it all. The broken crystal in the centre of the chamber seemed to thrum with a little power.

“First, I want us to talk,” John said. “I want Molly to see you. See what I’ve had to put up with.”

“How do I do this?”

“Hold up the crystal. Let it light up the cavern.”

Ulka nodded. She had an understanding of this too. She couldn’t tell if simply maintaining her shard aided her, but she had the distinct sense that this could work. Slowly, she raised the crystal, and focused. She allowed her own essence to flow through it, into it, and then into the wider power of the chamber. She didn’t understand future technology fully, but were the crystals not like little radios, sucking up the signal and power of the crystals and reflecting it out? She focused further, and let her essence pour through that still-shining receptacle.

And it worked.

Molly gasped as the entire cave chamber lit up. All across its walls, Ulka’s image was reflected, like some sort of great hologram that shifted and altered slightly against the walls, before finally converging on the centre.

Suddenly Ulka stood among them, as if she had always been there. She was framed by light, appearing almost angelic, and her beauty was staggering. Molly had never considered herself attracted to women, but standing before this Amazonian beauty with her massive chest, her wide hips, her brute strength and impressive scars. She was from another world, literally, but she could have been a goddess. Molly’s breath fell away. She could see why John had enjoyed such a body. Hell, she could imagine revelling in it herself, bar from the way the other cavemen would lack at her.

“Holy shit,” she stammered. “She’s beautiful.”

“And you as well,” Ulka answered. “This is all very beautiful.”

She was amazed to find herself standing in two timelines. The same could be said of John, whose ethereal self was also in the cave before her, and Molly two. All three were at some kind of convergence point, but already it seemed somewhat fractured. Flickering, just a little. As if by lacking both crystals, it was running out of power, and could not sustain their balance.

As if soon it would reach a crisis point.

John grinned. He could sense it too, attuned to the crystal in the centre of the cavern. He could never have planned or schemed this in a million years, and he knew such a stretch of time well, in a sense.

“Well, here we all are,” he said to them. “Now at least we know I’m sane.”

“I didn’t doubt that, at least not after the first time,” Molly said. She drew closer to Ulka. “Is this really you? I can’t believe it. John wasn’t lying about your appearance. My God, I’ve never seen anyone like you.”

“You prefer me like this?” Ulka said, blushing a little. She knew she was desirable to men, but to women as well?

Molly nodded, equally nervous. She reached out to touch Ulka, but there was just the slightest shiver of sensual touch before her fingers phased through the flickering image of the cave woman. “I prefer you, in whatever shape. John believes there might be some sort of way to bring you to us. Just you. He says it’s something he senses about the crystals.”

Hope leapt in her heart. She looked to John. “This is true? I can come to your time, and stay? We will be two separate people?”

“You’ll keep your own body,” he said coolly, “but yes, you’ll be with us. You and Molly can go off and be lesbians or whatever, and I can keep my life without losing it. Maybe, who knows, I’ll even find a way to visit your time, when I want, as a ‘ghost god’ for my own amusement.”

Ulka nodded. It was not a perfect solution, but despite her earlier manipulations, she knew it would not be right to steal another man’s body, or his life. She was Ulka, and should remain so. But someone who had seen the future she had seen did not deserve to be stuck in her own brutal, primitive time.

“What must we do? I wish . . . whatever it takes, to be with Molly. To be with my love.”

The two women exchanged a glance. One that was entirely romantic. It only made John more resolute in his action to come. He kept his anger at check. This had to go perfectly.

“I think . . . and this is only what I feel . . . I think you must place the crystal where it first came from. And while we are all together like this, you must smash it.”

Ulka paused, cocked her head. “Are you certain? The crystal keeps us bound, you could not smash it while me because it could strand you. If I smash it now-”

“But we are all connected now,” John explained calmly. “If you do so, you’ll be on our side. But you have to be quick, Ulka!”

Again, the lights of the chamber flickered, unstable. The hearts of all three present raced, and Molly was caught in the middle, looking from her former boyfriend to her current lover, terrified that it could all go wrong. The air was thick with energy, and this time she could see it.

“Quickly, Ulka!” she urged. “John must be telling the truth!”

He wasn’t, but then, he realised that he’d always led her on a little. Dragging Molly from one place to the next. He really did love her, but he had to be honest with himself: he would do anything to keep his life and keep Ulka out of it. And so he watched with hidden satisfaction as Ulka took the crystal from her necklace, still glowing brightly, and placed it on the great rock that had been the powerful centre of the room.

“I just . . . smash it?” Ulka asked, still uncertain. It seemed to phase between both realities, mingling in both timelines.

“No,” John replied, moving forward quickly. “I do.”

Molly cried out. “John, what are you doing!?”

He took a rock from the ground and threw himself forward, smashing the crystal upon its larger cousin, hoping against hope that he was right. That now in this moment he was finally, finally severing the connection between he and Ulka. The crystal shattered, and sparks of violet burst from its centre as it did so, causing Ulka to roar in horror.

“What have you done, ghost god!?”

“Fixed this!” John declared, his look wild. “I’m sorry, Ulka. You’re not a bad person. But I can’t risk this. We have to be in our own times. I can’t risk getting stuck with you again, even if parts were enjoyable. I’m sure you’ll make Selkath very happy.”

Molly raged. She beat at John’s back with her fists, furious, but he was tranquil, staring only at Ulka. The cavewoman stared back across a million years, her image flickering, and them too. The timelines were separating, and the whine of power from the shattered crystal was reaching a pitch so high it made them all tense. Something was happening.

“Ulka!” Molly called.

“Molly,” she replied. “I’m sorry.”

“I won’t lose you! John, how could you do this?”

“It was the only way!”

The timelines split further, widening the chasm of their separation. Ulka panicked, briefly reduced to a helpless woman in need of her mate. But she found her resolve. As the  She was no woman. She was a man, or at least she would be. And her mate was right there. She vaulted forward, grasping her spear. She pressed it to the ground, smashing into the crystal on her side, shattering it further. A corona of energy burst open, and in that moment Ulka didn’t just see John and Molly, but their very essence. The thing they had traded between their bodies. And she knew what to do.

She roared like the great warrior she was, using her spear as a pole vault to leap into the air. John looked up at her, barely a flicker, but his essence was still there. Still screaming, the barbarian cavewoman careened towards that essence, colliding her own with his.

And then suddenly the cave was dark again, the bright lights gone. The two figures in the cave breathed rapidly, trying to control their panicked breaths. Molly quickly adjusted the light upon her shoulder, and flicked it on. Before her was John, scattered on his back and looking a little bruised, but otherwise with a great, almost manic smile upon his face.

“J-John?” she asked. “What happened? Where’s Ulka?”

“Right here, my love,” he said.

The two embraced.


A million years into the past, John cried out in frustration, terror, rage, and futility. His breasts shook, and his buttocks quivered with his movements, reminding him of the female body he’d been trapped in. Ulka’s spear was impaled upon in the crystal at the centre of the cavern, and there would be no budging it. Instead, he gave it a powerful kick, annihilating the would in one powerful, borderline satisfying blow. The wooden splinters echoed across the cave floor.

He gave a ragged, furious roar, one befitting his new fate as a womanly barbarian.


He collapsed to the ground, sobbing for a time.

“F-fuck this! FUCK! Goddamnit! How did she do that? What went wrong? FUUUUUCK!!!”

Another kick of the ground, sending stones scattering like beetles across the earth.

“I can’t be stuck like this! I can’t! Do you hear me, Ulka! I’m getting my life back! I’m not being stuck as some caveman bitch for the rest of - for the rest of - ulllp!”

He began to scramble to the edge of the cave, only to fall to all fours and heave. Nausea filled his throat as he threw up what must have been Ulka’s fish stew breakfast. He wiped his mouth when he was done, sat back. His breasts . . . did they feel a little tender? He moved a hand to his flat, yet very muscled brown belly.

“Oh. Oh no. Oh God.”

After Images

John woke to Selkath’s strong arms around his form, and a very hard penis against her backside. She sighed. She’d briefly dreamed of being a man again. God, she’d even dreamed of having a damn toaster again, and a cup of coffee. Fuck, she missed coffee. But then she missed a lot of things, including easy mobility.

“You wake?” Selkath asked hopefully.

How could she not be awake? His large, brutish hands were all over her, one caressing her large ass, the other playing with her heavy tits. They were even bigger now, their bare brown nipples darker and surrounded by a larger set of areolas. They were so damn sensitive, and despite her irritation at her mate waking her, she groaned slightly.

“I wake,” she admitted. “They wake too.”

She took his hand and placed it over her belly, which was currently swollen and full with life. Within, her babies kicked against her right side, causing little ripples upon the surface of her skin. She clenched her jaw at the sensation. At least they were developing well, even though they were making her absolutely enormous.

“Mhnm, very full. Mate fertile. John is name for fertile woman.”

She chuckled at the sheer ridiculousness of that particular claim, but he wasn’t wrong. She was, after all, the first ‘John’ now, technically, and she had proved unfortunately fertile. Not enough that she got herself knocked up even before she was stuck in this horny cavewoman body, but she got knocked up so hard she was growing a set of twins. Mother Grilka had informed her so, and Hagra had agreed upon seeing how quickly John had swelled up. She even came to know that fact intimately herself. The sensation of having two little bodies growing and moving inside her womb was odd enough, but she slowly became aware that there were far too many limbs for there to be just one child.

“Very f-full,” she admitted. “You make me big with children.”

She knew that statement turned Selkath on. He was powerfully protective and possessive now that he was destined to become a father. Ordinarily she found it a little irritating, but now that she was six months along her nine month journey, with no sign of ever being a man of modernity again, she now just went along with it. After all, as muscled and powerful a woman as Ulka was, there was no accounting for lack of stomach muscles, or the big burden of carrying two whole extra lives. Necessity overcame her diminishing male pride, and now it was simply better to rely on her mate to feed her, provide for her, and see to her needs.

And she certainly still had needs, even now deep in her second trimester.

“Yes. Much big,” Selkath said, stroking her fertile roundness. “We make many powerful children. Great sons and daughters from John belly.”

She sighed, shifting herself so she was a little more comfortable - not that there was much comfort to be had with such a heavy belly these days. His hands continued to roam her swollen stomach, but occasionally he caressed her big, head-sized breasts, making her gasp with arousal.

“M-many, my mate. No choice.”

“Mhmm, ghost god is now woman of tribe. Destiny.”

“Yes. Destiny,” she said forlornly, just going along with it. There was no point in fighting back in words or deed. For one, Selkath at least did love her deeply and take care of her, and he was the tribe’s leader, which was a perk that granted her a lot of privilege as his mate. And two, she was fucking horny for him by that point, and would have said anything to get him to keep rubbing his enormous cock against her backside and to squeeze her aching, sore tits.

“We mate,” he said. There wasn’t a hint of question in it, though she could likely shut it down. He had a healthy respect for the ‘ghost god in Ulka’ after all. But she didn’t want to shut it down. Not one bit. Her pussy was hot and flushed, and she needed to be filled. Anything to take her mind off the shifting contents of her belly.

“Mhmm, m-mate me,” she moaned. “My chief.”

He grunted in satisfaction. With ease, the strong man lifted her up so that she was on her backside, her huge roundness sitting on her naked lap quite heavily. She took a moment to catch her breath. Unbelievable to think that she was a pregnant cavewoman. The very thought of giving birth to twins without any form of pain relief was bad enough.

Thankfully, Selkath took her mind off of that by sitting on a flat rock and pulling her onto his lap. She grinned, only a little shaken in pride. This was her favourite possession while pregnant: facing away from her lover so that he could cup her breasts and rub her nipples, and place his hands over her dome, all while she took his huge cock inside her pussy. He positioned her to do exactly that.

“Mmhmm!!” she moaned in the murky light of the cave. “Y-yes! Feel good!”

“You feel good,” Selkath said. “You bare m-many children for Selkath.”

And while he bounced her on his lap, his long dick sliding back and forth in her tunnel, extracting every possible pleasure, that didn’t actually sound too bad. There was something infuriatingly horny about Ulka’s body that made John lose all his senses when she was fucked. She didn’t want to spend her days as a sexy huntress pushing out babies for the tribe, but in the throes of lovemaking it always sounded really, really good. As if it was what her body was made for.

“M-mate me,” she moaned, sliding her wide hips up and down on his manhood. The pleasure from the way he stretched her was immense. She tried not to think of just how much more stretched her passage would be in three months when she became a mother in full, but for now she could simply relish the touch of her mate. He was manly, his large and hairy body enveloping hers. They fucked animalistically, grunting as he bucked his hips, and she in turn making sure he fucked her roughly in the way that drove her absolutely wild. She held her belly, feeling like a fertility idol as his cock pumped and pumped, until finally she could take no more. She let loose a primal raw of pleasure, and he followed with her, biting into her shoulder lightly in a tribal display of possession. It sent her over the edge, and she shook with female ecstasy, right as he shot his load deep inside her. It was wonderful, warm, and so, so much of it too. She knew it would be dripping down her thick thighs when she dislodged herself.

But it wasn’t like he could do any more ‘damage’ now that she was so deeply knocked up. All she could do was quake and squirm in the aftershocks of pleasure, and anticipate the arrival of the second, third, and then fourth orgasm as they rolled through her.

“At least I g-get thiisssss,” she cried in her future English tongue. She knew it pleased Selkath to hear her orgasm in her ‘ghost god’ language. “F-fucking hell, multiple orgasms are - ahh - good! Mhmmh!!”

Afterwards, she required Selkath’s help to pull her off his still-stiff dick.

“You enjoy much more now,” her mate said matter-of-factly. “More each day.”

“Maybe do,” she replied in her husky voice, dabbing at her wet thighs with a wet fur lining to clean herself. “Round with child. Make want mating more.”

“Pleased by this. Selkath like John this way.”

John sighed, though she did bite her lip a little from embarrassed pride. If nothing else, Selkath certainly worshipped her heavily pregnant form. She let him help her dress in her usual fur ‘bra’ and skirt. Her belly was naked, fully on display, jutting forth proudly and obviously, the kicking of the twins within obvious to any onlooker. After their morning sex, he helped escort her to the entrance to the cave, where other hunters were already gathering for the day’s duties. John wished she could go with them, but as much as she missed that danger, she wasn’t stupid enough to risk her babies. As they kicked within her, still awake, she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of warmth in her heart. She’d always been flaky with every relationship, and even with Selkath whom she fucked more than once every day she didn’t exactly feel a pull of romantic love towards. But these babies he’d put inside her . . . she did love them.

“You be safe here,” Selkath said, finishing his dressing and adjusting his spiritual talismans. “I bring you fine meat from feather-lizard, and gift of fire flower.”

John blushed. He could be a gentleman, of sorts, and her pregnancy hormones made her feel things when he acted that way. He caressed her stomach, stepping forward so that her dome rubbed against the naked muscles of his bare torso. That too made her feel things.

“I thank mate,” she said in her crude cavewoman speak.

“You thank me again later,” he said, smirking.

It managed to get a smile from her. Selkath could be surprisingly witty and cheeky at times. And he was providing for her.

“I dedicate hunt to John!” he called out, holding up his crude spear.

“So embarrassing,” she said in English, rubbing her belly.

But when he leaned forward to kiss her, she gave herself over to him. In the tribe, there were far fewer sexual mores than the modern day. He openly groped her enlarged, pregnant tits beneath her fur top, making her moan. He slid his other hand gown to grip her soft ass, an ass that had swelled embarrassingly larger thanks to pregnancy.

“My mate,” he said.

“Selkath mate,” she replied, touching his chest. “Bring me best meat. I crave.”

He kissed her again, and then he left with the other men, and even one woman. Evidently, Ulka had blazed enough trails to really change some things for the tribe. Too bad that her own desire to hunt, explore, to swim and climb and swing and see this strange world and its fruits, was now reduced to gestating babies all because she couldn’t help herself.

“Not like I can return to my old life,” she muttered, before settling down with the other women. The baskets wouldn’t weave themselves, after all.

It had been a frightening thing, finding herself stuck for good in the past. In the first couple of months, she had been prone to feeling bouts of rage, enough so that even Selkath was scared. They all recognised that a ghost god had been trapped in Ulka’s body, and while they wanted that for the good fortune they believed it would bring, they also feared her wrath. But even anger at being trapped a million years in the past couldn’t be held onto forever. Life for cavepeople was busy, albeit in a different way. They had to travel nomadically to where creatures roamed in their migrations, and there was much to do to survive the coming winter as well. Soon, John simply had to adapt, and begrudgingly accept that he was now a she, and one who would spend the rest of her life as a gorgeous, very fertile cavewoman. Emphasis on fertile.

Her worries that she was pregnant bore fruit, two of them, in a small amount of time. Mother Grilka, Hagra, and other women of the tribe examined her signs, and soon others followed, from the bloating of her already far-too large breasts, to the subtle widening of her hips and glow of her skin. Even her wild, tangled black hair had a nice sheen to it. And, of course, she experienced the nausea, the throwing up of the featherclaw stew. There was no denying it: she was pregnant, and would soon be growing with child.

What she hadn’t anticipated was how soon that growth would come, or how much it would excite Selkath and the tribe in general. He fucked her silly each day she was able to, and brought her all kinds of great gifts, even if they were totem necklaces and ‘fine’ meats, at least by the standard of this time. But soon her belly was already getting taut, and what seemed like a small growth at first was becoming firmer and larger and more curved each day. Soon the activities she took for granted in this body - hunting, swimming, running through the wilds with abandon - were no longer nearly as possible, and Selkath even laid down the law as leader of the tribe that she had to stay with the women while pregnant.

It had been Mother Grilka that gave her the news that she was pregnant with twins. The old shaman crone was right, and that was enough to make John even more frustrated. Yet four months into her new fate, she felt a strange stirring in her womb one morning as she lay by the sleeping Selkath. She couldn’t believe it at first, but then it happened again. And again. She rubbed her belly, shocked at the alien sensations within, and in the end had to wake her mate to feel. He was ecstatic, to say the least. They were her babies, inside of her. Little lives dependent on her, ones that she would painfully birth and then feed with her big, milky breasts. Her sons or daughters or one of each, and they were hers. Her pregnancy hormones coursed through her body, and she began to cry at the strangeness and beauty of it all. She still wished to be John again, to be in the future. But this? This could be something unique and wonderful.

And so she continued to grow, getting heavy and heavy. She now waddled a little, though she kept up her strength. In the reflection of the water, she looked every part of the incredibly tough barbarian woman warrior, only now she was also sporting a massive belly to indicate her impressive fertility. In a way, she could draw some pride from that too: she was not some helpless female, even when expecting twins and having to sit down every so often to rest.

Of course, just as she got used to her new life a little bit more, a reminder would stir up. Often in her peripherals, though sometimes staring straight at her, she would see her old body in the distant, distant future, Ulka wearing it, happily with Molly. She would clench her jaw and fists during those moments, still furious at the life she’d been robbed of. And sometimes Ulka could see her back as well, and the two might exchange some quick words.

“John, are you well?”

“As well as I can be, given I’m you. And pregnant.”

“You look . . . very full.”

“I fucking feel it, Ulka. I’m carrying twins.”

“Hm. That is a great blessing in my tribe’s beliefs.”

“Don’t I know it. Are you enjoying the future? Showers? Toasters? Refrigerators? Fast food? Pain relief medicine?”

Ulka, to the now-male’s credit, would not answer that very, very obvious question, nor take the bait at all. Instead, he simply replied with kind words.

“It appears you are on the northern trail. If you are by the shallow pool by the twin waterfall, the one with a rock that appears like a modern lion when viewed from its left, then I suggest you find the space behind the larger of the two waterfalls. There is a secret tunnel there, easily big enough even for one that is greatly pregnant. There is a natural hot spring inside I discovered and kept secret. Perhaps it will help the weight on your back.”

John would only roll her eyes. “Great, because that will help me with all this weight! And this kicking! Does Molly know I’m pregnant?”

“She does. She is here with me, though you cannot see her. She wishes you the best, and is jealous that you have twins on the way.”

“Great. Fucking great.”

“You will be a great mother John, I have little doubt. I have sensed your love of the babies. We are shared.”

John huffed. “Just like I’ve sensed you and my old girlfriend together. Just like I’ve sensed you wanting to marry her.”

“In time. When she is ready. I will do what I can to help you, John, but I cannot give your life back, even if I wanted to. Our destinies are still linked, but now you are Ulka, and I am John. Selkath will take care of you.”

The connection severed, and John could only mumble to herself. “Him ‘taking care’ of me is what got me into this damned mess.”

But she stumbled towards the hot spring anyway, and found it a most relaxing experience. It certainly did take the weight off of her back, and gave some feeling of exploration and discovery back. And a nice place to seclude to, so she could speak to her babies in private, and complain of the things she missed.


Ulka grinned. He’d managed to successfully navigate the gym without viewing other ‘tribal members’ of its space as competitors to be bested for the sake of her honour. Progress. It had been six months since that fateful day had transformed his life forever, and for the best. Navigating the modern world was still difficult - he could still absorb some of John’s knowledge, but the process was slower now, and less defined. Ultimately, he had to stand on his own, like he always had.

Well, that wasn’t quite true. He had someone else to stand with too, which was why he was grinning. After his visit to the gym, he took his bicycle all the way out of the city to the bordering forests up upon the hill. He didn’t trust himself to drive a car yet. While John had been an adept driver, Ulka had no such confidence, even in the male body he now wore as his own permanently. The multi-ton vehicles of metal and glass were simply too terrifying to behold, at least for now. So he had biked, and biked, and biked, his body even more toned than it had been with John. He left it lying by a tree and descended into the forest by himself. In many ways, the forests were necessary. So much of the wilds of the modern world were tamed and paved over. It was a powerful statement of conquest, and people lived without so many fears, but there were other fears too that he could never have imagined: that the forests and jungles he once took for granted would be gone forever entirely. So in these moments by himself, he liked to imagine himself as the warrior and hunter he had once been, and wander into the dark and view the animals silently. He did not this time. Instead, he brought the short spear he had crafted painstakingly the last few weeks, and readied it at the sight of the deer. Technically, one could hunt in this forest, though it was usually with guns rather than crude stakes of wood. It didn’t matter. He made his mark.

Afterwards, Ulka took great care to honour the spirit of the deer, and its impressive antlers. He got to work carving and treating the animal, ensuring that its best meat would be kept safe, its fur maintained, its bones and antlers stored. He removed what he needed, and found the parts he desired to mingle with the rest. He had been hunting a number of times for several weeks now, and believed that today would be the day. It was important to do things right, after all.

When he was finished, he placed all that was needed in the heavy bags on either side of the bike, and slowly pedalled all the way back to the apartment. He knew he looked ridiculous, but his muscles needed the exercise. Now that he was a man for good, it was crucial that he prove himself worthy of the body, and not just settle for the same impressive musculature as a woman. After all, he had his mate to protect.

Upon arrival home, he was pleased to realise that Molly’s shift at the bakery was not over yet. That was good. He had been earning his own money slowly helping others achieve fitness, and teaching how to hunt with a spear for novelty enthusiasts. It was difficult, but he was getting better at it. Now, he had time to prepare for his mate’s return. First, he made sure the meat was taken care of. He was not totally adept with modern spices, but he had focused intensely on learning how to make a good deer broth that would be most delicious. Then, he arranged the larger bones of the creature, treating them as he often had as a cavewoman, albeit with a more modern scouring method, thankfully. He already had many other animal bones necessary, but the antlers were key. Then, he took the finest bones, as he had from the birds he had hunted, and rabbits he had caught. Singing a song of his ancient, long-dead now people, he worked upon the necklace, treating the bones to their right dyes and letting them warm in the sun to dry.

He was nervous, but settled down to wait in the living room. Molly would be home soon, after all. He grabbed himself a beer - truly one of mankind’s greatest and worst inventions, he felt - and allowed it to take the edge off of his anxiousness. In the mirror on the desk across the room, he could see his reflection. He appeared strong and stalwart and so very male, though he wished he still had his dark skin. Molly’s ‘ghost god’ complexion was delightful, but he did miss his own brown pigment. Still, it was a minor matter.

“Ulka, damn you!”

She twisted her head, and out of the corner of her eye she could see - and feel - John. Across time and space she was there, for the former male truly was a she now, wearing her body for many months. She looked surprised to see Ulka, but she shouldn’t have been. Though their lives were now sealed in their current bodies, they still occasionally experienced little after images of one another’s lives, and this was no different.

“John,” he said.

“Ulka. Thanks . . . for the hot spring, I mean. It was good. Particularly for my ankles.”

“I know other such places. And a good bark further up north that is wonderful to the skin. It will be good for the stretch marks of your belly.”

John nodded. “How is Molly?”

“She is well. I am to propose to her tonight.”

“I know. I sensed it. This damn connection. Each time I try to forget my old life and just focus on being a cavewoman and future mother, my past - my future I guess - gets dragged up to me.”

“I am sorry. If it helps, it can be a good thing. I miss my world sometimes, and it is nice to experience it through you, in some way. And also to know what life would be like, had I become pregnant. Some small part of me still feels a desire for it.”

John chuckled. “You have news on that front, don’t you? Don’t try to lie, I felt a strange joy from the ‘other side’ just a month ago. You’ve knocked up Molly, haven’t you?”

“She carried our child, yes. Just one.”

“Lucky. God, more pregnant than my ex-girlfriend. And with much bigger tits too. Best of luck proposing, I guess. I still don’t forgive you, but then I guess you wouldn’t forgive me either, trying to separate us.”

“I do not blame you,” he said. “But I am glad how things worked out, yes.”

A sigh. “Well, I guess one of us has to be happier. I’ll just have to be accepting.”

And then the cavewoman faded away, and Ulka was pulled from her musing on her ‘other half’ when her actual romantic other half entered into the room. Molly was barely showing at all, but given her lithe figure, she had a little bit of a dome. Indeed, her nice breasts were also fuller, and Ulka held hopes of them becoming larger still. Indeed, part of her was glad their ‘happy little accident’ had occurred. Certainly, Molly was insatiable for doing it ‘cavewoman style’ as she liked to call it. She moved to embrace Ulka, and the two shared a deep kiss.

“I’m glad to be home,” she said.

“I am glad to see you, my mate.”

“I love it when you call me that. It’s so fucking . . . primal.”

“But it means more, this time,” Ulka said. “I have something to show you, if you are ready. You must close your eyes, and you must remove your top.

Molly adjusted her glasses, gave a quizzical look, but then complied. Carefully, Ulka took the necklace from the box behind the couch. It was adorned in the totems he felt were most important, the small bones of animals, the beads and teeth he’d had cleaned and died, and fragments of beautiful rocks he treasured. It was a simple gift, and he didn’t expect Molly to wear it often, but it was important still. He slipped it over her neck.

“Okay, you put something on me. Where is this going?”

“You may open your eyes now.”

She did so, and looked with fascination at the beaded necklace full of totems and dyed animal bones. Before she could say anything, Ulka also drew out the pair of antlers. He had reduced their size, affixed them expertly to further threaded reeds, so that they formed a beautiful crown of sorts. He slipped this onto Molly’s head, and she looked at him with astonishment, appearing like some mix of goddess and pale-skinned tribal woman.

“Did you make all this?”

“I had to. It is the way of my tribe. Not the one I was taken into, but the one of my birth. It is how one claims a woman as mate, by proving one as a warrior, hunter, and caregiver, and to know a woman’s works of weaving also.

“You wish to claim me?”

“I wish for you to be my mate in full. That will mean we marry in your modern way, I know, but -”

“No,” Molly said, and for a moment Ulka was hit by panic, until he saw the tears of joy in Molly’s eyes. “I thought I wanted to be married, but no. Not anymore. This is so much better. I want this to be your way, even if no one else ever knows or understands. Yes, Ulka. My love. I’ll be your mate.”

Ulka smiled, and took his mate into his arms. The two kissed lovingly, and his groin stirred with arousal.

“One last step remains,” he explained. “To become a full mate for life, we must also prove it in the act and -”

“Thank God! My hormones are going crazy. Fuck me, Ulka. Make me your cavewoman.”

And Ulka did. Several times that night, in fact. He may have become a modern man, but there was still a lot of the cave still in him. And for that, he was glad.


John gave birth painfully, in a labor that lasted nearly nine hours. It was pure agony, and the mothers of the tribe could only aid her through the ordeal with encouragement and tribal singing. The cavewoman cursed them in her ‘ghost god language’, but in reality it was just her way of dealing with birthing twins, something she never imagined she could ever experience. As her body urged her to push, and she squatted down to expel the first of her children, it was Ulka’s presence that gave her the most encouragement of all. She wanted to hate the woman who had taken her life, but in that moment, all she cared about was that Ulka was sending as much warm mental energy and encouragement her way as possible.

“You can do this, John. I know you never planned for it, but you can do this. I know you are strong. I know you have done great things. Dangerous things. Risky things. This is just one more great adventure, full of its own struggle. You can do this.”

“I c-can!” she roared. “I c-caaaaan!!”

And with that, she squealed, pushed some more, and the first of her babies entered into a fellow tribeswoman’s waiting hands. And then, another push, and again, and her next twin exited as well. A pair of boys, as it turned out, already blue and covered in gunk and crying out for their mother’s milk, of which there was plenty to go around. An exhausted John fed them, lying against a bed of furs as she nursed her babies. The pain faded, becoming a mere soreness in the aftermath, and she looked with love at her two children. They would not be the last, she knew, not by far. There was no contraception, after all, and her body was practically made for birthing. Not to mention her mate loved fucking her too dearly to ever put a stop to another conception. But that was a problem for another day. For now, she had her babies, and she had, perhaps, finally something to look forward to in raising them.

Across the distant gap of time, Ulka smiled.

“John has become a mother,” he announced to Molly.

“Oh my God, I still can’t believe it. He - uh, she is okay?”

“She is. It all went well. And I think perhaps she might be well, too.” He rubbed Molly’s belly, which was by now more obviously pronounced.

“Are you sure? I still feel terrible for him, even after his last little trick. To be trapped like that, and now with two babies. He’ll be okay? She will be, I mean?”

“I hope so,” Ulka answered, seeing the reflection of John’s smile as she nursed a second time. “But only time will tell.”

The End


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