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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part

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Part 9: Constellations

The crater was impressively large, and more circular than most. Indeed, Serellis could see how Derek had viewed it as a possible landing sight for UFOs, and been rewarded with the remains of alien tech that the government had failed to notice, including the device that changed her into the three-breasted babe she was now. She looked about, her vision easily extending into ‘night mode’, but there was nothing she could immediately spy. Her body was still horny, three nipples still aching to be touched, but the search for a way back was now making her heart pump with a different kind of excitement.

“I can’t believe it, we actually made it,” she said as they made their way into the crater. Surprisingly, she was the one helping Derek down the deeper recesses - after all, she had the better vision at that moment, and her tail worked excellently as a kind of ‘hook’ to avoid falling. Sort of like an organic piece of abseiling equipment that sometimes had a mind of its own.

“Cheers,” Derek said as he got down to his feet. “It feels weird grabbing your tail.”

“Huh, try being the one with a tail, dork.”

“Dude, I told you not to call me -”

But she put her tail against his lips and winked at him in the dying light. “It’s affectionate, man. Seriously, we actually fucked each other last night. I’m beyond the stage where I make fun of you, okay. I mean, look at me?”

“I can’t really see too well, to be honest.”

She took his hand, secured her tail around his waist. “C’mon, we’ll find a spot to rest and set up camp. Even with this awesome dark vision it’s still not perfect. It’s like I can see in perfect colour, but only out to, like, a hundred feet or so. Then it just drops.”

“Handy ability to have, at least.”

“Yeah, I guess. Speaking of handy, you’re grabbing my hip.”

Derek chuckled sheepishly. “Sorry, I just figured.”

“It’s okay, you can keep it there. For someone I judged to be a kind of freaky virgin nerd type, you sure are daring with ladies.”

“Oh, you’re a lady now, are you?”

It was Serellis’ turn to be a bit sheepish. She blushed purple, and was glad Derek could not see it. “Until I’m fixed, I guess I am,” she said. “It’s that stupid device of yours. First it makes me into an alien woman. A hot one, too. Then it makes me gay. Or straight, or whatever. Now, it’s making me call myself Serellis and think of myself as a total girl.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m pretty sure you can still beat the crap out of me.”

She laughed. “Damn straight! But don’t worry, I’m not doing that again. When I turned back, I don’t want to be the same person anymore. Even if I get the same skin again.”

Derek seemed to muse on this as they walked in the increasing darkness. For over a minute he didn’t say anything, until finally she nudged him with her tail.

“Dude, you can speak already. You’re making me nervous here.”

“I guess, this is weird to admit.”

Serellis’ antenna throbbed, their spherical ends pulsating in a way that sensed the emotions and wants of her partner-in-crime. She knew what Derek was struggling to admit. She knew it well, not just because of her amazing new senses, but because she was feeling it a little herself, odd as it was.

“You kinda don’t want me to change back, do you?”

He was silent again.

“I guess not. You’re pretty cool, at least now as a beautiful alien woman. I know that sounds strange, but I also think that this has been the best time of my entire life. Dangerous as it is, as crazy as it has been, I’m so glad I got to know the real you, Serellis. I hope - well, I hope you’ve got something out of it, too.”

She had. She knew she had. But it was so hard to vocalise, especially with her loins tingling in the presence of her mate.

“Well, let’s set up camp,” she said. “We’ll turn on your torchlight, just for a few minutes.”

Derek nodded. She could see the disappointment on his face. He’d wanted her to say something. She’d wanted that too. It burned like a hot coal inside her belly.


Serellis lay pressed against Derek in the sleeping back, wearing little more than her modified bra and a pair of panties that tucked up under the thick base of her green tail. It was incredibly comfortable despite having only a little space: her antenna had been most insistent that she share a bed with Derek, and feel his human warm skin against her own. The clouds had parted just in time as they finished organising their things, and with the mild weather, they had opened up the front of their meagre tent so they could see the brilliant constellations shining down upon them. It allowed Derek to see again, particularly since the light of the moon was three-fourths full. They could see one another again, and even nestled against each other, they couldn’t help but look deep into one another’s eyes, seeing each other’s faces as if for the first time. He was quite handsome, Serellis thought, in his cute, nerdy, off-kilter way. The spiky, erratic black hair had its own charm, as did the dorky glasses look. And besides, he did feel more muscular than she had given him credit for as Chad.

“Are you sure about this?” her mate asked. “I mean, you have your own sleeping mat and bag. Just because this one is extra large size doesn’t mean we both have to be in it.”

She chuckled, lifted a hand out to point to her slowly moving antennae. “Blame it on these things. They were practically ordering me to get up next to you. They’re real big on the whole ‘mating’ thing, dude. It’s pretty fucking wild.”

Neither mentioned the fact that her arm was across his chest, or that her tail was sliding over his leg, as if caressing it.

“Um, are we mating now?”

“Just watching the stars, dude.”

There was a long silent moment where they took in the majesty of creation. It was beautiful, something Serellis never would have truly appreciated as Chad. Now, with her new feminine hormones and alien nature, it brought a tear to her eyes: all three of them. She wiped them away with her three-fingered hand.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Derek said.

“Yeah. Hot damn, right?”

“Exactly. Hot damn. Even if there weren’t aliens, I’d be obsessed with space. We’re all pretty small compared to it. Specks of dust, really. It’s humbling.”

“Goddamn it is, wow.” She shifted, cringing a little at how her three big boobs overwhelmed the cups, and also trying to make sure she wasn’t yanking her own long, dark hair by pressing on it with her back. “Do you think . . . do you think the aliens that did this to me, in a roundabout way I guess, are up there? Like, are they watching this planet now?”

“I kind of hope so,” Derek said. “For your sake.”

He lowered his hand and held hers. Their fingers interlocked.



“You’re pretty amazing, all things considered.”

“It’s true, I am a damn good alien finder.”

“Well, I am an alien, so I guess that checks out.”

They both chuckled, and she pressed herself against him more deeply. “We better go to sleep. Good night.” Without thinking, she kissed him on the cheek, her full dark green lips against his soft skin. It sent a shiver of excitement through her, and her antennae sensed the same in him. After all, his cock began to go hard again.

“Oh,” he said. “Sorry, ignore that.”

“It’s kind of hard to. I mean, it is hard. God, I used to have one of those.”

“Well, you did choose to sleep here with me.”

“That’s my stupid new instincts, dude! They’re making me fucking - oh, forget it. Let’s just wait it out.”

But her tail had other ideas. The traitorous limb snaked up to begin rubbing Derek’s member, making him grunt a little as it gripped his impressive girth and stroked him ever harder.

“D-dude! You’re rubbing my cock!”

“I know!” she squeaked. “I’m not meaning to. Fuck, it’s so hot though. God, it’s making my tits damn sensitive as well.”

“Shouldn’t you stop?”

“I should!” she cried. But she didn’t. In fact, she took a bit more control of her tail, and used it to pull down the waistband of his pajamas in order to directly access his cock. She moaned, feeling utterly turned on as the end of her tail massaged her mate’s balls. Her three nipples throbbed, pulsating with need. Her alien pussy began to drip with moisture, hungry to be invaded.

“Are you going to stop? Serellis? Chad? Are you going to - MMMPH!”

She muffled his words with her lips, kissing him deeply and passionately. With one great flick of her tail, she pulled his bottoms off, and got to work with her hands removing his buttons.

“I. Need. You!” she moaned as she adjusted in the sleeping back, pressing her impressive three-boobed chest against him. He looked so goddamn handsome, and she knew that beneath the starry sky she looked beautiful as well. Like a woman from the night sky itself. They kissed again, and then she felt him tugging at her bra straps, unleashing her burdensome breasts. She cooed in relief as the bra came off. Her three boobs piled on each other, but they were no longer constrained uncomfortably. Better yet, her nipples brushed against his chest, sending ripples of bliss through her form.

“Touch them!” she begged. “Feel my tits.”

“Okay!” he said. “Oh God, you’re beautiful. You’re amazing, Serellis.”

“I. Know. I’m so fucking horny, Derek. Please, get in me, man. I want you to fuck me. I don’t care if I’m an alien woman. I want to admit out loud. I want you to fuck me.”

She positioned herself over him, unzipping the sleeping back with her tail so they had more room. Her big breasts dangled slightly, her immense three-part rack easily in groping range of his hands, something Derek took full advantage of.

“Mhmm, that’s right, squeeze them!”

“Your body is amazing.”

He sucked on her middle nipple, and he made her tail briefly lose control, until she was able to use it to pump his cock, then position it at her moist entrance.

“I want to fucking ride you. Mate you.”

“Me too, Serellis. I never imagined something like this.”

“Me either, dude. But I want it. I want your big human dick in me!”

She lowered her wide hips, him still playing with her bouncing tits, and the two of them gasped as he entered her. Once more her antennae went crazy with joy, as if she had achieved her true purpose once more. The instincts to mate were damn strong, but she ignored the possible consequences of that. She simply wanted to orgasm like a true woman, and to have her man spend his seed inside her.

They thrust. She lowered her full chest onto him, and savoured the feeling of it as she bounced on his cock. They were locked in a sensual kiss when she felt the tightness of his balls. Both of them were too damn turned on to last long. They sped up instead, willing the act to come sooner. She teased his balls with her tail, let his cock slide in and out, through to her deepest places. Any second now he would cum, and her antenna anticipated that moment as they sensed her lover’s arousal.

“Serellis, I’m g-going to cum!”

“Do it!”

“But p-protection!”

“I don’t c-care!” she moaned. “I just - uhhnn - want you to jizz inside me already, dude. Fucking cum! I can’t take it anymore! I - AAAEEEIIII!!!”

She wailed like a banshee as he shot his seed inside her, over and again. He grunted, clutching her hourglass form, caressing her wide green hips, marvelling at the softness of her back. They stayed inside that position until every pump of his semen was inside her, and then they stayed even longer, just breathing in the pleasure of it all.


They were both still naked thirty minutes later. Neither really talked about the sex. It was still sort of embarrassing for Serellis, as lovely as it had been. But she enjoyed being naked against him, particularly how her three big tits were when she lay on her back. Each sort of flattened, spilling onto her upper arms, except for the middle one, which remained larger by virtue of being compressed between them. She groped them occasionally with her tail, giggling at the sensations. She held Derek’s hand, and he spent the time teaching her the constellations. Her antennae had calmed, but they sensed more of her mate’s emotions.

It was hard to ignore how close he was. More specifically, it was hard to ignore how close he was feeling towards Serellis. He radiated a warmth and compassion that humbled her, but also spoke of something deeper. Something that was hard to confront at that moment. So she listened to him speak of the various constellations instead, just enjoying the sound of his voice. He was a good man, Derek.

Which only reminded herself what a total piece of shit she was.

“I made a high-schooler have a mental breakdown,” she said suddenly, as Derek explained why they couldn’t see Orion’s Belt yet.

“What?” he said. “You did what?”

She sniffed, swallowed. “There was this dude, Horace Becker. A total nerd. And not even cute nerd like I see you as now. I’m talking ginger frizz, hairy moles, thick glasses, freckles all over kind of nerd. Overweight too, which is part of the story. It was easy to make fun of him, all the guys did. After all, he didn’t seem to have many friends, only a few other nerds who he only occasionally caught up with. Most left him alone. But not us sports chuds. Not us jocks. No, he was easy pickings.”

“You bullied him,” Derek said. He didn’t let go of her hand.

“No,” she said, tears forming in all three of her eyes as she stared up at the stars. “I did worse. I didn’t . . . I didn’t bully him at first. You’ve got to understand that. I actually left him alone. He was just, fuck, he was just sad, you know? Like, where’s the fun in that? But then, well, I go home and tell my old man about it. I was just meant to be talking about the game - the old bastard always wants me to live up to his legends on the field - and I just happened to mention this pimply-faced ginger kid named Horace, and how he was picked on. It was just a single thing. I barely said it at all.

“Well, my old man flew off the handle. This kid was hanging around my games, and I wasn’t kicking the shit out of him? What the hell was wrong with me? In his day, he’d have put that kid in a locker and laughed at his attempts to get out for over an hour. He would have shown him his place, instead of being a fucking coddled lady who wanted to ‘play nice.’ He called me a pussy. A woman. Told me that no son of his would pass up the chance to humiliate a nerd.”

Derek shivered a little against her side. “What did you do?”

More tears flowed. “I - I decided to top my old man. Make him proud. The next day, I gathered a few of the boys - we were just highschoolers, but we knew better. We jump Horace when he’s alone in the afternoon, about to head hom. We put a bag on his head before he could see us. Next thing - oh God - next thing, we’re shoving him inside his locker that can barely fit him. We called him names. Called him fatass. He was begging not to be locked in, especially with the bag under his head. Well, we didn’t listen. I didn’t listen. I closed the locker, put a new lock on it, and left him there.”

“Holy shit.”

“Yeah. Holy shit.”

“What happened?”

“He was discovered the next morning. The poor fucker had pissed himself. He’d pissed himself, like an animal. He’d spent the whole night shivering in fear, a bag over his head, calling out for anyone to help him. He was crying as they took him away. I was there. The other guys laughed. And I laughed with them but his crying kept following him. It was fucking ragged, dude. Like this - this howl. Like he’d had the last of his world torn out from under his feet.

“He spent a stint in a mental hospital. A long one. Then he transferred away. I look him up from time to time in the hopes he’s doing okay. He works as an engineer across the country. I don’t know how he’s doing mentally. I’ll never know. Why the fuck should I deserve to have peace of mind over that? Jesus. And do you want to know the worst thing? My old man, when I told him, he fucking laughed, man. Said he was, ‘finally proud of his son for once.’ The fuck do I do with that?”

Derek didn’t speak. Serellis wiped her tears, tried to control her breathing.

“Dude,” he finally said. “That was the most fucked up thing I’ve heard in a long while.”

“I know. I’m a piece of absolute shit.”

“Yeah. You were.”

“No, I am. It’s still me, in here.”

Derek turned to look at her, and his gaze was intense. “Look, you deserve to feel guilty about what you did. Probably forever. I don’t know if I’ve ever done anything that fucked up, but I certainly have done some stuff I regret. But as far as I’m concerned, your story has two victims, not one. Your old man is the real piece of shit. I’m not absolving you or anything, Serellis, but if I had a dad like that, I’d have done something fucked up as well.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“And, hey, look. Chad got his own comeuppance, right? He literally got turned into a hot alien chick with three huge tits and a really handsy tail.”

She laughed, wiped a few more tears. “Yeah! I guess I did. Got literally fucked by a dude, too. And liked it!”

“Talk about just desserts.”


Derek placed his arm around her, kissed her on the lips. It wasn’t passionate this time. It was undeniably something more loving. Caring.

“You’re not the person you were, Serellis, and I don’t just mean the green skin.”

“Thanks,” she said, and she meant it. She gave him a light kiss back. “But you do like the green skin, right?”

“Dude, it’s the hottest thing ever.”

“More than the three tits?”

“Equally hot.”

“And these hips?”

“Let’s just agree that all of you is hot, and that’s it’s super hilarious that alpha male Chad Penwick is now a hot alien babe having sex with Derek Mayes.”

“Just desserts, I guess.”

“Exactly. And the thing about desserts is, they’re kind of sweet.”

She laughed, nestled against him for more warmth and comfort. “You’re not a piece of shit, Derek,” she said affectionately. “In fact, you’re pretty amazing.”

They kissed again, and settled against one another, her three full breasts squashed against his chest in a loving manner. The two of them settled in to sleep, and Serellis was astonished to find that her mind felt settled in the aftermath of her story. It was as if a great burden had been lifted. It was still present to a degree. It always would be. But she didn’t have to shoulder it alone anymore. She purred a little as she enjoyed skin contact with her mate.

That was, until several sets of enormously bright high-beams shot from every direction along the ridge of the large crater, directed right at them, and overwhelming her three eyes.


To Be Continued . . .


Day Dreamer

Erotic, creative, entertaining, and... Oh no, a cliffhanger. But I think I saw that coming.

Fox Face

Haha, fear not! There shall be the next part in two weeks. Very glad you liked it.