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Just a wee short one today:

Life Planning

When Jason was planning out the next ten years of his life, he expected to be earning big money from his job at the bank and have his own private residence in a gated community.

He certainly didn’t account for a jilted ex-lover from work vying for the same promotion, one who paid a witch to lay a curse upon him. Now, instead of being a hotshot young bank manager, he’s a heavily pregnant counter girl named Maria, dealing with petty transactions every day, all while three little babies kick around inside her womb. Babies that belong to another equally low-ranking employee she used to mock behind his back, but now lives with in this new reality of hers.

Going from a rich white male aged tewnty seven to a working-class Hispanic mother-to-be only twenty years in age has turned Maria’s life completely upside down. She just about collapsed when she learned she was pregnant with triplets, and struggles not only with her enormous, still-growing belly, but with the everyday existence of living as a young woman who shares a bed with a caring boyfriend. One who still finds her body sexy, as she has experienced on more than one occasion. She can't help it: thanks to the curse, her body insists on finding men attractive, and particularly him.

And the most infuriating part? Jason’s ex-girlfriend got the job he wanted, and is now her boss. And boy, does she love asking Maria about the babies, reminding her of the due date, and commenting on her mammoth belly. All Maria can do is make it through the next two weeks so she can start her maternity leave. And then her new life plan is to somehow weather the chaos of unexpected parenthood to three little lives, and trust that her new boyfriend Tom sticks by her better than she ever did for her girlfriends as Jason. The former white male will need all the help she can get: she's already been told that she can expect a totally natural birth to all three of her babies. And if she doesn't behave well, she can expect to be pregnant again within a year.

Of course, given her boyfriend's appetites and her own uncontrollable lusts when it's late at night, she may well end up pregnant again by accident. Life planning has taken on a totally different meaning to the newly-Hispanic, newly female mother-to-be.


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