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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part

Previous Part

Part 11: Escape

When the door to the cell opened it was with confusion and concern. Two guards, as well as the white-haired man, poured into the room. The reason was obvious: the cameras keeping a continual eye upon the alien woman had suddenly switched off. Moreover, the lights had flickered, just briefly. And suddenly she was gone.

“Move slowly,” the man declared. “She might still be in here. We don’t know what that creature is capable of, goddamnit.”

He was far less in control of the situation than he had been a mere half-hour ago. Serellis smiled privately to herself, enjoying the view of her captor and tormentor losing his cool, twisting his head back and forth like a wrapper in the wind.

“Stun only,” he whispered. “She can’t die. Not until we get answers about the signal. There’s so much we can learn from a living specimen.”

The two guards nodded and entered the room slowly. Each seemed to have a pistol of some kind, perhaps a dart gun. But another, much more lethal-looking variant was also strapped to their hips.

“It looks like she’s gone,” one said, but he was hushed by the white-haired man.

Serellis took all this in with bated breath. Unbeknownst to them, she was still sat in her very same chair, a silent mix of nervous, anxious, and excited. Cloaking! To think that she actually had the power to go fucking invisible! It was exciting beyond belief, and even more so by the revelation that her antennae could feedback nearby electrical equipment and short them out, at least temporarily. To all concerned parties, it was like she had vanished from the room. In truth, she had simply used the flickering light to cloak her body - an act which caused a strangely delightful whole-body shiver - and then rapidly wrench her tail from its binding. It came free, but her wrists were still bound. She had them pulled back awkwardly over the edge of the table so that they appeared to be hanging off the edge, but a close inspection might reveal some breakage of the laws of gravity. That was okay, she didn’t need the guards that close. She just needed them close enough.

“Anything?” the man with white hair said. His gravelly voice was that of a classic G-man, and he seemed to be regaining his composure. He tapped an earpiece and whispered, but it was loud enough for Serellis to hear with her fine-tuned senses.

“If she’s out, she’ll try to find him. Keep the boy under close guard. Worse comes to worse, put him in a situation where he can be liquidated unless she complies.”

The two guards circled the table. The room was not large, and they were moments away from either noticing the slightly floaty manacles, or from tripping on her invisible form. Serellis took a breath, drew upon her sports training and her long history of slightly illegal tackles, and launched into action.

Her tail whipped out so rapidly that the first guard had no idea what hit him. He collapsed against the table.

“What the f-!”

She twisted as fast as she could so that her tail flicked in the other direction, just as the trained guard raised his pistol in her direction, as if sensing her presence. It smacked his hand aside, twisted the gun. With an expertise with her tail that she’d been focusing on developing she managed to actually snatch the gun, much to his astonishment. From his perspective, a now-floating gun fired several wayward shots in his direction. He went rigid as he was hit with the short-range taser.

“Got you,” she said. Her invisibility melted away in patches, revealing her presence. She couldn’t keep it up forever: it was too taxing. She immediately pulled the shocked man closer, yanked at his belt. Less than four seconds had even transpired. “Keys, keys, c’mon!”

A dart fired right near her, and it was only due to her supernaturally fast reflexes that she managed to avoid being hit. Another dart fired, and another near miss. The white-haired man was expert, and adapting far quicker to the situation than she’d hoped.


“She’s here!” he called. “Get me back up, now!”

She threw the gun she’d seized from her tail to her hands. It wasn’t much use since they were still manacled to the steel table, but it allowed her to fire a taser at the white-haired man, who ducked to the side as it missed him. She immediately retracted it, prepared to fire again if he reappeared.

“C’mon, fucking keys! He has to have - yes!”

The guard was one she recognised: one of the figures present when she’d first been suck in this room. And sure enough, a set of keys were upon his belt. She pulled it off with her tail and began trying to undo her handcuffs, even as the white-haired man fired another dart into the room. This one she only barely missed: her x-ray vision allowed her to see he was coming, but the next time she would not be so lucky.

“Reinforcements now! She’s slippery, and she may still escape!”

Her pointed ears pricked. More footsteps were approaching from further down the complex. An elevator was coming to life. Too much was happening. But this was the best plan she had, and her only chance to escape, and to save Derek. Her mate.

“Submit now!” the G-man called. “You’re not getting out of there, and if you continue to be a threat I can’t guarantee your safety! Throw over the weapon and allow yourself to be tranquilised.”

“Fat chance!” she called, fury in her veins. “You’re not getting this green chick again!”

Except the keys weren’t working. There were ten, and even as she worked her tail to its fullest, she was still shaking from nervousness and wasting time. And time was on the G-man’s side.

“Focus Serellis. Focus.”

She closed her eyes, let her lungs calm for a moment. She pictured Derek. Gorgeous, beautiful, wiry-haired and nerdy Derek. The man she wanted - had - save. She ignored the stakes of the moment, and let herself focus on him. This was just like a game of football or soccer. When it came down to it, you had to let your muscles do their thing automatically. Overthinking it would doom her.

She opened her three eyes, even as the G-man cocked his pistol, having readied the next few darts. Her tail steadied, and this time she got the key in the lock on the first try.

And it was the right key.

There was an enormous moment of staggering relief as her handcuffs clicked open, releasing her in full. Yes, she was still deep in an Area 51-style government complex, being shot at, and stuck in orange prison shorts with a rip for her tail, and a white singlet that was constricting her damn triple-chest. But for now she had her movement.

“That’s all I goddamn need right now,” she said, grinning.

Serellis leapt forward, bounding over the table and flipped through the air. Her tail smashed against the door, almost ripping it off its hinges despite its weight. As she sailed through the air, she shared a momentary exchange with the G-man, who stared at her with a mix of shock, anger, and genuine admiration. And then she landed on all fours and scrambled forward so rapidly that the next three darts had no chance of catching her.

“She’s on the move! L-corridor, headed east! Cut her off, damn it! And triple the guards on Derek Mayes!”

She ignored his words, instead focusing purely on her speed. She dashed and rushed, ran and leapt. To her astonishment, she could run along the walls and even the ceiling for a short amount of time, her bare feet and hands sticking to the surface when she willed it.

“Fucking incredible!” she exclaimed, half-grinning. “Why would I ever go back!?”

The statement wasn’t wrong. She felt more alive and powerful and athletic than even her most powerful days at the gym. Even if she lacked her male self’s jock-like strength, her incredible dexterity and gymnast-like precision more than made up for it. She rapidly switched between her senses, using her x-ray vision to avoid hallways clustered with incoming agents, and then again to see through the darkness as they cut the power. The emergency alarm blared, and soon numerous individuals were putting on night-vision goggles.

“Mine are better, and all natural,” she boasted to herself. She paused, chest heaving, and frankly much too wobbly given the lack of bra on. Her thick tail coiled around a pole, anchoring herself as she peaked around a corner. Even for her x-ray vision, the thick concrete her was a bit too much, but she knew she was headed in the right direction.

Three men were suiting up, receiving orders.

“Heading right now sir. Don’t worry, she won’t-”

“Hey, that’s her! She’s here!”

Serellis muttered a curse under her breath. Her antennae went wild, alerting her that she was spotted. “Yeah, duh, I fucking know!” she cried, before leaping down the hallway towards the guards, instead of away. Her sports instincts took over: it was time to confront the opposition. And besides, the areas behind her were filling up with agents, and she had to make a move. She bounded to the opposite wall, sticking to it by one hand and her feet for just a moment before leaping forward again, this time between the guards. Her tail whipped out, knocking off their night vision goggles in quick succession. The third agent was more prepared, lowering her weapon to just where Serellis would be. But Serellis grinned, going invisible once more. Each time it was a strain, but even in short bursts it threw the guards off.

“Where did she go?”

“Get your night goggles back on!”

“Hit the lockdown!”

The alarms blared, but Serellis ignored them. One thing at a time. She had to get Derek back, and then she could think of how to get out. She raced around the halls, running along the walls for a moment where the bends were tight, achieving speeds that even an Olympic runner would find impossible. She was barely working up a sweat, but her antenna informed her she couldn’t keep this up forever: her agile body was still using energy.

“Just n-need enough to get him back,” she said through gritted teeth.

More yelling. Another long white hall, this one chiefly populated by scientists and individuals in HAZMAT suits. She skidded to a stop, her tail whipped out to grasp a railing to pull her short. The small crowd looked at her with astonishment, and among them she recognised the uncaring scientist who had performed routine tests upon her.

“You!” he yelled. “You can’t escape! Lockdown is in effect!”

He pointed to the heavy metal door at the end of the hallway that was in the final stage of lowering, blocking off the exit. Her ears twitched. Turning her head, she saw that an identical door on the other end of the hallway she’d just passed was likewise closing. Shit.

But her x-ray vision continued to be her saviour. She was fast, and could jump, and she could squeeze through spaces her previous body never would have been able to. And the air vent access panel high up on the wall to her left looked pretty welcoming right at that moment.

“Oh yeah?” she said to the scientist. “Watch me, human.”

It was a stupid comment, one that didn’t do much for her case as originally human herself, but damn if it didn’t feel good. And then, just for the hell of it, she stuck her long tongue out at him before leaping with expert precision to the panel and tearing it off after just a minor struggle.

She was in before any of the darts were close to being fired. The air vent was cramped and small, and she certainly needed her tail to help propel her, but far better was the adhesive nature of her hands and feet that let her pull her way through them with relative ease. She wasn’t even making much noise, which was more important than anything. Alarm bells continued to ring, but they wouldn’t last long, and so she had only a minute or so to use the sound as effective cover.

“Coming for you, Derek,” she breathed. “Coming for you, my love.”

It felt so good to say. It truly did. She needed to say it to him. To let him know that in amongst this insane transformation over such a short period, she had somehow fallen head over heels for this nerdy, passionate man who had done so much to protect her. Even if he was so full of snark that she sometimes wanted to slap him upside the head with her tail.

She shifted and slid and crawled through the vents, continuing to utilise her x-ray vision to ensure she was heading in the right direction. The shaft went vertical, and so she continued to crawl up. With her green skin and tail, she felt like a sort of sexy gecko as she ascended upwards to the floor where Derek was being held. His heat signal was so damn close, but so did that of an entire armed group lying in wait for her. Word hadn’t travelled yet that she was in the vents, or at least not to this group.

“Have to act fast,” she said.

#%#$^#$%$#% RETRIEVE MATE #%$#$^$#^ COME TO SIGNAL %%^T#$%^#

“Working on it!” she whispered in a frustrated tone. “God, you better not end up fucking abducting us to another planet or some shit. Fuck, that might be the only way we even stay safe now.”

She sighed, controlled her breathing again, and peered through the air vent panel that led into Derek’s interrogation room. He looked a little worse for wear, which only inflamed her fury towards the group that had done this to them. Like her, he was in an orange prison uniform, though his fit him better than hers did for her alien body. Still, it gave her a bit to admire.

“Stop being so fucking horny, Serellis. Head in the game. Just like your coaches taught you.”

She counted the figures. Twelve in total. Six outside the room, six within. They had guns too: real ones. The kind that would fuck her up, and Derek even more so. She had to play this quick and smart. She used her x-ray vision to scan the scene, biding her time. There was no way she could get him out the door. And more reinforcements were coming.

“Fuck it. Sorry about this Derek.”

Sometimes the winning strategy was not to play the other side’s game, and instead disrupt their plan from the outset. They expected a frontal approach, the kind a former jock would take, and even if she did come from the vents she’d be in a hell of a lot of trouble. But Derek wasn’t manacled anymore: they wanted to keep him mobile.

And that gave her everything she needed.

Serellis focused her senses for just a moment, long enough to cause the electrical signal to the lights to dim. At the very moment they began to flicker, she burst through the air vent grate, bruising her shoulder something fierce but surprising all the men below. Before they had time to react, she reached out with her long tail and - feeling terrible about this - grabbed Derek by his sexy spiky black hair. He yelped as she pulled him upwards with singular effort, already scrambling into the vents with him in tow. Her lover screamed in pain, and several shots fired.


She cringed, moving as fast as she could through the vent out of that space, still yanking Derek by his hair.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck! STOOOP!”

She did so, managing just to manoeuvre enough to see him. He locked eyes with her, even in the darkness.


“I told you I’d find you,” she said. “We’re getting out of here.”

“You ripped out my hair.”

God, she could have kissed him for days. “Stop complaining. It was barely a few hairs. Now grab my tail, and don’t yank it off.”

“Like you did my tail?”

“Just take it Derek. We’re not out of the fucking woods yet, okay? I need to keep you safe. We’re getting out of dodge, my mate.”



“Thanks for coming back for me.”

She beamed. Her antennae felt a well of emotion build up inside her lover, and it in turn brought tears to all three of her eyes. “I’m not leaving you Derek. Not now, not ever. You’re - fuck, I wish I had the turning space to kiss you right now.”

Instead, Derek took her tail and planted a kiss upon it.

“Like that?”

“Fuck, that felt really hot.”

“Well, you are pretty hot. You’re a nerd’s wet dream.”

She blushed purple. “Fuck, stop distracting me in this mouldy vent tunnel. You can’t even see the stains I see. We’re being hunted, let’s move.”

“Lead the way, Serellis.”

She did so, pulling him along with her tail. It was slow going, but they moved further up and up the structure. Progress seemed assured, but unfortunately the compound’s staff and their white-haired leader were not stupid. Soon she could sense numerous individuals entering the vents themselves, and other sections being dismantled.

“We need to get out of here,” she said. “We’re not far from the exit. I might disappear for a while, I can sort of turn invisible now, but I’ll always be with you, okay?”

“Fucking invisible? Damn! What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know, you’re the thinker!”

She moved to push open a panel and begin speeding through the complex again, but Derek grabbed her tail firmly. “Wait, I have an idea.”


The massive entrance to the complex was closing. A huge metal door, circular in shape like that of a great bank vault, was slowly shutting, sealing everyone within. Here, alarm bells rang, bathing the area in blood red tones. A klaxon sounded, and numerous agents moved with alacrity, grabbing stun weapons and actual weapons, intent on taking down the would-be escapees.

And in the middle of this flood of organised panic, Derek was in a HAZMAT suit, running towards the door and waving his arms at some of the operators. Few gave him a second glance: after all, he was wearing the same suit the pair of them had stolen off a technician they’d rendered unconscious. Serellis was invisible beside him, trying to keep her concentration.

“What are you doing?” he yelled.

“Can’t you see?” the operator called. “We’re in shut down!”

“I have fucking exotic material here! This shit is radioactive! It needs to go to the dump site, ASAP!”

The operator was in a glass cubicle box high up on a gantry, but he looked momentarily caught between the need to follow protocol and an inability to know if he was actually following it in such a situation.

“It’s a lockdown! Everyone has to stay put! It’s Section 31 one of the Charter, damn it!”

Serellis felt Derek’s internal anxiety. She placed an invisible hand on his shoulder, them moved forward to start climbing the gantry with ease. There were a number of guards nearby, but they didn’t suspect anything. Yet.

“It’ll only take a second!” Derek said. “There’s a flat bed! Please, this is fucking blood poisoning we’re talking about! You can’t cure that!”

Again, that uncertainty, but Serellis could already sense with her cute little antennae that this man was ultimately choosing not to budge. He was just seconds away from calling a superior. She reached his high cubicle, finding a space on its roof that was open, and hopped in. The man reached for his radio when she pressed a taser against his back and fired.


He fell back, but she caught him, sitting him down in a chair as he slipped into unconsciousness. They were very powerful tasers, that was for sure. Working quickly, she hit the switch to keep the door from closing.

And then another.

And then another.

And then one more.

Finally, with a frustrated WHACK of her tail, she hit as many buttons on the desk panel as possible, causing them all to light up brightly. The massive door halted its closing.

“Well that did it at least.”

She fiddled just a little longer to see if she could set up what Derek had suggested, and when she thought she’d achieved it, she leapt up out of the cubicle and made her way down. Already suspicion was growing. She took Derek’s hand, trying to stop her invisibility from flickering.


They ran together. Several voices called out. Derek raised the ‘exotic matter’ (just a briefcase of no importance) and gave his same explanation, but some were calling for him to halt. Still they ran, reaching the door and diving to the other side of it.

“This better work!” Serellis said as they began to run across the desert ground.

Indeed, as if by miracle, the time lapse of the door activated, and it began to shut once more, before any other agents could make it to them. In the panic and confusion they ran, her appearance still slowly coming back into visibility.

“Quickly!” she called. “One of the trucks!”

Derek was not the strongest of men, but something in him had risen to the forefront, because he dashed quickly to one of the military jeeps located roughly a hundred feet from the base. Everywhere, all around them, soldiers and agents were scrambling, and heavy vehicles moving all about. And that, ironically, gave them enough of a screen to hope into a jeep, sight unseen.

“Work your magic, Serellis!” he exclaimed.

“I’m trying. I don’t even know if this works.”

She focused her thoughts, her electrical signals, upon the car, willing the technology to turn on, for the ignition to start. Sweat poured down her features, and her tail flicked with frustration, but just as she was on the verge of collapsing, it suddenly revved, roaring to life.

“Fuck yes!” Derek said. “You’re goddamned amazing.”

He kissed her passionately, just for a quick moment, then hit the jeep into gear.

“I’ve never driven one of these,” he said. “So this may be a bit bumpy. We’ll get as close to the city as we can before -”

“No,” Serellis said. She pointed further west, where the land ran dry and craggy. “We go that way. There’s an alien signal there. It’s what they’re all afraid of. What they’ll interrogate and kill us for. It’s what I need to get to, or die trying. I can drop you off along the way.”

But Derek, to her surprise and relief, just grinned, and kissed her a second time.

“Where you go, I go. I’m your mate, remember? I’m not leaving you behind either.”

She trembled, wiped a tear. “I love you,” she said.

“I love you too, Serellis. Now let’s get you to that signal, come hell or high water.”

He hit the gas, and the jeep tore forward, ignoring all attempts to stop it, and the barred gate that lowered to try and stop them. In moments, they both knew that the entire compound’s paramilitary and team of agents would be upon them.

They just had to reach the signal first.

To Be Continued . . .