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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part

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Part 8: The Crater

The convoy continued forward, and Serellis couldn’t resist constantly looking behind her. With the x-ray vision of her third eye, it was only a minor strain to see the vans with their agents inside them, but it was a strain to do nonetheless, and soon she was developing a minor headache.

“Ughh,” she moaned, clutching her forehead, carefully spreading her two middle fingers so they didn’t touch her aching third eye.

“You okay?” Derek asked

She shook her head. Her antenna tensed. “No. Damnit. They’re still following.”

“Just like twenty seconds ago. And a minute before that. They’re not stopping, Chad-”


“Serellis. They’re not stopping, but you’re only going to wear yourself out looking back over and over and using your x-ray vision.”

She slumped in her seat, curling her green tail around herself before sighing. “Err, you’re right. Doesn’t stop this from fucking sucking. I don’t want to get caught by the frickin’ government and experimented on like the OG aliens at Roswell.”

“You know about that?”

She raised an eyebrow, and rolled all three eyes. “I’m not an idiot, dude. I told you that.”

Derek chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. You’re pretty fucking smart. I thought you were just one of those jocks who was a moron, but you’re not ignorant at all. Just sort of . . .”

“Standoffish?” she said with a grin.


“Well, nothing like growing three big green boobs to humble you. Or an alien pussy and desire to mate with a nerd.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining last night.”

She blushed a little purple, twisting her tail and running her fingers down its sensitive length. “I wasn’t,” she said quietly. “It’s crazy, but . . . fuck, we’re slowing down.”

Derek quickly gave a little more pressure to the breaks. The entire convoy was nearly at their location outside Roswell. Supposedly, they were going to the location that esteemed figures of the UFO community had designated to be the landing site of the original aliens. The aliens that, apparently, were indeed real. Or at least there were ones like them.

“Damn,” Derek said, “this might be a problem. We were careful. How did they manage to track us down?”

Serellis sighed, gestured to her form. She was still in her ‘alien’ costume, and she was deeply aware of how oddly sexy it made her. “Hello? I’ve been turned into a hot green lady with three boobs and a big tail. Not to mention the antennae and third eye and missing ears and -”

“Okay, okay. I get it. Yeah, it makes sense. If whatever secret agency these guys belongs to has experienced aliens like you -”

“Half aliens,” she corrected.

“Well, sure. But even then, the real ones, I mean. If they’ve experienced them before, they may have heard enough about your unique, uh, description, to investigate.”

“You think the real aliens have, like, three boobs too?”

Derek chuckled. “Maybe. It would explain something. I’m certain they’ve got tails as well.”

“Maybe if we find them they can tell me how to use it properly before they turn me back. This thing can still be a little unpredictable.”

“I can tell,” Derek said. He gestured to between his thigh, where it was snaking against, its little ‘grabber’ of a hand rubbing his skin as if seeking reassurance. Serellis blushed again.

“Stupid alien hormones. God, what are we going to do?”

“Just act casual. Where I found the crash site is a little farther away, but the device I found was simply one of the bits of wreckage I saw. It was the only one I could retrieve. Maybe something else there can save you, or even call aliens to help you.”

Serellis looked around at the convoy, used her enhanced vision to see the men in black once more. She winced at the effort, but it was worth it just to make sure they were still stuck behind the other bus.

“They better not abduct and probe me or whatever,” she said, still looking backward. Immediately she sensed a slight arousal from Derek.

“Yeah, you’ve been ‘probed’ enough last night.”

She punched him lightly on the shoulder with her three-fingered fist. “Dude! Cut it out. We had sex once. Yeah, it was amazing, or whatever. But we’ve got bigger fucking worries.”

Derek set his jaw. “You’re right. I’m sorry. The convoy will park in a sort of loose square coming up. It’s a good windbreaker so they can set up tents and the like. Lot of stargazing. Locals don’t like it but it’s far enough out of town not to be a bother. We’ll slip away then.”

She composed herself, let her tail rub against his thigh a little more. She noticed with her heightened senses that he rather liked it, but didn’t say anything to embarrass her. It made her heart flutter. She didn’t want to say it aloud, but being with him as danger drew in brought some comfort.

Quite a lot, actually.

“Fucking mating instincts,” she muttered to herself as she looked out the window. But even she knew it was just a futile attempt to put off the rising feelings. The truth was, Derek made her feel safe.

She just hoped he could keep her safe, too.


Derek and Serellis were getting out of the van and into the heat of the desert area when a voice rang across the crowd. The megaphone speaker was Devon Mason, who stood on a small, cheaply made dais as he instructed the crowd.


He continued to yabber one, sounding like a pretentious nerd to Serellis ears. She may have been turned into a hot alien girl who was forced to be super horny for her own nerd roommate, but she was still a jock at heart in many other ways, and one of them was a disdain for types such as Mason. Well, him and several nerds who looked her way, completely ignoring Mason’s words as they very clearly ogled her double-pair of cleavage.

“Hey, eyes are up here, nerds!” she called. Her antennae clearly pulsed angrily.

“Just enjoying the view!” one of them said, smirking as he gulped on a Coke. “Love the green skin, very ‘Orions from Star Trek.’ And nice tail! Tell me, does it have any sexual uses?”

She sneered. “Yeah, it can do this!”

She twisted her hip, let her tail lash out and pull the man’s hat down. Then, before he could react, she indulged in her old bullying instinct by reaching the mandible of her tail down to his underwear and giving him a horrific wedge. He howled, practically tripping over as his two buddies looked on in shock.

“There,” she said, flicking her hair behind her antennae and adjusting her top, since her boobs were almost spilling out from the motion. “Was that sexual enough for you?”

One of them gasped. “How did you - !?”

Derek grabbed her arm and pulled her away, further into the crowd of several hundred and growing. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Frustration spiked in her. “Dude, just because I’m a chick who thinks of herself as female now doesn’t mean I’m going to let a bunch of losers ogle my damn tits! I’m barely used to ogling my tits! Hell, I’m still getting used to you ogling my tits, and the damn aliens have made it so I want you to ogle them!”

Derek gave a ‘shhh’ing motion, which only annoyed her, until he pointed. Her antennae picked it up before her eyes did. Someone was near. They hadn’t seen her yet, but somehow she sensed their emotions, the way they were searching for someone with a methodical intent. A someone that could most certainly only be her.

“Fuck, okay. Yeah, I was an idiot. Let’s get out of here.”

“Follow me,” he said. He thrust out a hand, and she didn’t hesitate to take it. She hoped no one noticed that she was one digit shy of an ordinary hand, or that her tail was oddly realistic in its movements. She tried to keep it taut, but it moved with an almost beautiful fluidity behind her, and besides it was useful to counterweight her prodigious bustline. Or bustlines, possibly. Did three boobs count as plural?

“Not thinking about that right now,” she muttered. “Not important. Follow my mate. Derek, I mean.”

She hoped Derek hadn’t heard that last part, but at least she had her hand in his, and was reassured by its strength. He helped her move through the crowd - some smirking at her very attractive appearance - and out of the otherside. From there, they secreted themselves between two porta toilets that had been set up, and beneath a high-wheeled bus that marked the boundary of the temporary AlienCon camp.

As she passed beneath it, a little annoyed at how her boobs scraped against the harsh orange ground, and her tail clipped against the undercarriage of the bus, she suddenly froze. Derek was on the other side and reached to help her through, when suddenly she gave him a look of terror.

“Act normal!” she hissed.

And then, faster than she could have believed possible, she shifted position and leapt into the undercarriage of the bus and flattened herself against it. Her tail shifted, catching her long dark hair, and she contoured her body almost instinctively so that it was depressed into any space available beneath the old vehicle. Her heart beat rapidly as her antenna pulsed. She couldn’t see anyone without turning her head, but she could sense them. She turned just slightly, allowing her x-ray vision to take in two figures that were at that very moment peering under the bus. She must have missed them by seconds.

“Hey, kid!” one said, with a husky voice. It must have been the white-haired man. “What are you doing beyond the boundary there?”

Derek must have thought quickly, because she heard him unzip his fly and begin whizzing into the dirt. “Does that answer your question? What are you, feds or something? A guy can’t take a piss in peace?”

“There’s porta toilets.”

“They stink.”

“We just set them out-”

“And they still stink.”

They wouldn’t be able to see his face, but if they suspected anything . . .

Serellis took a steady breath. It was hard to cling on. In fact, it was only because her alien body was so much smaller that she was able to hide. But with one little slip . . .

“We’re security for this shindig. The city hires us to ensure no one gets hurt or left in the desert. It’s a liability. Can you come back into the camp, sir?”

“Once I’m done. You can’t give me a break for two seconds?”

“We’ll be back around,” came a woman’s voice. Must’ve been the head agent’s Number Two or something. “Just keep inside the area, okay? And if you see a green-skinned woman with a tail and what looks like three breasts, can you come tell us?”

“Is this a fed thing?”

“No, she’s lost part of her costume. We just want to return it to her.”

Derek laughed, and it was convincing. “Well, I hope it’s the third tit so I can return it to her myself. But sure, whatever. Now can I have some peace?”

To her absolute relief, the two agents departed, just briefly. As soon as they were no longer in the range of her antennae’s sensors, she fell to the dirt and rolled quickly to the other side of the bus, and leapt into Derek’s unsuspecting arms.

“Woah!” he exclaimed.

She couldn’t help herself. She kissed him deeply, snaking her tongue into his mouth and enjoying the taste of him. Her three nipples hardened against his chest. He wasn’t built like a gym bro or anything, but he was musclier than perhaps she’d been willing to admit. She pulled away, grinning.

“That was amazing!”

“I’ll say. Holy shit, Serellis.”

“Not the kiss. That was just - look, whatever! I’ve got freaky alien mating hormones. I meant you taking a risk for me.”

He smiled, and it seemed to her that his look was actually full of confidence. He hoisted his bag, full of water and sunscreen and other supplies.

“I doubt it’ll fool ‘em for long. Maybe it hasn’t at all. They probably figure we can’t go far. Which is exactly why we should get moving now.”

Serellis nodded. “Let’s go! To that crater of yours, so I can finally turn back.”

Derek grinned. “Exactly.”

But despite the act, her antenna gave his game away. She could tell he was a little sad at the prospect. The weird part was, even among the worry and concern for being found out, she was feeling a little sad about it herself.

“C’mon,” she said. “Before the white-haired guy returns.”


They had moved quickly, and far, across the desert stretch outside of Roswell. Technically, they were well beyond the sight of the city now, with several rocky stretches that were difficult to surmount at times. Still, Derek seemed to know the way, and Serellis was happy to follow him. It felt just right to do so, anyway.

“It’s the damned mating instinct thing,” she explained, taking his hand as he helped her over a rock. “It makes me want to follow you to the edge of the world.”

“Are you sure it’s not just my geeky charisma?”

She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Well, a little I guess. You turned out to be pretty cool, to be honest. I admit, I was a little bit of an asshole.”

“A little bit?”

“Fine, a colossal gigachad of an asshole. Enough to make my old man proud. Guess I got mine, huh?”

She gestured to her frankly stunning alien form. Her forest green skin was a stark contrast to the orange-brown environment, and even the desaturated shrubbery around them. Her body was slightly sweaty, but it only made Derek more obviously aroused by her presence, particularly when a small droplet of sweat slid down into one or both of her cleavages. She found her hips swaying a bit more freely now that she was out of immediately danger, and her tail danced a little behind her, occasionally clawing onto a rock or surface to give her an extra boot up.

“You know, I’m actually going to miss this tail. Seriously, this thing is amazing. I bet I could catch every damn football you threw at me with it, and throw them twice as far. Hell, playing soccer I could get real good at using it. Probably cheating though.”

Derek took a moment to fill up on water. He removed his hat and scratched at his untidy black hair. It was a cute look, and she felt herself getting a bit more aroused. Stupid damned hormones.

“You know, if I were in your position, I think I’d miss the x-ray eyes. Super useful.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I can literally tell you’re lying. Not to mention your eyes are glued to my three boobs.”

“Fine, I’d miss the three boobs, the most! Seriously, not only are they big, but there’s three of them! What guy wouldn’t want to feel what that’s like.”

Serellis scoffed. “You don’t have to put up with them constantly jiggling, or how heavy they are, or other people staring at that them - like you.”

“Guilty, but can you blame me.”

“Heh, fuck no. I’d do the same. But as for feeling them . . .”

She pressed past him, the narrow space between two boulders on the path causing all three of her nipples to brush against his chest. She winked in a flirty manner.

“ . . . you had a rather good feel last night, as I recall.”

“Fuck, that was hot.”

She blushed a little purple, feeling both good and shamed at what she had done. “Blame it on the alien hormones. Seriously, this mating instinct is awful. Nice, but fucking embarrassing. Ugh, and this heat is awful too! I don’t think I can get sunburned, but I sure do feel hot.”

Then, to the other’s clear surprise, she began removing a bit of clothing.


“Yeah, yeah, check out my green ass while you can, it hopefully won’t be around anymore soon. Pass me the sports bra in there. It should work around my three tits.”

To Derek’s slight disappointment - she could feel it with her alien senses - she lost the sexy space babe costume, instead opting to walk around in a pair of hiking shorts that just managed to fit round her hips (though they did have to cut a hole for tail then secure the waist with a belt) and her sports bra. Just as Serellis had said, she wasn’t getting sunburned, and in fact the sun was rather lovely on her perfect green skin. She walked with a more sensual motion, green hips sashaying from side to side, breasts bobbing in a way neither could really ignore. But it was much more freeing and less stifling.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, “fucking enjoy it, my mate. I mean, Derek. Fuck.”

He just laughed, and perhaps because his laugh had no malice in it, unlike many of her old friends would have had, she laughed with him too. In fact, she began playing it up a little, leaning into her hormones, which were only making her more and more turned on, particularly as Derek’s sweat carried such a strong, masculine scent. She drank it in, and as they reached a number of pockmarked spaces in the craggy expanse, she openly began to find excuses to touch him, brush her three-fingered hands against his back, slide her tail along his butt or use it to adjust his hat. She could feel his own arousal growing, the snake in his pants growing harder. Even in the heat, she wanted to jump his bones, but thankfully that heat was beginning to die off as the afternoon gave way to evening, and the bright stars began to slowly reveal themselves.

“You’re being very flirty right now,” Derek pointed out.

“Ohhh,” she moaned, embarrassed and horny. “I can’t help it. It’s the transformation. I keep seeing you as a mate again. It’s like last night.”

He gave a small smirk of remembrance, one that told her he had been replaying that particular scene over and over in his mind all day.

“Well, are you okay with it?”

She tried to be. She really did. One act of sex, of having her brains fucked out by her human mate, well, that was just one experience. A brief flirtation, like with Horace. No! She wasn’t thinking on that. She wasn’t thinking of that at all. No.

But it had been just a single experience. Getting fucked as an alien girlfriend once was just that. Getting fucked twice . . . that was a pattern. That was a lifestyle. And her old man had thoughts about people with lifestyles, didn’t he?

She shivered, but her loins were still tingling, her three large, wobbling E-cup breasts aching to be touched again. Squeezed and groped and sucked again. She took a steady breath, stopped her tail from betraying these emotions and sliding over to Derek’s crotch.

“I th-think we b-better be quick,” she muttered. “Maybe just m-makeout or something. Just let you have a l-little feel. Something to take the edge off. N-nothing more.”

Real concern radiated out from him. She could tell he didn’t want to take advantage of her, and that alone made her heart flutter, making her warm and gooey inside. But then his mind altered as she felt it, instead focusing to something ahead.

“Well, I’ve brought a sleeping mattress and a mat,” he said. “Maybe we can work something out so you don’t have to, you know, give in. But if it makes you feel better, I’ve just found the perfect camping spot.”

He pointed out into the distance, and her dark vision enabled her to see the shadowy landscape ahead, opposite from the disappearing sun on the horizon. There were several craters in the landscape, but one was larger than the others. More perfectly circular in shape.

“The crater,” she said, her horniness briefly forgotten.

“Where I found the device,” Derek said.

She breathed a sigh of relief. They had finally made it. She was going to be Chad again. A man. An alpha male. The person she was meant to be.

And yet as she turned to look at Derek, still her heart fluttered.

To Be Continued . . .


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