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By FoxFaceStories

An anonymous commission

John is in a loving relationship with Molly, and believes she is the one. Together, the two enjoy going caving. But after an accident where John breaks a strange crystal, he finds himself starting to swap places with the gorgeous cave woman named Ulka, who lived nearly two million years ago. And each time they swap places, they find themselves spending longer and longer in their new bodies . . .

Previous Part 

Going Caving, Part 2

Switching Places

The tribal centre was far away, but the huntsmen made quick progress. Ulka had to contend with their prying eyes when they made camp, or when it was time to clean themselves. The river waters had healing properties, it was said. Certainly, the tribe that had taken her had a longer span than that which she had been born to, something that was attributed to their bathing. But it also meant that Selkath was prone to looking at her when she removed her furskins, despite her removing herself from the sight of men.

“What you look for?” she demanded, covering her breasts. But they were prodigious enough that she could not hide them completely.

“You are most beautiful. You will be my mate.”

“We shall see what Grilka says,” she reminded him. Daringly, she raised the shard that was still tied by the thread around her neck, exposing her chest. For a moment, the chieftain’s eyes gleamed, but then the shard literally gleamed, its purple-blue glow emanating, revealing the nature of the spirit power within.

“You have power of shard,” he muttered. “Only now. Maybe not later.”

She smiled as he moved away, no longer interested in her. She bathed, cleaning her wounds and re-dressing them. She had fine scars, but though she disliked how much her looks were favoured above her true ability to hunt, she was relieved that they were not too extensive, or upon her face, where that single scar over her eyebrow was more than enough for her. After all, she would have to find a mate some day. So long as it was not Selkath.

The journey continued with little interruption. She was proud of her kills, but the spirit god’s presence followed her. Each night, she had strange dreams that were impossible to interpret. She saw silver mountains that were tall and straight, like cut stones. And far more people than could possibly be in the world, all around each other. Greenery was almost nonexistent, but neither were the threats that pervaded their everyday life. And there was the ghost goddess, the pretty woman with the curly brown hair and strange circular crystals over her eyes. She was frustrated, annoyed at something, and Ulka felt a frustration back that was not truly her own. She woke each morning, struggling to interpret the dream messages, or the strange feeling of power she’d had in them. As she had before in the cave, each dream had her experiencing existence as a man. As a ghost god.

When they reached the tribal centre, she was relieved that the shard still warded away her would-be partners. The tribe’s cave was well-established in the lowlands, with a nearby river and plentiful fruit beyond its main entrance. With the many dangerous creatures and harsh elements, the cave was the source of safety, if not much comfort beyond what they could crudely put together. But it was home. And Ulka was relieved to be among the women again.

“Ulka, you are safe!” Hagra called.

Her friend ran to her side, or at least tried. She was quite full with child, her belly bare between her fur skins. Ulka embraced her friend, and as her breasts flattened a little against Hagra’s shoulders - the other woman was not nearly so tall - she wished they could switch bodies. She wished she could not be so curvy in all her womanly ways. Though, it would be hard to be a hunter were she so short and lacking in muscle.

“I am. I have killed two of the sharp-tooth cats.”

“It is not so!”

“It is! And I have been visited by ghost god. Must see Mother Grilka.”

“It true,” Selkath muttered, and several other warriors nodded. All of them were suspicious of the shard, and over the journey had given Ulka a surprising amount of leeway and respect, if not a bit of jealousy. “She has taken spirit crystal. Must belong to chief.”

“It belong to me!” she cried angrily.

“You are woman! You must mate! Make children! Worthy of a chieftain!”

She growled like the sharp-tooth cat, invoking the power of the two she had killed. He roared like the great bears of the distant sun-ward hills, of which he had slain several. She recognised he had the greater spirit power within him, but refused to give in. She beat her chest, uncaring how the men of the tribe looked to the way it bounced, and gave the cry she had heard from the ghost god. The rallying sacred words.

“I think you had a concussion! John! John! What the fuck are you doing, John!”

The crowd gasped, pulling back, and she knew she had won the contest. The words were not random. They could only be some divine invocation, like the anger of the gods that came from the sky in bolts of lightning.

“I will see Ulka,” came a hoarse voice. The tribe froze, several dozen individuals looking to the ancient Mother Grilka, who was in her shamanistic furs with numerous beads and bones hanging from threads around her body. “Four other watch.”

Selkath was one of them, but three others of the tribe - two men and a wise woman who was set to replace Grilka - also followed. They entered deep into the heart of the cave, where a small fire was all that lit Grilka’s space.

“Show ghost god totem,” the shaman woman said.

Ulka held it up, nervous. It felt strange in her fingers, as if thrumming with power once more.

“It no look magic,” Grilka said. Selkath grinned at her words. “This story to avoid mate. Selkath has right to claim you.”

“No!” she exclaimed. “It real! It glow! It bring forth ghost god! You see!”

In her agitation, she nearly didn’t see it being to glow. Purple veins sparked within, capturing the attention of the others. Grilka gasped. Selkath too. But Ulka just gleamed. The glow became brighter and brighter, and her vision twisted, the world seeming to come apart, turning white.

And then, once more, she was in a different place.


John was annoyed. After the scare in the cave and his strange experience, he’d continued to have strange dreams. It was like he was that woman each night, the brown-skinned lady with the huge tits and incredible baby-makers. It all seemed so real, he could even remember what it was like to have those big boobs pull at his shoulders as they bounced with each step, and how she stooped a little, running like a hunter through the jungle. It left him cranky, annoyed at a tribe that didn’t even exist!

It also annoyed Molly.

“John, you promised we could just have an ordinary week or two!”

“Yeah, but it’s surfing, Molly! You don’t get waves this good every year! And besides, while I’m there I can do some quick rock climbing with Steff. No big deal!”

She groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. “I’ve not even had one full week of just us together. We’ve moved in, but we haven’t really moved in, because you haven’t unpacked all your shit yet. Jesus, John. I’ve enjoyed these experiences with you, especially caving until that latest disaster, but I’m genuinely worried that you’re not invested in us.”

“Look, it’s just one little trip -”

“It’s always one little trip. And then you bonk your head and start telling me you were turned into a big busty cavewoman.”

He sighed. It had been a mistake to tell her. He’d planned not to, but in the end it had come out once the dreams started.

“It’s just a weird fantasy, Molly,” he said. “Besides, I got something cool out of it.”

He showed her the shard he’d taken from the rock, the one that glowed purple at times.

“You are changing the subject. And I’ve got to go to work. I hope you’re still here when I get back, John. If not, then we’ll need a bigger talk.”

She left to head to the bakery she worked at, leaving John alone in their apartment.

“Jesus, it’s like she wants me to be boring,” he muttered. “She must have known who I was when she started dating me. Hell, we’ve had more fun doing crazy stuff than we ever had relaxing in some boring apartment.”

He flopped down on the couch, irritated.

“I guess I’ll just have to beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission.”

He began packing his stuff. Molly would forgive him. He knew she would. After all, they’d always patched things up, and she had quite the excitement factor herself, when he was there to awaken it. Maybe he’d cut short of rock climbing. But he had to surf, that was for sure.

He spent the next hour and a half getting ready, organising the equipment, checking the weather, and making himself some snacks for the road. It was a long drive after all. He was about ready to leave when he noticed a strange glowing on the couch. Jurassic Park was playing on the television, but as the children hid from the coming form of the T-rex, a blue pulse seemed to emit from elsewhere.

“Woah, it’s glowing way more again,” he said.

He moved to the couch, where the shard seemed to draw him closer. Suddenly it flashed brighter than before, just like before it had fractured. The world exploded into brilliant lights that nearly blinded him.

“What the hell?”

But then he was elsewhere, and things got really weird.


Ulka marvelled. She was in a strange ghost god cave. The walls were made somehow, not of mud and heaped rocks, but strange material. She was sitting on a comfortable sitting rock of some kind, but instead of just some furs atop it, it was all fur, or at least it felt like it. And there was a strange cave before her, small and yet opening to another world.

Suddenly a great monster, the likes of which she had never seen, roared right at her. She gasped, made to grab her spear, but she was once more a ghost god man, and so had none. The nearest thing was a large soft kayak, small yet wide. It would have to do.

“I hunt you!” she called. “I no get eat!”

The cave mouth smashed to pieces as she threw the board, and a great black box that contained it fell. The monster was gone.

“What? I no understand.”

She gazed about the strange space. It was alien and wrong. And yet . . . she had dreamed of it. Her eyes settled on a strange device upon the kitchen counter. Wait - kitchen?

“Make food place,” she whispered. “Kit-chen.”

The device was fascinating. Some sort of construction, more complex than anything her tribe could make. Truly a device of the gods. “I know from dream. Mike Ro Wave.”

She pressed a button, bounced back as it made a strange BEEP.

“Can speak!” she said, delighted. She touched her throat. “Voice low. Am male god. Is my true spirit?”

An excitement built within her. Could it be true? Was this what the magic shard was telling her? That she was meant to be this pale man? Possess the body of a hunter in true? She moved to the area where the ghost god did his business. Again, the dreams stirred in her imagination, feeding her knowledge. Yes, it was on the left.

“Left,” she mumbled, marvelling at the word. Even the language of the ghost gods was coming to her. She halted as another man stood in her way, looming tall and handsome, perhaps just a few years older than her but in his prime. Not as big as Selkath, but perhaps just as formidable in his build.

“Who you?” she asked, but the figure responded the same. It was like the reflection of water, or in crystal! The entire rectangle upon the wall was like a flat crystal.

“Me? It me! And I handsome! Very attractive, ha!”

She laughed, engrossed by her form.

“Need see all.”

She began to undress, marvelling at each item of clothing that was so mysteriously well made, light and thin and lacking the protection of furs, and yet strangely superior all the same. When naked, she gazed down at her manhood.

“Would not see if woman! Breast too big!”

She laughed again. It felt so damned wonderful to be without her massive chest. Not only were her shoulders and back free, but she could actually see her feet while standing, and therefore the large manhood between her legs also.

“Bigger than Selkath. I bet this!”

She had never actually seen Selkath’s member, but she had seen others, thankfully from afar. But possessing it now . . . it felt like it gave her a kind of strength. She lowered a firm hand, again enjoying the feeling masculinity she now possessing, and took the time to stroke it.

“It hard. Ohhhh, it most get hard!”

She blinked a moment. She’d just said that in the language of the ghost gods. Yes, her words were fragmented, but then the tribalspeak often ran against concepts difficult to define. Language was older than any knew, but new words were occasionally in need of inventing, and more each day. Now, feeling the dreams of the ghost god coming to life, she was being positively flooded with concepts and terminology.

“Peen-iss. Test-ick-ells.”

‘ She felt them, thought of the power of her manly body. Pale as it was, it was masculine indeed. It was enough for a new, rather alien sensation to begin: her new manhood hardened, dick becoming slowly erect. She bit her lip, began to stroke it some more, placing a hand against the cool ‘bench’ she somehow knew the name of. Soon it was throbbing, and she was actively tugging at it as the cavemen often did at the edge of the cave, laughing among themselves. They possessed a virility the women did not, and she revelled in that virility now, grunting like the men did as she got closer and closer to a climax.

“I will spurt seed,” she said, as if it were a mandate. An act of divine power.

The pleasure rose, the need to release, the ache in her new balls growing. She had never felt anything like it before: even her acts of self-pleasure, while utterly wonderful, were not the same as this build. A woman’s pleasure took time, had to require patience and depth of thought. But this . . . this felt like something primal. The act of a beast, or a sharp-tooth cat in mating season. She growled, furiously drawing closer to a finish. She tried to imagine an arousing sight, but rather than the flesh of a man, it was the flesh of the other woman that came to mind. The one with the strange eye crystals and curly brown hair named Molly. The one who held a quiet beauty and strong resolve.

“Want. Molly!”

And with that, Ulka’s new manhood ejaculated, a climax rushing through her form. She gasped, grunted, then roared as long streams of manly seed erupted from her penishead, her testicles pumping their issue out and out and out. The white, sticky substance caught on the mirror, on the bench, on the floor, and she stood for a long moment, clutching a clear area of the bench, breathing heavily. Her penis slowly went limp again, but not before another piece of knowledge came to mind: the ghost gods did not make messes like her tribal people did. This has to be cleaned, or dishonour among the gods would follow.

She set to work as best she could, using a prized blue cloth that must have been worth many sacred bones. But still she felt a great pride in what she had done. She had embraced manhood, and already wished to experience it again. More than that, she wished to meet this Molly. Surely she would return soon? The dreams made her think yes. Ulka gazed into her reflection, more memories that were not her own coming into being.

“John. I am within John. That is the name of me.” She said it proudly. “But then where is real John?”


John cried out in confusion. He was back in her body again. The cavewoman with the ridiculously fertile proportions! His new (or ‘returned’) breasts were heavy on his figure, and he couldn’t ignore how big his rear was, or thick his thighs. If he’d seen this woman on the street, even in normal clothes instead of the ‘furkini’ he was wearing as her now, he’d have gone totally gaga. It was no offence to Molly, simply an acknowledgement that this body was the kind that came once in a millenia, the kind of body that made men yearn to fill it with babies, because it was shaped to advertise exactly that function. Only he was currently wearing it, and it was becoming clear that his experience at the cave had been no strange dream.

John looked around the strange tribal members surrounding him. There were five of them: three men, one of whom was very muscled and wore a necklace of teeth and talons, a woman in her forties, and an ancient witch-looking figure who had many tassels and trinkets and shamanistic tokens looped and threaded over her. She was muttering something in the brutish language of the cavemen, but to John’s shock he could understand most of it.

“What happened? You see vision? Shard real?”

His heart beat quickly in his new, expanded chest. Panic overtook him. “What the fuck is this? Who are you people? Why am I a woman?”

They looked at each other, astonished.

“Ghost god? Ghost god in Ulka?”

He understood it again. More than that, he understood what they meant. Ulka was the name of the woman whose body he was inhabiting. She was twenty years old, and was lusted after by someone whose name he couldn’t quite recall from the dreams, but was certain was the chieftain. The large man with the trophy necklace.

“Oh God. Oh fuck. What the hell is this? Is this some weird magic shit? Why am I in the body of a fucking cave woman with big tits?”

They gasped, shifted back at his words.

“No understand. Language of gods.”

‘ And yet, he realised, he could understand them.

“My dreams. I’ve . . . I’ve learnt your language.” He focused his thoughts, tried as hard as he could to summon them to speak their language. “Why I here?”

There was much talking between them that was impossible to decipher. The elder woman stepped forward, put a leathery hand on John’s shaking shoulder.

“You summon from you realm. You bring might to tribe! You have power of shard!”

John looked down, wincing at the sight of the heavy bosom now affixed to his chest. His skin was a gorgeous light chocolate brown, and nestled between his breasts - Jesus, they must have been F-cups or even bigger! - was the shard. It looked, impossibly, identical to the one he’d taken.

I have shard,” he said in their language, trying to work out its significance. A nervousness crept down his spine as he saw their expressions upon him.

“Yes. You have power. Must mate! Bring power to tribe! Make many baby to spread power. We honour you!”

The men nodded, practically licking their thick cavemen lips at the prospect. It was then that John realised what they had in mind. They wanted to fuck him. They thought he was some kind of spirit trapped in Ulka’s form, and that his powerful energy had to be harvested by producing a child. Children.

“No! NO!”

He leapt to his feet, shocked at the powerful musculature of his form, particular in his thighs. He didn’t love the feeling of absence between his legs though. The others shifted back, wary. The powerful one even reached for his spear. But John vaulted past him, pelting up through the dark halls of the cave. His feet were bare, but they were strongly calloused, something he was grateful for. Moreover, Ulka was tall. She had to be at least six feet, nearly his own height in his regular body! He shouted for people to move out of the way, using English to terrify them. The shard glowed on his chest, and they shifted aside.

He burst out of the mouth of the cave even as the chieftain yelled for him to stop. Thinking quickly, he grabbed a crude spear with a sharpened rock that was positioned against the mouth of the cave, and ran straight into the jungle, ignoring all their pleas. He ran and ran and ran, gaining speed as he got a little more used to the heavy wobbling of his chest and the further spread of his hips and thighs. This body was truly athletic, and for a few moments he felt a surprising thrill as he bounded through the jungle, leaping over fallen logs, swinging on a vine across a ravine, and darting aside a strange creature that looked like a supersized squirrel roughly half his own height. The feeling of discovery, of danger and risk, was upon him, and he couldn’t help but grin maniacally for a few moments, laughing as he leapt over a deep chasm and continued into the depths of the jungle.

“This is crazy!” he yelled. His voice was powerful, lower than he expected, but still feminine. Powerful in its womanhood despite its youth, and certainly very attractive.

It was only when he finally ran out of breath that he halted by a slowly flowing stream. He panted heavily, still feeling utterly exposed in his two-piece ‘furkini’ which was struggling to contain his new breasts.

“Goddamn, these things are massive,” he whined. He felt them, exhaled a little at their surprising sensitivity. He undid the knot at the back and bared them. They sagged just a little - boobs that big would have to follow gravity’s pull a little - but not as much as he expected. They were full and round and pert on his chest. “The size of my own head each, I swear.”

He felt a little more, moaned lightly as he rubbed the dark brown nipple.

“Mmhmmm . . . oh God. Fuck. That’s sensitive. I can see why they want to mate with her. This . . . Ulka. But why am I her?”

He shifted, moving on all fours to stare at his reflection in the slow stream. His breasts hung, flopping about as he moved.

“Poor chick has to deal with all this without the invention of a modern bra. I must be back in time. That sabretooth carcass back in the cave . . . it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

He stared into Ulka’s reflection. The woman was gorgeous. Rough, yes, with wild black hair that felt like a mane where it wasn’t tied back, and with a deep scar over her eyebrow from a creature’s claw. There was another light one across the side of her neck, and a big gash on her thigh when she looked back to it. But her skin was surprisingly perfect.

“Guess Molly was right,” he chuckled, still unused to the half-husky growl of his cavewoman voice, “a diet really does make a difference. I guess if you’re just eating meat and veg, and working out all the time and getting enough sun, you don’t have all that oily shit stirring up your pores. Too bad about the shitty life expectancy.”

He chuckled again, wiped some tears from his eyes. It was like all his emotions were being strained not just through the wringer, but also through an entirely new body, one that was endowed with a hell of a lot more estrogen.

“It has to be temporary, right? It was last time. No way am I getting stuck going me Ulka now. Me good cavewoman mate. Fuck me and big boobs!”

He sighed, sat back, and cupped his big chest again. His flesh overflowed his palms, soft and perfect. Out of curiosity, he began to feel himself again, rubbing his chest more firmly, slowly pinching his nipples and making them become erect with arousal.

“Ahhh - oohhh - that f-feels incredible. Ulka, you’ve d-damn lucky, in s-some ways.”

Slowly, a moistness grew between his thighs, a damp need that was inflamed by his arousal. Despite not intending to, he lowered one hand by curiosity, felt at his feminine slit beneath the furs.

“OOhhhhh, ngnnhh! Jesus Christ, I c-can’t believe I’m d-doing this! Me like!”

The cavewoman speak had slipped out, but there was no focusing on it. The self-pleasure had shifted from an exploratory want to a surprisingly desperate need. He closed his eyes, continued to fondle his tits, shaking his shoulders to feel them wobble, and moaned as he slipped two of his fingers into his entrance. He grunted several times as he thrust his fingers in, sounding every part the native of this prehistoric time. His pussy became even slicker, and soon he was rubbing the edge of his vulva, circling his throbbing clitoris and drawing ever closer to female orgasm.

“Good. Feel good. Feel great!” he cried, slipping into the cavespeak. He squeezed his left breast, palming the large nipple and sending electric shocks of bliss to his core.

And then, as he rubbed his thumb over his clit and sank his fingers into his depth, he finally exploded. The orgasm hit, and he couldn’t help himself. He roared like a lioness, giving a great cry of pleasure that echoed out and sent strange, multicoloured birds bursting from the trees.

And just when that pleasure faded, another hit. And another. He shook, trembling, causing his breasts to jiggle and wobble and bounce freely, smacking against one another as he shook his shoulders again.

“Aaahhhh! YES! Good! GOOD FEEL!!!”

It was only when he collapsed against the river bank, still trembling, overcome with pleasure, that his eyes widened, and he nearly scrambled back in terror.

Looking back through the water’s reflection was not the reflection of Ulka.

No, he was looking at himself.

At John.


The two travellers across time stared at each other in their swapped bodies: Ulka in John’s, standing before his bathroom mirror, and John in Ulka’s, gazing at the reflection of the river stream. For a long moment, neither said anything, unsure of what to even say. It was Ulka that spoke first in John’s body.

“You are in me!” she exclaimed in his deep, handsome voice.

“And you’re in me!” he shouted back.

They both froze again, drawing closer to the reflection of their true selves. Despite speaking different languages, they were able to understand each other almost completely.

“You have shard,” Ulka said, pointing. “In ghost god realm!”

“I’m not a fucking ghost god!”

“Ghost god does not fuck? Do not mate?”

He winced, looking down at his hanging chest as he crouched on all fours. He certainly fucked, all right. In both bodies, apparently.

“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, I’m not a ghost god. I no ghost god.

Ulka frowned, looking down at her pale, naked form. Her member still tingled from the self-pleasure, but she had also looked around at other parts of the strange homestead. It was high up in the rectangle mountain, looking down upon cooled grey lava upon which strange box-like monsters travelled. She had seen them from the window and feared them greatly, and instead spent time exploring the comfortable beddings and strange trophies about the house. But when she came back to the mirror to pleasure her powerful manly essence again, there was her. The real her.

“But . . . you have great trophies! Great essence! Your skin like bone!”

John rubbed his smooth forehead, pushed back his thick black hair, trying to explain it. “No. I am . . . how to explain this? I am from the future. From tomorrow. But many, many, many, many tomorrows. To me, you and your tribe are dead a long time ago. Long before memory.”

Ulka nodded slowly, taking in this incredible information. There were stories of such strange matters in the spirit world - it could bind different ages together. After all, weren’t her original tribe guided by the spirits of their ancestors before they were broken apart?

“The sharp-tooth cat. It is old and broken in the ghost go - in your realm. But still bloody in mine.”

“Exactly. I think that strange crystal, whatever it is, switched out bodies when we touched it at the same time or something.”

“Magic power.”

He went to mock that response, only to pause. “Perhaps it is. I don’t know. But I’m just an ordinary person. There are parts of the world where people have pale skin, like me. I’m not a ghost.”

She nodded again. It made sense. Had she not engaged in . . . pleasurable acts? And she had felt sharp pain when prodding her new body a little too much, and had to treat a wound when looking at a sharp tool with a blade beyond anything her tribe could create.

“I know some things,” she said. “I dream of you.”

“Me too.”

“I am Ulka.”

“I’m John.”

“Hello, John,” she said with a slightly nervous smile.

“Hello, Ulka. I need my body back. I’m not meant to be here.”

Another nod. John was happy to see she learned quickly. It was true what his old history teacher had said: people in the past were not dumber, they just had less access to knowledge. But they could absorb concepts just as fast.

“I no know how to do this. Shard do it. But I have shard now, and it no do anything!”

John furrowed his brow. He settled on his stomach, but had to put his arms beneath him: Ulka’s damn chest was so ample that even lying on her stomach on the soft grass squished her bust too much.

“Your boobs are too big,” he complained.

Ulka actually giggled. “Much too big. They grew at young age, like bountiful fruit of the booja tree.”

“I don’t know what that is, but it sounds like a damn big fruit.”

She laughed. “The biggest. Many possible mate notice me. Look at chest and healthy hip. Say ‘Ulka blessed by spirits. Make many babies for tribe!’ But I am huntress. I wish to catch the sharp-toothed cat, herd the hairy tusk beasts. Will not become mate to Selkath.”

John grimaced. So that was the name of the leering chieftain.

“Maybe. Look, I’m sorry about that.”

“You have powerful body. I wish I born man.”

“It’s pretty good, I won’t lie. In my time, women don’t have to mate.”

“My time much harsher. Must do so one day. But hunt first.”

“You sound a lot like me. I like to take risks, be bold as well.”

The dreams had told Ulka as much, and she grinned in remembrance of them. The climbing of rocks not for desperation, but for fun. The conquest of the great endless lakes on the horizon, but without needing to seek further land to eat from. It sounded amazing, and she relished the idea of trying such in her new body. She told him as much.

John wasn't a fan of hearing it. "Look, I get it. Being a caveman, especially a cavewoman, must be hard as hell. But this is my life we're talking about here! We have to swap back."

"But how? No make sense!"

John tried to think, but he was interrupted by the sound of a crude horn and yelling. Ulka's tribespeople were near. At the same time, there was the loud click of a door opening at the entrance of the apartment where Ulka was, followed by a female voice.

"Thought I'd come visit on my lunch break John!" she exclaimed. "I brought an apology pie! Chicken and camembert, your favourite!"

The two displaced individuals panicked. John stood, hastily retying the furskin top and slipping his large breasts inside it. Ulka ran out, trying to reach 'her' clothes too, only to come into contact with Molly.

"Woahhhhh," she said, chuckling. "When I told you to stay, I didn't mean this casually! Are you having a shower?"

Ulka was confused. "Sho-wah? What is sho-wah?"

Molly's face fell. “John, this better be a prank.”

“What is prank? I no understand.”

Molly was instantly hit by fear. John had been off ever since whatever happened at the cave. After the confession about the dreams, about inhabiting a cavewoman’s body as a hallucination or whatnot, she had only grown more concerned, though he seemed more interested in going rock climbing or surfing and ignoring their relationship.

“John. Are you okay?”

“I know you! You are Molly!”

“Obviously, John, please-”

I no John. I am . . . I am thinking. Your language . . . hard. I am Ulka. Woman from distant past! John is in my body! He is complaining about my breasts!”

Molly stepped forward, not sure whether to slap him for this cruel prank or to rush to his side and try to get him to a doctor . . . or call an ambulance. But she stopped halfway across the room, and stared instead at the mirror.

Where a strange purple-blue glow was lighting up its surface, and revealing a brown-skinned and very busty woman standing at a right angle away from her, wearing nothing but a two-piece furskin. She was heavily muscled and breathtakingly beautiful, rugged and wild and strong, yet womanly and fertile. Molly had always been a little bi, preferring men but definitely appreciating the odd woman.

This woman’s form was one she definitely appreciated.

And then the woman moved, looked ‘down’ at Molly, and gasped.

“Molly! It’s me, John!” she cried.

“What the FUCK!?” Molly yelled, nearly collapsing over. She was immediately caught in a bright light as the crystals belonging to both parties suddenly illuminated, a surge of power expanding through the room and seemingly on this strange other ‘side.’

And then Ulka and John were back in their own bodies, both dealing with an ambush. John turned to Molly, while Ulka turned to face the advancing tribe.

Both would have some explaining to do.

The Hunt

It took a long time for Molly to swallow the insanity of it all. John was on the brink of insanity himself trying to grapple with it. Three days later, it was still something they feared could happen again. Obviously he couldn’t go surfing, much to his disappointment. Rock climbing was out as well. In fact, for the next couple of days, he didn’t go much out at all. Molly was glad for it at first, but while she had wanted him to spend time with her, she hadn’t wanted it this way. He made it very clear how much he hated the situation, how much he wanted to be conducting his daredevil activities, perhaps even returning to that odd cave to get answers. And his dreams were persisting.

“It’s just so crazy,” she said, as they went to bed together. Once, they would have curled against one another, but he was too distracted. “You’re literally switching places with an ancient prehistoric cavewoman.”

“Yeah. It’s - it’s wild.”

“She has huge tits, too.”

“I know, I felt them. And her tribesmen want to fuck her.”

“I want to fuck her.”

He furrowed his brow. “Don’t say that.”

“Sorry. It’s just . . . it’s still a lot to take in.”

“How do you think I feel, Molly? I just want to be able to fucking surf, but I’m trapped here with you monitoring if I’ll be shot back in time again!”

She turned in bed to face him. “What do you mean stuck with me’?”

He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“I sure fucking do, John. It was your idea to take us to the cave. I enjoyed it, at the time, but I had reservations. It’s your addiction to always chasing thrills and never being able to just settle down and spend quality time with me that’s got you into this!”

“We do spend quality time when we do physical stuff together! And how could I know about a fucking magic crystal?”

“Whatever. I’m going to sleep. We’ll try and help you in the morning, and hopefully you won’t switch again. You just dream about your cavewoman girlfriend.”

“God, Molly, you’re being a bitch. You are the one attracted to her.”

“It was just a damn observation, John. And don’t call me a bitch! Not when you’ve been one.”

They went to bed sour, their frustrations genuine but fuelled further by the anxiety over the changes. And just as he had increasingly in the three nights that followed, he dreamed of Ulka.

From what he’d been able to gleam, the cavewoman had postponed any ‘mating’ by making the tribe believe they had angered the ghost god, who had fled her body. Selkath was greatly disappointed, and strangely humbled by this as well. He had lost honour among the tribe, and was attempting to coax the spirit back by taking a softer approach, much to Ulka’s annoyance. At night, when they were both heading to sleep - John in his bed, Ulka on her pile of furs - they could even communicate, literally able to see and hear one another. John could feel her hesitation, her desire to experience his life again, just as she could feel his fear at the same, but also a curiosity to see that wild jungle and see its dangers and thrills. The connection between them was growing stronger, despite the fact that John had not only thrown away his crystal, but had it crushed and thrown in the trash. He suspected she still had her own shard, though he also feared that the connection was now established, and it might not be so easily severed.

“You need to get rid of it,” he said in the mirror the next day, at the same time as she faced the stream. They could see each other now, almost at a whim, in any reflective surface.

“It only thing keep me from becoming normal woman. I learn much form you, during night and day. Of micro-wave and dishes, and the car that drive on road. I learn so much! I wish to see your world again!”

“No!” he replied. “This is my life! You can’t take it!”

“Just one switch! I know you enjoy run through jungle. Take risk - hunt sharp-tooth cat!”

“I’m not fucking crazy!”

But the thought did stir in his mind. In fact, it stirred more than a little. The notion of not only coming against dangers and thrills no one on Earth had experienced in literally a million years or so, but doing so with an easy retreat afterwards, was indeed tempting. And sadly, that temptation was all it took. The blinding flash occurred, and they were exchanged.

Just in time for Selkath to emerge from the treeline, startling John, who was looking down in shock at his very female, fertile-looking body.

“I no mean to trouble,” Selkath said, holding up his hands. He had placed two spears nearby. “I wish make sorry.”

John looked at this man, tall and broad and incredibly powerful, even more than his own strong cavewoman body. He instantly felt that warmth, that tingle of arousal that he had felt both up close and afar with Ulka. As much as she disliked this man, there was no denying he was indeed good looking.

“Fuck, I’m attracted to men in this damn body,” he muttered.

Selkath paused, looking at him in a new light. “You have the ghost god.”

Half so,” he said, changing to the tribal language. “I can feel presence.”

It would be good enough not to make him too excited, though the chieftain still drew near. “I wrong. Too harsh. Your shard, belong to you, not me. You beautiful. Most attractive of tribe women. Thought I deserve mate. But now . . . humbled.”

It was a side John almost didn’t believe, and yet his expression seemed genuine.

Why big change?” John asked. He looked around, trying to find a good exit, a clear place to run. In the stream, the reflection of Ulka was already gone, having betrayed him and left to explore the future world that fascinated her.

“Grilka say you speak truth. I no wish to anger ghost gods. I wish to say . . . am sorry. Was wrong. You kill two sharp-tooth cat. This means you are hunter. I was angry at success. Wished to claim as my own. You did well.”

John could have broken into a great laugh. Despite the fragments of early language form the figure, whose skin was lighter than Ulka’s in tone, but not as pale as his regular Caucasian tone, it could have been a sporty college jock apologising to his girlfriend for underestimating her knowledge of the rules of football. People really had not changed in a million years, it seemed.

“Sure, you’re fine. I mean; That fine. I accept apology.”

Selkath beamed, and it was surprisingly earnest. He puffed his chest out a little, and again that slight arousal - hell, that powerful arousal - made itself known between John’s feminine thighs, and in his firm nipples. My, the chief was strong-looking. The man picked up a spear and tossed it to John. By instinct, he caught it easily.

“You hunt with Selkath?” he asked. There was hope in voice.

I no mate.”

He shook his head. “No wish to.” His eyes panicked. “No! Wish to! But no wish to now. Wish to earn mate. Wish to earn respect of she who holds power. Wish to hunt with.”

John nodded, feeling a little more at ease. He’d feel even more so were he not feeling annoyingly attracted to this cave figure.

“Fine. One hunt. Wish to see sharp-tooth cat.”

“Also time of migration of hairy tusk beast.”

That made John’s eyebrow’s rise. For all his fears about being stuck for a time as Ulka, as a woman out of time alongside a man that desperately wanted to mate him, the idea of seeing a woolly mammoth was very interesting indeed.


Molly was surprised when John walked into the bakery, and even more surprised to see a series of flowers in his hand . . . alongside what looked like carved wooden totems. He was looking about the room with an astonished expression.

“John,” she said when the line cleared, “what are you doing here?” But one look at his eyes, fascinated and wide yet possessing a fierce quality, and she knew it wasn’t John. “Wait, Ulka?”

Ulka nodded. She could barely keep her eyes in one place. She had dreamed of this location several times. One where strange food was prepared from the produce of the ground and made into a variety of shapes, and taste warm and sumptuous. To think that the people of the tomorrow tomorrow world had it so wonderful, it was staggering! And yet, when her eyes met those of the short, pale-skinned girl with brown hair and something called ‘glasses’ upon her eyes, Ulka was captivated in an altogether different way.

“Molly, I come see you,” she said.

“I can see that. Holy shit. Oh my God, this is weird. Uh, I don’t think you should be here, John. Ulka.”

“I bring you gift,” she said. She extended a gathering of flowers - some plucked from the crystal receptacles in the ‘apartment,’ others from gardens she had passed on the way here. One man had yelled at her, and so she roared at him with the power of the furybeast spirit, and he held still, submitting in fear.

“Oh, this is lovely,” Molly said, taking it gingerly and little awkwardly. But her heart fluttered a little. John had never gotten her such a gift. “What are these . . . things, attached?”

“They are totem. Give good luck. I will explain.”

Molly noticed her manager was coming. “Um, maybe it’s better for you to explain later. We need to talk. I need to figure out what is happening. Why this is happening. Is my boyfriend safe?”

“He is hunting.”

Molly was caught between gasping out of fear and rolling her eyes out of frustration. “Well, it sounds like him. The bastard is probably enjoying it.”


Molly shook her head. “Look, let’s go for a walk once my shift - my, uh, work - finished. One hour.” She instantly realised the problem with that assessment. She pointed to the clock on the wall. “That is clock. When the little point reaches the one called ‘three’ on the right, then I can talk.”

“I will wait,” Ulka said proudly.”

“Oh, please don’t wait on my -”

“I will wait. I will be under sun.”

She pointed outside, then walked away proudly, loving her masculine form. To Molly’s astonishment, Ulka in John’s body continued to wait, looking with wonder and excitement at everything that passed outside, from the clothes to the trained dogs to the cars and buses on the streets. Ulka was fascinated by it all, and occasionally barked out the word she recognised from John’s vocabulary. Once or twice she stared back into the bakery’s window, seeing Molly provide the life giving sustenance with ease. Truly, she was a mighty woman to perform such a service! Occasionally, she also saw John in the reflection, dashing through the jungle in those moments he leapt over streams and rivers. He was hunting, spear in hand, and alongside him in her body was Selkath, treating him like a partner. It dazzled her, but it reeked also of a mating ritual. Of earning Ulka’s admiration. They were in pursuit of the sharp-toothed cats, and she hoped John would be up to the task.


John roared, adrenaline coursing through his system as he leapt into the clearing and hurled the spear. His body’s muscle memory allowed it to be well-placed: it struck the sabretooth in the neck, bleeding it out. He dodged aside, taking advantage of his lithe female body’s greater dexterity, missing its deathknell blow. And then it was fallen. Selkath cheered.

“You have kill! It is your! You do well, Ulka!”

He thrust John into a warm embrace, and John was forced to embrace back. He did so willingly anyway, forgetting for a moment that he was an attractive woman, and instead revelling in the joy of the hunt, the kill, the hazard and harm. A small cut was upon his forearm, but otherwise he had been totally successful.

But then his nipples rubbed against the fur lining of his chest, which was pressed against Selkath’s own strong pectoral muscles, and John was instantly hit with that spike of attraction again. That burning need to feel something between his legs, in his moist, feminine slit. He looked up into the rugged face of Selkath, and for a moment they stared into one another.

“No!” he exclaimed, pulling back.

“Hmm,” Selkath grunted. “Not worthy yet?”

No. No worthy! No want you.”

Selkath gave that determined look again, but it was thankfully free of maliciousness. Instead, he grunted again. “We see. I show you grand sight. You rethink maybe. Come.”

He gestured forward, and John followed willingly. It was hard to keep his sight off of Selkath’s bare back, which positively rippled with muscled and sexy scars. The kind that made his ultra-fertile body tremble with attraction. One thing was clear: Ulka may be a free spirit, but her hormones were off the chart with horniness. She was one lustful cave lady, and it must have taken a herculean will to focus on what she wanted - freedom and choice - over just mating away, especially since a body like hers would have had men of every era lusting after it.

Selkath indicated a harsh climb, one that required strength and risk. John chuckled, and impressed the chieftain by easily overtaking him and making it to the top. He could feel the chieftain’s eyes upon his large rounded ass and wide, child-bearing hips, but it felt okay to let those eyes wander. After all, he wasn’t going to stick around. He was sure of it. They reached the top, and the bodyswapped man grinned at the risk he’d just taken. He hadn’t even used any equipment! With one hand, he helped the larger figure up as well.

What we see?” John asked in the tribal speak. But part of him was suspicious. Ulka had heard such tales, he knew from his dreams. But she had never seen what Selkath was about to show him.

“Look,” Selkath said, holding back. He parted a curtain of great leaves, and John spluttered, for a moment forgetting how to even take a breath. Before him was the most magnificent sight he’d ever seen.

A great herd of mammoths, in all their hair, long-tusked glory, were moving through the valley below, now even three hundred feet away. They were immense, and with them were numerous mammoth calves. They were migrating, and it was a sight unlike any other.

“It’s incredible,” John said in his own language. “I’ve never - holy shit, this is fucking amazing. This is a damned payoff! Better than any surf or climb!”

Selkath was silent. His gaze shifted to Ulka’s body, and John felt himself blush heavily, particularly as his black hair tossed in the wind, making him no doubt look like a wild beauty of the jungle straight from one of Molly’s pulpy novels.

What you think of?” he asked eventually.

“You not Ulka. You are ghost god.”

John nodded slowly. Selkath was not exceptionally bright, but he was not stupid.

“You right. Me ghost god in Ulka. She in my body elsewhere.”

Selkath’s jaw dropped. “You . . . you like realm?” He indicated to the gorgeous jungle environment around them, the mammoths making their way north in their great herd.

I like. I like very. But cannot stay. Must return.”

Selkath appeared momentarily in deep thought, or at least trying to enter deep thought. “Selkath wrong of many things. Wrong about Blessed Ulka. Wrong about shard. Will no wrong again. Will you return again? Hunt with Selkath?”

It was an offer too tempting to resist. John felt the pull of another world upon him, and saw that Ulka’s own shard nestled within his current bosom was lighting up with power. He’d intended to destroy it, but after this grand experience . . .

“I return,” he said. “But come back, to hunt. Few more times.”

Selkath beamed.

And then John was gone.


Ulka and Molly walked through the park, chatting excitedly. Molly couldn’t believe how enthusiastic and passionate the cavewoman in her boyfriend’s body was, nor how quickly she was learning. It was astonishing! More than that, there were the tales of her life, her hardships after losing her family and being taken by another tribe, and warding off males. Molly was overwhelmed by the explanations of the carvings she had made (even if amused that they had been carved by breaking the leg of a chair, of which Ulka had deemed there were too many anyway).

“This totem bring - brings - good luck. This tome brings strength in bad time. Times. And this tome,” she said, gesturing to one that had been crudely carved in the shape of a woman, “is beauty totem.”

“It ensures I’ll become beautiful, I’m guessing,” Molly said with a chuckle.

But Ulka frowned, stopped, and shook her head slowly. “No, all wrong. It ensures that you stay beautiful. You keep your great beauty.”

Molly stood stock still as a deep red blush crept over her cheeks. “Th-thank you. Wow. Okay. Even with your admittedly poor English that’s . . . yeah. John never talks to me quite like that.”

“He love you.”

“Eh, I thought he did. I think he likes me. I love him, sometimes.”

He should love you. You make great gifts.”

Molly raised an eyebrow until it clicked. “Oh, the bakery food? Anyone could do that.”

Ulka shook her head. “None can do that where I from. You are most special. You should be proud of your gift. I am in awe.”

Molly chuckled, blushing again. “You know, this is kinda nice. I don’t have a lot of women friends. I mean, you’re a man, I guess. But you’re sort of a woman, now.”

“I wish I were not woman. Much prefer this body. Not made to make children, natural strength. Also, prefer virile manhood.”

Molly had just brought a coffee to her lips when suddenly she practically ejected it from her mouth. “Whoa! Okay. I mean, yeah, I guess you would have had a play.”

“Mhm. John is most virile. Impressive in girth.”

Molly broke into laughter, and Ulka joined her, despite not quite understanding it all.

“Oh man, you just can’t say that, Ulka. This is so crazy. I’m talking to a million year old cavewoman. Besides, you’re one to talk about virility. I saw those knockers.”

It was Ulka’s turn to become confused, until Molly made a gesture over her chest like two great boulders. “Ah, breast. I understand. Much too big. Ripeness sign of fertility, but do not wish make babies, not yet. This why being John for a time is a blessing. Also learning so much. And also,” she looked meaningfully at Molly and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. The other woman stopped, looking up at the figure of Ulka in John’s body. Ulka rested her other hand on Molly’s hip, and the other woman breathed a little quicker, shocked by both the intensity of Ulka’s gaze as well as the fierce loyalty she seemed to exude. Far greater than the flakey presence John so often gave.

“A-also what?” Molly stuttered.

“Also, meeting you, Molly. You are beautiful. Deserving of loyal mate by your side.”

“Woo! Okay, wow, you are full-on. Um, John is loyal. Well, sort of. I mean . . . I guess not. But I want him to be. He’s probably panicking right now.”

Ulka shook her head. She was nothing if not honest. “He is relishing hunt.”

Molly sagged a little, only for Ulka to take her chin and lift it up so that their faces were nearly touching. “You deserve loyal mate,” she repeated.

The tug, the pull of her world returned. It annoyed her - she wished to stay longer with Molly and know more of this time. More than that, her manhood was erect, straining at her ‘pants’, desiring the small yet beautiful form of Molly, to take her as Selkath wanted Ulka. But it was not to be, the light began to grow.

“I am leaving,” she explained.

“Will you be back?”

“I must. I will find way. Wish to walk with you again.”

Molly nodded, heart fluttering once more. And then there was a small flash that few would have even noticed, perhaps even her were she not close to it. She placed the totems in her pocket, clutching them.

And John was back, smiling brightly.

“You’ll never believe what I just got up to!” he exclaimed, laughing. He pulled his hands away from Molly and began to pace, spilling out a story of sabretooth tigers and mammoths. She simply listened, trying not to shed tears. In his own way, he’d managed to indulge in his extreme sports anyway, and once more without a care for staying with her.

She clutched the totems Ulka had given her within her pocket, determined to keep them a warm secret between the two of them.

Trading Places

The bodyswapping across time did not stop. In fact, it began to happen with increasing regularity. Between the two of them, Ulka and John realised it was occurring partly as a result of their desire, a sort of being ‘in tune’ with the shards. Destroying his own had not been enough, evidently: somehow, the shard’s essence was within his system, as he continued to dream of Ulka. But since she maintained her shard, her connection was stronger. When either desired to experience part of that ‘other life’, even subconsciously, the possibility of change grew and grew and grew, until finally there was no stopping it. Then WHAM, they were in one another’s bodies for several hours, or longer.

Ulka continued to love being one of the so-called ‘ghost gods’ in the modern age. Her mind was like a sponge, taking in everything, and Molly was her minder as she absorbed it all. In the following weeks of learning, she was treated to further walks through nature, a trip to the cinema (that nearly ended with her trying to wreck the silver screen when a monster appeared), and even a shopping trip. As strange as the situation was, Molly was ecstatic to not only have a new friend who showed such genuine interest in her, particularly her side hobby of painting (she was a cave woman after all: paintings were important), but one that seemed steady and reliable in a way that John was not.

John, in turn, disliked having to be stuck in a female body, particularly one so utterly voluptuous. Still, his time as a wild barbarian cave woman came with the greatest joys he’d ever known, beyond any caving exercise or rock climbing or abseiling or whatnot. The young man roared with pleasure as he hunted sabre-toothed tigers, tracked great aurochs, and climbed great mountains and descended into the maws of chasms to perform important ritual rites. Selkath was increasingly by his side, and while the lust of his female body was a terrible distraction sometimes, it did mean he had a ‘spotter’ of sorts, and someone to vouch for the fact that a ‘ghost god’ was inhabiting Ulka’s body, which allowed him leeway with the tribe. It did mean, however, that he had to complete the tribe’s various rites to become a full-blooded huntress. And while he would have preferred to have been in the body of a male hunter, he was still eager to prove himself. So much so, in fact, that it was all he could talk about when back in his own body with Molly. It made his girlfriend yearn for a return of Ulka, who showed such great affection. She knew it wouldn’t be too long either.

It was something all of them realised, and weren’t quite sure how to confront: the body switching was lasting longer and longer each time it occurred, and the time between switches less and less. It wasn’t enormously dramatic yet, but whereas initially John and Ulka had switched after again after a week, then after four days, they were now switching every two-to-three days. Instead of lasting several hours, they now remained in the other’s body for nearly twelve by the fifth week of experiences. And while each was learning fascinating things about the other’s life, and also dreaming of each other’s experiences, they were also confused as to where it was all going.

“Look, it’s fun, I won’t lie,” John said. “Yes, I’ve got to put up with having a pussy-”

“Sharp-tooth cats are no pussy,” Ulka said into the river-mirror.

“No, I mean your womanhood. It’s . . . another name for it. I’m just saying we need to work out a way to undo this. If the swaps keep getting longer, it won’t be too long before I’m stuck as you for a full day.”

Ulka grinned. “Could be fun. Could dream in your body of mine.”

John sighed. The nervousness he’d been feeling lately came over his heart, making it beat faster. “Don’t even joke, Ulka. What if we end up switching so often that you end up in my body longer than you end up in your own?”

She shrugged. “Could be destiny. I am more man than woman, and you have been great huntress. Nearly as good as I, but much better with Selkath. He still likes me, but knows I am not ‘his mate.’”

John shuddered. Mating was often on his mind when in her body, but when he was back in his own he realised how much Ulka’s hormones were responsible. He understood why she could be so fierce and strong-minded: she was constantly suppressing that incredible libido in pursuit of her true desires.

“Next time we switch, I’ll destroy the shard.”

“You won’t! You can’t!”

“I have to,” he said. “I’ve seen such amazing things, and if we could control this, I’m sure we’d have a lot of fun. But I’m scared as shit of how this will end if we keep changing. And speaking of fun, you’ve been having far too much in my body. Molly is fucking cold to me every time I’m with her, and yet she can’t stop bitching about perfect you are. Ulka this! Ulka that! It’s like you’re trying to steal my fucking life.”

Ulka narrowed her eyes. “You should be more loyal to Molly. She is a great mate, but you abandon her. Run off.”

“Pfft, like you don’t want the same freedom!”

“NEVER!” she shouted, and both were surprised by her depth of feeling. “I would never leave her. She has passion. She likes freedom also. But wishes to have freedom with you. It is the same of any mate I wish to have. Were I to stay you, I would love my freedom, but I would also be loyal to Molly.”

Another shiver came down John’s spine.

“Molly is my girlfriend,” he said.

“Not for long,” Ulka replied, before walking away.

John was left alone in the bathroom, wondering just what the fuck that meant. It almost sounded ominous, and yet Ulka was hard to read. So straightforward that she was like a brick wall, in a way.

“This shit is just too weird,” he said. “Fuck! What the hell have I gotten myself into?”

He kicked himself for indulging in the past. It had just been . . . too tempting. Too powerful. Too enticing to his thrillseeking. But now his actual life was slowly dissolving. He moved to the bedroom, where Molly was reading. It was a book on ancient prehistoric societies. He scoffed.

“Really? You’re reading about her?”

“I thought it might let me understand her more,” she replied.

“Sure. You two really get along, huh? But it’s my fucking body.”

Molly gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation, babe. I don’t know what to do. I feel so powerless. But at least Ulka isn’t running headlong into this other world.”

“Oh, she wants to, alright. She wants this life.”

“Can you blame her? Think of the age she lives in.”

“Well, what if I get stuck there? What about me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Obviously I don’t want you to end up there for good, but you’ve been talking about how great it is nonstop.”

“Yeah, before I was getting stuck there! With the hot caveman.”

They both stopped.

“I mean, the caveman. It’s just Ulka’s body.”


“I mean it.”

“I said sure,” she said. “Look, just smash the crystal. You should have done it ages ago when this all got figured out. Instead I’m the one who has to deal with two people in the same body, and a boyfriend who would literally rather be a million years in the past than commit to a fucking relationship.”

“This isn’t about you, Molly.”

“It never is,” she said. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Look, Molly.” He moved to touch her, but she pulled away. It was like he’d been stabbed in the heart.

“Not now,” she said, features softening. “Just . . . not now, John. I need time to think, and you need time to work this all out. Let’s just sleep.”

He nodded. “Okay.” The light went out, and they went into bed together, but both apart within it. John closed his eyes, and as he drifted closer to sleep, his anxieties slowly melting, he began to see and feel and experience a sort of afterimage of what Ulka was going through. She was moving in the darkness of the cave, holding the hand of someone. Someone bigger than her. She was taking him to a private spot just beyond the cave’s lip, where the full moon shone upon them in the warm air, and where many furs had been laid out. Her heart pulsed, full of arousal and lust, and she lay upon the furs, taking off her own fur clothing so that her perfect body was naked, the moonlight illuminating its occasional scar. Delicately, she indicated for the other figure to join her, to lie against her back and spoon her, cupping her breasts gently. She gasped, exhaling.

“Not yet,” she said in her language. “We wait. He will come. For now, feel me.”

John bit his lip. The feelings were wonderful. It was like he was almost there. His own member hardened, and he could feel a recursive loop of desire: as her lust grew, Ulka was projecting her own arousal into the future, imagining Molly moaning beneath her. It made John doubly aroused, his member hard as rock.

And it was at that moment, as a bright light began to envelop his vision, that he realised exactly what Ulka had just done.

“N-no! That bi-”

In a flash, he was not in his body anymore. He was in the arms of a strong tribal chieftain named Selkath, whose own immense cock was hard between John’s fleshy cheeks, his tough hands upon John’s melon-sized breasts. He writhed in pleasure, his body overwhelmed by need like it had never been consumed.

“Oh G-God!” he moaned, his own language signalling to Selkath that the ‘ghost god’ had come. “F-fuck! She t-tricked me! OOHhhhhh . . .”

His lust only rose as Selkath huffed with pleasure at this news, and began to knead those incredible breasts.


Her lust rose.

And it needed filling.

To Be Continued . . .



Really liked this one hope it continues soon