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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part 

Part 3: New Status Quo

Derek woke to a strange muttering in his bed. For a moment he was confused as he tried to interpret what was being said.

“No way. No way. I’m not going to fucking suck your cock. But it smells so gooood. Oh God, I want it soooo badly. It’s making this stupid female body horny as hell!”

“What the -” he managed, before suddenly he felt something tug upon his member. It was a pair of soft female hands, and it was followed by the luxurious sensation of a pair of lips sucking at the sensitive tip of his penis.

“Ahhh,” he groaned. “Is that - ahh - is that you, Chris?”

He managed to lift his head, and saw that the ‘dream’ he’d had of last night was in fact a complete reality. A gorgeous, busty redhead had her lips firmly planted around his cock, and was sending him to heaven with her perfect ministrations. Her eyes were panicking, and his heart leapt out to his poor friend, but in truth the feelings were too good. She was giving him a perfect blowjob, just as he’d always imagined it, and all he could do was lie there and grasp her head as she bobbed up and down upon his member. It didn’t take long for her to bring him to a climax, and when she did she moaned for a long time, even as he spurt his entire load into her mouth. She gave him a look, tried to mumble something angry. And then she swallowed it all, moaning once more.

“Holy shit, it was real,” Derek said.

“No fucking shit,” she replied. “Goddamnit, I really can’t control myself. This is your fault, dude! Your damn imagination have made me a wet dream. I can’t not have sex with you. When you get turned on, I get turned on, and I get too fucking aroused to be able to resist your strong sexy hunky body. Ugh! That last part was the spell, or curse, or hex or whatever.”

“I know,” Derek said. “We need to figure this out. We need to find out where this Juliana is, before it goes any further.”

“How could this possibly be worse?” she asked, gesturing to her still naked, still perfect body.

Derek was briefly silent, not knowing what to tell his friend.

“Well, you’ll remember that my perfect girl is someone who’ll have babies with me.”

Chris’ jaw dropped.

“No way. No fucking way. I am not getting knocked up! You hear me? No matter how hot and fertile this body is. C’mon. I’m getting dressed up so we can figure this out.”

Over the next hour they got dressed and ready. Chris took a shower, as did Derek, but when she went to put on new clothes to disguise her body from Derek’s gazing, they realised that far more than her body and instincts had changed. In this new life, Chris wasn’t just Derek’s submissive girlfriend, but she actually lived with him in his house. There was evidence of her everywhere: in photos wearing skimpy bikinis, in little notes on the fridge, and even in the ornaments along the shelves which were sometimes quite feminine. The bathroom even had tampons and other feminine hygiene products. Similarly, half the closet now had female clothing in it, and to her despair, it was all quite showy and stylish and sexy, even the damn silk bathrobe she’d chosen to wear. It outlined her figure, and despite wanted to at least leave it baggy, she’d been compelled to tie it tightly around her waist in order to emphasise her figure.

But that wasn’t the worst part.

“Christina? My name is fucking Christina?”

Derek took her driver’s licence, which showed a redheaded lass with a beaming smile. “Chriss or Chrissy for short, I guess. Also, check this out dude, it says you’re twenty one years old.”

“The hell it does!”

She snatched the card, then let loose another series of curses.

“Fuck you, Derek!”

“How is this my fault?”

“You made me younger!”

“It’s not like you’re a teenager!” he said, defending himself. “I didn’t even realise it was a conscious preference. I guess, I don’t know, it’s just kind of like not wanting your hot girlfriend to get older too quickly.”

Chris, or Christina as she now was, growled. She threw her hands up in the air, not realising she was exposing a lot of cleavage in her bathrobe. “This is a goddamn nightmare! I’m stuck as your fucking slave girl! Why didn’t you tell her we were friends?”

“I did!”

“Well, you didn’t say it hard enough, you fucking moron! God, let’s just find her.”

Derek tried not to take offence. Chris had always been prone to anger sometimes, and occasionally made spiteful comments like that. But he was also now a she, and he had no idea the amount of hormones that were whizzing about her body, causing unfamiliar feelings she couldn’t control.

But instead of veering back to get changed again, or to the home computer, Chriss instead moved to the kitchen and started getting plates out.

“Umm, are you hungry?”

“Not much,” she said through gritted teeth. “But you are, aren’t you?”

Derek’s stomach growled as an answer. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“And thanks to your stupid desires and that fucking bitch whore of a witch, I can’t help but want to make bacon and eggs for my sexy strong lover boy.”

So bacon and eggs it was. The two ate near silently after she had done the eggs just as he liked them, though she herself could only eat a little.

“Stupid smaller stomach,” she complained. “And stop looking at my chest! These things are big and heavy and sexy enough without you always looking at them.”

Derek blushed. “Sorry, it’s just . . . they look so good. You look so good.”

She grumbled, continuing to eat, but the sight of her was simply too good, and his dick began to harden again. He couldn’t forget the feel of her lips upon his cock, or her wet pussy, or the taste of her big nipples in his mouth.

Soon, she seemed to notice it too. She licked her fork suggestively, finishing her food, and began to thrust out her chest further.

“OOhhh, you’re turned on again, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Derek said. “I can’t help it. You’re literally the perfect woman for me, Chriss.”

She moaned again, licking her lips further. She stood from the table, took his hand, and motioned for him to stand. Then, to his astonishment, she pulled up her silk robe and pulled down her underwear, so that her perfect ass and womanhood were on full display. She already looked moist and ready for him. She pressed her tits against the table, shifting away the plates hurriedly.

“I can’t help but need this,” she pleaded, anger and frustration and fear and massive fucking arousal cycling across her face. “Fuck me from behind, Derek. I want to feel like I’m yours.”

He did so, and she groaned as he took her hips and entered her. Soon they were thrusting like animals, his grunts bestial as he took her. She felt like putty in his hands, and she did little to fight that impression. She begged him to go harder, and he did, using his larger cock size to fill her up completely. He couldn’t believe how short his refractory period was now, or how boundless his transformed’s friend’s lusts were. Her ass was soft in his hands, her hips wide, her movements perfectly in time with his.

They came again, together as they had before. His cock shot more semen deep into her tunnel, and her body quaked around his member, milking it for every last drop. When they were done, he slid out, panting. Her legs were a little wobbly, and she had to grip the table to remain standing.

“Damn it! Again!? When will this end? Now I have to clean up and wear something else.”

Derek just gave her a pat on the ass as she passed. She turned to give a glare, but obviously realised it was a playful compulsion on his part. He’d thought about it, and so his body had done it. Evidently part of his ‘present’ from Juliana was a body that had the stamina and confidence he didn’t.

“Goddamnit,” he muttered to himself as Christina went off to have a second shower for the morning. “I’m so sorry, man.”

And yet he couldn’t stop staring at her ass, and the way she shook it as she walked away. He had a feeling that if they couldn’t find Juliana quickly, they would have a very new, very sexually charged status quo from now on.

Whether they wanted it or not.


Derek’s instincts were right. Unfortunately for Chriss, or Chrissy, or Christina, or whatever they wanted to call her, Juliana fast proved impossible to find. After having her shower, his formerly male friend emerged blushing up a storm, wearing a tight red crop top that barely managed to contain her large melons, and a tight skirt that emphasised her rear and cut off right at the top of her thighs. She wore a pair of red go-go boots with high heels, which only had the effect of forcing her to thrust out her chest and ass even further.

“Don’t say a fucking word about how fucking hot I look,” she said. “Let’s just go find Juliana.”

Derek, while aroused, was at least able to contain himself. Apparently, important matters could postpone their continual fucking.

“Okay, let’s go. We’ll ask around, see if we can get footage of her. Find out about friends, or whatever.”

“Great idea, babe,” she said, before kissing him deeply on his lips. She pulled back and headed for the car, stopping just for a moment. “That was the curse.”

“Yeah, I guessed as much.”

“Goddamnit. I blame you for this just as much as her.”

Derek bit his tongue. He was used to Chris having outbursts from time to time, so he just accepted it, waited for the transformed man to calm, and then they headed out.

The day that followed was nothing but failure, failure and humiliation for Derek and Chriss. The club could tell them nothing about Juliana, and even when they managed to concoct a half-believable story about her being a thief, there wasn’t any information they could provide, just some CCTV camera footage that showed her leaving the club, but not entering it - it was busy that night, after all. The club staff member kept wandering his eyes over Chriss’ form, obviously making her uncomfortable, and thanks to the curse, it only meant she pressed her voluptuous body against Derek even more.

Other inquiries fell flat. They reached out to their respective friends, even using some of the numbers Christina had acquired when she was Chris. But none of them knew of the woman, or had even seen her at the club. More than that, it also revealed another aspect of the hex that made the former man nearly throw her phone to the ground.

“Heya Jacqui!” she said into the phone, “it’s me, the girl you enjoyed partying with last night. Yeah, Christina! Awww, thanks girl, you looked hella cute too! Yeah, I’m all good. Made it home with my sexy boyfriend. And he got real lucky after all that partying, you better believe! I’m just wondering about this Juliana woman I met last night, I think she stole my purse . . .”

Afterwards, Derek hugged her. “Chriss, that was amazing! Totally off the cuff - how did you know her memory had changed?”

But then he saw Chriss’ face, which was one of pure morality.

“I didn’t,” she admitted, lowering her hand to run over her bare midriff idly. “I was gonna say it was me, Chris. See if someone would believe me. But she didn’t, and I couldn’t tell her. I couldn’t tell her who I really was, Derek!”

That was true of all the following calls, and evidently for Chriss’ family as well, at least judging from the altered photos on her phone. She’d never been close to them, and so didn’t feel the need to call, but it was mortifying nonetheless.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed as they headed back to Derek’s home. Their home, now. “The whole world thinks I’m a ginger smokeshow! God, can this get any more humiliating? I couldn’t even take the wheel and vent my frustrations like this, of course you like the idea of being in charge of a submissive hottie, Derek. Not like you could catch one in real life.”

Derek huffed. “That’s not fair, dude. None of this is my fault. I don’t want to have sex with you.”

“Could have fooled me. You were sucking on these tits like your life depended on it.”

They went over a speed bump, causing them to bounce, and her to wince.

“Stupid tits. God, these things are heavy.”

Derek gave him a sympathetic smile. “Dude, I’m just saying that it’s not either of our faults. But maybe you shouldn’t have put me in that headlock.”

“I was drunk! Maybe you should have bulked up and got out of it.”

“Well, I’m definitely bulked up now!”

She scoffed, crossing her arms beneath her chest. “Pfft, don’t remind me. And it’s not just those muscles that got bigger either, damnit. We’ll have to find Juliana on the internet or something, because I am not going to be split by your monster cock again! I refuse to be your submissive girlfriend. I don’t deserve it, especially not after all the good luck with the girls I had last night. Hell, you would have done better getting stuck like this.”

Derek just didn’t comment, and instead drove them home.


“MMhm, yeah, f-fuck me baby! Right up inside m-meee!”

They were back at it. The internet searches had failed. Everything had failed. Sure, it was just one day, but already things seemed hopeless. There wasn’t much to go on, and their libidos were once more rising, particularly given how scantily clad Christina was as she moved about the house, hips swaying. Derek had tried to fight it, and she had tried even more. But both of them had failed, and so she was riding him again, this time on the couch. Her giant tits were smothering him in the best way possible, and her cunt clung to his cock as she brought her ass up and down. Her gripped it, simply taking in the feeling.

“I c-can’t stop!”

“M-me either!”

“Just hurry up and - ooohhh - cum inside me! Get it over with! Get me pregnant already! Give me your babies!”

It was too sexy, too ideal for him not to. He exploded in orgasm. As the curse seemed to mandate, her body rocketed to the same high, and they clung together as his seed raced into her womb.

“You b-better not actually g-get me pregnant. This b-better be dirty - ahh - dirty talk,” she stammered, even as his dick shot more of his issue inside her.

He didn’t have the confidence to tell her the truth. She knew he wanted children, but more than just wanting them, the thought of getting a woman knocked up was just intoxicating to Derek. He wanted to start a family, a big one, really. He’d always loved the idea of having plenty of kids. But the thought of seeing a woman plump with his child, literally gravid thanks to him, dependent upon him, waiting upon by him.

It was the sexiest image imaginable.

And he worried that might be the future for Chriss.


A month passed. For Chriss, it was a month of dressing up, looking and acting like a sexy bimbo, and doing everything to please Derek in her new daily life. She had become Derek’s perfect partner, and not just in the bedroom or her revealing outfits. No, she was also a participant in his geeky activities as well. Derek had always been a big comics fan, especially for DC, and now she was forced to be too. She read Action Comics and Wonder Woman, watched old Batman episodes with him, and had even found herself ordering materials online so she could cosplay as various characters, including the sensual villainess Poison Ivy. She found herself asking to watch science fiction films and old horror movies that had never been her tastes, and when she watched the latter she clung to Derek, her new hormones racing through her system and making her terrified of the jump scares and plot twists.

“I can’t help it!” she proclaimed, “you must love your girls too - too girly!”

Derek felt bad, but he still chuckled, holding her closer for comfort

“Well, I’m here for you.”

She nuzzled closer against him. “I hate that your presence comforts me like this.”

There were other things that made her just as uncomfortable, if not more so. For one, Christina was continually compelled to dress up sexy for Derek. This ranged from tight crop tops and short skirts that revealed her curves and toned stomach, to cocktail dresses that lifted her prominent bust so that he could barely manage to look her in the eyes. Derek tried not to be turned on by her, but she was literally his dream woman, and so she was always forced to have sex with him, and across that month they did so in a variety of positions, all of which she reluctantly enjoyed. To her great embarrassment, she even orgasmed just from sucking Derek off while rubbing his shaft within her lubricated cleavage. Just the sensation and taste of his cum exploding into her mouth gave Chriss her own climax, leaving her moaning, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

In this new life, she didn’t have a job. She was his live-in girlfriend who kept the house clean and well-maintenanced, and kept his bed warm for him. When he got home from work, she was there to greet him in a revealing outfit and shove his face into her enormous bust, and then greedily take his dick inside her. So many times she tried to find loopholes, ways to avoid turning him on, or to at least avoid wearing clothes that showed off her voluptuous form to the world, but she was stuck the way she was, all because of a misunderstanding. She even woke him most mornings with a blowjob, though he often preferred to cum inside her wet pussy after she had got him up and ready.

The cosplay outfits arrived, and to Derek’s surprise, and clearly to his joy, she dressed up as the incredibly busty Power Girl just for him, surprising him as he came home from work one day.

“Holy shit, Chriss. You look - I’m sorry, but you look flat out amazing.”

“I know,” she said, trying to sound miserable, but instead only coming across confident. “I look pretty super, wouldn’t you say?”

She gestured to her boob window, where her incredibly cleavage strained at the outfit. Her perfect white thighs were revealed by the one piece, and her blonde wig covered her ordinarily red hair.

“I’m really sorry, Chriss, but this is such a fucking turn on right now.”

“I figured,” she said, sagging. But then she adopted a classically heroic profile, her ass and chest impressively stuck out, and she winked at him. “Why don’t you come over here and be my kryptonite, big boy.”

Minutes later, he was practically suffocating in that very boob window as he came inside her. She pulled him against her, milking every last drop as he did so.

“Oh G-God, this feels so f-fucking goooood! I want to dress as all your favourite comic hotties, babe!”

And she did. Numerous times over that month alone, to the point where Derek felt guilty that his mind kept imagining other potential candidates. Poor Chriss was forced to be not just Power Girl, but Barbara Gordon, Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman, Jean Grey, the Invisible Woman, and so on. She obviously found it incredibly demeaning, but the sex was unbelievably good, and so it kept happening.

As consolation, the two at least were able to play games together like the old days, watch movies they both enjoyed, and eat out together. Sometimes these activities were interrupted by sex, and once Chriss even began giving Derek a blowjob while he was playing the Playstation, simply because he was getting turned on by the cleavage of her tight outfit. That was particularly embarrassing for her, though secretly for Derek, it was one of the best experiences of his life. The two went swimming, something Derek organised since Christina had loved it as a man. Unfortunately for her it meant dressing up in a sexy blue bikini that left little to the imagination, her huge breasts forming perfect glistening teardrops as she erupted from the pool.

“I feel fucking naked,” she complained as she curled up against Derek at the pool’s hot tub. “All the guys are staring at me like I’m a piece of meat. They’re even worse than you. God, this fucking sucks!”

“Did you want to go home?”

“Are you kidding? At least I can swim here, even if my muscles suck now. Not that you’d know what I’m talking about, since you got everything I should have. Plus you love looking at all this skin on display, and knowing it’s all yours, don’t you?”

Derek gulped, looking down at her wet cleavage, her long red hair that was darkened by the waters of the pool.

“Y-yeah. I know that’s the curse dude, but it’s really, really true.”

She sighed, pressed against him for a reluctant, passionate kiss, and walked away.

“I’m off to get a snack. Enjoy the show.”

And he did, watching her ass as it swayed from side to side, her large breasts even visible from behind, spilling out the sides of her blue bikini top.

Life continued much like this, with bouts of sex, flirting, fucking, and generally them having to act as if they were in a relationship, with Derek the prime beneficiary of it, just like Juliana had intended. They found no trace of her, not on the internet, not in real life, not in their random searches of the city or the college or other popular clubs. Even their posts and questions online yielded nothing, despite them setting up alerts on various witchcraft related subreddits and conspiracy forums. They held out hope of change, but while Christina cursed her busty, horny, submissive body, Derek was much more happy with his masculine upgrade. Despite knowing his friend was affected, he couldn’t help but love the new status quo, as wrong as it was. The sex was amazing, life was amazing! Chriss continued to partly blame him, sometimes getting quite snippy, but the curse meant she always made it up to him in the form of blowjobs, fine cooking, and wearing sexy cosplays. It was actually kind of a relief to not always be the butt of Chriss’ jokes, and instead for him/her to be on the receiving end of the embarrassment for once. After all, their relationship had been characterised by the opposite for too long. And now their new dynamic was all beginning to feel normal. That was, until the next major, earth shattering change.


“Pregnant? I’m fucking PREGNANT!?”

Derek tried to calm his friend/girlfriend. Christina was panicking, her chest heaving in her tight, cleavage-revealing top. She was pacing back and forth, staring at the pregnancy test in her hand. The fifth one she had taken. All of which had been positive.

“Dude, dude, calm down!”

“I’m not a dude!” she cried, “not anymore! Not thanks to you and that - that cunt! Now I’m stuck as your submissive hottie of a girlfriend, and thanks to your stupid messed up fantasies, I’m fucking pregnant with your baby too! Oh God . . .”

Derek kept his distance, despite wanting to comfort her. Christina was dressed in just her dark lingerie, though her makeup was done up sexily as well, with dark eyeshadow and ruby red lipstick.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

She glared at him with her emerald eyes. “How do you think I’m feeling? I’m pregnant. I’m knocked up. Your tasty seed put a baby in me, just like you wanted. This is all your fault, dammnit!”

Derek winced. He did feel guilty, despite being as lost in passion as she had been in their numerous sexual bouts. Really, they hadn’t used contraception once, and that had no doubt been because of his desire to start a family early, with the hope of having more than a few kids just like he’d always wanted. During numerous intercourse sessions, Chrissy had even been forced to cry out things like “put a baby in me, Derek!” and “I can’t wait to be all big and knocked up for you!” or “don’t stop! Make me a sexy MILF, babe!”

Other signs were there too. Chriss had been complaining for weeks about feeling tired and without energy, but both of them had just assumed she was feeling exhausted from all the sexual activity they were undertaking, and the fact that she didn’t have her old muscle mass anymore. That wasn’t all, either. Several weeks ago she had approached him, wearing nothing but her red bra and panties, her tits flowing a little over the cups.

“Dude, these things feel seriously bigger.”

“Are you sure - holy shit they look amazing - sorry, I mean, are you sure you aren’t just wearing the bra wrong?”

“Dude, this body always knows how to put a bra on. God, these big sexy titties need a bra, otherwise they bounce everywhere and make murder of my back! But I wore this only last week and it felt fine. Now it’s all compressed or whatever.”

Derek helped her adjust the strap, but she complained about sore boobs for days afterwards, and he couldn’t deny that her impressive head-sized tits stuck out even further from her chest, or at least it looked that way. But it only made him turned on, and the thought was lost as he took her from behind, her pressed against the kitchen benchtop, crying out in bliss as he thrust into her pussy like the dominant boyfriend he’d been cast as.

Last of all, there was the clincher that they both should have recogised. It hadn’t been common, but Chriss had indeed experienced several signs of morning sickness. She’d thrown up only twice, assuming it to be a stomach bug, and with her slowly swelling stomach, they’d just thought her period was late, a not uncommon occurrence. But then her period hadn’t arrived at all, and now the signs conjoined to spell a very obvious fact, one given physical evidence by the slight but increasingly firm roundness of her belly.

She was pregnant, and Derek was the father. He’d gotten his friend knocked up with his sperm, and now the former alpha male was going to swell with a baby, the most womanly of all possible experiences.

“This is crazy,” she bemoaned in the present, flopping onto the couch. Her hand was on her stomach, the other feeling her chest. “No wonder my tits were sore. And all that damn sickness and exhaustion. God, how far along am I?”

Derek did some mental calculations. He couldn’t be certain, but based on her signs, and what they knew of the curse . . .

“Chriss, I’m sorry to say this man, but you might be almost eight weeks along already.”

Her beautiful eyes widened. “But - but that would mean -”

“Yeah, that we got you pregnant almost immediately. Possibly even the night we changed. You even spoke about being knocked up that night.”

“That was just the sexy talk I have to do!”

Derek gave a sympathetic smile. He sat down on the couch, and placed his hand on her soft thigh. “I know, but as unfair as it is, Juliana mistook what was happening that night, and made it so you’d become my own fantasy. And my fantasy, well, I really want kids, Chriss. I think - I think you’re going to be the one to have them.”

“Them? Them!?”

Derek nodded, and they were both silent for a time. No doubt they were both imagining a future where Chriss was not just heavily pregnant, but having to deal with several toddlers and a baby as well, having been forced to not just give birth once but play the role of mother several times, all while being a perfect housewife for Derek. It made him shiver in an excited anticipation, though he knew it was wrong. She shivered for what he imagined were altogether different reasons.

“I’m not having this. We have to take care of it. Abort it.”

“Do you think we’ll be able to? I can’t help but want it, and the curse will stop you.”

Chriss sighed. “I’m still gonna try, but you’re right. Fuck! I don’t want to get all pregnant. Dude, I’m meant to be a damn alpha male! I’m meant to be fucking hot girls, not giving birth in nine months!”

“Seven months and a bit,” Derek corrected.

“Dude, that is not what I want to hear right now. Oh God, and these big tits are gonna fill with milk, and I’m gonna feed the baby.”

Her expression went far more sexual, and Derek could tell the curse was making me speak as she pressed her body against his.

“And maybe feed you too, big boy. If you’re willing to fuck this hot pregnant chick. You need to treat me nice after all, since I’m carrying your baby.”

Derek couldn’t help himself, and neither could she. Soon he was on top of her, pulling down her panties as she freed her breasts, and then they were fucking even more passionately than they ever had before.

“I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed as he thrust into her warm wetness. “You’re going to have my baby!”

“I’m going to be a mother!” she cried back, overwhelmed by the sensations. “You knocked me up with your big dick! I’m going to be your sexy babymama!”

He climaxed very quickly, but she came with him anyway, as she always did. In the aftermath, they lay together on the spacious couch, not knowing what to say. He caressed her stomach idly, something he felt drawn to do, and she simply breathed softly and silently, her perfect body against his.

“Pregnant,” she said. “Pregnant. Seven weeks along. What the hell are we going to do, Derek? I’m not going to be stuck as your hot pregnant slut for the rest of my life. I’m not going to be your damned babymama.”

Derek continued to rub her belly, appreciating its subtle firmness. Inside, their child was already beginning to grow. It was crazy to imagine it was Chriss who was making it. “I guess we’ll just have to hope and pray that we can find her in time, before . . .”

“Before I have to give b-birth,” Christina stammered, lowering her hand over his. “Before I become a damned mother.”

To Be Continued . . .


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