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Hello wonderful Deluxe Tier patrons! Here is the other voted on inclusion for the month - the epilogue to Erutell, Game of Change. See below for the other parts. Hope you enjoy! There is one more Deluxe tier story coming this month as well, coming in around 33k in length!

Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4

By FoxFaceStories

It’s been a few months since the original friend group, as well as a certain cranky old neighbour, were transformed by the magical board game Erutell. Now that the game is finished, and their new fantasy forms set for life, they attempt to adjust to their crazy new lives.

Erutell, Game of Change - Epilogue

Gwynn sighed as her beauty sleep was ended by the cry of a child. Then another. And then another. The gorgeous, raven-haired queen rolled in bed and pressed herself against the warm and well-muscled form of her handsome husband and lord, King Kade. Six months ago, she would have taken any chance to become male again and avoid the inevitability of not only staying a woman, but giving birth to royal triplets. But after growing ever more with her babies, and coming to love them even as they took up ever more room in her bloated, overstretched womb, she had come to accept that she would remain a woman. And when sixteen hours or long, unbelievable agony began, ending in the birth of her beloved prince and princesses, she was filled with even more love for them, as embarrassing as it was for the former male. And when her milk came in quite prodigiously, she was willing to forgo even the indignity of breastfeeding to make sure her babies would be happy. She accepted that she was a gorgeous, full-figured queen, a wife, and a mother. She gave up her ideas of being male again.

No, all she asked for these days was a nice sleep in.

Kade placed a strong arm around her, his hand resting on her ass. It was comforting.

“You need to feed them, my love.”

She snuggled in closer. “I know, my king. Just one more minute.”

Kade smiled. He loved the feel of his queen. She had the maternal figure and true bearing of a royal woman, something he’d never imagined his old boyfriend would be. Mind, Kade never imagined he would be a man either, especially one that was a king. Still, he couldn’t claim to dislike his new life either. Not when he had an entire castle and grounds, a gorgeous wife, and three royal babies. Plus, an entire staff!

“What are you smiling about?” Gwynn inquired.

“Oh, just everything, my queen. Everything with that board game was so insane and yet, here we are. Perfectly happy.”

She scoffed. “Easy for you to say, you’re not full to bursting with milk.”

“You should have woken me earlier. I could have helped you with that.”

He ran a hand up to her full breast, which was easily a full EE-cup in size, and utterly hard due to how much milk it was storing.

“Wow, you really are full, my love.”

“I cannot help it, my lord husband. Nor can I even hire a nursemaid. The one thing a queen most definitely could do in history, and my fate is to feed them from mine own chest.”

She cringed a little at her overly-formal speech, a result of her change. Kade just grinned, loving it.

“How about this, my love. You go feed our little darlings, and when you have some milk remaining - and I know you will have quite a lot - you can come back to bed, and I’ll make you feel like the queen I know you are.”

It was shameless manipulation . . . and Gwynn was utterly aroused by it. Her body insisted on being terribly attracted to her king, and moreover utterly submissive to him as well. It was a dangerous combination for her future. If they weren’t careful they’d soon have another royal heir on the way. Still, it was enough to get her out of bed. She adorned herself in her dark purple royal robe and went to visit her darlings, located in three old-fashioned cribs in the room adjacent to their own. Her nipples throbbed, dark and aching with a need to be drained.

“Don’t worry my babies, your mother is here. Come here, Princess Jasmine. Princess Katie.”

The latter was named for herself, and the former for the female name she would have had from her parents had she been a girl. She gave an apologetic look to her fussing son. “I’m sorry, my little prince, I can only feed two at a time.”

She made a point not to wish to rectify that. After all, she’d gone through enough changes already. She sat down in a comfortable chair, warmed by the nearby fire that the servants had lit for them, and fed her babies at her breasts.

“Mhmm . . . that’s right, my princesses. Help mommy feel less f-full.”

She relaxed, letting them suckle away, and readying herself to take on little Prince James when his time for nursing came. As she closed her eyes and hummed softly, she thought of how much life had changed.

For all of them.


Natora flew through the sky over the townscape of Harverton. Numerous individuals walking the street pointed up as she soared over their streets, particularly the children who whooped and cheered. Just for fun, the great dragoness circled in the sky, barrel-rolling and showing off her glorious form. In the distance, the great Castle Erutell loomed, abode to Haverton’s local king and queen, who were no doubt still sleeping or attending to their royal triplets. Natora smiled at the sight of it. It had taken a while to become accustomed to the fact that she was not only a dragon, but a dragoness, and for life at that. But in truth, she had once been a nebbish nerd who loved games like Dungeons and Dragons. Becoming a real life dragon was an absolute dream, even if she happened to get pregnant via a particularly randy centaur during the time with the board game.

Of course, she wasn’t pregnant anymore, which was exactly why she felt so free in the sky once more. She laughed, which sounded more like a terrific roar, and swooped lower across the rooftops. People cheered for their local dragoness, and just for kicks, she unleashed a mighty gout of flame harmlessly into the air just to entertain them. The crowd went wild.


She gave a reptilian grin, manoeuvring away from the town and over the castle of Erutell. Below, she could see that King Kade and Queen Gwynn were making love within their room, the curtains just parted enough for her to see the lustful royal pair going at it.

Ha! Natora thought. To think my former gym bro friend is on the receiving end of a king’s manhood!

It made her chuckle, even if she felt a bit bad for snooping. After all, she did have a dragon’s eyes, and a dragon’s smell. And for all that Gwynn claimed she was still not accustomed to being Haverton’s queen, Natora could smell the love for her lord husband that radiated from her, and the confidence and love that radiated in turn from Kade.

The town suddenly having a dragoness, a sensual medusa, a king and queen, and even a luscious demoness was quite a change for Haverton. But while it was wild, there must have been something about the magic of the Erutell board game that shielded them. For while the denizens were shocked and awed by these changes, there was no grand investigation by the police, the FBI, the military, or any agency of government. In fact, for as much as everyone talked about the marvel of the appearance of a great castle, and the flight of a dragon, and so on and so forth, word never really seemed to travel from the town. Oh, people would talk about the ‘dragon of Haverton’, but it didn’t seem to arouse the interest it should.

Except in the town itself, where everyone was aware that little, nerdy Nate was now Natora, town protector and great scaled beast. That had been a case of celebrity that was unavoidable, particularly since Nate’s parents were enormously surprised by it all. Still, her mother was just glad she was getting grandkids, even if they were likely some strange centaur-dragoness and possibly medusa hybrids. And God knows, it had taken both of them getting scales for Jill and Natora to finally get together. She grinned at the thought of it. They had certainly used those scales to good effect. Jill was, after all, quite flexible.

Still, the only thing Natora truly regretted was never being able to apologise to Mr Satler, the one she had unfairly stolen the board game from in the first place. The kindly and wise store owner had been wronged, but after everything came apart, and when the game was finally ended, the store had simply disappeared. Satler had cleaned out and left town as soon as the sign of Erutell’s return began. Evidently, he didn’t want to be affected by it in any way. Mind, the game itself disappeared around that time also. Perhaps it had gone with him?

Natora cast her mind aside. It wasn’t worth thinking about. She flew past the castle and landed on the castle grounds, right beside a great rocky formation that was the entrance to her lair. Well, her and Jill’s lair. It was a good thing that they were both fantasy creatures who lived in cavernous spaces. She folded in her wings, landed to the ground with a mix of elegance and power. Then, with an almost girlish eagerness, she crawled into the cave, deep into the inner sanctum.

“There you are!” Jill called, her voice echoing throughout the chambers. “I was wondering when you’d get home!”

For a moment Natora didn’t know where her lover was, until she remembered that as a medusa, Jill had a real talent for ‘hanging’ around like a serpent. Which in this case, meant being coiled around one of the stalactites way up high on the cave’s ceiling. She grinned down at him, her cute canine fangs displayed.

“Gotcha, sexy!”

“Please don't fall, Jill! You don’t have wings like I do.”

“Oh, please, Nate!” she said, enjoying the use of the dragoness’ old name. “I’m perfectly safe. You sound like my mother - she was round earlier by the way, she sends her love. She’s eager to see the eggs hatch.”

Natora breathed a little heavier. The eggs were in the centre of their vast chamber. All three of them. They had no idea when they would hatch, but Natora didn’t like to be away from them too long. She drew closer, and with great care despite her lumbering great body, she coiled her serpentine body around them.

“Awww, my beautiful scaly girlfriend and her babies,” Jill siad.

“Our babies.”

“Yeahhh. Well, I think some part of me made it into them. Magic is weird. But I guess medusa’s can sort of imprint? We’ll see.”

Natora gave the closest analogue to a shrug that dragons were capable of.

“I guess we will. I see you’ve been decorating again.”

Jill grinned. Despite her void-black eyes, she was eager and optimistic enough a person that her expressions always came through nonetheless. She slithered about the stalactites easily, moving about the ceiling until she was down the wall, and then right beside Natora, her green scales right alongside her own.

“Do you like it?” she asked, pointing to the many bright Christmas lights that made the lair seem much more of a home. It was matched by numerous plush pillows, a functioning (and very large) bathroom in the chamber adjacent, and numerous cave plants as well as others with UV lights.

“It looks awesome Jill, really. Like home.”

Jill’s snake hair writhed happily. Natora loved it when it did that. It was oddly sexy, in fact. “I’m so glad! Because this is our home. Even if Mom thinks the decor is too dark.”

“Well, you’re doing plenty to fix it, my love.”

“I try. Arts and craft was always my thing.”

The two snuggled against each other. While Jill was smaller than Natora, she was certainly still very long thanks to her naga tail. She coiled around Natora’s chest and kissed her on the snout, smiling lovingly.

“They’ll hatch, don’t worry.”

Natora nestled against her medusa lover, enjoying the feel of her long tail wrapped around her chest and neck. It was soothing, especially the susurration of the snakes upon her head. Jill was quite a fan of them. In fact, she’d adapted very quickly to it, and come to love the way they always kept her company. The same was true of her tail. But then, Jill had always been adaptable. That was part of what made Natora love her so much. That, and how impossibly geeky she was as well.

“Come, let’s go set up the board for the D&D game. The others will be coming. Even Muriella, can you believe it?”

“I actually can’t,” Natora said, laughing. The sounds of her draconic belly laugh echoed throughout the chamber.


Muriella moaned sensually as she rode the gorgeous hunk on the living room floor.

“OOhhhh f-fuck! Oh darkness! Oh, hell! Yes! Fuck me like you’re going to hell, baby! F-fuck me like you’re a sinner! Yeah! YEAH!!! YEAAAHHHH!!!”

Muriella’s wings expanded, their dark crimson leather knocking a bowl off the nearby coffee table. Her forked tail whipped around as she came and came and freakin’ came. Her forked tongue slithered in her mouth as she relished the sensations. Jet after jet of her lover’s semen poured into her womb, and she bucked her hips against him to drain every drop. She was quite a succubus, after all.

“Mmhmmm . . . that was goooood,” she moaned. She drew herself down, placing her red-skinned body against the man she’d just fucked almost senseless, and gave him a deep, sensual kiss. “You’ve done well, sexy. Did you enjoy your little ride to hell?”

The man nodded, panting heavily. “Oh my God, yes. That was - that was the best sex I’ve ever had! Holy crap!”

“Good,” she said with a smile. “The rest of your payment will be when I return.”

She pulled herself off his cock, grateful that her friends were ensuring she was on the pill, and quickly moved to clean herself off in the shower.

“I’m looking forward to it!” the man shouted.

She giggled in that devilish way of hers. “Good! Me too. Wait a little tick, I’m almost done. You know how much the rush of water just turns this hot succubus body on.”

She emerged, her hips swaying, the demoness looking like the temptation of first sin itself. She flicked her dark hair, checked that her horns were as sharp and pointed as they always were. She ran her hands rather distractingly down her hot form. “Well, wrong as it is to hide a body like this, I better get dressed.”


“I know, sexy. But Mama used to be such a damn prude, I’m talking real conservative religious junkie, and it’s only in the last six months that she’s learned exactly what she’s missing, and how good it is to be bad. So dressing up with just a little modesty is a small price to pay to thank the friends who helped me see the light. Or the darkness. Or whatever.”

She winked, kissed him again, and just for good measure lowered herself down to quickly lick his bare cock, giving him a brief half-erection that was accompanied by a low moan.

“Just a little taste of what you’re missing,” she teased as she put on a sexy leather bra and panties, which was effectively her full outfit. She checked that her impressive red tits were (barely) within their cups, and that her cut red tail was through the hole of her leather pants. And then, with a smile, she put on her black go go boots.

“Now, milk is in the fridge, and there are soft fruit snacks in packages on the top row as well. Nappies are right on the counter, and I’ve got some chocolate as thanks too. You can watch anything on the TV, but nothing that will wake my little Jezebel, okay?”

Her hot babysitter, smiled. “Got it.”

“Just watch her claws! They’re just coming in!”

With another smile and a cackling laugh, she left her apartment. She waved to several other neighbours in the block as she moved to the stairs. The Henderson kids waved hello, and she waved back.

“Hey guys! I haven’t forgotten I owe you a flight on my dragon buddy, don’t worry!”

“You’re the best, Muriella!”

“Don’t you forget it! And don’t forget to eat your veggies, right Mom?”

Miss Henderson smiled, thankful. She wasn’t a huge fan of Muriella’s form of dress, or her constant male (and female) visitors, or her often devilish sense of humour. But the truth was, ever since Erutell ended, Muriella was in fact a loving, compassionate person. Yes, she was mischievous, but she’d been made to see her own hypocrisy over the years, and been horrified by it. Rather ironically, it was only now that she was a literally a succubi demoness with red skin, a forked tongue and tail, horns and leathery wings that she was actually acting like the moral person she always claimed to be when she was a human man. She’d been religiously fanatic in all the worst ways, and now she was an utter hedonist who helped look out for the struggling people in her apartment block. Mind, some of that help came in the way of a ‘life me up freebie’ sex session or two. Or three. Or hell, a dozen or so.

She made her way to the rooftop, keen to see the people who were once her enemies, and now her closest friends. Spreading her wings, she cackled as she rose to the sky.

“I never get tired of thisss!”


“By the Gods, that was so close to a natural twenty!”

The group looked to Gwynn, who sighed as once again her barbarian failed to make a shot.

“Sorry, my love,” Kade said. “But you get advantage, don’t forget.”

“Ah, of course my king! How could I forget?” With a keenness that spoke to how much she’d always loved board games, even as a gym bro male, she rolled the dice.

And got a natural one.

“By the gods! My little princesses and prince better not inherit my luck!”

The group laughed, and Kade hugged his gorgeous wife to his side. They were all in Natora’s lair, the space made up even more comfortably courtesy of Jill’s love of interior decorating. It was, perhaps, the most true-to-life Dungeons and Dragons game ever played. In fact, rather amusingly the living fantasy creatures were all playing humans, and the humans were playing fantasy creatures. A male orc barbarian for Gwynn and a sexy female elven archer for Kade. It was a funny joke for the group. Not only were they playing the reverse of their usual roles, but also a gentle mirror to the people they used to be. It was a nice little bit of nostalgia, but not wishful thinking. Everyone present had come to love their new lives, even if Gwynn still grumbled.

“How are the triplets going, Gwynn?” Jill asked as she rolled her dice. “Fuck yeah! Nat twenty!”

“That is not fair! And they’re going wonderfully, noble Medusa. Sorry, my noblewoman's speech is hard to fight again. Well, they are wonderful, when they’re not waking me up for constant feedings. Be thankful you’re both reptiles. These breasts are constantly full these days.”

“Ohh tell me about it!” Muriella sighed. “I’m still lactating! But it’s pretty hot. Guys love to nurse on my big red -”

“Okay!” Natora roared, “it’s your turn Muriella. That’s enough about milk for now.”

“Well, I mean I do still have boobs,” Jill chuckled. Her snake hair dropped around her chest, as if gesturing at said breasts. “Maybe I can make milk. You know, if I ever do get pregnant.”

“You have the eggs to consider first, I suppose,” Kade said. “Nice hit, Muriella.”

“Thirteen damage,” the demoness said. “Radiant, too. Hell, I love playing a holy cleric. It’s such a flip!”

Of course, she still enjoyed playing out the romantic roleplay a bit too much for Natora’s taste. The dragoness was a forgiving DM, but at a certain point it was a bit much!

“Glad someone is having fun. I never get to roll well!”

Kade smooched his wife on the cheek. “You’ll be fine dear. You’re barbarian, you can take the hits, remember?”

“Yes,” she said, eliciting a smile. “I suppose I can.”

She lowered a hand to his, held it lovingly.

“The place really does look lovely by the way, Jill! I suppose being a medusa has its advantages in setting decorations!”

“That it does,” Jill replied. “Though a few of my back ‘hairs’ were a bit too interested in nibbling at the rats in the roof.”

“Ewww, gross!” Murella said. “I favour rabbits. Horrible invasive species.”

“Stray goats myself,” Natora said, and the rest of the room paused. “What? I’m a dragoness. I’ve got to eat.”

But then she heard what the rest of them were seeing. Really, she should have heard it first, but she’d been so distracted by what the group of bandit NPCs she was fielding were doing that she hadn’t paid attention to the strange crackling sound behind her.

“My God, is it -”

She turned, nearly knocked over the table with her enormous tail, scrambling away from the game to see her eggs. Muriella flew up to get a better vantage point, while Jill surged ahead and on top of Natora, using her tail to easily slide around the dragon.

“It’s happening, Nate! It’s happening!”

“I know! I know, Jill!”

Gwynn and Kade held back. The Queen clung to her King, and he kept her in place. As much as the former woman was excited to see the hatching eggs, his duty was to keep his wife safe first of all. And Nate’s tail was quite an obstacle at times.

“Just wait dear, I know you’re baby made.”

“I am not! I’m merely . . . concerned. Perhaps a little clucky!”

“Okay, we can move forward now, they’ve stopped.”

The royal pair headed to the scene, where Natora and Jill were already coiled about their eggs, looking at the one in the middle, which was roughly the size of a small sofa. Passing it had been no easy deal. Gwynn felt her heart surge at the sight that was coming, and so did Muriella, flying above, tingling with anticipation at the impending hatching. Kade issued an order to a nearby servant, urging the staff to be on standby in case medical aid was needed. Gwynn hugged herself against him, ever proud of her lord husband’s decisiveness.

But Natora and Jill did not notice any of this. Instead, they watched eagerly, time slowing as the cracks in the egg grew wider. The child within pushed against the inner surface of the egg, slowly peeling it open. They had waited for this moment for months now. The moment when not only would they meet their children, but also discover what they were. Would they be dragons like Natora? Centaurs from the original impregnation? Or would they - as Jill heavily suspected - share some magical connection to the medusa who had helped deliver them, and imprinted upon them?

The egg opened, and the group had their answer.

“Awww, it’s cute!” Muriella cried, holding her hands over her red breast. “Er, what is it?”

The End


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